Joe Rogan issues Saturday apology as clips surface showing him using N-word, comparing Black neighborhood to 'Planet of the Apes'
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 3 years ago • 89 commentsBy: Brian Linder (pennlive)

Joe Rogan issued a Saturday apology after clips of him using racial slurs were posted online.. (Photo by Carmen Mandato/Getty Images)
By Brian Linder |
Just last week Joe Rogan was weighing in on who was really Black, and who wasn't.
Saturday, the comedian, UFC commentator and Spotify podcaster, was apologizing for using the n-word repeatedly and reportedly comparing a Black neighborhood to a "Planet of the Apes" movie. This, after India Arie posted a video showing Rogan using the n-word on his podcast. There were reportedly more than 20 clips of Rogan using the racial slur, which, per a CNN report, he said were from more than a decade ago.
- 19% of Spotify users surveyed say they plan to cancel service over Joe Rogan controversy: report
Rogan called it the "most regretful and shameful thing" he has had to address.
"I know that to most people, there's no context where a white person is ever allowed to say that, never mind publicly on a podcast, and I agree with that," he said according to the report. "Now, I haven't said it in years."
Arie, a singer and podcaster, is among a growing list of those who removed their content from Spotify in the wake of controversy surround "The Joe Rogan Experience" podcast. Most of the artists — Neil Young, Joni Mitchell and many of the others who joined them — left the platform in protest of COVID-19 misinformation being spread on Rogan's podcast. However, Arie sighted Rogan's discussion of race when leaving.
That followed a recent podcast in which Rogan had author and psychology professor Jordan Peterson on. Somehow, the duo worked into the topic of race when Peterson said that political commentator and professor Michael Eric Dyson called him a "mean, angry white man."
"There's such a spectrum of shades of people," he said. "Unless you're talking to someone who is, like, 100 percent African, from the darkest place, where they are not wearing any clothes all day and they've developed melanin to protect themselves from the sun, you know, even the term Black is weird. When you use it for people who are literally my color, it becomes very strange."
Arie, who used the hashtag #DeleteSpotify, said Rogan shouldn't be saying the n-word "under any context."
"Don't say it," she said. "That's where I stand. I have always stood there."
Per the report, this comes as Spotify "quietly removed 70 episodes of Joe Rogan's podcast" Friday. CNN said the company has yet to comment on whether that removal was related to this latest controversy.
In his apology Saturday, Rogan said he wasn't racist and that he used the word in context while referencing a Richard Pryor album and the film "Pulp Fiction."
"There's nothing I can do to take that back," he said. "I do hope that if anything, that this can be a teachable moment, because I never thought it would ever be taken out of context and put in a video like that.
"Whenever you're in a situation where you have to say, 'I'm not racist,' you (f'd) up and clearly I have (f'd) up."
According to the report, he also apologized for comparing a Black neighborhood to a Planet of the Apes movie.
"I certainly would never want to offend someone for entertainment with something as stupid as racism," he said.
Rogan's multi-year deal with Spotify for "The Joe Rogan Experience" podcast is reportedly worth more than $100 million.
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naw, white people dont say racist things. he's just misunderstood.
Gotta love computers...and the internet. Once it "out there" it's out there forever.
Not a good moment for Joe.
Never heard of him before Neil Young demanded his music be removed form Spotify.
Then again I wasn't aware of Spotify either, lol.
Its a big world out there!
I've noticed that people that spend a lot of time online, but limit themselves to one site miss a lot.
And I know people who limit their media exposure to one site (be it Internet ot TV news).,They assume they are getting all the news but they're not.
Often when people think of a "biased" news source they think it puts a slant on the news that they cover. But there's another, more insidious way. Some media just doesn't report stories that don't fit their agenda. They don't even mention it.
There is an interesting web site (ground news) that includes a "blind spot" that is mostly ignored by one side or the other. It also includes links to different sites so you can compare how each side is covering a story. It is interesting to see that sometimes it is hard to believe the coverage of the two sides is about the same event.
Fuck that racist.
And this is why huckleberry Finn can’t be read anymore.
The word is too scary.
I can live with that.
Somehow I don't have a burning desire to read Huckleberry Finn at this point in my life.
