AOC says she's in therapy due to 'trauma' of Capitol riot

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she's in therapy following the "trauma" she incurred from being inside the Capitol complex during the Jan. 6 riot.
Latinos as another reason she has sought counseling.
“Yeah. Oh yeah. I’m doing therapy, but also, I’ve just slowed down," she told NPR's Maria Hinojosa on a podcast episode of Latino USA, which aired on Friday. "I think the Trump administration had a lot of us, especially the Latino communities, in a very reactive mode, and so I’ve been putting myself in a more proactive space."
The Democrat said Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley convinced her that she went through "trauma" in the beginning of the year.
“I think after [Jan. 6], I took some time — and it was really Ayanna Pressley. I explained to her what happened to me, like, the day of because I ran to her office, and she was like, ‘You need to recognize trauma,’” she said.
“If I take a couple months and just be really good, then I don’t have to live with this thing festering and lingering with me like a roommate in my apartment for years," she added.
In mid-January, Ocasio-Cortez hosted an event in Congress in which representatives recounted their experiences during the riot. The New York Democrat, one of the most liberal members of the House, remarked that she almost died.
“I can tell you that I had a very close encounter where I thought I was going to die,” she said at the time. “I did not know if I was going to make it to the end of that day alive.”
Lawmakers have not forgotten about the siege as the House passed a $1.9 trillion bill to bolster security at the Capitol on Thursday after legislators agreed to move forward with a commission to investigate Jan. 6. Both proposals have seen staunch opposition from Republican leaders.
More than 400 suspected riot participants have been arrested and charged in the aftermath of the unrest.
I had a very close encounter where I thought I was going to die
Capitol police knocking on her door while the hassle was going on three blocks away - and she's gonna die?
What was traumatizing?
Oooooohhhhhh scary, especially from 3 blocks away.
Ah, but she is just a weak woman, [deleted]
She was 3 blocks away, bob, sheesh. It’s easy to see she is playing this up, just like her pitiful display of sadness and despair while looking at a chain link fence with an empty parking lot on the other side. This woman is an idiot.
Ah, but she is just a weak woman, [deleted]
Yeah, you already said that. Got anything new? I didn’t think so. See ya, bob.
No. As long as you keep trashing AOC for no valid reason, [deleted]
The truth must really hurt you.
She is the Democrat female version of Trump. A thin skinned; moronic; ego maniac; that has a radical following willing to do her bidding; and who earned her fame by being a media and internet sensation. She is not as good of a con artist as Trump; but give her time she is still young and learning how to graft the system.
If she were a Republican the left would demonize her to no end. But the all mighty D behind the name makes up for endless amounts flaws/
Trump was born a billionaire, and has probably been squandering his inheritance ever since.
AOC was born into a middle class famlly. Wikipedia:
"She is the Democrat female version of Trump" is just silly.
Try reading it again.
No where did I mention wealth they started off with. I notice you didn't even try to refute the rest. Truth stings doesn't it?
It's rabid.
And even scarier if you were in an adjacent state!!!
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan said Sunday it took nearly two hours for the Pentagon to give authorization for his state to send its National Guard into Washington to help protect the U.S. Capitol as it came under attack from a violent pro-Trump mob .
The Republican governor said he and Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser had been in contact as the violence erupted on Wednesday and she asked for assistance, but the effort was stalled by the Department of Defense’s delay in agreeing to the move.
But it's true, bob.
As if there is no reason to mock her.
Here garbage disposal freak out was a made for media sensation.
Getting Amazon to not expand into NY; and thinking she save NY tax dollars by doing it.
Then there is her classic crying at an empty fenced in empty parking lot at an illegal immigrant holding center.
Then there is the down stupidity
If I had the time; and the desire, I am sure I could dig up even more.
The fact that the left and media continue to defend her show how much power the almighty D behind the name has gotten.
Tell me please... what pleasure do you find in makin' up sh!t?
have to say , i think having an asteroid named after you is better than having a hemorrhoid named after you.....
Why do you, or anyone, care?
She most likely has PTSD and I am betting she is not the only one.
She has something all right. Drama queen dementia is closer to reality though.
I would be more than likely to believe that of those that were actually physically in the capital building rather than of someone who was 3 blocks away.
I suffer from combat related PTSD. If you want to disparage me at least make sure you have the proper and common frame of reference.
Ya gotta remember Ed - consider the source and already know what to expect as the outcome.
She didn't have to be there to feel the after affects at seeing the devastation these "tourists" committed and the personal danger that her collegues faced.
If you wish to use that definition, then, pretty much all of America and most of the world is suffering from PTSD from the multitude of clashes/crashes/threats that have occurred/are presently occurring.
PTSD, per the Mayo Clinic, is "A condition that may last months or years, with triggers that can bring back memories of the trauma accompanied by intense emotional and physical reactions. Symptoms may include nightmares or unwanted memories of the trauma, avoidance of situations that bring back memories of the trauma, heightened reactions, anxiety, or depressed mood.
"Of course you would!"
In my opinion, that was disparaging to me.
I guess it boils down to a matter of opinion. I respect your right to yours.
In my opinion, your last sentence is probably most applicable.
Actually, yes it was. But in your own words, moving on...
Very true.
He's the one who, in a panic, actually helped do barricade the door! (see photo, comment # 2. 2. 11).
And later said it was like a normal tourist day! ( see comment # 5)
Well, I dunno.
It may be because I'm not that judgemental, but I have a friend who used to live up un NYC--a few blocks away from the WTC. After the first plane hit, the staff in her bldg told them to leave. As she left she saw the first plane hit! Now you may think I'm lying-- but I can tell you she was quite traumatized!
I have no doubt that your friend was traumatized. Who wouldn't be, but I think it is safe to say that the effects of the WTC coming down were considerably more spectacular than what happened 3 blocks away from the Capital building during the riot. I am by no means saying that some people were not traumatized, but it is still a matter of degree.
Sorta like the PTSD that Mz Clinton had about being "shot at" by a sniper as she exited the plane in Bosnia??
No sniper, wrong airport - no doors being broken down, commotion 3 blocks away - kinda like that, eh?
If you want to compare apples to oranges, I suggest you go to the market.
an army of strawmen...
See 3.2.7. Those are your apples and oranges.
She doesn’t need therapy, she needs a brain.
WTF would she need therapy?
"FACT": There was no riot-- in fact "PEOPLE ARE SAYING" that it was like a NORMAL TOURIST VISIT!
"FACT": There was no riot-- in fact "PEOPLE ARE SAYING" that it was like a NORMAL TOURIST VISIT!
If the loud mouthed twat can't handle then heat she needs to get out of Congress.