Pro-Trump Lawyer Calls for Georgia Runoffs Boycott - Hints at Arresting Republican Senate Candidates Loeffler, Perdue
Category: News & Politics
Via: krishna • 5 years ago • 99 commentsBy: Natalie Colarossi
What this fruitcake* is trying to do is sheer craziness. No-- a type of craziness even beyond "sheer craziness"!
That being said-- I wish him great success in this endeavor!
* Lin Wood has also represented QAnon-supporting Rep.-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), the McCloskey couple, and Kyle Rittenhouse.
Oh-- and here's an important seed about yet more totally bizarro creatures inhabiting Trump's Inner Circle:
Who Is Terpsichore Maras-Lindeman? Powell Witness Identified as ( READ IT ALL ).
Lin Wood and President Donald Trump in the Oval Office in March 11, 2020 - Joyce N. Boghosian/White House
Without evidence, Wood has alleged that voting machines provided by Dominion Voting Systems in the general election switched votes from President Donald Trump to President-elect Joe Biden, and has since demanded that Republicans boycott the upcoming Georgia election.
Wood has also accused Loeffler, Perdue, and Georgia Governor Brian Kemp of participating in election fraud against Trump .
"I have received much criticism for demanding that GA fix the 11/3 fraud before we vote in 1/5 runoff. In full disclosure, I am not a fan of any of the 4 candidates in Senate runoff. Communists or China compromised in my opinion," Wood tweeted Friday.
Wood has received serious backlash from a number of top Republicans who view his and lawyer Sidney Powell's attempts to boycott the election as dangerous, ahead of a critical runoff race that will determine control of the U.S. Senate.
*Lin Wood has also represented QAnon-supporting Rep.-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene, the McCloskey couple, and Kyle Rittenhouse.
Lin Wood, a pro-Trump lawyer who has been aggressively promoting unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud, tweeted a plan to boycott Georgia's critical Senate runoff race Friday and hinted at arresting GOP Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue.
The key take-away here: Georgia is having a run-off for two Senate seats. Why are people making such a big fuss about this? Because the result will determine which party control The Senate!
So what this nut-case is doing here is attempting to perpetrate Trump's myth that Georgia elections are unfair-- and therefore urging Republican voters not to vote!
And even beyond that sort of total self-defeating insanity . . . . he's advocating actually arresting the two Republicans running for election to the 2 Senate seats in Georgia. (If they win,the Republicans regain control of the Senate-- if the Dems win the control will return to the Democratic Party).
Oh yeah-- in addition this pea brain also wants to arrest Georgia Governor Brian Kemp-- a loyal Trump supporter!
When in doubt, shout Commies !!!
Yup-- a time honoured tactic!
The Communists Burnt The Reichstag!
For those who are unable to comprehend, it was a response to a comment about "commies". And, as well, in case you were unaware of the fact that Trump and his favourite mouthpiece, Pompeo, blame China for pretty well everything. Surpisingly, they haven't blamed China for the Wreck of the Hesperus yet.
Now you know.
A sincere Thank You for providing another opportunity for us all to GET SMARTER HERE!
(Of course opportunities are only of value if when Opportunity knocks-- people actually choose to take the opportunity!)
I am going to Watch What Happens Next!
My first impulse was to say that I've never seen anything as crazy as this.
But then I realized-- that's not true.
Ever since Trump got his ass-kicked in the recent election, not only is he getting crazier and crazier-- but the Uber Nut-cases are coming out of the woodwork to collude with his craziness! And even they are doing the most outlandish (and self-destructive things) they do this stuff daily!
So yes, things as crazy as this seem to be happening every day with Trump and his BFFs!
Pro-Trump Lawyer Calls For Georgia Runoffs Boycott!
LOL, Wood should look under his bed I'll bet all the commies are right there.
I imagine he collects them...keeps them locked up in a cage under his he can produce one whenever his accusations are challenged!
(Of course they're not real "Commies"...just some grad students in acting school needing to earn an extra buck or two...)
Lin Wood is a democrat.
No wonder Trump is so fond of him!!!