(But if I ever do-- there are ways to obtain it-- safely-- without going to jail or paying a fine).
Yes, because the 21st century racist blathering of what passes as an 'entertainer', Joe Rogan, is just like the 19th century literature written by Mark Twain. /s
Oh and BTFW, Huck Fin was banned in the 19th century too. Get educated.
Well, according to liberal standards, since Rogan apologized, all is forgiven and he should be back at his podcast on Monday,.
That;s the way it works, right, liberals?
Well based on the actual content of the Instagram post, since Rogan's 'apology' didn't include the words 'I'm sorry', it wasn't a REAL apology.
That's the way it works, right conservatives?
Meh, I don't know of any leftist that have really ever used the words "I'm sorry" in their "apologies", but have never seen you whine about their non apology.
Rogan will rightly be back on his pod cast very soon.
You musta missed the 'Biden never said 'I'm sorry' thread.
You musta thought I gave a shit
About being informed? Obviously not.
I can assure you nothing you post have ever been informative.
Snarky? yes
Rude? yes
Narcissist? yes
Obtuse? yes
Thank you for illustrating the concept of triggered.
nice apples to cow pie comparison meme.
internet pod cast which isn't news compared to a single cable news service.
exactly the same thing in the anti-intellect movement.
Got what he wanted.
So spotify removed 70 episodes. Trying to protect him?
So spotify removed 70 episodes. Trying to protect him?
I don't think Spotify is trying to protect Rogan..I think Spotify is trying to protect Spotify!
maybe the swedes can come up with a positive solution to be announced before their NYSE sell off...
they just removed the N-word episodes...
According to Spotify Joe removed them with their OK.
Spotify "quietly removed 70 episodes of Joe Rogan's podcast" Friday.
Spotify sanitized their content. Rogan was happy to do it to protect his $100 million contract.
Rogan probably doesn't give a shit about his reputation butt he does care about keeping his contract intact.
I used to think Rogan was sort of funny butt his anti-vax bullshit is dangerous and could have contributed to people dying from COVID.
Rogan's use of the N-word didn't kill anyone butt the disinformation about COVID may have.
If you don't like Joe, don't listen to him. All the keyboard warriors going after Joe. So sad they don't have a life and have to resort to trying to destroy people. They are just evil hearted dweebs and should be ignored. Maybe then they will get out of their parents basements and get jobs.
What about Rogan calling a black neighborhood Planet of the Apes? Have you got any thoughts on that?
Some people are racist. Some people are not.
In both camps there are some who are passionate about their views...and other who don't care that much.
When a site has racists on a lot, its a doubleedged sword-- they may loose a lot of viewers, but they may also gain views.
(I think that there are media outlets that really just want to report the news, accurately and without bias. As much as possible).
However many are driven by ratings-- wanting to attract as many readers/viewers as they can, bucause that's how they make lots more money..
One way to do this is by controversy-- be it racial, religious, or some other form of sensationalism.
Ignorant. See 7 What do you think of Whoopies Jewish American Princess fried chicken recipe?
I sure would like to know where they are. I am not having much luck finding reporting of the news without spin.
He has the First Amendment right to offend anyone he wants.
I have to admit watching all the heads explode over a comment (especially a comment made years ago) is somewhat entertaining. Sad, but entertaining. It is most entertaining when their effort to have someone canceled fails, which seems to be happening more and more.
Your comment merits no reply.
Your response reminds me of when my kids would call their friends on the phone to tell them they are ignoring them.
I sure hope that doesn't mean you are ok with what Whoopi did.
Yes, he does, but what is the usual tact is that they use the derogatory words while hiding behind a microphone, or on the internet, I'd like to see Rogan walk up to a black man and call him an his face.
Kinda like on NT ignorant racists can hide behind the keyboard.
Goldberg's comment about race and the Holocaust was ignorant, because it is well known that Hitler considered Jews to be a race. But what she said was not a racial slur.
I'd like to see him 30 minutes after he did...
Or like all the internet warriors that call everyone that does not agree with them the way they want a racist.
Why is that, you think all black men would resort to violence when someone calls them a name?
