Biden's pitch for a federal take over of voting

Yesterday Joe Biden went to Georgia to push for what the radical left calls "voting rights." The democratic candidate for governor completely avoided him. The president was left to lamely explain that she had scheduling conflict. In the speech Biden gave, he demonstrated how he feels about America and Americans. After he once again described Kamala Harris as the president and stumbled on Ebenezer Baptist Church, calling it the Ebenezer Bastard Church, he suddenly got spitting mad! (as he has done so often of late)
"Today I'm making it clear: To protect our democracy, I support changing the Senate rules, whichever way they need to be changed to prevent a minority of senators from blocking action on voting rights.
So, I ask every elected official in America: How do you want to be remembered?
At consequential moments in history, they present a choice: Do you want to be the si—on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?"
Can you imagine? Anyone against the democrats attempt to make it easier to cheat is a "Bull Connor" ? I wonder if Bull Connor ever thought he would become a part of progressive Newspeak?
The message was clear. Biden holds Americans and the country in contempt and it's time for a federal takeover of elections. This bill he is pushing has little chance of passing but it does help democrats with fundraising. It would place all of America in the same position the seven southern states were in under the voting rights act. States would have to get clearance from the federal government to set election rules. However, the far left will donate to democrats. That must be the good news.
Also happening in Georgia:
Finally a Republican is striking back! Kelly Loeffler has founded Greater Georgia, an organization that plans to register likely conservative voters in Georgia, expand conservative messaging infrastructure, and advocate for voting integrity Loeffler has personally invested at least $1 million in the organization. She can find new Conservative voters, but there are those who failed to go out and vote in the last GA Senate election. For that she will need Donald Trump to come out and tell Georgians that they need to vote!
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Joe Biden on his way to another defeat!
By Clinton according to the feelers being put out in various media outlets today. Clinton is already being touted as the "best" candidate. If so, why haven't the Democrats been grooming younger candidates to ensure the success and survival of their party?
I've seen the following article being run in various outlets today in the US. The one I'm citing is in the UK of all places.
Sometimes being tenacious is a wonderful thing. Other times, ridiculous. And there's instances where it's completely insane, but maybe not, if Biden can change voting laws in her favor since she has never been able to win under our nation's established system to elect presidents.
I guess since it took Biden 3 times to be elected, maybe Hillary will have the same luck on the 3rd time around.
I saw that in the piece by Douglas E. Schoen in the WSJ. Laura Ingraham had him on her show last night. He pointed out that democrats have a huge leadership vacuum, among other problems. It was refreshing to hear him say he never liked Trump, but Trump policies worked and Biden's were a disaster.
If so, why haven't the Democrats been grooming younger candidates to ensure the success and survival of their party?
Because the old guard won't let go?
I've seen the following article being run in various outlets today in the US. The one I'm citing is in the UK of all places.
Yes, The Daily Mail. The Telegraph did a good job on it as well.
Sometimes being tenacious is a wonderful thing. Other times, ridiculous. And there's instances where it's completely insane, but maybe not, if Biden can change voting laws in her favor since she has never been able to win under our nation's established system to elect presidents.
Her old political machine has been pushing it as well, starting with Marc Elias. Will they pull it off?
Democrats are fighting against election security like their political future depends on crushing it. It's very telling that they view election integrity as an existential threat to their future power and policies.
So much for a return to normalcy from an "institutionalist."
The Democrats had one job. Don't be crazy.
And we ended up with Joe Biden, a ninety year old man doing a bad Jefferson Davis impression who tries to demonize everyone who disagrees with him as a domestic enemy.
Bull Connor was a Democrat. So were George Wallace and Jefferson Davis. Democrats have so badly mangled history that fiction is being accepted as fact. Democrats were on the wrong side of history so it's necessary to rewrite that history. Joe Biden has more in common with Jefferson Davis than he has in common with Abraham Lincoln.
Joe Biden never had support of Republicans. Biden's support among independents has dropped precipitously. And now Biden is losing support among Democrats. Biden is a loser on three fronts. And when Democrats are losing, Democrats stoke the fire of racial divisions. Democrats always yell 'racism' when they are losing.
Joe Biden is just another Democrat loser standing on the wrong side of history.
That is the bottom line here.
True. And Biden had better be careful with that, because his approval numbers have severely dropped with Hispanic voters.
Joe must really be afraid of upcoming elections in order to stay awake long enough to make such a big push of the Easier to Cheat Act.
And down goes Joe…