People stunned as man hospitalised with Covid tells TV crew he still won’t get vaccine

Scott Roe still refuses vaccine (Indy 100)
An unvaccinated Louisiana man who was hospitalised after contracting the Covid-19 virus and developed a severe case of pneumonia said that he still will not get the vaccine.
Scott Roe was interviewed as he sat in his hospital bed at our Lady of the Lake Medical Center in Baton Rouge. When it comes to getting the vaccination, he matter-of-factly said "no."
"Why not?" Asked Begnaud.
"Because there [are] too many issues with these vaccines," Roe responded.
"Before you got sick, if you would've had a chance to get the vaccine and prevent this, would you have taken the vaccine," Begnad asked again as Roe reiterates his previous response of "no." "So you would've gone through this?" Begnaud asked.
"I'd have gone through this. Yes, sir. Don't shove it down my throat. That's what local, state, federal administration is trying to do," Roe replied. “Their agenda is to get you vaccinated," Roe continued.
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An unvaccinated Louisiana man who was hospitalised after contracting the Covid-19 virus and developed a severe case of pneumonia said that he still will not get the vaccine.
"Why not?" Asked Begnaud.
"Because there [are] too many issues with these vaccines," Roe responded.
There are a lot of issues with getting Covid too, like dying for 1 thing.
It's like someone else on NT recently stated, "there is no vaccine for stupid". Though this article actually fits his quote better than the one he used it in.
"I'd have gone through this. Yes, sir. Don't shove it down my throat. That's what local, state, federal administration is trying to do," Roe replied. “Their agenda is to get you vaccinated," Roe continued.
Chalk up one for the moron.
the odds are good that this won't be the last time he's in the news. oh well, too bad...
Yes you heard that right.
After being hospitalized, getting Pneumonia, and finally recovering, he stated that he'd rather go through that again rather than get the vaccine!
Because getting the vaccine would be "giving into someone's "agenda"!
(WTF is wrong with these people?)
I hope he enjoys the possible long term health problems he may develop.
The last case like this that I read about, the guy died.
zero loss to america...
Guess he can put his name on the long list of Americans applying for the Darwin Award.
I have some of these Trumpian yahoos among my old friends on Facebook who are probably going to die from Covid because they refuse to take any of it seriously because... Trump. Nevermind Trump got Covid-19 and he also got the vaccine. Go Figure...
I remember reading that even though he downplayed the threat of Covid, he himself got vaccinated.
(But I don't remember if he decided to get the vaccine before or after coming down with the disease).
Trump got the vaccine after getting Covid-19...
It is too bad that he didn't take his own advice and inject bleach.
Ask each one of them "What kind of flowers would you like at your funereal?"
Yeah! That’s exactly right. And if you’re too STUPID to figure it out on your own, that’s a GOOD thing!
"Don't shove it down my throat"
You won't be awake.
It normally enrages me to see the outrageous medical billing for health issues in America. In this case I hope they bankrupt this guy to go along with his bankrupt mentality.
I hope his insurance, if he has any, is cancelled and he is stuck with the cost. I was once hospitalized for four days due to avian pneumonia to the tune of ten grand. I have good coverage and nothing came out of pocket. The cost this schmuck is compiling has to be enormous.
this guy's doctor and that hospital needs to tell him to get the vaccine or find a new doctor and hospital. now that he's gone public, I hope his insurance rates triple...
It is time to play hardball with these antivaxers. Hit them where it hurts...their pocketbooks. If he is employed he needs to be terminated due to his lack of concern for his coworkers. Just like Moses did, they need to be vanquished to a desert until that last of them have died off.
That’s a little harsh. Those who have had covid with negligible sickness do have some natural immunity, so if they choose not to get vaccinated then I put them in a different category than the traditional antivax community. My daughter is in that group. I’ve pleaded with her to just get the shot for good measure but she’s clinging to her feelings that natural immunity is safer than a rushed vaccine. And who knows how many of the unvaccinated have already had asymptomatic covid and didn’t even know it, so their risk is also less.
That said, if you would have told me at the height of this pandemic that when a vaccine is developed it will be 95% effective and free, but half the country will be too ignorant to take it, it would have said you are crazy. This is a pathetic reality.
But how do they know if they have immunity-- untii they get the Virus?
(And by then it too late to decide whether to get it or not!)
Or...a Trump supporter!
Both of my adult kids have tested positive over the past few months, but they didn’t get any more sick than a cold. Only one of them isn’t wanting the vaccine.
I should have stated my position better and for that I do apologize. I am referring to people like this guy who would purposely put others in danger. Some do indeed have a justification for not getting vaccinated. If my husband who had MS were still alive, he might not been able to get vaccinated due to health issues. My anger is directed against idiots like the subject of the seed.
I don't ask my kids controversial questions.
I just insist that they have enough life insurance for a decent funeral, even if I have to carry the Gerber policies forever.
Burn baby Burn
Contracted COVID-19 in April of 2020.
Went through all the signs and symptoms for a month then it went away.
A few weeks later all of the signs and symptoms came back with a vengeance and have been with me ever since. Seems I'm a long hauler and may never be symptom free.
Had the two doses of the Pfizer vaccine but haven't noticed a difference.
Different signs and symptoms keep rotating through on a daily basis.
I'll be first in line when it comes to a cure for long COVID. Getting sick of this.
... just can't let go of those last few handfuls, can you?
The microchips and DNA that is altered turning people into lizard people. Yea, he should get the vaccine, seems to me that turning him into a lizard is an intellectual upgrade.
I am way past the point of feeling sorry for people that don't get vaccinated and get covid. It's free and widely available. No excuse to not get it at this point, (with the exception of people who are medically excluded of course).
Here's a guy that did the same thing. He died last Wednesday. I'm half-past don't give a shit with these blithering idiots.
“I got 99 problems but a vax ain't one," he said in a tweet last month.
On July 8, he posted: “Biden’s door to door vaccine ‘surveyors’ really should be called JaCovid Witnesses. #keepmovingdork.”
Whatever, buddy. Sweet dreams.
Nothing is going to kill someone quite like stupidity does.
He's the same one that said his faith will save him.
I spoke to God and he said he sent you a miracle called a vaccine and you didn't take it, so God quoted this, ''God helps those that help themselves''...