
Jesse Watters Has WILDLY False Claim About Hillary Clinton


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  john-russell  •  2 years ago  •  75 comments

By:   Michael Luciano (Mediaite)

Jesse Watters Has WILDLY False Claim About Hillary Clinton
Watters claims Clinton paid hackers to plant fabricated evidence linking Trump to Russia.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

By Michael LucianoFeb 14th, 2022, 10:24 pm Twitter share button <?php // Post Body ?>

Jesse Watters falsely claimed that Hillary Clinton paid hackers to plant fake evidence in an effort to show Donald Trump colluded with the Russian government. The Fox News host then used his mischaracterization of the filing to state as fact that Clinton had attempted to frame Trump.

On Friday, Special Counsel John Durhamfiled a motion alleging that Clinton hired a tech executive with legal access to non-public, non-private internet data, some of which was allegedly used in an effort to link Trump to Russia. That executive has elsewhere been confirmed to be Rodney Joffe.

Durham is investigating the probe into Trump that culminated in the Mueller Report, which found no evidence Trump conspired with Russia, but that Trump nonetheless welcomed the country's help during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Watters is certainly not alone among conservative media figures making sensationalistic and false claims about the filing, but the allegation that fake evidence was planted stands out. On Monday, he told his audience,

Durham's documents show that Hillary Clinton hired people who hacked into Trump's home and office computers before and during his presidency, and planted evidence that he colluded with Russia.
Yeah. You heard that right. Hillary broke into a presidential candidate's computer server and a sitting president's computer server, spying on them. There, her hackers planted evidence, fabricated evidence connecting Trump to Russia, then fed that doctored material to the feds and the media.

The problem is that Durham's documents don't show this - at all.

Instead, the filing adds some detail to the indictment of Michael Sussmann, who had requested a meeting with the FBI to present the agency with evidence he said suggested that Trump had colluded with Russia. Sussmann told the FBI at the time that he was not working for "any client," but Durham maintains Sussmann was actually working for the Clinton campaign. As a result, Sussmann was charged with making a false statement to the FBI.

Rather than an elaborate hacking scheme, Durham states that Sussmann and a tech executive had access to certain non-public Internet data and that the tech exec "exploited" this by passing on data to the Clinton campaign.

The filing further states,

The Government's evidence at trial will also establish that among the Internet data Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited was domain name system ("DNS") Internet traffic pertaining to (i) a particular healthcare provider, (ii) Trump Tower, (iii) Donald Trump's Central Park West apartment building, and (iv) the Executive Office of the President of the United States ("EOP"). (Tech Executive-1's employer, Internet Company-1, had come to access and maintain dedicated servers for the EOP as part of a sensitive arrangement whereby it provided DNS resolution services to the EOP. Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited this arrangement by mining the EOP's DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump.)

FoxNews.com reported the story about the Durham filing on Friday, and noted Sussmann had repeatedly billed the Clinton campaign. Neither the Fox News story, nor Durham's motion contain any allegations of hacking, fabricating, or planting evidence.

Moreover, Durham hasn't brought hacking-related charges against anyone. Were he to do so, the matter would still have to be litigated in a court of law.

Watch above via Fox News.

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Filed Under: Donald TrumpHillary ClintonJesse WattersJohn Durham Previous PostNext Post Previous PostNext Post


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    2 years ago
Neither the Fox News story, nor Durham's motion contain any allegations of hacking, fabricating, or planting evidence.
goose is back
Junior Guide
1.1  goose is back  replied to  JohnRussell @1    2 years ago
Neither the Fox News story, nor Durham's motion contain any allegations of hacking, fabricating, or planting evidence.

They haven't brought charges yet, but the White House was hacked, they don't use the term hacked they use exploited and mined. From what I have read in the filing looks like one maybe both, Sussman or the Tech guy is going to rat the Clinton Campaign out.  

Professor Principal
1.1.1  Tessylo  replied to  goose is back @1.1    2 years ago

jrSmiley_78_smiley_image.gif What's taking them so long?

goose is back
Junior Guide
1.1.2  goose is back  replied to  Tessylo @1.1.1    2 years ago
What's taking them so long?

Good things come for those that wait. 

Professor Guide
1.1.3  Dulay  replied to  goose is back @1.1    2 years ago

Well goose, Sussman's response to Durham's motion tells a different story . It's a corker...

