
The Pandemic’s Wrongest Man In a crowded field of wrongness, one person stands out: Alex Berenson.


Category:  Health, Science & Technology

Via:  hallux  •  4 years ago  •  19 comments

By:   Derek Thompson

The Pandemic’s Wrongest Man In a crowded field of wrongness, one person stands out: Alex Berenson.
The pandemic has made fools of many forecasters. Just about all of the predictions whiffed. Anthony Fauci was wrong about masks. California was wrong about the outdoors. New York was wrong about the subways. I was wrong about the necessary cost of pandemic relief. And the Trump White House was wrong about almost everything else. In this crowded field of wrongness, one voice stands out. The voice of Alex Berenson:

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

From the last paragraph:

To be honest, I initially had serious doubts about publishing this piece. The trap of exposing conspiracy theories is obvious: To demonstrate why a theory is wrong, you have to explain it and, in doing so, incur the risk that some people will be convinced by the very theory you’re trying to debunk. But that horse has left the barn. More than half of Republicans under the age of 50 say they  simply won’t get a vaccine . Their hesitancy is being fanned by right-wing hacks, Fox News showboats, and vaccine skeptics like Alex Berenson. The case for the vaccines is built upon a firm foundation of  scientific discovery clinical-trial data , and  real-world evidence . The case against the vaccines wobbles because it is built upon a steaming pile of bullshit.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Hallux    4 years ago

FOX is dangerous to life and likely to liberty also.

Professor Quiet
2  bbl-1    4 years ago

Every little nick and cut bleeds our nation.  And through it all Putin smiles.

Professor Principal
3  Kavika     4 years ago

The Pied Piper of vaccine/covid BS.

We learned yesterday that our nephew that lives in NY on LI was hospitalized with COVID and is in ICU and on oxygen. One of the ones that believed that RW bullshit about COVID. 

He told my wife a few months back that he's not worried about getting it because it's overblown and not nearly as dangerous as it's being portrayed. Well, now the stupid ass is in deep trouble. I wonder if the likes of Bereson will pay his bills and/or help him recuperate. 

Unbelievably stupid.

PhD Quiet
3.1  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Kavika @3    4 years ago

Sorry to hear, but i know of that which you speak. I talk with many 20 somethings, and many don't believe it is nearly as bad as i believe it is. Right now, i'm suffering cold symptoms, but going to get tested tomorrow, as i used to, at times, want to kill my parents, not so these days.

Professor Quiet
3.1.1  shona1  replied to  igknorantzrulz @3.1    4 years ago

Morning ig... Hope you are feeling better soon and it is not the virus. Very wise to get tested and isolate until you get the results. Yes some people are as thick as two planks, so don't waste your brain cells on them. Have my fingers crossed for you..🐨🐨🐨

PhD Quiet
3.1.2  igknorantzrulz  replied to  shona1 @3.1.1    4 years ago

thank you shona1

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3.1.3  Raven Wing   replied to  igknorantzrulz @3.1    4 years ago
Right now, i'm suffering cold symptoms,

So very sorry to hear of your illness, Iggy. Cols are nothing to sneeze at (pardon the pun). Hope you get to feeling better soon. jrSmiley_15_smiley_image.gif

Professor Quiet
3.2  shona1  replied to  Kavika @3    4 years ago

Geez Kavika...hope he will be ok. 

We have no virus at all here in Victoria. Brisbane stamped out their outbreak from the other day and the rest of Australia is humming along nicely.

Life is slowly getting back to normal but as we all know that can change in a heartbeat. 

Why you mob are in such a mess is beyond me. I think the last toll I saw was 540,000 lost souls. 

Americans are losing their lives in droves and they are running Polls on it, to see who is doing or supporting what..I just shake my head.

Professor Principal
3.2.1  Kavika   replied to  shona1 @3.2    4 years ago

Sadly it's now over 550,000 dead from the virus, Shona. 

It difficult to believe that anyone can be that stupid but he was insistent that it wasn't all that big of a deal. Now he and his family are finding out the hard way that it's very real.

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
3.2.2  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  Kavika @3.2.1    4 years ago

Sorry to hear it all Kavika, Hope he gets well soon and has learned a lesson.


Professor Principal
3.2.3  Kavika   replied to  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu @3.2.2    4 years ago

Thanks, steve.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
3.2.4  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  shona1 @3.2    4 years ago

I can echo your opinions on that, Shona1.  

Professor Quiet
3.2.5  shona1  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @3.2.4    4 years ago

Evening Buzz. How are things going over your neck of the woods?? Australia and New Zealand are starting up flights mid April and no one will be required to quarantine on either side. 

But that can change as we know. Neither country has any active community cases so we are going quite well. Still feels odd not wearing a mask though.😷😷😷

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
3.2.6  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  shona1 @3.2.5    4 years ago

Greetings Shona1,

There have been no new cases for almost a year in the 32 million population city-state of Chongqing where I live save for a couple of imported cases that were dealt with long ago, everything is back almost to total normal - all stores, schools, theatres, restaurants, etc are open.  Still have to wear a mask and get temp taken before entering my bank or the subway, but that's no big deal.  China still gets a few cases here and there mostly imported cases - maybe at most 10 or 12 at a time mostly near borders of Russia or Myanmar but they're contained.  Happy to see things are okay where you are.  Since I'm not going anywhere I don't think I'll even bother with a vaccination unless things flare up around here. 


Professor Quiet
3.2.7  shona1  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @3.2.6    4 years ago

Evening. Just on the news here we have rescued 2 Chinese nationals that were lost in the Outback. Very lucky as one had left the car and wandered 35 ks away. Been missing for two days. Most don't last that long out there...

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3.3  Raven Wing   replied to  Kavika @3    4 years ago

Hope your Nephew survives his battle with the COVID-19, Kavika. It is indeed hard to believe that some people still deny the severity and danger of the COVID-19. Especially, when there are so many mutations of that virus happening almost every day in some areas. 


Professor Quiet
4  shona1    4 years ago

Flipping heck..sounds like it will be 600,000 in a few months..that is staggering!!!

Not a big deal!!!..I have a feeling they think otherwise now... hopefully he will get through it ok.

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
5  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu     4 years ago

It will disappear !


Power hungry asshole/Idiot !

PhD Guide
6  Thomas    4 years ago

The most important info:

...let me be exquisitely clear about what is true . The vaccines work. They worked in the clinical trials, and they’re working around the world. The vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson seem to provide stronger and more lasting protection against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants than natural infection. They are excellent at reducing symptomatic infection . Even better, they are extraordinarily successful at preventing severe illness from COVID-19. Countries that have vaccinated large percentages of their population quickly, such as the U.S., the United Kingdom, and Israel, have all seen sharp and sustained declines in hospitalizations among the elderly. Meanwhile, countries that have lagged in the vaccination effort—including the U.K.’s neighbors France and Italy, and Israel’s neighbor Jordan—have struggled to contain the virus.

Thanks for the article that actually tells truth instead of some slanted bull.


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