'WOW!' Fox's Maria Bartiromo Stunned By July Jobs Report
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 4 years ago • 38 commentsBy: Tommy Christopher (Mediaite)

Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo couldn't contain an exclamation as news of the July jobs report broke, and showed nearly a million jobs added — more than a million if you include upward revisions from May and June.
On Friday morning, Bartiromo remarked, seconds before the jobs report broke, that "The markets are flat going into the jobs report, this is the July job support, we're expecting 870,000 jobs added to the economy."
She then tossed to Edward Lawrence, who reported "The unemployment rate rose 943,000 in July. The unemployment rate then declined to 5.4% in July, so a big beat on those numbers."
Lawrence misspoke, 943,000 was the number of jobs added in July.
He then went on to break down some of the details, noting that this data does not even include the effect of 19 states ending extra unemployment benefits.
"Wow, big beat!" Bartiromo exclaimed, and added "Private sector payroll 703,000, you've got a number that is certainly boosting markets right here, Dow Industrial is spiking on this report. Up 72 points. The S&P 500 up six and a quarter."
The report also showed revisions from May and June that push the total number of jobs gained near 1.1 million:
The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for May was revised up by 31,000, from +583,000 to +614,000, and the change for June was revised up by 88,000, from +850,000 to +938,000. With these revisions, employment in May and June combined is 119,000 higher than previously reported.
The July report follows a June number that also beat expectations, but which saw the unemployment rate tick up.
Watch above via Fox Business.

I think a day or two ago Bartiromo was predicting calamity for the jobs report, oh well, its not the first time she's been wrong.
Great news but give me a call when the unemployment rate falls below 4%. Historic lows like Trump had would be nice.
Never happen though if they don't shut off the Federal free money spigot.
Never .....
We've never before had a situation where so many people all closed their business or became unemployed at the same time . Unless you want to count the Great Depression, which lasted about a decade. I think the federal government , in both 2020 and 2021 has done a relatively good job of trying to keep everyone afloat.
For the most part i would agree with you for 2020 but we spent massive amounts of money doing so and it has to end somewhere. Look no further than the inflation rate for proof of that. The continuation of the same plan through 2021 is a huge mistake IMO.... Especially the unemployment assistance. It is causing massive problems in the labor and rental markets. Massive.
There were few help wanted signs in 2020 ..... okay, most stuff was shut down. I have never seen what is going on right now. Help wanted signed everywhere and yet people are not filling the jobs. Fast food places are cutting back hours because they can't get the most basic of labor to stay open. That is crazy
Unemployment should be below 5% right now but it is not. The jobs are there but people aren't filling them. Unemployment its still above 5% and that's a problem. A big one IMO.
You don't know WTF you're talking about. In Michigan the minimum wage is $9.65. Some fast food places are offering up to $17 an hour with $500 signing bonuses.
They aren't working because they are lazy fucks. Nothing more.
This is why Walmart came out and said they would cover books and tuition cost for all workers. McDonalds here is offering $12/hr to start all shifts and others are following.
Guess the cost of your Pork Rinds and Natty Light is going up at Wally world then ...
I wouldn't know. I rarely go there. I think I've been there twice so far this whole year and each time purchased one specific item I didn't have the time to order from online from a small business.
We had a super Walmart built in my town about 15 years ago. Haven't been there once. I avoid online as well when i can avoid it.
I gladly pay more at locally owned grocery stores, mom and pop hardware stores etc .... always have
One of the advantages of working hard and being "rich" i guess.
Lol, how original but you're the last person on earth that would know if i didn't
That's not the case nationally...
Any links to prove that comment?
I don't have a link but I do have an anecdote. I live in a town of about 25-30,000. There are no local mom and pop grocery stores. Walmart and Kroger pushed them out. I travel quite a bit throughout the state and into Mississippi and Louisiana. Lots of small towns down that way and the only game in town is Walmart. Once again, local businesses pushed out by Walmart.
It's probably like that all over the country.
What does that have to do with minimum wage rates and what is being paid throughout the country?
you brought not shopping at Walmart and only going to mom and pop stores.
Then respond to that post please so i have a point of reference. The post you responded to was talking about what places were offering for pay not where people shop.
That said, i live in a city/country about 4 times your size. We have numerous locally owned options for any of your every day needs. Groceries, hardware, building supplies, etc. Yeah, it's more expensive but those of us who shop there have kept them going so far. No need to go to Wally world, Costco, Sam Club or the like if you don't want to.
Sorry to hear you don't have that option anymore but many of us still do .....
When Trump took over the unemployment rate was 4.7%. He rode the trending down unemployment to 3.7%. But you can't congratulate him for the "historic lows" without also mentioning that under his watch we saw unemployment spike up to 14% in 2020 due to his monumental mismanagement of the pandemic, his lying about Covid and downplaying the serious of the threat while disparaging mask wearing and social distancing.
Not giving him credit for low unemployment rates during his watch but blaming him for the unemployment increase due 100% to COVID reeks of rampant TDS.
Nothing more ....
Well as long as Trump tax and regulatory structure remains in place this will continue. Katie bar the door if 5 trillion in reconciliation and new tax increases ever pass. The market right now jobs and stock are betting that that won’t get passed.
This is really good news and pretty much what most economists expected. If we can stave off more manufacturing, processing and shipping slowdowns things will be good for the Holliday Season shopping.
The Trump recovery continues.
It took Covid 19 (a world wide pandemic) to put Trump underwater for jobs made during his presidency.
That is really his fault./S
We can all see the wonderful job Biden is doing with Covid 19 with his massive super spreader ongoing event at the southern border. Delta variant is surging and Biden doesn't have a plan of action. His administration contradicts itself endlessly on Covid 19 response.
I guess Trump's legacy really needed that second term , lol.
This is no time for a geography lesson! Misinformation must be spread far and wide and that is a full time job!
Every presidency has its challenges. Some succeed at overcoming those challenges, some fail. Trump was the poster boy for abject failure.
COVID is not his fault, his dismal handling of it is. During Trump's presidency, the US was one of the worst industrial countries in its response to the pandemic. Trump's refusal to deal with it was the primary reason for that.
Yes we can.
Trump Administration Has Reached Only 7% Of Its 2020 Covid-19 Vaccination Goals
Trump on coronavirus: If US has 100,000 to 200,000 deaths, we’ve done a ‘good job’
It's not my fault you ignore everything that doesn't fit your mindset.
It would seem that way if the only place you get your news on it is from FoxNews, OAN, Breitbart, or your spam folder.