Fox News Airs 2011 Photo from Japan to Slam Joe Biden
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 3 years ago • 134 commentsBy: Michael Luciano (Mediaite)

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By Michael LucianoJan 12th, 2022, 9:08 pm Twitter share button <?php // Post Body ?>
During the opening segment of Wednesday's Fox News Primetime , the network displayed a graphic of bare shelves at a grocery store to underscore rising inflation. Earlier in the day, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the U.S. experienced 7% inflation since last December. That's a 39-year high.
The graphic showed an image of President Joe Biden superimposed over a photo of the empty shelves. But as one eagle-eyed Twitter user pointed out, the image is actually from a 2011 NPR story (photo #15) about residents fleeing the disaster area near the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
Uhh is this the same picture?
— Acyn (@Acyn) January 13, 2022
After airing clips of shoppers noting higher prices at the grocery store, guest host Rachel Campos Duffy asked, "How can you expect to feed a family in Biden's America with those food prices?"
She added, "Throughout the country supermarket shelves remain barren. From New York to Virginia, all the way to Alaska, people are left without groceries and can't put dinner on the table. And they are upset. No surprise, #BareShelvesBiden was trending on Twitter. But, perhaps, what is most troubling is this might only be the beginning."
This isn't the first time Fox News has used photos of empty shelves that have nothing to do with the contemporary U.S. economy. In October, The Ingraham Angle issued a correction after it aired photos from the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic during a segment about global supply chain problems.
During the correction, Laura Ingraham showed photos of empty shelves in the U.S. she said had been taken within the last few days
"I hope that clears some things up for the fact-checkers who were very concerned with the eight seconds from our October 19th show," she said.
Watch above via Fox News.
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There is no end to right wing media lying, it is a bottomless pit.
The minority right wing media are the JV team when it comes to lying. The left wing mass media is the varsity.
"...the U.S. experienced 7% inflation since last December. That's a 39-year high."
Put some glossy varnish on that for me.
A credentialed picture of an actual, recent empty shelf. Now, back to the 39-year high...
If that were the topic of the seed, we'd be glad to.
"...U.S. experienced 7% inflation since last December."
was cleverly buried in the second sentence of the caption, which is an introduction of a concept up for discussion.
Sorry dude I have seen bread shelfs empty occasionally long before Biden came along.
Snow storm rush possibly like we are going to have here this weekend?? I'm stocking up on Beer, Bacon, and Brats. I don't like bread soup.
What pics would you like? Motor oil? Laundry detergent? Pantyhose?
That's coz you've never had it done right. Got coffee? Take a soup bowl, place a piece of bread in the bottom, pour hot coffee over it, add milk and sugar to taste. Coffee soup!
My grampap and I used to eat it all the time
Interesting...............Really doesn't sound that bad when you add the coffee element..
I think it was a depression era thing. Grampap would start his day off with that and then Gramma would make breakfast. But I think back during the depression coffee soup was his breakfast
It's Amish, made famous by the Great Depression.
And you were surrounded by the Amish in Western PA
The Amish didn't start migrating to Western PA until about the late 80's, early 90's. There were some but got a big influx of them right about that time. They bought up farmland that nobody wanted to work anymore and became quite prosperous
The emptiest I ever saw shelves was at the beginning of the pandemic. People went on bulk shopping sprees causing shortages of things like TP, paper towels, cleaning supplies, meat, bread, dairy products, and the like.
Not guilty.
I remember NASJRB Willow Grove hording TP for decades then using it when they had air shows and concerts.
Lot's of complaints.
Right on. With clueless Joe in charge, mostly empty shelves don't happen, and worsening inflation is a myth.
gee, I sure hope the faithful don't have to open up their survival mac and cheese buckets...
Food Stamps are really gonna suck unless they are beef and cheese flavored.
since most of them are fucking stupid white trash trump supporters, who cares? the rest most likely have alternative support networks or families that haven't shunned them for being fucking stupid white trash trump supporters.
the child molester and war criminal that was POTUS 39 years ago when inflation was worse?
1983's inflation rate was ....
" The inflation rate in 1983 was 3.21% . The current year-over-year inflation rate (2021 to 2022) is now 7.04%."
That must be a typo. Bill Clinton was POTUS 29 years ago.
And Hillary tried to join the Marines .... just ask her.
Semper bullshit ...
How exactly was Reagan a child molester and a war criminal?
I asked dev Texan, not you. I prefer an answer from someone NOT on ignore.
he was humping liz taylor in hollywood when she was 15 years old. he negotiated with iran during the embargo by trading military equipment for cash to fund a secret war in south america, via ollie north. he and pappy bush also kicked off the crack epidemic by importing tons of coke to the US.
I never knew about the Liz thing. Thank you.
