
Trump's Border Wall Torn Apart by Arizona Monsoon Rains


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  krishna  •  4 years ago  •  29 comments

By:   ByBrian Kahn

Trump's Border Wall Torn Apart by Arizona Monsoon Rains
Record monsoon rains have blown floodgates off their hinges as Trump's border wall breaks down.

PROMISES MADE,PROMISES KEPT! jrSmiley_24_smiley_image.gif

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T


Flood gates on the border wall blown open by monsoon rains near San Bernardino Ranch in Arizona. Photo: Fernando Sobrazo

“I will build a great wall—and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me—and I’ll build them very inexpensively,” Trump said when he announced his run for president in 2015.

“I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.”

The damage took place near San Bernardino Ranch, a historic site that sits between Douglas, Arizona, and the San Bernardino Wildlife Refuge.

José Manuel Pérez Cantú, the director of the nonprofit Cuenca de Los Ojos, said in an email that six gates were washed out at this location alone. Other gates were also reportedly impacted by the heavy rainfall and flooding.

The power and height of the waters can be seen in not just the heavy gates ripped open but the debris that wrapped around intact portions of the wall.

Who could of predicted this?

Ah yes,  just about everyone .


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Expert
1  seeder  Krishna    4 years ago

“I will build a great wall—and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me—and I’ll build them very inexpensively,” Trump said when he announced his run for president in 2015. “I will build a great, great wall on our southern border . . . 

It's true-- no one builds walls better than Trump!


Professor Expert
2  seeder  Krishna    4 years ago

“I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.”

Sure-- no problema! Words noted and marked!

(Perhaps now its time to play the "Promises made, promises kept card? Or should we engage in some tacky "whaddaboudism? Maybe..play "The Hillary Card"?)

Professor Principal
3  JohnRussell    4 years ago

Nothing can stop water, not even bullshit. 

Professor Expert
3.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  JohnRussell @3    4 years ago

Nothing can stop water, not even bullshit. 


Although in this case I was also thinking that:

Nothing can stop hot air.....(?)

Professor Expert
4  seeder  Krishna    4 years ago

Who could of predicted this?

Ah yes,    just about everyone  

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
5  Buzz of the Orient    4 years ago

Obviously God doesn't like liars.  

Professor Principal
6  TᵢG    4 years ago

What shoddy construction.   Almost as if commissioned by a slum lord.

Professor Expert
6.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  TᵢG @6    4 years ago

by a slum lord.



Professor Expert
7  seeder  Krishna    4 years ago

Perhaps its time to play the "Humpty Dumpty Card"??? ( LINK)

Professor Expert
7.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @7    4 years ago
“I will build a great wall—and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me—and I’ll build them very inexpensively,” Trump said when he announced his run for president in 2015. “I will build a great, great wall on our southern border . . . 

And then again-- there are some folks who aren't exactly "plsaying with a full deck". To coin a phrase!

Professor Expert
7.1.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @7.1    4 years ago
And then again-- there are some folks who aren't exactly "playing with a full deck". To coin a phrase!

Although many people are saying that phrases aren't actually coined-- they are minted!

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
7.2  Trout Giggles  replied to  Krishna @7    4 years ago

I'm sorry! I didn't see your seed. I will delete mine

Professor Expert
7.2.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Trout Giggles @7.2    4 years ago
I'm sorry! I didn't see your seed. I will delete mine

No problem.

Don't feel bad..many people don't see my posts!

(Actually it might be good to keep up both (?)-- that way more people will see this!

Professor Principal
7.2.2  Ender  replied to  Trout Giggles @7.2    4 years ago

That was quick. Went to say something and poof...Haha

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
7.2.3  Trout Giggles  replied to  Krishna @7.2.1    4 years ago

It's gone. See Ender's comment. I made it go <POOF>

Professor Principal
8  Ender    4 years ago

This is what I read recently.

The floodgates are left open during the summer months when heavy rainfall and flash flooding is most likely to occur. Critics of the wall have often cited the gates as evidence that the wall is more a symbol than an effective way to stop migrants from entering the United States illegally. 

“If the point of the wall is to keep people out, with all these doors open it’s not going to do that,” Jordahl told an Arizona TV news station in late July .

