Weekend gun violence shakes gatherings in cities across U.S.

Colorado Springs saw back-to-back shootings that injured five starting on Friday night.
And in Louisiana, six people were shot, two fatally, in the early morning hours of Saturday.
In Flint, Michigan, a woman died after she was fatally shot by police after allegedly exchanging gunfire with them near a Juneteenth parade. Police said the suspect had driven up to a "traffic point" near the parade and opened fire on an officer. WEYI reported the parade was rerouted.
Elsewhere in the Midwest, NBC Chicago reported that at least five people were killed and dozens injured in gun violence across the city so far this weekend.
And a Wichita, Kansas police officer was hospitalized in critical condition after a shooting, according to police chief Gordon Ramsay. NBC News affiliate KWCH reported the suspect in that shooting was killed after exchanging fire with police.
In Texas, two children were among the eight people were shot at a party in Old East Dallas, NBC DFW reported. Police said the shooting happened after an argument broke out at the party.
In Northern California, seven people were shot, one fatally, near Lake Merritt in the city of Oakland. According to the Oakland Police Department, that shooting happened while thousands of people were gathered around the lake downtown, and Oakland Police were there to monitor public safety.
Gun violence marred outdoor and indoor gatherings in cities across the U.S. this weekend
Colorado Springs saw back-to-back shootings that injured five starting on Friday night .
In Northern California, seven people were shot, one fatally, near Lake Merritt in the city of Oakland.
According to the Oakland Police Department , that shooting happened while thousands of people were gathered around the lake downtown, and Oakland Police were there to monitor public safety.
A day without a gun death in America would be worth a news report. I've given up even looking at the daily death counts from shootings and mass shootings in the USA - how can anyone call that "news". But it's America, and the boys must have their toys.
In American we are free to count our dead. That is how liberty works. [deleted]
So... Thanks to our guns we are free to count our gun deaths?
Nice to see some things never changed. Your perception of topics like this is still a nice window into the far left wing psyche.
My comment was clear to the unbiased but let me see if i can help clear it up for you. In the USA we still have liberty (most of the time) and therefore the freedom to count our death totals regardless of cause. [deleted]
That said, if you're really concerned about gun deaths in the US the best way to mitigate 2/3rds of them is to work on mental health issues in the USA. After that if deaths are a major concern for you, work your way up to the REAL two biggies which account for about 1.2 million deaths a year in the USA.
Heart Disease and Cancer.
Thank God for small favors.
I get it Sparty. China = bad. How many people shot in the UK last weekend? 0. Austrailia? 0. France? Also 0. They keep count. We have a problem here.
So true. We do have a crime problem. Primarily in Democratically run big cities where the lion-shares of these shootings occur.
There are some common denominators in most of those big cities that are not as present in the UK or Australia or France but i won't mention them because i don't feel like arguing with the entire mutual admiration society here today.
I agree, deal with gang violence and stop a significant portion gun violence. Stop trying to throw the baby out with the bathwater just because you aren't a law abiding gun owner/shooter.
Nothing could be more unamerican.
Many Americans fetishize guns. If that were not the case there wouldnt be 20 million AR-15 style weapons in private ownership.
They arent the best for personal defense, nor for hunting, nor for stopping a "bad guy" in a public place.
But they are the best for imagining you are Rambo.
Why is it "American" to want to own guns? That is nothing but an opinion that has been reinforced over centuries.
Although I suppose without guns we couldnt have rid the "American " part of the continent of the natives.
Too many liberals fetishize fetishes by trying to create them where they aren't.
The entire USA doesn't have a gun problem. Many places do have a violent crime problem. .My county of about 140k had zero gun deaths last year, zero the year before that, one the year before that, none the year before that, etc, etc.
WE don't have a gun problem. I know your city does.
Most people do not fear gang violence. Unless you're in a gang the chances are pretty good you will not be shot in a gang war. Although there are sometimes innocent bystanders who are shot and killed in a drive by, by far the vast majority of people killed in gang wars are in gangs.
People are worried about being shot at work or in a restaurant or store, or in school.
You words not mine John. Let straighten out the words you are trying to twist.
My comment speaks to the concept of one American deciding that something another American does is unacceptable simply because they don't participate in that activity. Free speech, liberty etc is easy when you agree with it. It only gets hard when you don't.
Law abiding gun owners by and large hurt no one. You're in more danger driving back and forth to work each day than you are from law abiding gun owners. Of this i have little doubt. Now unlawful gun owners? That is a different story. Especially where you live.
Like I said, the general public, even in Chicago, does not fear gang violence.
