what WE THE PEOPLE make of our country is still our choice.
Category: News & Politics
Via: 321steve • 4 years ago • 53 commentsBy: john-j-tierney

On the first day of practice, the football coach uttered these memorable words to their new team:
“Remember, there’s no ‘I’ in team.”
Such an admonition has remained a mainstay of human activity, sports included, since the dawn of time. The realization that human progress depends upon “teamwork” instead of “the individual” has descended through the ages as a first principle of the success and prosperity of the “species” (men and women together).
Despite this essential truism, the spectrum of American history has been dominated by division, interspersed by rare occasions of authentic unity. This is true even today. The divisions between parties, genders, races, religions, languages, sections, and sects is summarized by the colors “red” and “blue.”
Ten years before the first shot of the revolution, there were scarcely more than a handful of colonists who wanted to break from England. Samuel Adams, his cousin John, James Otis, Ben Franklin, John Hancock, and several others led the origins of the rebellion. They formed the political squad “Sons of Liberty,” formed the “Committees of Correspondence,” and instigated the “Boston Massacre” largely on their own initiative. The Declaration of Independence was signed by only 52 co-conspirators, while the actual fighting itself was supported by less than one-third of the population. The remaining two-thirds were either neutral or “Loyalists,” who favored the British.
The American revolution was as much an internal war as against the Redcoats, where Loyalist and “Patriot” civilians waged a “civil” struggle more ferocious than the regular battles. .... A British Chaplin noted this hatred in his dairy:
“These Americans so soft, pacific and benevolent by nature, are here transformed into monsters, implacably bloody and ravenous; party rage has kindled the spirit of hatred within them, they attack and rob each other by turns, destroy dwelling houses, or establish themselves therein by driving out those who had before dispossessed others.”
Professor Bernard Bailyn has summarized the nature of both sides of the American “cause” from the beginning:
“Committed to the moral as well as the political integrity of the Anglo-American system as it existed, the Loyalists were insensitive to the moral basis of the protests that arose against it … They did not sense the constriction of the existing order, often because they lived so deeply within it … They could find only persistent irrationality in the arguments of the discontented and hence wrote off all of their efforts as politically pathological.”
The Civil War represents the epitome of division that precluded any form of unification that the original revolution pretended. Whereas it is true that all societies have, in one form or another, divided themselves in half, the extent of the divisions in the aftermath of Appomattox will find few equals on the political earth.
The divisions that separated the sides within the American Revolution left an indelible impression upon the political culture, one whose “aftershocks” can still be felt today. The divisions between parties, genders, races, religions, languages, sections, and sects is summarized by the colors “red” and “blue.”
On the first day of practice, the football coach uttered these memorable words to their new team: “Remember, there’s no ‘I’ in team.”
What WE THE PEOPLE make of our country is still our choice.
What do we choose ?
Our personal choice ! Each one of us !

What most saddens me today is how committed so many Americans are to "their" side, leaving so many of them/you (if the shoe fits) mainly closed minded to any solutions which at times not so long ago that would have been considered and possibly agreed upon by both sides.
And Yes IMO: We have some of both of that ideologies here, both full on red or blue and you know who you are, as most of us regulars who kinda know each other's main philosophies do by now as well.
What amuses me is that so many Americans think Their side will eventually win all the power. When in reality, the way we operate American now as a unit In effect is just shifting the power back and forth with both sides trying to force their will on the whole when they do gain power.
As the other side feels ignored, neglected, unwillingly just being pushed along until enough of that side rise up until their side can elect power more in tune with their wants once again.
Over and over we have done that now meanwhile, the major problems in our society go on and on. Take the border for instance. Neither side did any detailed planning when they last changed border policies and look at the crisis we had BOTH times they did that. We start pipelines, we stop pipelines. We enter international deals, we break international deals. And on and on. Back and forth we go costing America time, effort and money. That's the kind of results that are the product of division and lack of unified detailed and long term planning.
So, how long do Americans plan on doing this ineffective self damaging dance ?
Again, what WE THE PEOPLE make of our country is our choice.
What do we choose ???
Very sadly, I just see more of the same quite possibly until we have a human common enemy descending upon us in some way. Too many Americans are just too invested in the current status quo. Division.