"Many people are saying" that Trump absolutely loves Democrats! (Notice that delightful Shit-eating grin on Trump's face!!!
Just close your eyes, and wish real hard. And j ust keeping saying this to yourself.. ..over and over...and soon it may come true!
Ignorance is delusional Republicans that believe that the election was a fraud and stolen from Trump and there are millions of them.
Not at all, it's you who is unwilling to accept reality even in the face of the facts.
This was yesterday in Miami
This was 12/23/20 in Palm Beach. The Confederate flag is a nice touch.
And if ignorance is bliss, then that's probably the most blissful comment on this page.
Are you sure that's always a good thing?
In other words, you have no examples.
If you took the time to read the link it shows that over 50% of Trump supporters believe that the election was stolen...Now that is delusional.
The photos of happy delusional people weeks after the election was over demanding that Trump be installed as president.
Perhaps reality is a bridge too far for the right.
And even worse-- many of them reproduce!
As delusional as the 2/3 of Democrats who believed Russia tampered with vote totals in 2016?
Perhaps reality is a bridge too far for the right
Reality is obviously a bridge too far for Democrats.
True, you can believe and admit to believing just about anything, from a flat earth to widespread voter fraud. But the reality is that it's everyone else's right to call such persons fucking idiots for believing such utter nonsense. Freedom of speech does not mean speech free of criticism and fact checking.
Please do link any Democrats making such a nonsensical claim as "Russians tampering with vote totals". I've seen many comments pointing out the FACT that Russia did interfere in the 2016 election in an effort to help Trump win, that's been proven by every intelligence agency and even a Republican led Senate investigation, but I haven't heard anyone claiming Russia "tampered with vote totals". That's just a straw 'squirrel' fabricated by dumb fucks who can't refute what Russia actually did but are desperate to protect their dear Leader from any criticism no matter how valid.
Would polling work for you?
Scroll down about a third of the way to see the results in answer to the question.
Right, no google, just Bing search, Yahoo search, Ecosia search, Baidu search.....etc etc
Right, no Twitter, just Weibo, WeChat, TicTok......etc.
Different strokes for different folks.
No you don't, you just have mountains of fake news, biased news and mislieading misinformation. Personally, I'd rather have NO news instead of that, but I do read the Canadian Television Network (CTV) news, USA Today, MSN compilation of multiple American and World-wide news sources every day, and I can even access Fox News, besides many other world sources, and I don't have or use a VPN to bypass censorship.
Oh, I am SO deprived....
Sean is an artist with "reformulation"...
It's probably true that two-thirds of all Democrats believe that the Russians interfered in the election... via "fake news" on Facebook and Twitter. They should believe this because it has been pretty well proven.
Sean reformulates that into "tampered with vote totals".
Personally, I'd like to see reformulation become NT's most heavily sanctioned violation. (Hello??? Perrie are you listening??)
If our right-wing members had to quote or link... they'd have very little to say...
Oh Bob... projecting your M.O. again.
Sean reformulates that into "tampered with vote totals".
No Bob, I am not you. When I make a claim, I can back it up. I mean, Jim already did but here you go, AGAIN.
From 2018:
"Two out of three Democrats also claim Russia tampered with vote tallies on Election Day to help the President – something for which there has been no credible evidence."
Now, here's what history tells us will happen because it's happened countless times in the past. When this comes up in a few weeks, you'll make the exact same claim and demand I provide the link again. And then you'll ignore it and make the exact same claim the week after that.
Personally, I'd like to see reformulation become NT's most heavily sanctioned violation
Talk about asking for trouble....
on, but I haven't heard anyone claiming Russia "tampered with vote totals"
The left's ability to flush their lies down the memory hole is truly amazing.
hat's just a straw 'squirrel' fabricated by dumb fucks who can't refute what Russia actually did but are desperate to protect their dear Leader from any criticism no matter how val id.
Whoops! .
"Two out of three Democrats also claim Russia tampered with vote tallies on Election Day to help the President – something for which there has been no credible evidence.
How embarrassing for you!