Here's a excerpt and it's footnote:

3. In his Motion, the Special Counsel included approximately three pages of purported 
“Factual Background.” See Dkt. No. 35 at 2–5. Approximately half of this Factual Background provocatively—and misleadingly 1 —describes for the first time Domain Name System (“DNS”) traffic potentially associated with former President Donald Trump, including data at the Executive 
Office of the President (“EOP”), that was allegedly presented to Agency-2 in February 2017 . See 
id. at 3–4. These allegations were not included in the Indictment; these allegations post-date the single false statement that was charged in the Indictment; and these allegations were not necessary to identify any of the potential conflicts of interest with which the Motion is putatively concerned. Why then include them? The question answers itself.
1 For example, although the Special Counsel implies that in Mr. Sussmann’s February 9, 2017 
meeting, he provided Agency-2 with EOP data from after Mr. Trump took office, the Special 
Counsel is well aware that the data provided to Agency-2 pertained only to the period of time 
before Mr. Trump took office, when Barack Obama was President. Further—and contrary to the Special Counsel’s alleged theory that Mr. Sussmann was acting in concert with the Clinton 
Campaign— the Motion conveniently overlooks the fact that Mr. Sussmann’s meeting with 
Agency-2 happened well after the 2016 presidential election, at a time when the Clinton Campaign had effectively ceased to exist. Unsurprisingly, the Motion also omits any mention of the fact that Mr. Sussmann never billed the Clinton Campaign for the work associated with the February 9, 2017 meeting, nor could he have (because there was no Clinton Campaign) . See Dkt. No. 35 at 3-4. And the Special Counsel persists in alleging that Mr. Sussmann billed the Clinton Campaign for his meeting with the FBI in September 2016, when that is false as well. 

That is a polite legalese form of telling the Judge that Durham is willfully LYING.

If you need translation, that means that all this BULLSHIT alleging that they had 'infiltrated' the Trump WH [an allegation NOT in the motion] and 'spied' on Trump is innuendo fabricated by Durham for consumption by Trump and his deluded followers. 

Durham may get a gold star from Trump et al but the Judge may not be very happy about Durham's intentional attempt at misleading the court. 

There's more but I'll let you and yours read it for yourselves. 

Microsoft Word - MAS -- Response to Conflicts Motion and Cross-Motion to Strike(129764749.12).docx (courtlistener.com)

goose is back
Junior Guide
1.1.4  goose is back  replied to  Dulay @1.1.3    2 years ago
Sussman's response to Durham's motion

Oh gee you got me there, I thought for sure Sussman was just going to throw his hands up and say "You Got Me".

It's not a matter of Bullshit or Lying or fabricated, did they(not Sussman) hack the EOP's internet or not. 

Professor Guide
1.1.5  Dulay  replied to  goose is back @1.1.4    2 years ago

Whoosh, right over your head. 

BTFW, the answer to your question is NO and if you had read my comment, or the link, you would know that. Alas...

Professor Participates
1.1.6  bugsy  replied to  Tessylo @1.1.1    2 years ago

Why didn't you say the same thing about Mueller, who turned out to be a dud and 40 million dollar waste.

goose is back
Junior Guide
1.1.7  goose is back  replied to  Dulay @1.1.5    2 years ago
the answer to your question is NO

Really..... From the USA V Sussmann case 21-582 

The Government’s evidence at trial will also establish that among the Internet data 
Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited was domain name system (“DNS”) Internet traffic 
pertaining to (i) a particular healthcare provider, (ii) Trump Tower, (iii) Donald Trump’s Central 
Park West apartment building, and (iv) the Executive Office of the President of the United States 
(“EOP”). (Tech Executive-1’s employer, Internet Company-1, had come to access and maintain 
dedicated servers for the EOP as part of a sensitive arrangement whereby it provided DNS 
resolution services to the EOP. Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited this arrangement by 
mining the EOP’s DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information 
about Donald Trump.) 
Professor Guide
1.1.8  Dulay  replied to  goose is back @1.1.7    2 years ago

At least your sad comments are consistent goose. 

I'm pretty sure that you could read that block quote 100 times and still not know what it means. I'd post links to informative websites that explain it, [deleted

Professor Quiet
1.1.9  Ozzwald  replied to  bugsy @1.1.6    2 years ago
Why didn't you say the same thing about Mueller, who turned out to be a dud and 40 million dollar waste.