Your choice folks, long ago I made mine. IMO: Unity is Americas best bet moving forward but few seem to agree and many are more to happy to voice their reason and tell you just how evil the other side of their fellow citizens are. Over and over without seemingly to ever stop and see just how much both sides are actually alike in their veal for all the power so they can have it all their own way.
In closing I hope this all is taken with the knowledge that I hope the very best for everyone of you, our nation, our world and our universe. Long live America ! The land that WE love.
Sincerely, 321steve :)
Good article steve, and I agree that we have become so divided that if anything it will destroy the US if we don't change this direction.
Kavika, there will be no unity in America until the far right subsides.
Thanks Kavika, I wanted to seed something like this for some time, Glad you like it.
For me it comes down to those that will evaluate facts, data and details needing to carry the day.
If you want to deal in lies, fabrications, falsehoods, your are the problem that is keeping America from moving forward.
The founding fathers were progressives.....
1000 percent agree !
The last time the country was "unified" was Sep 12, 2001. That's 20 years ago.
I seeded an article today about QAnon adherents that are getting elected to local governments and school boards around the country. We also had a news story today about Donald Trump announcing that he is "100%" thinking about running for president again. This is a man who provoked a physical assault on our capitol, and he thinks he should be given another chance to run the country. This is insanity.
I don't know about you, but I am not going to "unify" with insane people.
John, I wouldn't be too concerned about the insane, They won't unite with anyone anyway. They are quite happily live in their own unhappy biased world as it is, sadly some will never change as long as they live.
They won't unite with anyone anyway.
But you have to keep them from throwing sand in the gears, which they seem to be buying by the truckload the last couple of decades.
True !
But, the more sanity there is the less insanity has a chance to take it's hold. Hopefully and I believe it's true the more people that unite the less the radicals will have power over us all.
Why let the insane few control us all ? When I'd say the sane among us have more numbers IF WE did unite.
That insane few you're talking about..... 75,000,000 of them thought Trump should have been returned to office. 52,000,000 still think the election was stolen from him.
that's true however trump made being insane seem cool to many who are of like ideology.
IMO: trump is much more like a cult leader who deceives his followers to get what trump wanted.. Power.
With time passing and as more and more see just really how insane trump's antics really were I think many republicans will as they say "See the light" and revert to their normal stances and ideology.
Cut off the head and the snake dies ... sometimes slowly.
thrump trumped himself out of office as his antics surpassed his appeal to the majority.
trump does concern me though any American willing to do all trump did to hold power IMO: Is a very dangerious person to our freedoms, our elections and our country.
I guess the question is, is trump more important than our country ?
Oh hell no, but the damage being done by those supporting "the big lie" are damaging the credibility, yea the very foundation of our republic. That train is just getting rolling.
All true Fly, But this nation has faced many challenges before that we the people have overcome. This trump insanity train will run its course as well.
The question is will we unite enough to stop it ?
And if so, when ?
I think the sooner the better.
That is one reason I believe any human doing what trump tried to hold power should be permanently barred from holding public office again.
WTF give someone who operates like that to try to hold power over us a second chance ?
Surely trump has learned and now is even more of a danger to our election process than ever.
There will never be unity when politicians use division to get elected. The more they divide, the more outrageous, the more popular they seem to become.
The politicians themselves have told the population that compromise is a bad thing.
Probably true Ender, but who allows them to be elected using those taticis. We the people.
That is why I stopped voting straight party line long ago, I figured out that is how bad politicians take power over you and me.
Then add on this new mindset in congress that once elected they must vote party line or be ostracized.
Utterly ridiculous.
Ender, I'm not talking about politicians voting straight party line I'm talking about We the people voting straight party line when election our politicians to begin with.
Bad politicians get in because no one really even knows who the hell they are voting for to hold power over the rest of us.
I agree,
That is Utterly ridiculous ! So I don't do that.
I research and vote for the PERSON I think is most qualified to the position they are wanting to hold. Period. regardless of their party affiliation. Part of MY requirement for my vote is that they are willing to work with both sides.
The radical left is just as guilty as the radical right in fomenting divisiveness, perhaps even more so.