Poor Kavika, desperate to cling to his silly stereotypes and afraid to deal with the reality of what Democrats believe.
Some day, hopefully, you can face the truth without deflecting with pictures.
Tell me Sean, how many lawsuits were filed by the Dems to overturn the election, was it more than 60? Did Clinton still cling to a delusional view that she won the election two months after it was over? Did she refuse to concede?
''Stop the Steal'' the chant of the unhinged.
Talk about being unable to deal with the reality of the republicans..LOL
The only stereotype that I stick with is one of you and the squirrel.
Keep deflecting Kavika. Going to skip right past it again, huh?
Just keep pretending Democrats don't believe made up conspiracies and keep to your tired and true partisan bashing of Republicans.
Seriously, Sean?
Have you looked at YouGov?
Jeez, Sean... it's embarrassing...
You've found a marketing outfit that ran a poll. And now their findings are gospel?
It's embarrassing...
Not deflecting at all Sean. It was you that started with the deflection. I've not made any mention of the dems or what I believe. In case you've forgotten the original comments were about the current republican response to the election.
Not bashing the republicans, just pointing out facts.
But feel free to post your very own article on the 2016 presidential race.
In case you're not aware of it, Trump lost.
ave you looked at YouGov
The ole ad hominem fallacy. No surprise.
No apology for your false statements?
You're losing it. Have you forgotten the meaning of ad hominem?
Of course you are. Instead of addressing what I wrote, you pivoted to lawsuits and concessions etc..
t bashing the republicans, just pointing out facts.
That's all I'm doing Kavika. Providing facts and context to your partisanship. I'm sorry that threatens you so much.
ut feel free to post your very own article on the 2016 presidential race.
I could. Or you could provide context to your posts. Either way works.
In case you're not aware of it, Trump lost.
I am. The odds say you believe the Russians tampered with votes in 2016. I'm just here to provide help to the majority of Democrats who believe delusional things like that. It's a public service.
And... shazaaam!!
We've completely forgotten the seed!
Well done!
So what you are saying that trump never once used the phrase, "fake news!!!"?
What in the world makes you think that I'm threatened by what you post...LMAO.
You'd make a piss poor gambler, Sean.
A real public service would be for you to try to convince the delusional republicans that believe Trump won the election. You could start with Trump since he seems to be quite delusional about it.
Here is the latest tweet from Trump now that is delusional...
There are more things in Heaven and Earth Horatio than are dreamt of in your philosophy...
And we have some of them right here on NT....posting mysterious comments.
(Just comments...or perhaps failed attempts at Haiku?)
As opposed to your energized and false?
I think you may be making a assumption there. Of course we may not yet know all the facts, but it would appear that perhaps he may never had it in the first place!
(After all, how can someone lose something they never had???)
But maybe she no want no look to your post look at it the fuck two times especially not?
That's what I say when I look at the majority of your posts, what the fuck?
tRump is the personification of IGNORANCE
... oh...
... ... true...
and voted in multiple states for dead candidates,
Well, I do know folks who believe that
The only good candidate is a dead candidate!
Why? Because these strange people believe that, unlike live politicians-- at least the dead ones can't Fuck Things Up the way some live ones do!
It's a Zombie attack!
Yup--the Zombies voted in YUGE numbers-- and in MULTIPLE STATES!
I found this.
Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan famously won election to the Senate in Missouri in 2000—38 days after passing away in a plane crash that also claimed the lives of his son and a campaign advisor.
In early 2010, voters in the small town of Tracy City, Tennessee, handed Carl Geary an overwhelming victory in the city’s mayoral race—ousting incumbent Barbara Brock by winning more than 70 percent of the vote. Geary was unable to accept, of course, because he’d died of a heart attack a month before the election.
Missouri voters were at it again in 2009 when the town of Winfield’s recently deceased incumbent mayor Harry Stonebraker won a fourth term with a staggering 90 percent of the vote. According to the NY Daily News, Stonebraker’s death from a heart attack only seemed to bolster the popularity he’d already garnered (one year earlier, he won praise when he helped citizens recover from a flood that had ravaged the town).
