IKE Shooter Gangnam Style
Category: The Lighter Side/ Humor
Via: krishna • 4 years ago • 7 commentsBy: PSY, Yoo Gun-hyung
US Navy Shooters having fun on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. Parodied Gangnam Style.
Here's the original Gangnam Style videos. (For quite a while it had the most views of any video on YouTube).
IKE Shooter Gangnam Style - 4,564,274 views
US Navy Shooters having fun on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier
Anoon Krishna...thank goodness there is still a sense of humour around...good on 'em...and long may they dance and fly...
I prefer Klingon style .
What a cool video!
I thought so too. Even better that it was sung in actual Klingon.
During air operations most everyone has to communicate via hand signals due to the noise levels. And just like in regular spoken speech, there is some "english" or "slang" that works it's way in to the hand motions.
Also do keep in mind that the "shooter" is a Lt. Commander or higher in rank...... and this sort of thing is good for the crew during a nine month or more deployment.
Omg this is great.