Partly cloudy with a chance of cicada pee
Category: The Lighter Side/ Humor
Via: sister-mary-agnes-ample-bottom • 4 years ago • 3 commentsBy: Kevin Ambrose
Cicadas pee a lot, particularly during warm days. And when thousands of cicadas are perched overhead on tree branches, their pee falls to the ground like a gentle rain shower.
Their pee is also called honeydew, and it’s loaded with sugar. It’s slightly sticky and gummy, so it’s wise to wear a hat when walking in the woods this month. But it’s harmless, just like the cicadas that squirt it out.
But why do cicadas pee frequently?
Thus, cicadas ingest tree fluids more for cooling than nutrition. Then they quickly pee it out.
While our cicadas pee in sprinkles, other species of cicadas can make it rain. Check out the videos below showing free-flowing pee produced by cicadas located in other parts of the world. No doubt, you will want to wear a hat or carry an umbrella when venturing into their territory.
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I could have gone the rest of my life without knowing that cicadas pee all over the place.
I'm glad I now know about it!
Cicadas are extremely ugly and look frightening but now they don't irritate me so much because I will forever remember them as the insects who need Depends