A dud? 

Let's look at the numbers, shall we?

  • Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team indicted or got guilty pleas from 34 people and 3 companies during their lengthy investigation.
  • Special counsel Durham has made 1 indictment, and many legal experts doubt it will go anywhere.

Mueller's group is composed of six former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Seven of these people (including five of the six former Trump advisers) have pleaded guilty.

If you feel Mueller's investigation was a dud, you must feel Durham's investigation to be utterly, completely, irredeemably, incompetent.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1.1.10  Sean Treacy  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.9    2 years ago

Mueller indicted zero Americans for conspiring with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election.  

Professor Quiet
1.1.11  Ozzwald  replied to  Sean Treacy @1.1.10    2 years ago
Mueller indicted zero Americans for conspiring with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election.

Just keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1.1.12  Sean Treacy  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.11    2 years ago
st keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night.

Telling the truth does help one sleep at night.

Repeat,  "Mueller indicted zero Americans for conspiring with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election," and I'll bet you'll sleep better than you ever have.   

Professor Quiet
1.1.13  Ozzwald  replied to  Sean Treacy @1.1.12    2 years ago
Repeat,  "Mueller indicted zero Americans for conspiring with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election," and I'll bet you'll sleep better than you ever have.

The investigation showed however, that Flynn was indeed conspiring with the Russians for the Trump campaign.  However he was indicted for lying to the FBI about it, before Trump pardoned him for being a good stooge.

So your statement is "technically" correct, but the investigation did show multiple cases of conspiring with Russia, just no specific indictments.  But Durham's investigation isn't showing crap about anything.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1.1.14  Sean Treacy  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.13    2 years ago
The investigation showed however, that Flynn was indeed conspiring with the Russians for the Trump campai

Another dishonest statement. The investigation did not show Flynn conspired with the Russians to interfere in the 2016 election.  Per Mueller " The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”  I posted that to you just the other day. Yet here you are making false statements about it already. 

o your statement is "technically" correct,

It's 100% correct. 

 But Durham's investigation isn't showing crap about anything.s.”

Lol. Than you aren't paying attention. 

Professor Quiet
1.1.15  Ozzwald  replied to  Sean Treacy @1.1.14    2 years ago

Lol. Than you aren't paying attention. 

No, you are reading it through Barr colored glasses.  Trump Jr. was found to have conspired with the Russians in the infamous Trump Tower meeting, but Mueller chose not to charge him because Jr. was too stupid to know he what he was doing was illegal.

Flynn was charged and pled guilty to lying to the FBI about ______?  Please fill in the blank, and provide a link for your answer.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1.1.16  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.15    2 years ago
Trump Jr. was found to have conspired with the Russians in the infamous Trump Tower meeting

Conspired to do what and to what end. Wake up. It didn't turn out like you and the like minds wanted it to. He didn't charge him because it was a nothingburger. Ever hear the phrase "Ignorance of the law is no excuse"? If it was against the law it was up to someone to do something and it this case that would have been Mueller even recommending charges. Reality. Get some.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1.1.17  Sean Treacy  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.15    2 years ago
No, you are reading it through Barr colored glasses

I literally quoted Mueller.

ump Jr. was found to have conspired with the Russians in 

First you claimed it was Flynn. Now it's supposedly Trump Jr.  Read this quote from the Mueller report again  "The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities".   What part don't you understand? Why would you lie and claim that "Trump Jr was found to have conspired " when Mueller said the exact opposite?

lynn was charged and pled guilty to lying to the FBI about ______

Since it was your claim, provide the source that Flynn conspired with the Russians to interfered in the 2016 election.  Don't be a weasel. Back up your claim. 

Professor Principal
1.1.18  Tessylo  replied to  goose is back @1.1.2    2 years ago

No, they got nothing.  

Professor Quiet
1.1.19  Ozzwald  replied to  Sean Treacy @1.1.17    2 years ago
Since it was your claim

I see you left off the question mark and the end of my alleged "claim".  How dishonest of you.  How can a question be a claim?

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1.1.20  Sean Treacy  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.19    2 years ago

see you left off the question mark and the end of my alleged "claim". 

