Grading Biden's narcissistic speech

Yesterday after a 2 hour delay presiden Biden gave a speech on his withdrawl from Afghanistan:
He spoke loudly but the context was the same as before. Being loud did little to improve his reasoning.
The key points:
- The evacuation from Afghanistan was a stunning success.
- He, the President, made no mistakes.
- His administration made no mistakes.
- He fulfilled his promise to the American people to get out of Afghanistan.
That can't be allowed to stand. We all need to consider what we have in the White House.
Did he really tell us that it was a success and if it wasn't it was somebody else's fault?
It is beyond obvious the withdrawl was disastrous. Yet, Biden apparently believes he did a great job.
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"Now we believe that about 100 to 200 Americans remain in Afghanistan with some intention to leave. Most of those who remain are dual citizens, long-time residents who had earlier decided to stay because of their family roots in Afghanistan."...Joe Biden
I have a feeling we will be hearing from them!
Really global too - Tolly bonn.
I give the speech an F.
I thought yesterdays speech was one of Bidens best. He showed a lot of fight.
I'm sure we heard two different speeches.
Progressives can breathe a sigh of relief. We are out now, as terrible as the withdrawl was.
On the other hand we have Biden and Sander's policies to keep pounding democrats with!
I dont find anything you say about Biden (or Trump) the slightest bit credible. Sorry.
You own him John. You didn't care if he had a functioning brain. It's reckoning time.
No, we have every last remaining US citizen abandoned in Afghanistan to pound him with daily.
We will never let Biden, nor his followers, forget that about those they abandoned to the not so tender mercies of the Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS/ISIL, and ISIS-K.
Democrats are counting on US citizens to be stupid; to forget the monstrosity of their actions when they flash the next bright shiny object in front of us. Right now it is the Democrats overreach and abuse of power to try and subpoena their opposition's phone records over Jan 6.
We can pound them about more than 1 thing at once.
Mid terms are coming; and Democrats will pay!
That too!
Democrats are counting on US citizens to be stupid; to forget the monstrosity of their actions when they flash the next bright shiny object in front of us. Right now it is the Democrats overreach and abuse of power to try and subpoena their opposition's phone records over Jan 6.
They always do it! Now they'll get the big boot next year. All I want to know is why the American people need to subject the country to it every so many years? You would think they could remember and say "never again!"
We can pound them about more than 1 thing at once.
There has been a lot of damage done!
Mid terms are coming; and Democrats will pay!
You can take it to the bank!
ys speech was one of Bidens best.
I guess if don't value reality, responsiblity or logic and think whining and robotic detachment makes for great oratory, Biden's your man.
Everything was perfect, but it's all Trump's fault. And the Afghanis. But it went perfectly.
Everyone knew it would always be a debacle, despite me claiming the exact opposite last month.
Biden's speech was for the record; delivered at a time when few Americans would notice. Biden's speech may be politically savvy and meet the political needs of the moment.
Joe Biden knows how to deliver a speech for the record before a chamber of empty Senate seats. But there wasn't anything Presidential about Biden's speech.
Biden said we would stay until all Americans where evacuated. He did not keep his word.
That was a whopper...I wonder if the Washington Post will finally give him the 4 Pinocchios?
Doubt it...the recent criticism of Biden by the biased left media will soon fade. They have no integrity and no shame about who they put into the Presidency. The man who intentionally put our young brave soldiers into a battle whereby they where sitting ducks.
Maybe, but some have spoken out:
"The president can say that he planned for every contingency, but he knows that's not true, the White House knows that's not true and the American people know that's not true," fumed the "Morning Joe" host of Biden's decision to pull U.S. troops from the country.
They have no integrity and no shame about who they put into the Presidency.
Most are degenerates who majored in gender studies.
Yeah because it would be professional suicide right now if they didn't and not because they have a grain of salt of decency.
Degenerates as you say.
We have watched them in action over the last 6 years push out right lies and deceptions.
Afghanistan is slipping from the Front Page to the Op-Ed page where it will undergo several weeks of attempted resuscitation before succumbing to the next round of Kraken schadenfreude. Plus ça change et tout ce genre de choses.
Until the first US citizen in Afghanistan shows up on a terrorist youtube or twitter video. Or actually manages to get communications to the outside world. Or hopefully escapes the hell that Joe Biden left them in to one of the border countries.
Then it will come roaring back to life.
The left likes to think everyone is stupid. We will prove them wrong repeatedly.
... and I'm sure you will be among the first to wave it around from your soapbox drenched in fake aggrievement, you are all starting to sound like you are wishing it to happen ... it's not a good look, keep it up and you will own it.
Feel free to continue to ignore reality; and be a Biden apologist. Those US citizens that Biden abandoned in Afghanistan matter.
Keep denying it and you will own it.
Your lack of compassion for those left behind is what is telling. Seems the partisan attacks is all consuming for many.
Indeed their lives do matter and far more than your wish for them to be a trump card in some assine one way or another I'm going to getcha game of gotcha.
Biden did say the Taliban are a kinder more gentle terrorists now. What could go wrong except 13 of our best killed.
This seed is a partisan attack that you are joyfully taking part in.
No, but you seem to be.
The denial is strong is this one.
Look in the mirror before accusing others of what you are doing.
Its really bad when letting the President appear in public is actually the wrong decision.
Biden is everything the Democrats claim Trump was. The withdrawal was a disaster, as every non Kool Aid drinking Biden apologist recognizes. Hell, even members of his own administration say so. "I am absolutely appalled and literally horrified we left Americans there" one administration official told POLITICO.
Yet Biden stands up and calls the moon the sun and his slavish devotees praise him as a truth teller. It's sad to see. But Biden learned from the Clintons well, reality to a democrat is defined by what serves the party. The withdrawal politically needed to be a success, therefore its the greatest evacuation ever.
The hell of it is that Joe Biden committed the United States to continue nation building in Afghanistan. Saigon 2.0 wasn't the end of the shit show.
What, don't like that Biden has decided to unilaterally continue aid to the Afghan people? Of course everything will have to run through the Taliban. So the chances of it ever reaching the "people" are nil.
Doesn't 'free money' ensure Biden's party will prevail? Of course, when the 'free money' dries up there'll be hell to pay.
Just tell Americans that the Taliban are deplorable. It's not about winning the hearts and minds of Afghans, after all.
Watching all the Trump supporters call Biden narcissistic is quite entertaining. Trump’s main characteristic is narcissism, and while it was so proudly on display day after day after day, the same sycophants were thrilled with it then. Too bad Trump didn’t have the balls to extract us from Afghanistan over the course of four years.
Many right wing conservatives major in hypocrisy so this shouldn't be surprising. Entertaining, yes, surprising, no.
In the speech Biden notes that his decisions were based on the assumption that the Afghan military would continue. So he admitted that failure in judgment. People should at least note that he is taking the blame (as would be proper). He also noted that he had contingency plans for the eventuality of the Afghan forces collapsing. Well, okay, that is what I would have expected.
So taking him at his word, that would mean that our contingency plans for this mission were abysmal.