It’s Over, The Fox News Showdown With Dish Network, And Look Who Just Got Served Big Time
How appropriate that dish is a key word in this story of media giants battling it out to a bloody but decisive finish.
The showdown between Fox News and Dish Network is reportedly over following a three-week confrontation that saw each side dishing out super-heated charges against the other.
Dish accused Fox of extortion. Fox accused Dish of censorship . And now that the radioactive dust is clearing, its apparent that Roger Ailes and Fox News have served the second largest satellite programming provider with a steaming dish of humble pie.
Mediaite reports that Dish has been broken, or at the very least badly cracked, in its highly publicized battle with the undisputed ratings king of cable news.
The Wall Street Journal says that the new multi-year distribution deal not only puts Fox News back on the satellite TV service with its 14 million subscribers, but it also puts much more money in Fox pockets.
The rate per-subscriber that Dish reportedly agreed to pay to Fox will increase by a whopping 50 percent, up to $1.50. Plus, Fox Business Network will appear next to Fox News in the channel lineup, enabling Fox Business to be more readily seen in a greater number of households.
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Yhis is indeed good news. Welcome back to Dish Fox News and Fox Business!
What state was this in? Because here in KY, there was no interruption of service from the Dish network...
Oh rats, foiled again and the fake ventures on in the corruption of the human mind. Will we ever be free again from their lies?