You forgot to respond to this: Whoopies Jewish American Princess fried chicken recipe was a racist slur, at least the Anti-Defamation League, which labeled it "insulting" and "anti-Semitic", thought so. It will be interesting to see if she gets a pass because her fans rationalize it away. Or just ignored.
and defend their fellow bigots with whataboutisms and deflections. They never come right out and say they endorse the racist sentiments their right wing media heroes have expressed, that would expose their own deep seated prejudices. It's easier and sleazier to hide behind rhetorical deflections and general attacks on main stream media or to attack the messenger maligning the source instead of being forced to denounce the racism of their right wing media personality with whom they no doubt share beliefs. Instead they have to pretend that prejudice is not that common among their right wing brethren when in reality they know its the glue that keeps right wing white conservative Christians together in this country.
And while Joe does have first amendment rights to be as racist as he wants to be, he issued a half hearted apology because he knows everyone else has the right to call him a fucking racist and stop listening if he's too toxically racist.
And the apology was only half hearted because he also doesn't want to offend his large number of right wing racist white conservative listeners who no doubt make up a large portion of his listener base. If he condemned racism too vociferously his conservative listeners might think he's talking about them, be offended and stop tuning in.
You seem surprised. It is written clearly in the woke manual. "If you are not one of us it is because you are a racist, and you probably kick puppies".
Non woke would be my guess. I think the thing that pisses them off the most is a black conservative though. Especially if they voted for Trump.
No, but the odds that a large portion of Joe Rogan's 11 million listeners are right wing conservative Christians who share Rogan's views and apparent prejudices are pretty high.
Only the ones who spend their days claiming America is a 'Christian Nation', try to force their religious views on others through legislation or those perennially proclaiming their pretend persecution.
If the shoe fits. And I didn't say the majority of white conservative Christians are racist, I said that of Joe Rogan's listeners, a large portion are likely right wing racist white conservatives. Birds of a feather...
It's easy to see for most observers with both brains and eyes that aren't blinded by the flying pig slop that is continually flung by right wing media. Their message is a resounding "Don't look up! Don't believe your eyes! Don't believe the MSM! Don't believe anything anyone else tells you because they're 'deep state' socialist ANTIFA BLM liberal coastal elitists bent on destroying America!". And that message is only embraced by ignorant dumb fuck right wing conservative bigots with their heads shoved up their own asses which apparently is the demographic Joe Rogan is most popular among.
JR, if I am not mistaken a while back I made a comment about the massive amount of shootings in Chicago and you responded (I am paraphrasing) its just gang bangers shooting gang bangers.
This would be a lot worse if the n word weren’t used by so many black people multiple times in a single sentence of everyday conversation with their black friends. I’m tired of this word being used as a cudgel and a term of endearment simultaneously.
Have you seen the movie 12 Years A Slave ? In it the white slaveowners repetedly call the slaves nigg-r. No white should ever use the word unless they are using it to decry its use.
I am not as upset if blacks use it because its not my business.
It’s not a tasteful word for anyone to use in this day and age, but it is disingenuous for someone to feign cultural outrage over a word that is so acceptingly used within their culture and amongst themselves. How hard would it be to just stop saying a word that in most contexts is considered racist? Other ethnicities do not debase themselves in this manner. I’ve never heard a Hispanic refer to another Hispanic with a common racist slur, or any other group in our culture. Maybe it’s time that word gets retired by everyone.
I worked as an art dept. manager at a large screen-printing company with Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Mexicans and mix of multiple South American countries. I was one of the few who spoke English. I spoke some 'working' Spanish but had to ask my Screen maker to come into my office and translate some words I had jotted down that I had overheard but didn't understand. Turns out that most of them were racial slurs or swear words. Each Hispanic demographic had their own derogatory term for the other. Hell, people from one Mexican state had a derogatory term for those from other states. It was very 'flowery' language...
Are these tee shirt slogans (slurs) popular in the US? It just seems so ironic to advertise the worst aspect of your ethnicity. I can’t imagine a Hispanic man walking around calling fellow immigrants wet backs or spics. Different ethnicities may be open about their disrespect for certain other ethnicities, but it is almost unheard of for the most recognizable slur to become a colloquial term of endearment amongst the supposed victims.