Are you suggesting Joe Biden posed in front of those shelves in 2011? As Joe Biden would say, "C'mon man".
They could have taken a picture of my grocery store and CT and it would look the same.
Then they should have done so.
I have to ask, or say, if inflation is so bad and people cannot afford food, wouldn't the shelves be full?
Again, if it is so bad, wouldn't shelves be full from people not being able to buy things?
No. They just stop paying rent.
That is really odd because I was just at a Walmart in Connecticut and their shelves were all well stocked...
Same here.
Not here. Not every trip but I’ve seen some sparse and empty shelves in my grocery store more in the last year or so than ever before.
Just last week looking for OJ and grapefruit juice I struck out, shelves were empty. It was much better a week later but that’s beside the point. That is just one example of an empty shelf that I had never seen before. Never.
People who say they haven’t noticed such things now more than ever are just lying IMO.
It was that way at the start of the pandemic or whatever but ever since not really a problem.
Perhaps you missed my example from last week.
First time I’ve seen that at my store and that seems significant. Or it could be that the juice delivery guy tied one on the night before and for the first time in his life was late on deliveries.
Nah, it’s more fun to blame the sitting president. Know what I mean? 😉
I just got back from Ralphs and the shelves were fully stocked.
My grocery store doesn’t advertise in Japanese.
Fox does this all the time! The same way they lied about crowd sizes, they admit in lawsuits no one in their right mind would believe many of their "news" hosts. Anything to spread lies and propaganda to gullible viewers.
Like all of cable "news", Fox has few straight news shows. At 6 PM they have Bret Baier. All the rest is analysis. CNN lacks even that and they begin this year missing 90% of their audience.
How soon we forget. I seem to remember a lot of pictures of illegal immigrant children in cages from 2014 and 2015 being used against the former PotUS by the MSM
I'm seeing photos on Facebook from my local TV news that show bare shelves. I'm not having that problem. Walmart and Kroger are keeping their shelves stocked. The commissary on base isn't having any problems, either.
Are prices higher than last year? Yes, they are, but I can go to the store and get what I want
Easier to deflect to complaining about B-roll than deal with the underlying problem I guess.
Out of all the comments on this article only one so far claims that their grocery store has empty shelves. The rest (including me) have seen no significant change.
Have you also noticed that the majority are Wal-Mart and Kroger? You know, the big guys. My local Food Lion is low a lot of things and do have empty shelves here and there.
Food Lion and Weiss are my go-tos, but I haven’t noticed a difference. That’s not to say they don’t ever have low supplies and empty shelves - they frequently do due to staffing and timing, but it doesn’t seem to be any worse than normal in my area. I can’t speak for others, but I do notice that when conservatives started commenting on this article the comments were mostly snide digs about Democrats rather than personal experiences with grocery supplies in their areas.
My local Kroger has a lot of bare spaces. And that''s before they went on strike yesterday
I don't have Food Lion near me all I have is Walmart and Kroger
Didn't mean to imply it was a bad thing if that's the way you took it. We have Harris-Teeter which is owned by Kroger but the only thing I use them for is pharmacy. A bit too pricey compared to Food Kitty but I do go there in a pinch. We do have a couple of Wal-Marts within 10 miles too.
I love Harris-Teeter we don't have them in Florida but when I visit friends in NC I always make stops at Teeter's. The fresh fish market is my favorite.
I like Publix. My son lives in Navarre and we went to one when we visisted them. I love that store. Wish they would bring one to Little Rock
Oh yes their fish department is second to none. In fact, the one I go to for my meds smells overwhelmingly like seafood when you walk in.
Publix is a great store as well. We have one 2 miles from us. I love to hang around the deli counter and the bakery.
They make great sandwiches
I don't think you should be able to smell the seafood department as soon as you walk in, should you?
The fish is so fresh at H T's that they were flopping around the door when you walk in..True story.
Well I don't want to wager a guess on what else it could be...........
We only have a Winn Dixie or those Walmart markets.
There is a Rouses in Ocean Springs.
Is that where you get your fish for your fish stories?
Of course it's the seafood, but it shouldn't smell like that, or should it?
It's always around six PM when I go so it does have time to permeate during the day....................
LOL, good one but nope I actually catch my own. In fact, the last one I caught was so big that the photo of it weighed 5 lbs.
Did you know that vegetarian is Ojibwe for ''can't hunt''.
we need an article for telling fish stories. We haven't done that in a while
Ha, here is the bait that I used.
I'd post a photo of the bigly fish but the photo won't fit on the screen.
I tried to order some perch fillets to be delivered with my Walmart grocery order but they were out of stock. I think I'll kill myself.
Don’t kill yourself - kill Brandon … it’s all his fault!