We are seeing more instances of shooting in road rage incidents. I bet you there are more Americans who are afraid of saying something hostile to someone in a traffic altercation out of fear that the other guy will pull out a gun and start shooting than are afraid of gang shootings.
You are still tossing squirrels.
But how will religious conservative Republican gun nuts make their arguments without referencing the Chicago gang on gang violence? It's all they have against common sense gun regulation as they claim the criminals won't abide by the laws anyway so why should they have to. Sure, it doesn't address the fact that as of June 1st we have had 232 mass shootings in America that were NOT gang related and that in many mass shootings the killers use easily obtainable military style assault rifles and that those semi-automatic rifles were featured in four of the five deadliest mass shootings in US history like the Vegas strip massacre that killed 58 and wounded 546. But the ammosexuals must have their military style guns! They sit in their basements pretending to be Rambo acting out their fantasy of what they'd do if the government ever came to get their guns, and they justify it all by pointing at the gang on gang violence and proclaim sensible gun laws pointless.
Let's not forget the violent family member with a gun. That is a large part of gun homicides as well. Sometimes they will shoot the family and then go out on the street and look for additional targets.
Pretty much.
What common denominator?
What's your solution?
Talk about meaningless words....you need to take a look at your own comments
Some very interesting stats on gun deaths in the US.
Here are the 10 states with the highest rates of gun death:
I said, the general public, even in Chicago, does not fear gang violence.
Gun deaths tend to be very concentrated geographically and by race. Thus, in Chicago, famous for it's murders, only one white person has been charged with murder this year, out of 300 plus gun homicides, and whites make up less then 5% of the victims, despite being about 1/3 of the population.
So someone like John who lives in a nicer part of Chicago has nothing to worry about, but a few miles away it's more dangerous than Iraq.
According to the FBI crime stats, of the homicides in 2019, 2.61% were committed with a rifle. That's all rifles, including grandpa's lever action 30/30. Rifles still get beat by knives at 10.6%, other weapons (blunt objects, etc) at 11.4% and hands and feet at 4.31%.
Clearly, the nearly 20 million ARs in the US are not the main threat or problem. As an aside, I've got an AR that IS my best hunting rifle. Although, I'll admit that the 12 gauge next to my bed is the better option for home defense.
Not a fan of this. The majority of "assault-style" weapons are never a problem.
Depends on what you mean by after-market modifications. Mounting a scope or different sights would be an after-market mod but it really isn't changing how the weapon functions.
Not sure it's legal to prevent private party sales, isn't the federal government prohibited from interferring with intra-state commerce ?
These are already required for anybody purchasing from a licensed dealer. I would rather that more emphasis be put on getting all reporting agencies to report in a timely fashion the information back to the NICS system. We've had too many occurrences where the individual should not have been able to purchase the gun but the information that would have prevented it was not in NICS. Additionally we need to work on the laws around HIPPA to allow for better reporting of people with a medical reason why they should not possess a firearm. Also the red-flag laws need to be improved (we have to watch out for due process). How many times have we heard after the fact that the family knew the individual was in trouble or off their meds...
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I would rather have annual gun safety training in every grade from kindergarden thru high school graduation. I feel the problem is not so much not knowing how to use the new weapon but a more cognizant understanding of what the weapon can do and how to be safe around it.
Opinions do vary. Mine is that i disagree with you on most everything you've said here so far.
Talk to the mutual admiration society. I'm sure they will queue you in.
In your largely and wildly biased opinion.
It depends on the setting.
Depends on what you are hunting. They make nice work of ground hogs, gophers, prairie dogs, and smaller game. They are highly versatile and customizable; and can quickly swap out a wide variety of scopes.
Considering most law abiding gun owners carry hand guns (concealed and or otherwise); and AR15 wouldn't be used to stop a "bad guy" in a public place.
Somebody has watched way too many movies. The big black gun can't hurt you. It takes a person to wield it. If that person couldn't get an AR15 then they would buy a different weapon- say a Bullpup shotgun; which is just as versatile and customizable. It will do far more damage at close range; and the person wielding it doesn't even have to be a great shot.
It has to do with not facing up to the problem and attempting to deflect into an entirely off topic matter.
Although I'm dismayed by the increase in gun violence in Canada, it's still one sixth or less the rate (per 100,000 population) than it is in the USA.
In fact, I'd be willing to bet that there are many who would rather give up their spouses than their guns....
How shocking, higher concentrations of people means more crime.
Maybe you should stop believing everything the right wing tells you, especially when it comes to talk points.. Chicago didn't even make the top 20.