So basically they keep these gates open all summer long...

What is the point.

Professor Expert
8.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Ender @8    4 years ago
What is the point

Perhaps Trump didn't want to be too harsh-- so he built a wall where parts could stay open so that at least during the summer they can send in the people that aren't there best-- you know...the pimps, the drug dealers, etc!

(After all, if Americans didn't get their mexican drugs they might get very angry-- and rebel!)


Professor Expert
8.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Ender @8    4 years ago

What is the point.

Well I thinks its pretty obvious at this point that the Wall wasn't built tokeep mexicans (or others) out!

Obviously it was built as a propaganda ploy by Trump. It was built merely to rile up his base-- in an attempt to "prove" what a great president he was!

Professor Expert
9  seeder  Krishna    4 years ago

Perhaps Trump didn't want to be too harsh-- so he built a wall where parts could stay open so that at least during the summer they can send in the people that aren't there best-- you know...the pimps, the drug dealers, etc!

(After all, if Americans didn't get their mexican drugs they might get very angry-- and rebel!)


And while it may seem unfair to keep mexican out during the rest of the year by keeping the gates closed-- fear not. All is nit lost!

Because the rest of the year Mexicans can easily enter ..using easily available $5 ladders!

A Section of Trump Border Wall in South Texas Cost $27 Million a Mile. It’s Being Foiled by $5 Ladders.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
9.1  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Krishna @9    4 years ago

My favorite is the guy(s) who put a ramp on each side and drove over the wall.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
10  Paula Bartholomew    4 years ago

Mark my words

Trump could not mark a door even if he peed on it.

Professor Principal
11  JBB    4 years ago

Walls became obsolete way back in the Dark Ages...

Professor Expert
11.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  JBB @11    4 years ago

I assume you are referring to this:

Monty Python - French Taunting

Professor Expert
11.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  JBB @11    4 years ago

Walls became obsolete way back in the Dark Ages...

Maybe...maybe not:

From 7 to 77: There's been an explosion in building border walls since World War II.

At the end of World War II, there were seven border walls or fences in the world. By the time the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, there were 15, according to Elisabeth Vallet, a geography professor at the University of Quebec-Montreal.

Today, as President Trump pushes his campaign promise to build a wall on the border with Mexico, there are at least 77 walls or fences around the world — many erected after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in New York City and at the Pentagon.


Border Fence between India and Bengladesh.

India also has a 450-mile barrier with Pakistan — a militarized "line of control" to keep out militants because of ongoing tensions between the neighboring nations.

Professor Expert
11.2.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @11.2    4 years ago

I know if I lived in India,I'd want a strong .secure barrier between my country and both Bengladesh...and also Pakistani controlled areas!

Professor Expert
11.2.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @11.2    4 years ago

And then there were the plans the Saudis had . . . to stop the infiltration of ISIS fighters (they have a border with Iraq). This was a while back (the Dark Ages), don't remember if they followed up on this.

But unlike Trump's shoddy Wall that can be collapsed by water (!)-- the Saudi Wall wasn't designed to merely impress voters-- this one  was actually designed to be effective vs intruders!


Professor Expert
11.2.3  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @11.2.2    4 years ago
But unlike Trump's shoddy Wall that can be collapsed by water (!)-- the Saudi Wall wasn't designed to merely impress voters-- this one  was actually designed to be effective vs intruders!


But the Saudis can afford it... there's all that oil money!!! 

Professor Expert
11.2.4  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @11.2.2    4 years ago
And then there were the plans the Saudis had . . . to stop the infiltration of ISIS fighters (they have a border with Iraq).

Let's face it-- if you lived in a country bordering Iraq-- wouldn't you want a really, really strong border?!!!

Professor Expert
11.2.5  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @11.2.2    4 years ago

But unlike Trump's shoddy Wall that can be collapsed by water (!)-- the Saudi Wall wasn't designed to merely impress voters-- this one  was actually designed to be effective vs intruders!

Of course its important to note: the U.S. does not have a border with a failed state-- and we certainly don't hsave a border with a country one that is a hot bed for breeding terrorists!


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