First on CNN: GSA tells Biden that transition can formally begin - CNNPolitics
Category: News & Politics
Via: tig • 5 years ago • 53 commentsBy: Kristen Holmes and Jeremy Herb (CNN)

(CNN)The General Services Administration has informed President-elect Joe Biden that the Trump administration is ready to begin the formal transition process, according to a letter from Administrator Emily Murphy sent Monday afternoon and obtained by CNN.
The letter is the first step the administration has taken to acknowledge President Donald Trump's defeat, more than two weeks after Biden was declared the winner in the election. Murphy said she had not been pressured by the White House to delay the formal transition and did not make a decision "out of fear or favoritism." "Please know that I came to my decision independently, based on the law and available facts," Murphy wrote. "I was never directly or indirectly pressured by any Executive Branch official -- including those who work at the White House or GSA -- with regard to the substance or timing of my decision. To be clear, I did not receive any direction to delay my determination."
The letter signals that Murphy has formally signed off on Biden's victory, a normally perfunctory process known as ascertainment. The move will allow the transition to officially begin, permitting current administration agency officials to coordinate with the incoming Biden team, and providing millions in government funding for the transition. The move toward ascertainment comes after Michigan formally certified its election results on Monday and Georgia certified its razor-thin presidential results on Friday. Pennsylvania is nearing certification of its election results, too. It's the latest sign that Trump's conspiracy-laden legal bid, led by Rudy Giuliani, to circumvent the outcome of the election is nearing an end. The Trump campaign's lawsuits to delay certification of the election have been dismissed in multiple states, as his legal team has failed to provide any evidence of widespread voter fraud. But until now, Murphy had refused to move forward with the ascertainment process, despite Biden's clear victory, locking the President-elect's team out of speaking with federal agencies. Murphy, a Trump political appointee, has faced intense scrutiny and political pressure from Democrats and, in recent days, Republicans calling for the start of a smooth transition. In a statement Monday, Sen. Rob Portman, an Ohio Republican, said that "there is no evidence as of now of any widespread fraud or irregularities that would change the result in any state" and called on the transition process to begin. In the letter, Murphy suggested that the ascertainment rules were vague and should be updated. "GSA does not dictate the outcome of legal disputes and recounts, nor does it determine whether such proceedings are reasonable or justified," she wrote. "These are issues that the Constitution, federal laws, and state laws leave to the election certification process and decisions by courts of competent jurisdiction. I do not think that an agency charged with improving federal procurement and property management should place itself above the constitutionally-based election process. I strongly urge Congress to consider amendments to the Act." Trump tweeted moments after the letter was reported, thanking Murphy for her work and affirming the decision to start the transition.
"I want to thank Emily Murphy at GSA for her steadfast dedication and loyalty to our Country. She has been harassed, threatened, and abused -- and I do not want to see this happen to her, her family, or employees of GSA. Our case STRONGLY continues, we will keep up the good fight, and I believe we will prevail!" Trump tweeted. "Nevertheless, in the best interest of our Country, I am recommending that Emily and her team do what needs to be done with regard to initial protocols, and have told my team to do the same." This is a breaking story and will be updated.

Looks like this national embarrassment might be coming to an end. One can only wonder what comes next.
Trump still has a month and a half to destroy what is left of this country's reputation, and abscond with as much of its money as he can.
He has already accomplished harming the reputation of the USA; he could do more harm but it would be minor compared to what he has already done.
The powers of the presidency are limited. The powers of a lame duck are even less. To wit, I am not concerned about that.
What concerns me are the tens of millions of people who sycophantically accept what Trump says as truth.
Trump strips Biden’s options to boost the economy
I agree. Quite frankly, I don't think anyone has come up with a good explanation of the phenomenon. We won't know how to react until that explanation is found.
He has already discussed starting a war with Iran, during his lame duck presidency. Don't underestimate his ability to fuck over America during his temper tantrum.
Trump wanted to bomb Iran — and still could — leaving Biden to pick up the pieces
His sycophants will stand up and declare fraud in regards to this election, while at the same time Trump and his lawyers (under oath), state there is no fraud.
Trumpsters do not believe the news agencies , do not believe the judges , do not believe Trump's lawyers , do not believe Republican politicians (state and federal) that have spoken about it, and will only believe Trump.
Trump cannot do anything other than EOs (and even then ...) without the cooperation of others. I would expect our military leaders will be far more responsible than an emotional Trump.
