Advertising that Appears in the Right Margin -->
There are several ads along the side of my screen. ------>
The ad on top is for fake (stronger) Adderall. I bet Donald Trump and Donald Junior are good customers.
The second ad tells men they won't need Viagra if they fuck the woman in the picture once a day.
The third ads says if I eat a bunch of gross looking shit (pictured) I'll lose 44 pounds of belly fat in ten days.
The next ad says doctors are amazed that a mom smeared shit on her face to remove wrinkles.
Then there's an ad that claims Chuck Norris will kick your ass if you retire.
The last ad is my favorite. It shows Biden feeling Hillary's breasts and she's hoping they're not on camera.
Is everyone seeing this advertising or are you seeing completely different content? Has anyone clicked on the Ads?
WTF are they really selling? Does NewStalkers get paid for "clicks throughs".
Does getting shit-faced really get rid of wrinkles?
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I hate advertising.
Butt since I want to use NewStalkers for free, I have no problem with their entertaining advertising.
I use to just laugh about them.
One time I had ads for a fat belly, gastro problems and trouble in the bedroom.
I thought, are they trying to tell me something? Haha
Now it is an alternative to Botox.
They must think I am really falling apart.
so, all those asian girls don't really want to fuck me???
Not unless you live in Plano, TX. If I catch you in Plano TX for any reason whatsoever, consider your ass new-mown grass.
Sheesh, I get ad/pics of 2 teen Vietnamese gals looking for an older man who needs to lose weight which is bizarre as one could rake leaves with my body ... anywho, thanks Henry 'Perrie' Miller but maybe next time an Anais Nin link if you want to click-bait me.
Henry and Anais
If your Ads annoy me. I probably won't buy your product
Huh? Mine were for Asian and Russian women looking for men my age and Aderall substitutes. I'm sure there's a perfectly logical algorithm at play..../s
Funny how the Aderall substitutes all seem to consist of glitter. Since when were glitter bombs medicinal?
I always get this one for a stoned looking girl with a pill on her tongue
OMG! I get ones for dead people.
Like funeral homes, or casket sales, or what?
Last night or this morning in a dream
I had a flashback to an afternoon spent with Truman Capote and relatives in Baltimore MD
before we younger people walked down to the infield of the Preakness
to feel the thunder of a dozen racing horses rippling through our slightly drunk bodies.
Lo and behold, I log on to NT this morning and there's a seed about Truman.
Cue the music from the Twilight Zone...
Ever tapped on one of these ads accidentally? I never knew I could be stalked by an ad. It didn't matter where I was on the internet, ads for Asian women with really big boobs looking to meet older men in my area seemed to be everywhere!
I'm grateful, however, that the advantages they provide NT far outweigh the disadvantages. And some of them are damn funny.
I have. Several times.
Go to hit the up button...
It turns out that the "barely legal teens in my area" may have been bare butt Matt Gaetz discovered that they weren't legal.
That's why I use an adblocker. I don't see the ads on this site, I don't get the advertisement videos on Youtube or any of that sh!t.
For a while, it was some weight loss thing that promised to help me lose 40.5 pounds per month. That's a very specific goal, isn't it? Why not aim for 41? Or think people won't be happy with a nice round number like 40?
I switched to exclusively using my phone for NT. The stupid ads all end up below the comment section where I never go anyways. Problem solved … except for the stupid feed the pig and stop texts stop wrecks add on the home page and that I accidentally hit all the time.
Today I'm getting boiled bananas and some old woman's wrinkly face
I'm so glad I use and Ad Blocker...Gawd knows what I would be looking at....
They're advertising some crazy shit.
I think I'm gonna puke....
Twist my arm.
Somehow I don't think selling cupcakes keeps this site going so it gets a pass from AdBlock which in itself has become an irritant.
Her's another new ad:
This ad speaks for itself.
Try not to puke.
or moldy calcified cashews,,,eww