Mom of Marine who died in Kabul attack: Biden voters ‘killed my son’
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 4 years ago • 54 commentsBy: Jorge Fitz-Gibbon (New York Post)

The mother of a US Marine killed in Thursday's terror bombing outside Kabul's airport claimed that Americans who voted for President Biden "just killed my son."
Kathy McCollum, whose 20-year-old son, Rylee, was among 13 US service members killed in the attack, told SiriusXM talk show host Andrew Wilkow on "The Wilkow Majority" show that she blamed the "dementia-ridden" president for his death, Newsweek reported.
"Twenty years and six-months-old, getting ready to go home from freaking Jordan to be home with his wife to watch the birth of his son, and that feckless, dementia-ridden piece of crap just sent my son to die," she told Wilkow.
"I woke up at 4 o'clock this morning," McCollum said. "Two Marines at my door telling me that my son was dead.
"I just want all you Democrats who cheated in the election, or who voted for him legitimately, you just killed my son," she claimed. "With a dementia-ridden piece of crap who doesn't even know he's in the White House, who still thinks he's a senator.
"So, I'm gonna try to calm down," she added. "Sorry."
Meanwhile, donations for Rylee McCollum's widow and unborn child had risen to nearly $500,000 as of Sunday morning, the Associated Press reported.
Two separate fundraisers for the slain Marine's family totaled $487,000.
McCollum, who is from Bondurant, Wyo., was on his first deployment when he was killed in the terror explosion.
The blast on Thursday in the Afghan capital killed more than 180 people in all and came as US and allied forces scramble to evacuate thousands from the airport.
The rush to evacuate comes after US forces near the deadline to withdraw from the war-torn country after a protracted 21-year occupation — with US-armed Afghan forces fleeing in the face of an onslaught by the extremist Taliban.
The terror group ISIS-K has been blamed for carrying out the attack.
On Sunday, a US airstrike took out another would-be suicide bomber near the airport and a rocket struck the capital city farther north, killing a child.
The Pentagon has warned that another terror attack is "imminent."

I feel sorry for her son that died, but my sympathy for the mother went out the window when she implied the Democrats stole the presidential election.
Just another deluded Trumpster.
I would blame the Taliban for the bombing. They did it after all. Blaming Biden is just an emotionally based knee jerk reaction.
For the sake of argument, lets suppose it is Bidens fault. How many thousands of US soldiers have died through the years decades and centuries because of "mistakes" by their superiors? It is doubtless a sizable number. We dont generally see the grieving parents blaming anyone a few days after the incident.
The mother was obviously anti Democrat and anti Biden and most likely strongly pro Trump long before her son was killed, and she would have served his memory better by staying completely quiet.
The now gold star mother was right about everything she said.
Just a meaningless, partisan declaration.
Biden will bear the responsibility of the withdrawal results. But he's hardly at fault.
According to the Defense Casualty Analysis System (DCAS), There have been 2,349 US military casualties (not counting wounded) during the US invasion of Afghanistan from 2001-2020.
The DCAS breaks it down. Yes, it is quite sizeable.
I remember the time when one woman who blamed and demanded an explanation from former President G.W. Bush as to why her son was killed in action.
Regardless of her political position, solely blaming Biden is disingenuous.
Biden created the circumstances that led to the bombing with the insane logistics of his withdrawal.
How? By deciding to withdraw? I'd say it has more to do with poor military planning and logistics, outside of Biden's purview.
He's Command and Chief, he made the call. If he doesn't have enough common sense to know that you don't close an Airforce base, you don't take the troops out before you get your US citizens and other important people out then he shouldn't be President.
Very good
. And?
Are you implying the CIC plans the operations, the logistics, and micromanages military operations?
I guess you missed the several times where Biden admitted he made the call that lead to this clusterfuck in Afghanistan. There was a plan in place. Both parties were working toward that goal. But, because the Democrats, just had to sit there and color, decided that the plan in place had to go strictly based on who set it up.
My question in post 1.1.8 is applicable here too.
I guess you missed the parts (yes, plural) where the Coward in Chief stated this was his decision? Your attentive skills are slipping.
Spare me the snark! Biden decided to withdraw., which was the correct and long overdue decision IMO. But the President does not handle the planning, implementation, or logistics of withdrawal or military action. That falls to military leaders. Hence, my previous question.
