Why does the hard left glorify the Palestinians?

In a world in which massive violations of human rights have, tragically, become the norm, why has the hard left focused on one of the least compelling of those causes — namely, the Palestinians?
Note: This is not an a seed attempting to praise-- or demonize-- leftists in general (or, for that matter, to demonize all of those on the right).
For while many political partisans may want to deny it, there are some crazy nutcases on the extreme lunatic fringes on both sides of the aisle. And in my very enlightened opinion, its those extremists who pose the greatest threats to democracy

In a world in which massive violations of human rights have, tragically, become the norm, why has the hard left focused on one of the least compelling of those causes — namely, the Palestinians?
Where is the concern for the Kurds, the Chechens, the Uyghurs, the Tibetans? There are no campus demonstrations on their behalf, no expressions of concern by “the Squad” in Congress, no United Nations resolutions, no recurring op-eds in The New York Times, and no claims that the nations that oppress these groups have no right to exist
On the merits and demerits of their claims, the Palestinians have the weakest case. They have been offered statehood and independence on numerous occasions : in 1938, 1948, 1967, 2000-2001 and 2008.
Honestly.... It may be as simple as the US haven given Israel billions of dollars which has in one way or another contributed to the deaths of Palestinians. As far as I know the same can't be said of the Kurds, Chechens, Uyghurs and Tibetans.
This thing isn't going to end anytime soon. Too much bad blood on both sides, and every bomb, and missile just makes more martyrs, and hardens the resolve to get even. Worse, political leaders on both sides use the violence to justify staying in power.
I totally agree!
Any suggestions as to how to solve the problem?
Find a way to get the mothers on both sides together to form a political force to stop the killing of their children.
Women if unified can stop this if their numbers are large enough.
The men sure as hell won't
On that theme, FLYNAVY1, when Golda Meir was Prime Minister of Israel she approached that idea, but it didn't work.
Israel ended its occupation of the Gaza Strip in 2005. Yet, even now, Palestinian leaders refuse to sit down and negotiate a reasonable two-state solution. As the late Israeli diplomat Abba Eban once aptly put it, the Palestinian leadership never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
Exodus From Gaza
The forcible evacuation of August 2005
Whatever, Israel do what you gotta do, Palestinians you motherufckers need to accept reality. Figure it out amongst yourselves.
Nor are history and morality on their side. The Palestinian leadership allied itself with Nazism and Hitler in the 1940s, with Egyptian tyranny and antisemitism in the 1950s, and with international terrorism from the 1960s forward.
In 1947, the United Nations divided the land that the Romans called Palestine and the Jews called Yisrael into two areas. It provided a sliver of land along the Mediterranean and a non-arable desert called the Negev to the Jews, who were a majority in that area, and a much larger arable area to the Arabs.
The Jews declared statehood on their land. Instead of declaring statehood on their land, the Palestinians and surrounding Arab nations declared war. The Arabs lost and the Jews captured more land. As a result of the war, there occurred an exchange of populations: Hundreds of thousands of Arabs left or were forced out of Israel, and hundreds of thousands of Jews left or were forced out of Arab countries and Arab Palestine.
In an earlier article, I pointed out something that is happening in this war unlike the other two wars, the attacks within Israel between Arabs and Jews both citizens. This to me is a huge and very dangerous situation and adds a whole other element to this ''war''.
I just read this article today and it points out that the right-wing of Israel is attacking journalists including Jewish media.
The final point is that the right-wing is calling themselves La Familia. Why would they use a Spanish term and do they have any idea of what the hell it means. La Familia translates to ''The Family''. La Familia is a major drug cartel in Mexico with tentacles throughout the world. A highly organized crime syndicate with a long history of bloodshed.
It would seem to me that these items will do Israel a lot more harm than good.
This comment may not fit with this article, so feel free to delete it, Krish.
It appears that the media is complicit in aiding and abetting the genocidal terrorism of Hamas
I agree.
But, for starters, remember here's what I said at the beginning of this seed:
Note: This is not an a seed attempting to praise-- or demonize-- leftists in general (or, for that matter, to demonize all of those on the right).
For while many political partisans may want to deny it, there are some crazy nutcases on the extreme lunatic fringes on both sides of the aisle. And in my very enlightened opinion, its those extremists who pose the greatest threats to democracy.
In the U.S. we still have active members of the KKK, The American Nazi Party-- heck, even those extremist nut cases in Arizona who are going to great length to do their best to destroy democracy in their bizarre attempts to destroy democracy by seizing ballots and "examining them". (Even using Ultra-violet light to supposedly determine if the paper used has traces of Bamboo fibers...which of course would mean the China tampered with them-- or else the evil Chinese sent us biased paper type ballots.(And after all, "many people are saying" that Bamboo can't be grown anywhere in the U.S.!) It's a disgrace!!!
So does the presence of these nutcases idiots (and extremist haters) mean the U;S; is an evil totalitarian country?.
And therefore, if say some nutcase terrorist group started firing deadly missiles across into San Diego residential areas-- the U.S. should therefore not have the right to defend itself?
The final point is that the right-wing is calling themselves La Familia. Why would they use a Spanish term and do they have any idea of what the hell it means. La Familia translates to ''The Family''. La Familia is a major drug cartel in Mexico with tentacles throughout the world. A highly organized crime syndicate with a long history of bloodshed. It would seem to me that these items will do Israel a lot more harm than good.
