Marjorie Taylor Greene's Friend Anthony Aguero Was Among Capitol Rioters: Report
Category: News & Politics
Via: tessylo • 4 years ago • 36 commentsBy: Ron Dicker ·General Assignment Reporter, HuffPost

Marjorie Taylor Greene's Friend Anthony Aguero Was Among Capitol Rioters: Report
Ron Dicker ·General Assignment Reporter, HuffPost Thu, February 25, 2021, 8:23 AM A man who said Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) is a close friend and has appeared with the conspiracy-mongering lawmaker at public events was among the pro-Trump mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, CNN reported on Wednesday.
Anthony Aguero, identified by the network as a right-wing livestreamer and close ally of Greene, confirmed that he entered the Capitol and said he did so as a “journalist.” (He has since deleted a video in which he bragged of breaching “the chambers,” CNN noted.)
Aguero has called Greene “one of my closest friends” and told CNN: “I fully support Marjorie Taylor Greene. We need more great people like her. God bless her and her family.” The two have worked closely on causes such as anti-immigration and former President Donald Trump’s border wall and attended pro-Trump rallies together, CNN wrote.
Greene, a devotee of the crackpot QAnon conspiracy theory,was stripped of her House committee assignmentsfor her reality-denying statements. She fervently backed Trump’s falsehood that the election was stolen from him and claimed thatTrump supporters did not storm the Capitol. (GOP Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsincontinued to amplifythe lie at a hearing on the attack this week.)
But Aguero was caught on tape completely contradicting Greene’s Capitol riot claim,Newsweek noted.
“We were all there. It was not antifa, and it was not BLM,” Aguero said in a video shortly after the attack. “It was Trump supporters that did that yesterday. I’m the first to admit it, being one myself.”
The FBI declined to comment to CNN on whether it was investigating Aguero. HuffPost did not immediately hear back from Greene’s office.
This article originally appeared onHuffPostand has been updated.
"God bless her and her family.”
This actually a curse, folks need to drop it from their lexicon of triteness.
The new face of the republican party, bless her heart.
It would probably be more accurate to state she is the new face of some of the Republican Party as not all are Trump Supporters or supporters the lunatic MTG. No need to tar all with the same brush.
Yet all sat back and allowed donald.
No, they did not.
You think donald had any major pushback from the republicans for the last four years?
They basically let him do whatever he wanted.
Careful Ed. Based on the way you are talking right now, you'd be considered a RINO by the party leadership. And RINOs look to be on the endangered species list! BTW....I consider you to be pretty moderate by you comments here on NT.
Only 9 of the 212 (4%) republican house members voted for impeachment, and 140 of the 212 (66%) voted not to certify the results of the election Tell me again how Trump doesn't control the zoo that constitutes the House republican membership?
It would seem that by her actions and the response of the republican leadership that she is the new face of the party, Doc and that is a sad commentary on the leadership.
They attack/censor the republicans that voted not to impeach or any one of them that speaks up against the Trump followers crowd.
There is another one I read last night. A woman that just joined the race to unseat an incumbent that voted to impeach donald. Her rhetoric sounds exactly like him.
I am looking for the article.
There is an article from the Washington Post about how the CPAC convention is just a list of trump grievances.
For some reason it let me read it on my phone yet went to computer and behind a paywall.
To be considered a RINO, I would have to a member of the Republican Party. As I am neither Republican nor Democrat and am a right leaning registered Independent but if somebody wants to consider me that I am fine with it. As for being moderate, I do try but there are some on NT who detest me solely on the grounds that I do not share their particular political views. I generally try to be polite, but with some it is impossible.
I never said Trump did not control the zoo as you put. My original statement simply meant that not all did or still do support Trump. I personally did not vote for him and have never been a full out Trump supporter. I did like some of his ideas in the beginning but as time went on my eyes became more open to the idea that he was doing more harm then good. I still believe that some on the left are, as I have said, intent on tarring all with the same brush solely for the sake of political expediency.
I do believe there were some in the republican party who were ashamed that trmp was POTUS, but their number was so few they didn't stand up because they would have been shouted down by the crazy bunch.
Fair enough skipper!
Plz show me (cite) where any of the conservative ass kissers opposed Trump in any major or even organized way.
I know a few people who fit that description.
None of the ass kissers did, they were too afraid to turn on him.
But the Lincoln Project did a pretty good job of unmasking him
I'm starting to seriously think it's time to go fishing!
I think you're right
When did republicans become so xenophobic. Hell for several days here there were several articles with them complaining about immigration.
Right about the time Ron Paul started pretending he knew how to be a politician.
And now that legacy has been handed down to his son...
When the white supremacists' in their ranks were allowed to walk and talk freely after being labeled "good people" on both sides.....
When did that happen?
So every single person present said that.
If that is your "rationale", then "pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon" should be attributed to every black present when that is chanted, even though some did not.
Is that your justification for blatant racism?
I see a bunch of dumbasses carrying tiki torches. What's your point?
Do you think that all whites are racist because of this picture?
I will just assume you are missing the guy with the MAGA hat on.
Therein lies your problem. Read my response to you again. Maybe you will understand it this time.
News bulletin
Majorie Taylor Greene was killed today when she was smothered in an accident involving the golden statue of Donald Trump on display at the CPAC conference.
Marjorie Taylor Greene was apparently quite near the statue with her mouth placed on the statue's private parts ,while she tried to take a selfie, when her other arm accidentally wrapped around the side of the golden idol, toppling it over directly on Taylor Greene. She suffocated when the idol's oversized genitalia entered her throat and cut off her airway. Emergency personnel who tried in vain to revive her said that she would have been saved if she had only been wearing a coronavirus mask which would have prevented the tragedy.