Trump Chief Of Staff Mark Meadows - "We are not going to control the pandemic..."

There is an overall consensus that Donald Trump is the worst person in America , but we may be missing the boat. Although he doesnt have the obvious ignorance and buffoonery of Trump, the white house chief of staff Mark Meadows is at least as horrid a person. Today on CNN's sunday show State Of The Union Meadows was asked what the administration is doing to control the pandemic. What he said then was right from Herd Immunity Central -
"We are not going to control the pandemic, we are going to control the vaccines" Meadows said. When the host Jake Tapper suggested masks and social distancing to combat spread of the virus, Meadows brought up small examples of the virus spreading even when masks and social distancing were in use.
Meadows appears to be saying what Trump would like to say as well, but can't because his name is on the ballot.
The virus has returned to the White House, as members of Vice President Pence's staff have tested positive. Pence himself will continue campaigning as Trump has declared him an "essential worker" and thus not subject to quarantine.
The White House has thrown in the towel on stopping the spread of the virus. Dump Trump.
However, during the 2009 swine flu pandemic, the Obama administration suddenly told states to shut down their testing , without providing much in the way of explanation. And, Biden's top advisor at the time has acknowledged that the Obama administration didn't do "anything right" to combat that pandemic, before walking back those comments.
Says the person that uses Vanity Fair as a source.
It appears that numerous other countries worldwide are having trouble controlling this virus.
Are we to assume that a president Biden (Harris) can just wave a magic wand and make all this go away?
Thanks to Trump's team we are in the final trial stage of several vaccines.
Biden would just shut down the whole country again
Do you think the president's closest aide should be saying "we are not going to control the pandemic" ?
Trump has nothing to do with the vaccines. Also, vaccines are not cures. Trump spending months golfing and playing with his phone really didn't help to control covd and other countries have done FAR better than we have. Trumps response to covid was embarrassing. They can't even keep it out of the fucking White House.
It was ironic, (or painfully stupid), when trump left Walter Reed he said that he created the cure for covid. Even his idiot son don jr., repeated the same lie.
Even sadder? A lot of his supporters actually believed it.
Trump is desperate, he knows he will likely lose so he just spits out ridiculous lies to try to get people to join his cult.
I never say never, 2016 taught us all that weird shit can happen, but I think donny may be fucked in this election.
In essence, they have said, "just let people die".
They want to get the American people to accept that a million Americans may die before the vaccine works, and that is ok because Wall St will prosper.
Chris Christie said today, if inadvertently, that Trump's re-election chances may hinge on how the people in Pennsylvania react to Biden's comment about oil during the debate.
Now they are down to hanging their hopes on something that wasnt even being discussed a week ago. It's desperation time.
Chicago Bars And Restaurants Close Early Under New COVID-19 Restrictions
Thousands of Chicago bars and restaurants were forced to close down at 10 p.m. Friday night as stronger restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic went into effect again
Sounds like many left wing simpletons think viruses can be somehow "controlled".
And they can't tell us what Biden would do differently
The Trump Administration must be viewing this COVID epidemic in purely Supply Side terms.
1. Let the epidemic surge throughout the nation and World.
2. Create 'a lock' on the availability and distribution of the vaccines.
3. For those determined able to pay the vaccine will have a cost with profit built in.
4. For those determined to be on the lower economic tiers the vaccine will be subsidized or given 'free of charge'. All of which is paid for from the US Treasury.
5. Bear in mind the vaccine producers are receiving Federal Aid.
The COVID will create a new flux of millionaires and billionaires. SSE continues to work perfectly.