I agree.
Actually I am, and have been, aware of the relatively new phenomenon which you just mentioned: the shift to the even more extreme right amongst many of Israel's citizens-- both Arab and Jew.
In addition, although Netanyahu and the Likud were always a right wing party, they have gotten much more so in recent times: Something I've been aware of and find quite worrisome.
Its ultimately bad for all people in the area-- both Arab and Jew. (Well, its actually a plus for the Barbaric Arab terror group Hamas, which currently rules the part of Palestine that now vhas independence and self-rule).
Since this seed is actually about the strange characteristics of many (not all) on the Left in the U.S., technically your bringing up this up is off topic. But generally I'm a pretty lax moderator when it comes to "Off topic" discussions (I suppose I figure that if enough people want to discuss had been originally off topic-- it should remain)
I think that you're misunderstanding what I'm saying, Krish. I have always believed that Israel has the right to exist and to defend itself. That, to me is a given.
The point that I'm attempting to make is that within Israel they are on the verge of a civil war. IMO, this has the potential to be more destructive to Israel than attacks by Hamas. According to the news reports the right wing are attacking news media which included Jewish news media. How in the hell is that helping Israel get positive and truthful reports out to the world and with Bibi son getting involved with them makes it look worse.
The choosing of La Familia as a name for their movement is beyond stupid.
Actually I am aware of all that. And do find it quite worrisome.
(And I too support the continued existence of Israel, and while there's no historical justification for it, I never-the-less feel that the best path forward would be the creation of a second Palestinian ruled country (in addition to the one they already have in Gaza) to consist of most of the land of what is now referred to as "the West Bank").
Well, actually both areas to become part of a single unified Palestinian state-- similar in a way the creation of an independent Pakistani state occurred:
And what about QAnon, besides all the ignoramuses who swear the the election was stolen from Trump.
Nether of which can hold a candle to the violence perpetrated by white nationalists and shite supremacists.
When the day comes that both sides admit that there is some truth to both sides of that coin, the USA will be saved.
I just read this article today and it points out that the right-wing of Israel is attacking journalists including Jewish media.
Among them, according to the Jerusalem Post, has been the prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s son Yair, who tweeted an invitation to demonstrate in front of N12’s office calling on supporters to “say no to the media’s anti-Zionist brainwashing”.
The final point is that the right-wing is calling themselves La Familia. Why would they use a Spanish term and do they have any idea of what the hell it means. La Familia translates to ''The Family''. La Familia is a major drug cartel in Mexico with tentacles throughout the world. A highly organized crime syndicate with a long history of bloodshed.
It would seem to me that these items will do Israel a lot more harm than good.
I totally agree with you...
That being said, re-reading my reply, I realized I left out an important aspect of this-- and that is...what can we actually
do about it?
To put it another way-- what if some terrorist group just over the border was reigning down rockets on the area where you live?
I believe that the 70 years of conflict, with no settlement of it in sight, has had the effect of causing increasing extremism and polarization of conflicting views. Had the Palestinians accepted any of the many offers to settle the matter, I'd bet the area would have been peaceful now, but then what about the Hamas constitution?
Since there's lots of discussion that has little to do with the topic, maybe we should change the title to better fit the discussion. My title for that would have been, WHY DOES THE WHOLE WORLD DEMONIZE ISRAEL?
Now, THAT would be an interesting topic, wouldn't it. Although, personally, I don't think it would take a genius to know the answers. Just to answer that everyone pulls for the underdog Palestinians is simplistic, because if that were true, then how about comparison with the feelings about the Tibetans, the Chechens, the Kurds? I think enough accusations are being made these days by the western world about the Uyghurs. The other reason is more insidious, and most would refuse to admit it, or it is so latent perhaps even not even realize it. One might have to watch an old movie, Gentleman's Agreement, to discover that it exists, and how universal it is, and instead of applying the overused and worn-out term "antisemitism" let's borrow a line spoken by a German Nazi army officer in the movie Schindler's List and just call it "good old fashioned Jew hatred".
Carrying my thoughts a little further, nobody (except maybe the neoNazis) wants to ADMIT being an antisemite, or even appear to be one, so what does one do - OF COURSE, they attack Israel and/or support those who do. BDS comes to mind, and for sure supporting the Palestinians and Gazans who have steadfastly attacked Israel and Israelis for many years, have refused to make peace with Israel extending the conflict for generations - like supporting the designated terrorist organzation Hamas that in its constitution is inscribed the destruction of Israel and killing of the Jews.
The Palestinian motto: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free."
Well, that's actually one of the main points of this article:
In a world in which massive violations of human rights have, tragically, become the norm, why has the hard left focused on one of the least compelling of those causes — namely, the Palestinians?
Where is the concern for the Kurds, the Chechens . . . the Tibetans? There are no campus demonstrations on their behalf, no expressions of concern by “the Squad” in Congress, no United Nations resolutions, no recurring op-eds in The New York Times, and no claims that the nations that oppress these groups have no right to exist
I think I made my opinion on that clear enough that even the most exuberant deniers would understand.
Many people ( especially on social media sites), seem to have no real knowledge of the history of the area.
For example, Hitler's meeting with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem:
Hitler hosts Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini in 1941 in Germany.
(Heinrich Hoffmann Collection/Wikipedia)