Ordering "make it so", just puts the job onto others to plan. POTUS may be the captain of the ship, but it is other's jobs to steer and run the engines.
So you did miss Biden's statements. Enough said.
You had the option to move on. You didn't. Your feelings are none of my concern. As such with the fact you missed Biden's statements as well.
So with that aspect, Obama didn't kill bin Laden.
Oh pardon me. I thought we were having a serious discussion. But if you're only interested in taunting and juvenile remarks, then perhaps I will move on.
No, he didn't. A SEAL team did. Or do you think Obama planned every aspect of that operation for the SEAL's?
Why are you posting a link to the seeded article?
The article's title was updated after John seeded it, as is quite clear from the URL. I have updated it.
I seeded the article with "Fetch Seed".
I should report your link as trolling.
Do it.
The problem has been addressed.
She’s right.
So Biden set off the bomb?
She has the unique excuse of being in mourning for a child she bore 20.5 years ago.
She would be just as angry if he died from Covid or at some intersection on his motorcycle,
just not at Joe Biden.
What's your excuse XX?
If he had died from the CV would she have blamed Trump....No.
It was war. Her son died during an active war. Shouldn't she be blaming the person that started the war, not the one stopping it?
She had this part spot on.
The left just can't take hearing the truth. She can take solace midterms are coming; and Democrats can be made to pay for Joe Hiden Biden.
How about we blame the bombers.
Or would that be a bridge too far...
The bombers took advantage of the indefensible situation that Biden put the marines in.
Karzai Airport was never intended for this. It is not a defensible position. It was the only option left thanks to months of stupid mistakes by the Biden Administration. Which didn't stop when the marines were inserted into the airport. Putting the Taliban in charge of security for US forces. Sharing information with the Taliban on who we wanted let through their checkpoints. Sharing information with the Taliban about the imminent terrorist attack. Didn't do any good did it? Maybe the Taliban were too busy harassing those we wanted to get out; instead of doing a detailed search for a terrorist seeking to kill US forces. I am sure the Taliban are heart broken over our loss.
Of course Democrats never take responsibility for anything. It will always be someone else's fault. In their world there is no such word as "preventable"; unless they are bitching about those US citizens that remain unvaccinated (without ever trying to find out the individual reasons).
Tell me.
If we had reconstituted Bagram with 20,000 troops and contractors to facilitate an evacuation.
What would keep suicide bombers from doing the same exact thing?
What would keep them from launching rockets at the base and planes?
If we came out of the airport and cordoned off 8 blocks in every direction, or 16 blocks,
what would stop the suicide bombers from driving up to a US or British check point
and detonating themselves or a car bomb?
"preventable" just isn't a word in Dari.
Fair winds and following seas, Rylee.
May your Mom someday find the peace she needs.
If she keeps going she'll look more like Mike Lindell than a gold star mother.
Morning..his dream his whole life was to be a least he got his wish.
Unfortunately it has turned out not the way anyone expected... but that is life, tomorrow is never guaranteed.
Sympathy to his family and friends from across the Pacific. 🇦🇺🇺🇲
Sounds like she is just placing blame in the easiest direction.
I guess it worked if they raked in close to a mil.
It's called a parent's grief and pain on the loss of a child. Sometimes that is niether logical or makes sense. Sometimes people in her shoes sometimes just want to lash out in search of a reason for their loss. I lost my only son four years ago, I can sympathize with her.
Did you blame Obama?
No, I did not and had no reason to as my son's death was not military related. I have nothing further to say to you.
Not surprised.
Yet here you are trying to compare..
And just whom did we blame back in 1983 for the Beirut Marine Barracks bombing?
You raise your hand, say "do solemnly swear", put on the uniform, and voluntarily put yourself in harms way. This young man's death had meaning. You can't say that for training accidents where down the chain of command, negligence takes the lives. Examples would be the Iowa explosion, or the Marines we lost in amphibious vehicles off San Diego last summer.
I feel for the mother, and for the fact that another one of my brothers in uniform has lost his life. I hope that once the mother's grief subsides, that her objectivity will return.
And this negligence starts at with the Coward in Chief and runs down the chain of command.
I'm sorry for this mother and the loss of her son. I hope someday she finds peace
The poor guy is rolling in his grave right now wishing his mom would shut the fuck up.
His two sisters and his dad went on Fox and Friends this morning to complain about Biden too.