Deadliest Cities
You should read your link. It doesn't measure "deadliest cities"
Here's an actual list of deadliest cities.
Although it's funny to see the same people who use gross numbers to claim America has the worst covid problem in the world, discover "per capita" when it comes to Chicago.
People who dont use per capita when discussing crime statistics are incompetent. They have been keeping homicide statistics using the current method since around the mid 70's. I think Chicago has had the highest murder rate in the nation no more than two or three times in those 46 years .
The thing is Chicaog is supposed to be a world class city and it's "comparables" are really only a handful of cities in America. When you are reduced to arguing "Hey!, we have less murders per capita than famous shitholes like East Saint Louis or Gary Indiana, you aren't making much of a point.
Sure you are. Every year there are quite a few large cities such as New Orleans, Baltimore, St Louis, Detroit and sometimes Miami and Philadelphia , and others, that have a higher murder rate than Chicago. And yet the right continues on with the myth that Chicago is in a class by itself when it comes to murder rate.
As far as being a "world class" city, Chicago is often cited by publications such as Conde Nast as one of if not the best city in America to visit.
Chicago revealed as the world’s number one city for having ...
Think so? How does that explain much higher per capita crime rates? How does that explain much higher per capita gun crime rates in cities with such stringent gun control laws? I suppose it's all some other states fault.
Again, there are some common denominators in most cases and a higher concentration of all people is not one of them that is causing the problem.
Lol ..... that's why people are leaving Chicago by the thousands right John? Because they don't fear violent crime.
Maybe it's just that the wind is too tough on em eh?
Nice deflection switching to states but the topic wasn't about entire states. It was about cities.
Here are the 10 US cities with the highest gun death rates:
It goes without saying ..... ALL are Democrat run cities and most have been Democrat run for a long, long time.
Own it Democrats.
Many people are wondering how long it will take until Americans will truly understand the dangers.
How many days 'till....
I for one wonder when some Americans will stop expecting all Americans to be superhuman with no flaws or mental defects. And if all those Americans don't achieve that lofty goal, they get judged by the self anointed few who somehow feel they have all the answers and think they have the power to deem those folks to be the defective ones. Ah yes ... it's good to be King ...... judge, jury and executioner ......
Maybe someday clouds will be made of sugar free cotton candy but until that day .....
I would think , and do think , that a majority of the law abiding firearms owners that have no evil intent , already understand the dangers of firearm ownership .
Then what do you suggest be done about the MINORITY of law abiding firearms owners that HAVE evil intent, AND what must obviously be a lot of law NON-abiding firearms owners, and the massive number of "accidental" victims of firearms - all of which seem to be making headlines EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Well Buzz, If a firearm owner has evil intent chances are they are also not law abiding , which would explain also the victims of same , those with evil intent wont abide by any law on the books or can be made up in the future .
disarming those that do not have evil intent because of others being afraid of an inanimate object if left alone , makes no sense to me and simply creates more potential victims for those that decide to not follow any laws they choose to.
on this my mind can not be changed , i , as you have lived long enough to see that people, humans are the most evil species to walk the face of this earth.
Sorry i cut that short buzz was making supper ( a couple double bacon cheeseburgers ) kind of hangery after my 2 week trip up to see the daughter and 14 month old grand daughter while sil had back surgery , hangery because the 2 weeks gone my garden went to pot , and things are not where i left them and lost a laying hen while gone
Now you're making ME hungry - I haven't had a bacon double cheeseburger for years, and coincidentally my wife was out biking this morning past a McDonald's and I asked her to bring back lunch from there, but she wouldn't hear of it. Oh well, Chinese food again.
I used to have friends who were happy their garden went to pot.
LMAO, unfortunately having a commercial drivers lic , that is a no no for me , besides , the weeds growing in my garden are not the smoking kind , got back sunday , and have spent the last 2 days fixing the irrigation pump that "somehow" got broken , easy fix , watering the lawn that got dried out and turned brown due to no water , found out where my girls ( the chickens ) were making their jail breaks from and fixed that , and started weeding the garden till it got too hot today, so will get back on that in the morning when its cool, and get some more water on the veggies and replant some of the stuff that burnt up for lack of water .
OH , and i did my burgers on the grill at home , none of those fast food things , they dont agree with me . currently having dessert , choc chip ice cream.
When the day comes that Americans stop politicizing absolutely everything, progress could be accomplished. However, it is ingrained in the American political system and psyche to politicize virtually everything, whether national or international. I see that as a prime reason for most of America's woes, and why it might not be able to meet the challenges before it.