I'm not disagreeing with the sentiment of your comment, but I had to throw this in here. I worked, for several years, with a bunch of dudes that came to the US by other than legal means. They consistently called each other "mojado." If you don't know, that's slang for wet back. Most often, it was pinche mojado, and they threw it around like a hot potato.
Just this afternoon, I was talking with a black man, I had never met. I think he called me the N word 20 times during our conversation. Friendly conversation. I sincerely doubt it would have continued to be a friendly conversation had I reciprocated, which goes to your point.
Why ask me? Turn on the TV and see for yourself.
I merely addressed your comment about never hearing a Hispanic referring to another Hispanic with a racial slur. I have, repeatedly, on a day-to-day basis for years. As I have with White and Black people.
White guys call each other rednecks MFers all the time.
A white guy who I know has used the nick name Hillbilly for 20 years, he had it tattooed on his chest. I use his given name.
You think that redneck is the white equivalent of the n word? Not even close. And no, when I turn on the tv I’m not hearing Latinos calling each other the worst racial slur in our language. That is a very false equivalency.
Three of my four grandsons come from a mixed race background, having white mothers and mixed race fathers. You won’t hear the n word tossed around in their house just like you would never hear it in my house. It’s embarrassing to be walking through an outdoor event with my grandkids and hear black people calling each other the n word, or for it to be blasted out of a car speaker, or to be blurted out on a tv show. It’s embarrassing because it is such an obvious double standard. Black people also call each other brother, which is a perfectly reasonable show of solidarity with members of your culture. It has the same cadence and could be used in every instance where the n word is being used instead. It’s up to them to start curbing their own debasement if they want me to start being outraged over the n word.
So, you went from the use of racial slurs by non-blacks, to suddenly requiring a standard for equivalence.
Then you ask 'are tee shirt slogans (slurs) popular in the US' [VISUALS] and suddenly require a standard of HEARING racial slurs from a specific demographic.
BTFW Hal, I presume that you are designating the 'N-word' as the worst racial slur in our language. I can tell you from personal experience, POC who are not AA and non-Christians endure racial slurs that are equally as hurtful and harmful to them as the 'N-word' is to AAs.
Based on that comment, it sounds like your issue is that you're just pissed that blacks can 'get away with it' but you can't.
So, it's effect on your grandsons be damned. Got ya.
BTFW Hal, I presume that you are designating the 'N-word' as the worst racial slur in our language.
Lol. What a joke. This whole conversation is stupid. Watching you pretzel your way around defining whether a word should be a slur or not based solely on the color or ethnicity of the speaker who says it is embarrassing. I’m no more interested in being a part of a culture where white people commonly run around calling each other honkey, cracker or white devil than having to hear black people call each other nigger. The word needs to go the way of the dodo. If intelligent extraterrestrials ever find us they’re going to be awfully confused about how to communicate with us.
Half of it is your produce Hal.
Strawman Hal.
I never questioned whether a word should be a slur. You fabricated that.
No one is forcing you to.
So, only one word. Which one and why only that one?
Intelligent extraterrestrials will already be well aware that humans are tribal, bigoted and racially divide.
We should be more focused on how WE communicate with each other. Racial pejoratives go the way of the dodo through peer pressure and evolving what is accepted by society. That evolution takes time. Outsiders making demands of what words one group can use amongst themselves is counterproductive. It doesn't win 'hearts and minds'.
We should be more focused on how WE communicate with each other.
Like not calling each other racial slurs that offend us when other people say them?
Racial pejoratives go the way of the dodo through peer pressure and evolving what is accepted by society. That evolution takes time.
To my knowledge Italian Americans never went through a phase of calling each other wops or dagos. I imagine that if any Italian child tried it in the company of their parents they would have got an ass whooping. How many hundreds of years need to pass before the African American community reaches the conclusion that calling each other the n word 100 times a day is not a positive step in stamping out racism? Sorry, but of all the stupid shit that falls out of Joe Rogan’s brain and lands on his tongue, this is not the hill to die on - particularly when it happened decades ago when apparently nobody cared enough to call him out on it.
That was apparently when he was on you tube "building his brand".