Patsy Mink was a trailblazing politician who served the state of Hawaii for 12 terms in the U.S. House of Representatives. According to the National Women's Hall Of Fame, in 1964 Mink became “the first woman of color elected to the national legislature and the first Asian-American congresswoman, serving until she died of pneumonia weeks before election day in 2002. A few weeks after receiving a state funeral, Mink was honored once again when the voters of Hawaii re-elected her to Congress—a seat that was re-assigned a few months later after a special election.
During the 2010 midterms, California state senator Jenny Oropeza easily won re-election, despite having passed away two weeks earlier from complications caused by a blood clot.
Maybe everyone voted twice...LOL
I suppose what those cases illustrate it that its not just some politicians who are crazy....its also a lot of the voters who vote for them!
Or even three times.
Or... I wouldn't be surprised if many of them voted six or seven times...and in several states.
Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if many people voted many times in many countries!
On many continents, even!
If many people voted three times times in five or more states . . . How many people were there in all?
Lin Wood is a democrat.
Donald Trump is a Transvestite.
They're crazy.
It's that simple.
Beyond "ordinary crazy'...this is a whole 'nother dimension of crazy!
Anyway...since he (& Trump) have said that Georgia elections are corrupt, he's called for Georgia Republicans to boycott the upcoming special election for those two Senate seats.
I hope his effort is successful!
Me too.
Calling for a boycott of an election that's essential for the neo-fascists' strategy is... crazy.
In fact since Trump's held office, I've had an interesting insight.
Its not just that people are either crazy..or not.
Or even not crazy..or a little crazy.. or even "very crazy"!
Rather, there a whole YUGE range of crazy... some at the extreme end of the scale exhibit a degree of craziness that's hard to believe is real.
But it exists.
And Dear leader seems to be preferring them as associates and advisors!
And Trump has a lot more supporters of this level of my guess is that there will soon be more good news to come!
From your lips to God's ears.
Providing cover so if the Rep. candidates lose, they don't have to claim the election was rigged.
Or...something like that...?
Mr Wood's lawsuit to stop the run off has been tossed from court today, like all the other crap he's done recently he has no standing, or evidence of wrong doing.
IIRC, I believe I read a few days ago that Trump and Trump-inspired election lawsuits at the time totaled 51!
And the MAGA's lost 50 of them!!!
(The one they actually won was a minor one-- about some small technicality that had no significant impact on the outcome.)
Losing 50 out of 51-- Trump and his evil Munchkins may have set an all time record!
"Many people are saying" that Trump and The MAGA Hatters are losers...and this is obviously positive proof that they (the "Many People" crowd) are totally correct!
I apologize for having to piggy back on your comment for mine, but for what ever reason, the place where you post a new comment is not there.
This close to the run off, these two corrupt candidates will still appear on the ballots even if they are arrested and put away. Yet, some moron voters will vote for them anyway.
There have previous instances where someone running for office was in jail at the time. And IIRC there have been cases where they even won the election (while still serving time!)
Isn't there a fine for filing frivolous cases ?
Not sure if there is a fine, but he will have to wear a dunce hat in court for the next two years.
Or maybe write on a Courthouse blackboard 200 times:
I will not file frivolous lawsuits.
I will not file frivolous lawsuits.
I will not file frivolous lawsuits.
I will not file frivolous lawsuits.
I don't know about a fine, but a lawyer can be disbarred.
I think that Trump himself, as well as many of his cult's members, have gone a bit too far at times... occasionally in statements they've made...actions they taken... in many cases breaking the law.
A lot of this hasn't been prosecuted. Trump's own law-breaking because as President he's immune from prosecution. And he's also done various things that he can do (as president) that protect not only himself...but also his most evil henchmen (and that a word?)
But as soon as he's out of power, a lot of lawsuits will be set in motion...
I've referred to this case previously - however it's in Canada where frivolous cases are not tolerated.
Lawyer held liable for legal costs of ‘frivolous’ action ...
Some states take it a step further, a fine and having to pay the court costs for both sides.