Joe Biden just keeps on lying to the American public: Devine

President Biden appears to be suffering from a bad case of malarkey syndrome. A textbook example was presented last week when he was asked about his administration’s proposal to pay up to $450,000 compensation per person to illegal migrant families that had been separated under the Trump administration.
It was “garbage,” “not true” and “not gonna happen,” he told Fox News’ Peter Doocy at a White House press conference Wednesday.
The president was so emphatic, it seemed to be an open-and-shut case. The Wall Street Journal’s story revealing the Department of Justice negotiations with migrant families must be wrong.
But not so fast. If you are familiar enough with the president’s blarney, you may have picked up the sleight of hand in his answer.
Doocy had asked about payments of “up to” $450,000.
Biden repeated the question back to him, without the qualifier, but with a sly smirk: “$450,000 per person, is that what you’re saying? That’s not gonna happen.”
That afternoon, the ACLU called out the mendacity in the politest way possible, suggesting the president was not “fully briefed about the actions of his very own Justice Department.”
Lo and behold, the next day, Biden was “perfectly comfortable” with the payments, said White House deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. What he really meant was that the $450,000 figure might not be entirely accurate.
A lot of people would have heard Biden’s denial and missed the White House walk-back. And that’s no accident.
The day after an election in which his party was shellacked across the nation, the president knew that a policy of rewarding foreigners for breaking our laws was kryptonite to voters.
So he did what he has done all his career. He lied.
But he didn’t disavow the policy. Far from it. He thinks it makes him look compassionate but, more importantly, it makes President Donald Trump look bad — and that seems to be the one animating force of his presidency.
Jean-Pierre spelled it out Thursday, when she blamed the Trump administration’s “cruel, inhuman, immoral policies” for the compensation payments.
By Saturday, Biden had gone from flatly denying the payments to yelling at a reporter that they were moral and justified.
“If, in fact, because of the outrageous behavior of the last administration … you LOST YOUR CHILD,” he bellowed and wagged his finger, “you deserve some kind of compensation.”
It’s a bit rich when Biden singlehandedly created the conditions for a record surge at the border of unaccompanied minors who, by definition, are separated from their families — and then his administration went and lost track of at least 45,000 of them, according to Axios.
There is nothing compassionate about Biden’s lax border policy, not for the poor souls who have been lured into the arms of criminal human-smugglers, and not for the American people, who already are suffering the consequences of what can only be described as a secret government-sponsored invasion.
If it were good policy, Biden would not feel the need to lie and obfuscate when asked about it.
His administration would not be flying illegal migrants around the country secretly in private charter jets in the middle of the night if it were proud of what it was doing.
It would not be pretending that migrants on these secret flights, some of whom The Post watched land in White Plains last month, are children, when a good proportion of them appear to be adult males in their 20s and the rest are in their mid- to late teens.
But it’s all about optics for this administration. Say the border is closed while secretly removing the evidence that it is wide open and make no attempt to interrupt the millions of illegal crossings unless you get caught out, as happened fleetingly at Del Rio, Texas, in September, when a squalid migrant camp became national news.
The consequences of Biden’s border disaster are obvious.
Already in Jacksonville, Fla., a dropoff spot for flights from the southern border to White Plains, a murder has been committed, allegedly by a 24-year-old illegal migrant from Honduras, who posed as a 17-year-old unaccompanied minor when he recently sneaked across the border.
“He should have never been in this country,” Gov. Ron DeSantis said Thursday, “and definitely should not have been dumped in the state of Florida … This is not the way you keep people safe. It’s reckless, and it’s wrong.”
We only know about this incident because it occurred under the alert gaze of DeSantis.
His office has tracked more than 70 migrant charter flights to Jacksonville that have landed in the dead of night.
The flights into White Plains stopped after The Post’s reports last month. But illegal migrants haven’t stopped flooding the border.
An examination of open-source flight data shows the same charter jets that were flying migrants to White Plains from McAllen and El Paso, Texas, or Yuma, Ariz., are still busy shuttling back and forth from the southern border every day. Now their destinations appear to be Alexandria, Va., Chattanooga, Tenn., Long Beach, Calif., and other routes they had not flown before the border crisis erupted.
The border remains wide open, and the president keeps lying about it. Nothing is true, from his claim that Border Patrol agents on horses “whipped” Haitian migrants, and his pretense that only migrant children are allowed in the country, to his fantasy that Trump is to blame for the crisis and his initial denial that the DOJ was in talks to pay a reported $1 billion compensation to illegals.
And there is not a thing that anyone is doing to stop him.
The fact of the matter is that many who were deported wanted their children left in the US and more often the children came alone.
Biden is scum.
good to see that GOPers have their lie detector back on line after being out of service for the last 6 years. now all they need to do is reverse the polarity it seems. maybe by 2024, I guess...
I'm Bidens biggest fan in spite of all this.
Perish the thought he drops out. What is behind him is much MUCH worse.
Thank you TDS ridden for bring us this cluster F.
Even most of the idependents who voted for Biden now know they got sucked in.
Hillary and her ilk are laughing their asses off at all the useful idiots carrying their water.
I'm sure those SALT deductions being raised from 10k to 75k are designed specifically for those worker drones and not the rich.
Job 1 for a Democrat is to make sure their base doesn't pay their full share of their federal tax bill.
Because so many true working and middle class pay more than $10k in a year in state and local taxes before ever considering federal taxes…
An isolated incident of a 24 year old posing as an unaccompanied minor? I have my doubts.
I have to agree with that statement.
If the guy could have avoided murdering someone for a few months, Biden would have made him a millionaire.
Disgusting isn’t it?
So . . . he lied or he’s incompetent.
Both in his case…