President Trump won't attend Joe Biden's inauguration | WEAR

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday he won’t attend President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration on Jan. 20, undercutting his message a day earlier that he would work to ensure a “smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power” to his successor. Trump offered no clues for how he would spent his final hours in office, and will be the first incumbent president since Andrew Johnson to skip his successor’s swearing-in. Traditionally, the incoming...

It is official. The head twit tweeted it...
I'm not surprised Trump refuses to attend. It's just another example of being a sore loser & lacking any dignity.
Biden just said Trump not coming to the inauguration is a good thing.
I completely agree.
Me too. The sooner he is out of the limelight (as much as possible) the better. Further, he does not deserve to be present at that event given the way he has trashed the office of PotUS.
As do I. It's Biden's day and there's enough distraction already.
Some would say that he is keeping is word. You have to admit the inauguration would be a lot smoother without Trump in attendance..
We agree. Best he stay in the WH until it's time for him to leave.
He could hop on AF One and get his butt to Florida
He could hop on AF One and get his butt to Florida
Don't you think tax paying Americans have shoveled out enough cash for this jerk......? Call a cab or two for hin and his crime family....
It's a gift. Cause that's the last one he's getting
Listen closely and you’ll hear a collective sigh of relief across the nation. Like when your MAGA sister-in-law declines your obligatory invitation to Thanksgiving.
He won't attend because he won't be able to make the day about him. If the inauguration is not virtual, attendance will be low out of abundance of caution. But I am betting he will post a picture of the small crowd and brag that he had way more people at his.
The left would be upset if he did attend. and they are upset that he won't attend.
Frankly just be happy he isn't going- he very well could make it all about himself.
It is the first time since 1869 an outgoing President has refused to attend his successor's inauguration!
The was Andrew Jackson who is one of Trump's idols.
Try Again!
Challenge accepted!
That's only the beginning of the article.
Thank you for having my back about my comment. As [deleted] is on ignore, I can't see his replies which are usually bs and not worth reading anyway.
You are very welcome, Paula! Always willing to help a fellow vet.
Okay, I am busting myself for my comment. It was Andrew Johnson, not Jackson. I blame my local news for my fauxpau (sp). They said Jackson and I picked up on it.
Try again!
Here's a hint, Andrew Jackson was dead in 1869.
I wasn't responding to JBB's post. I was responding to yours about Jackson not being one of trmp's idols in response to your response to Paula
Sean, honey, I really think you need to get a grip on your anger issues. It's causing you to lose focus
Jackson was a favorite of trmps. He kept that evil bastard's painting in the Oval. So you aren't wrong in your comment.
[Paula admitted the confusion between Jackson and Johnson, so please drop it.]
Sean...please back up and go look at Paula's comment in which you even quoted to be an ass to her. Maybe she was referring to Andrew Jackson not attending an inauguration in 1869, but that's not how I read it or your response. For that I admit I got it wrong.
But then your response in was try again! whiich I took to mean you thought that Andrew Jackson was not trmp's idol.
Do you see how things can get miscontrued and quoted wrong and taken out of context in this format?
Just answer one question for me, please. Do you agree or disagree that Jackson is a favorite of trmp?
I don't care how you answer. But I will admit I got mixed up.
(ps...I'm not the angry person you think I am)
If Trump has a favorite yes.
But I think it was more that Jackson was a favorite and model for Bannon and Trump just sort of went along with it without really knowing much about him. I doubt Trump has any favorite American Presidents or knows much about any of them.
actually the short list of presidents that did not attend their sucsessors inaugurations is short , John Adams , John Q Adams , and Andrew Johnson.
the attendance might be time honored and a tradition , but not attending by no means sets any precedence.
It would seem that my comment had no value after all. Que sera sera.
Two little words, that's all. The rest of it has lots of value
And it'll be the 1st time a twice impeached outgoing President has refused to attend his successor's inauguration.
I'm quite happy he isn't attending. I think he should start his permanent vacation in Florida starting January 9, 2021.
Only if that permanent vacation is in one of the three federal prisons there.
That's fine by me, too, but the quicker he is out of DC I think we will all start breathing a little easier
Democracy will breathe easier if he is brought to justice and not just let go without consequences for his illegal actions simply because we want him gone.
I would be perfectly fine if he attended and acted respectful and Presidential like virtually every other former President leaving the white house, but there is simply zero chance of that happening.
Trump has never been Presidential and has shown zero dignity throughout his entire term, why would he start on the very last day of it.
There is no doubt he would attempt to make it all about himself and that which would just cause more embarrassment of our great nation. His leaving gracefully is just not an option. It's like asking a 600lb 5'2" diabetic to be the lead ballet dancer in a production of 'Swan Lake'.
I am not upset at all, fuck him. I never wanted him to attend and I think Biden should have told him we wasn't invited to begin with. Actually I haven't seen anyone from the left express anything other than "who cares?" in regards to this news.
Of course he would, everything is always all about him.
Sounds good. Appropriate symbolism for a petulant child.
It would be totally inappropriate for Trump to attend the inauguration. He does not belong there or deserve to be there.
He didn't deserve it in 2016 either.
I agree.
I would have said he isn't invited in the first place.
Best thing that could happen.