Pathetic, is it not? I would not believe it except I can see it right here on NT.
Well I hope you are right, military does drive into you, chain of command, to obey your superior's orders.
Willful ignorance.
The Armed Services have been surprisingly open in their refusal to be used for political ends.
For example, the general who was roped into participating in Trump's infamous Bible-in-front-of-church photo op very clearly and very publicly stated that he had not been aware of what was happening, and if he had known, he would never have participated.
I don't think the same can be said of federal law enforcement.
True, except that he WAS there and he DID participate. And that was while he was watching them do it. He did not object during the fiasco, and did what he was told, just felt bad later (days later).
He walked where the White House people told him to, without knowing what was happening. He kept his distance from those people from then on, and made sure that distance was noted by the media.
Exactly, he did participate.
Don't misunderstand, it is fantastic that he spoke up and admitted that it went against his belief in what he should be doing. I just feel it would be more impactful if he'd walked out as soon as he saw what was going on. 20/20 hindsight.
This means Trump is finally capitulating? God, it's about damn time! I don't care for Biden/Harris, but let's just get it over with so we can move on.
My sentiments exactly Ed. I am no fan of Biden/Harris either but I am pleased that Trump is done and am now hoping the nation can just float until 2024 with candidates that one can vote for (rather than against). Wishful thinking, but I like to think positively.
Ed... TG.....
As baby boomers we've pretty much shot our wad. We still get to vote, but the next time around, those on the ballot are going to be much younger than we are. Just be prepared to be scared shitless by those that the win the nominations from all quarters. It's the nature of things.
I do not think it is the nature of things to grow progressively worse; only to change. So I agree that our culture (boomers) is giving way to the younger cultures, but the difference need not be lower quality candidates.
Not saying they are going to be worse..... But they will be different from the standpoint of what is important to the younger generations which are replacing us.
Take care.
I agree.
It's about f**king time.
And now the real intrigue begins. The Trumplicans' begin the formal CYA's.
Bet there isn't a shredder available at Office Max or Staples in the greater D.C. area......
Most annoying person on earth: Jenna Ellis. I don’t know how she interviews on right wing news shows, but her interview on Arie Melbur’s show tonight and Bill Maher’s show on Friday are just cringeworthy and almost unwatchable. She runs her mouth nonstop while forcing in as many wild accusations as possible, while refusing to answer the actual questions to her. What an embarrassing mess she is.
MAGA is a mental disorder.
On the contrary, Trumpism will continue to thrive and grow
Why would you want to follow Trump?
Far right wing fascism growing in America scares the hell out of me.
Far left wing authoritarian progressive-ism growing in America scares the hell out of me.
I thought it was far left socialism. Seriously Greg, you need to keep your talking points organized, you can't keep flipping back and forth with them.
I am going to give Greg credit for this one. At least he is naming his evil rather than simply calling the object of his concern 'socialism'.
That's okay. Far leftist liberal socialism scares the Hell out of me!
Evil de jour. Changes every single day.
Better late than never.
I doubt that Trump gave her the OK, but it is what it is and it's done.
Although it's about freaking time, I can't help but wonder what Trump has up his sleeve.
Chicken wings up one side, Big Macs up the other.
The wings and burgers are in close competition with the flab they created. Although I see a conflict of interest, the flab is winning.
Good to see that there is a good bit of golf in Trump's future come January...... Should help his health.
He'd have to live on the gold course itself to get more golf in than he has for the last 4 years.
On a brighter note... HOW ABOUT THOSE CHIEFS!!!!!!
And Browns.
Last time in the playoffs.....2002. I'd say the Browns were due.
Concerned about the pass rush..... But otherwise..... all is well in Chiefs Kingdom!
Gee, what a wonderful man! Protective of this poor, harassed woman who was just doing her job - that is... for no good reason preventing the President-Elect from moving forward.
... oh, and... ... he'll keep mucking around in the courts... for no good reason...
I think he's about done in the courts. The bigger worry is what kind of information is going to be available to the transition team. I'm betting records are going to shit.
He can continue to bring as many absurd suits as he wishes... and (more importantly) can pay for...
The incoming Biden team will have to assume that everything they're told is false until proven otherwise. Oh joy!
Basement incinerators in the WH are probably going to be working overtime I imagine.
It's all about fund raising now.
... and the need to maintain a presence on Fox (and whoever this week)...
Biden to Murphy - "Thank you for letting me do my job and I will start right now...YOU'RE FIRED!"