
MAGA Heads Will Explode


Category:  Op/Ed

By:  john-russell  •  4 years ago  •  16 comments

MAGA Heads Will Explode

Chloe Zhao

Best Director nominee , Nomadland


In a few hours the Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences will begin giving out the gold statue called Oscar for the 93rd time. 

According to publicity for the event, this year's group of nominees is the most "diverse" in the history of the event. 9 of the 20 acting nominees are "people of color". For the first time two women have been nominated for Best Director in the same year. Also for the first time , a producing group for a Best Picture nominee is made up entirely of African Americans. For the first time an Asian-American is nominated for Best Actor.  

The nominated films are dripping with "inclusion".  One , Nomadland, is about economically displaced seniors. Another, Judas and the Black Messiah is about the black power movement in the 60's, Minari, another Best Picture nominee is about immigrants, another , The Trial Of The Chicago 7 , paints a favorable picture of hippie war protesters, and another nominee, Promising Young Woman , is about taking revenge on male sexual predators. 

Rush Limbaugh must be having nightmares down there right about now. 


Of course, ratings will be down , and we will hear that "real Americans' don't approve of all this and why wasn't Wonder Woman 1984 nominated anyway? 

I don't see all this diversity as anti-American, I see it as a new and better America.  The people who make these movies are not trying to overthrow the American way of life, they are trying to expand it. 


One Night In Miami 

nominee Best Adapted Screenplay

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Professor Principal
1  author  JohnRussell    4 years ago

Where is John Wayne when you need him ? 

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.1  Greg Jones  replied to  JohnRussell @1    4 years ago

By all accounts the most boring show on TV....all those "woke" virtue signaling hypocrites patting themselves on the back for hours.

I'll pass...haven't been inside a movie theater since 1978

Professor Principal
1.1.2  Ender  replied to  Greg Jones @1.1    4 years ago

One place I actually have to agree with you.

I never watch the things.

Nothing like the privileged patting themselves on the back.

Professor Quiet
2  bbl-1    4 years ago

Damn.  Looks like the Anglo-Saxon crowd are relegated to the cheap seats again.

Professor Principal
3  Ender    4 years ago

After reading about the nominations it made me think about something.

Imo the reason silly action films or terminator/alien/autobots do so well is people get tired of being preached to and just want a mind numbing good ride.

Professor Principal
3.1  author  JohnRussell  replied to  Ender @3    4 years ago

Oscar nominated or winning movies are usually not the biggest crowd favorites. It's irrelevant. 

Professor Principal
3.1.1  Ender  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1    4 years ago

I know. It is all about them, nominating themselves, then themselves voting on who should win.

Let me get my voice ready....Me Me Me Me....

Professor Principal
3.1.2  author  JohnRussell  replied to  Ender @3.1.1    4 years ago

I assume a lot of actors and directors have a little narcissist in them. It's kind of irrelevant though. We dont pay to watch them play themselves, we pay to watch them bring stories to life. 

Professor Principal
3.1.3  Ender  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1.2    4 years ago
we pay to watch them bring stories to life

There are ways around that.  Haha

My point is, an award doesn't determine if I like a movie or not. Has no factor whatsoever. They are pointless except to themselves.

Imo we have grown beyond the Hollywood of old. A lot of the luster and glamour has faded.

Professor Principal
3.1.4  author  JohnRussell  replied to  Ender @3.1.3    4 years ago

Why do we have a Most Valuable Player in sports?  Why have Miss America? Why have a teacher put gold stars on students papers? It's the way of the world man, people like to be recognized and have attention called to what they do. 

Professor Principal
3.1.5  Ender  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1.4    4 years ago

Just never personally saw the appeal. I don't need validation.

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
3.1.6  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  Ender @3.1.5    4 years ago
I don't need validation.

I don't really Need validation either but it is nice to have others notice when I do a good job. 

IMO: Sometimes part of doing a good job is having others appreciate it as well. 

Professor Principal
3.1.7  Ender  replied to  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu @3.1.6    4 years ago

Yeah but then I feel like...good dog...pat on the head.

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
3.1.8  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  Ender @3.1.7    4 years ago
Yeah but then I feel like...good dog...pat on the head.

That depends of the sincerity of recognition. If I did something really well and others appreciate that I have, I have no problem appreciating their appreciation. 

If I'm just being pacified, I'm smart enough to recognize the difference. 

While I don't need their approval or reignition I let others know when they have done something I appreciate and have no problem accepting others appreciation for what I have done either.  

I'm also OK with the other side of the coin as well. If what I do is not appreciated that's ok as well. Because normally I do things because I choose what I do myself and not for others approval anyway. 

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
4  Buzz of the Orient    4 years ago

Chloe Zhao won best Director Academy Award for Nomadland.  An historic award.  She is proud of being Chinese, and the Chinese people should be proud of her - and put politics aside. 

As reported by Variety...

Zhao says she has always been particularly inspired by the phrase “人之初,性本善,” which comes from the foundational Chinese text “The Three Character Classic” and translates to: “People, at birth, are inherently good.”

“People, at birth, are inherently good", but then, in too many cases, they change as they grow, although Anne Frank thought differently.


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