Hal I just listened this morning to a radio show called the Gee and Ursula show, Gee is a Liberal black man and was discussing at length what you are here...
How can a word be a racial pejorative when used by one race when it is clearly and freely used as a friendly buddy greeting or designator for another?
That is one hell of a double standard...
My brother in law has. And he's Hispanic. But he feels superior to the immigrants that have crossed the borders in the last 30 years. All of his brothers do
I am kinda on the fence about the whole thing. The best way I can explain is that if some random person called me a hag, I would be insulted because of what the word "hag" means in the present time. However, if a pagan calls me a "hag" I take it as a compliment because to us it means "wise woman". Same with the word crone. So I just do not know where I stand on this issue - however I do believe that people take words to hear too much - like fuck, shit and asshole. These words send some into apoplectic fits because they are bad, dirty words. I get upset more by the treatment of people than at the words. Take how some on here can say words that may be taken as nasty, but meant in fun or jest, but others whole demeaner towards others is downright degrading.
Sorry - just a rant.
But that is different than using it as greeting for a friend. I am guilty of calling various people white trash throughout my life - if the shoe fit. But even that term does not have the same weight as the n word. If a white jerk says to a black person something like “black people are all thieves”, it wouldn’t be out of line for the black person to respond by calling that guy white trash. If a black jerk made some derogatory statement to a white person denigrating all white people, it would always be out of line and wrong for the white person to respond by calling him the n word. It’s not a word that belongs in any conversation, much less as a greeting used over and over.
Your example isn't communicating, it's overhearing at best and eavesdropping at worst.
To my knowledge, Italian Americans never had to endure generations of slavery during which they were required to answer to 'Hey wop' or 'Hey dago' with 'Yessum massa'.
Since they aren't the ones that fostered the practice, why do you think that the African American community has to alter their vocabulary to stamp out racism?
Secondly Hal, earlier you seemed to recognize that not everyone in the African American community uses the 'N-word', so why have you devolved to conflating and demeaning the entire AA community?
Well gee, since I haven't said a fucking thing about Joe Rogan, that's irrelevant.
"19% of Spotify users surveyed say they plan to cancel service over Joe Rogan controversy"
It's doubtful they really will. Censorship in a free society is wrong
Didn't he used to host "Fear Factor'?
I also wonder how many people they will gain. I have the free version but have no desire to get the paid version. I use a couple other free apps to get all the music I want. I am a bit surprised that you can get Rogan on the free version though. I fully expected them to make it so you have to get the paid version to listen to him, like I believe you have to have to listen to Howard Stern. This controversy may push back those plans, assuming they were going to do it.
Oh, the irony.
I understand Joe just got an offer of 100 million dollars over 4 years if things don't work at Spotify. Joe is like Chapelle, getting canceled all the way to the bank.
That was Rumble who made the offer.
Rogan's "best year" was apparently the $30 Million he made in 2019
and his net worth is over $100 million.
He hasn't lost anything yet.
The CEO of Spotify on the other hand has lost $1 Billion of Spotify's stock value.
Personally, I have no sympathy for either one of them, or anyone else who makes millions "talking" to the public.
We are insane to pay these people to deliberately fuel divisiveness among us...
I semi agree. I looked a little into Rogan. It seems he was a Bernie supporter and his political leanings are different depending on the issue. It seems he has people on his show that both agree with him and disagree with him. It seems he gives them the freedom to say whatever they want and he asks pretty good questions to dive into that. It seems he makes people think. Not sure I would consider that divisive but I am not really a listener. Which brings me to my next question. I wonder if the people working so hard to cancel him even listen to his show or just make their decision based on one or two sound bites from a show, or shows from 10 years ago?.
While some people may consider him divisive I do consider shows like the view divisive, although it is based on very limited exposure.
I do, however, wonder why any of these people make as much as they do. I wonder why actors, people that make millions pretending they are someone else and sports stars make as much as they do. Many of them say divisive things but seem to be given a pass as do some of the talking heads on TV. But as long as there is an audience we will continue to pay them millions.
Ultimately I don't think the fault lies with them but all the people that listen/watch them and make major decisions on their lives based on what a "celebrity? says.
At least Rogan is not running for office (yet).
Issac Asimov.