Greg I agree, I tried to make a point that IMO: Both ideologies are to blame. as do both ideologies have the chance to fix this long destructive problem.
I have no longer belonged to either party now for a long time but at one time I did belong to both. Neither really represents me though. So I give neither the power of my party affiliation any longer.
While I certainly do not agree that "both" ideologies are equally at fault, I do think that the only way to get anything actually done is through compromise. Mitch McConnell has a non existent record of compromise on major issues. And the majority of Republicans in Congress are to the right of him !
I do think that the only way to get anything actually done is through compromise.
Very true John, and as it stands right now many on both sides are not willing to compromise.
I guess they have forgotten who put them in power. IF the people were to unite more our politicians would have little choice but to respond or they would lose their power over us quickly. Like in the next few elections.
BTW, I'm not an idiot, I understand what I am proposing is not popular or easy, But I do think it's one of this countries final options if we want to stay strong and viable in the future.
United we stand, divided we fall is not just a cute saying, it's a reality. Its just a matter of time and circumstances. Our enemies dream of our division, they understand it weakens us as a whole.
Yet, we don't seem to see it, Sad.
I have to agree Mr. Russell, a very quick google search brought this as the first selection
Not being familiar with Boston media outlets, but somewhat familiar with Massachusetts political leanings generally, I suspect that the Boston Herald is not a far right media proponent.
Donald Trump was completely unfit to be president of the United States. The Democrats had no choice but to oppose him.
This is in fact one of the big problems now, too many on the right want to act as if having that asshole lead the country was perfectly ok.
I just caught this John,
John did Biden compromise on his two trillion relieve package, did Biden compromise or even do detailed planning on his border reopening ?
I voted for Biden I am disappointed he didn't do as he had promised. Biden Promised to be the Uniter in chief. That in my opinion that means he was willing to start compromising.
So, when does he start ?
The one in power at the moment is the one who has the first shot at starting the compromise. I'm waiting, I want that Biden promise of unity fulfilled.
John, trump trumped himself out of power, Thankfully he is no long in power. Now its up to Biden.
As far as the covid relief package goes, they were facing a time limit, the unemployment benefits were going to end the middle of March. We'll never know what 'compromise ' might have been reached since the Republicans made an offer (6 billion) that was totally inadequate and never came off of it within the time span they had to work with.
The states cannot pay for the pandemic. Many of them do not have the money. So the federal government had to pay for it because it can , having the power to print money. The GOP wanted to go cheap in order to squeeze out the blue states.
Even so, if the GOP had come off the 6 billion figure and closer to the Biden figure (1.9 trillion) they probably could have found compromise.
You are completely kidding yourself. Trump is not gone, not by a longshot. He still controls the Republican Party and will continue to do so.
the simple answer is as you obviously know, a big NO to both questions. However, on the 'border reopening', he not only did not listen, he essentially shot himself in the foot by stopping deportations, and hamstringing CBP and what they could and could not do with illegal aliens. He furthered his error by being so woefully unprepared for the influx of people that CBP warned him would present themselves that it became what it is today, a nearly criminal out of control crisis.
He has no intentions of being a unifier. But then I don't believe he actually is in control and only mouths the words other have prepared for him to say. That was again painfully apparent when he once again told the press that he can't answer more questions or he would get in trouble. In trouble with WHO? He's, at least on paper, the President of the United States and all people in government report to and are answerable to him, so who exactly will scold him? Jill?
Steve, don't hold your breath, you might pass out.
Except for his successes. And the Democrats opposed him because he was actually accomplishing getting the promises the Democrats for decades left unfulfilled.
Which if I'm not mistaken was flatly and immediately turned down by Biden and he said he would not come off of what HE believed was the right amount to be in His bill.
Evidently the republicans believed differently but seemingly Biden was done.
IMO: That was not a real honest attempt of compromise. It was more of a gesture that a real want of compromising towards unification..
PS: Has all of the money from the first relieve bill even been distributed yet?
Time is always of the essence, but doing things right always takes time.
LOL I stopped doing that long ago.
Or being too concerned about much of anything Now I'm basically along for the crazy ride just like the rest of you.
I have no illusions of really changing a damn thing.
"or even do detailed planning on his border reopening"
I believe I covered that.
It was ironic to me as trump had recently made the same mistake.
John at this time trump really has little power compared to where he was 6 months ago.
Unless people give him that power back and as I just said somewhere on here trump is still a concern. So we agree there.
I really don't think Trump will run again. I believe he is doing exactly what Hillary did after the 2016 election, and that is to throw bombs out every now and again to let people know they are still out there.
I do, however, believe, that the person Trump endorses will be very difficult to defeat, especially if that person has the same ideas, ideals, is outgoing, but not brash.
Biden will not run again, and Harris doesn't have a chance, especially since she only got 1 percent democratic support before the primaries, and dropped out of the race before the first vote was cast.
Would not surprise me if someone primaries Harris if she decides to go alone.
Furthermore I think that IF the dems don't start compromising they will lose power in both 22 and in 24 back to the republicans.
And back and forth the dance goes, Meanwhile .... More chaos plays in the background waiting to take the stage.
Sad !
Sadly some dogs and cats get along better than some Americans. There's a lesson in there somewhere.
Which side damaged the other more today ?
Does it really matter ?
Not to me. Both hurt the country again.
My view from afar - no matter whether it be from as close as Toronto or the other side of the world, it's still my view.
My personal knowledge of America goes back to FDR's time - I don't know how many members of NT can say that.
I think JR is correct in saying that the last time there was genuine unity in America was 9/11, and the time before that might have gone even farther back to Pearl Harbour. "Unity" in America has declined steadily over the decades.
Yes, it has taken a common enemy to genuinely unify America in the past, a nation presently so divided that even the destructive common enemy Covid-19 could not unify it, or cause Americans to set aside selfish "individual rights" and political differences and instead embrace concern for others, for the community, which has contained the virus elsewhere, in order to quickly defeat that common enemy before it caused considerable economic damage and so many lives, my God, so many lives.
The coach was dreaming. If "team" was more important to Americans than "I", America would have contained the virus LONG ago.
But as was mentioned, it takes a common enemy to unite, and so a common enemy must be found, created if necessary, and both the Trump (Republican?) party and the Democrat party have done so. They have gone back into American history to come up with one that was despised, the one that is the biggest threat to surpass the USA. They have declared CHINA to be the enemy. Now, let's see if THAT works.
IMO: Buzz unless China actually does something that out and out threatens America, China as our enemy will just be used to divide Americans even more for Political Party Power.
If that is so, then there are members of this site who are more intent on dividing America (Divide and conquer?) than uniting it.
Unfortunately, Buzz it seems many Americans are.
Our politicians and media have worked hard to that end and have had a good deal of success.
At this point in many cases its as bad as friend against friend, family against family and neighbor against neighbor.
Sadly everyone knows Left/Right Few know the center.
In fact the center is under attack to join the left or right on a constant basis.
Yup, there is no I in team. But there isn't one team, either.
We're actually seeing an upsurge in unity. People are more united than ever. But we've allowed to the United States to become divided into many, many teams. There isn't a team United States. We're all hyphenated into separate teams within the United States.
At the most basic level, we have a Red Team and a Blue Team. The players are united but they aren't playing for team United States; they're playing the game for their own team. What we've seen is the Red Team and Blue Team have become fragmented into smaller teams. We aren't just hyphenated Americans; we've become hyphenated Republicans and Democrats, too. There isn't unity between teams because they are competing against each other.
Calls for national unity requires a team United States. But there isn't a team United States. In fact, the teams will sell out the United States if it helps their team.
The Blue team calling for unity only applies to the Blue team. Expecting competitors to help the Blue team win is really quite absurd. Especially when the Blue team uses division to only unify the Blue team. That call for unity becomes an obstacle for establishing a team United States.
The 'no I in team' sentimental blathering isn't meant to unify the United States into a team. It's meant to provide an advantage against competitors within the United States. Selling out the United States isn't the way to create national unity.
So true and so sad. Nerm
and we the people gave those "teams" the power to "sell out" our own country.
That's why I stopped voting straight party line some time ago. Now I research and vote for the People not a party.
Straight party line voting is how bad politicians take power over us.
Thank you for those who commented responsibly on this thread. The lack of even a responsible conversation on unity really was depressing to me.
It was nice to see this this morning. Thank you !