Lol.... No surprise you are trying to weasel out of what you wrote.  I'll replay 

Me 1.1.12: "Mueller indicted zero Americans for conspiring with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election," 

Your Response  1.1.13  "The investigation showed however, that Flynn was indeed conspiring with the Russians for the Trump campaign." 

Are you confused about the difference between a question mark and a period?  

So prove your claim that Flynn conspired with the Russians  to interfere in the 2016 election. 

goose is back
Junior Guide
1.1.21  goose is back  replied to  Dulay @1.1.8    2 years ago
At least your sad comments are consistent goose. 

Oh spare my the details, since you consider the terms Approximately, provocatively, misleadingly legalese HA HA. I am sure Durham is shaking in his boots.    

Professor Guide
1.1.22  Dulay  replied to  goose is back @1.1.21    2 years ago
Oh spare my the details,

I did. 

since you consider the terms Approximately, provocatively, misleadingly legalese HA HA.

Take that supercilious bullshit elsewhere.  

I am sure Durham is shaking in his boots. 

Well since he's admitted that he will be filing a motion in limine, it sure looks like he's afraid of something...

PhD Quiet
1.1.23  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Dulay @1.1.22    2 years ago
he's afraid of something...

that would be the truth, that whatever they do, they just can't get Hillary LOCKED UP, butt looking more and more like Trump Fam,may get Knocked up in prison, but doubtful with their resources, but, onencan dream justice can prevail equally, three quarters of the time

Professor Quiet
1.1.24  Ozzwald  replied to  Sean Treacy @1.1.20    2 years ago
So prove your claim that Flynn conspired with the Russians  to interfere in the 2016 election.

If you'd watch some American news, you wouldn't have to ask.

Michael Flynn, the former national security advisor who resigned and pleaded guilty for misleading authorities over his ties to the Russian government

Of course nothing will prove it to someone who refuses to listen, so you can skip your "that doesn't prove anything".  Flynn worked as an agent for the Russian government, that is indisputable.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1.1.25  Sean Treacy  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.24    2 years ago

 Flynn worked as an agent for the Russian government, that is indisputable.

Lol.  You keep saying demonstrably false things.  Your own source doesn't claim he conspired with Russians to interfere in the 2016 election. Did you even read it?

Here's the actual indictment. 

I'll explain this to you as simply as I can. He was indicted for lying to the FBI about a conversations  he had AFTER the election with the Russian ambassador in which he asked the Russians not to vote against Israel in the UN.  He was not charged with being a Russian agent, like you falsely claimed, and he was not charged with interfering in the 2016 election, which is what you were supposed to prove.

Please stop spreading false information.

PhD Quiet
1.1.26  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Sean Treacy @1.1.25    2 years ago
Please stop spreading false information.

Y , is that yours and the GOP's Job  ?

Professor Principal
1.1.27  Texan1211  replied to  igknorantzrulz @1.1.26    2 years ago

Because it is fucking ignorant, that's Y.

PhD Quiet
1.1.28  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Texan1211 @1.1.27    2 years ago

Heb Tex , Oui' Agree on something! Now stop letting it be the 'Rights' overwhelming majority's claim to fame and get multiple independent sources for your news\, so asz you guys and girls, don[t look so damn lost all the time !


Professor Principal
1.1.29  Texan1211  replied to  igknorantzrulz @1.1.28    2 years ago

I don't have a fucking clue as to what you are attempting to say here.

Perhaps just using English in a normal manner would help people understand what passes as gibberish to many of us here.

PhD Quiet
1.1.30  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Texan1211 @1.1.29    2 years ago

is it gibberish cause i was in agreement with you >>> ?

Professor Principal
1.1.31  Texan1211  replied to  igknorantzrulz @1.1.30    2 years ago
is it gibberish cause i was in agreement with you >>> ?

Your agreeing with me or disagreeing with me has zero to do with it being gibberish.

Perhaps SAYING you agree with me without all the childish word play would have conveyed that MUCH more effectively than a word salad does.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
1.1.32  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Ozzwald @1.1.24    2 years ago
Flynn worked as an agent for the Russian government, that is indisputable.

Flynn actually worked as an agent for the Turkish government.

"Disgraced Trump adviser Mike Flynn admits he worked as a “foreign agent” for the Turkish government"

What he lied about was the inappropriate and potentially illegal discussions about sanctions and other policies with the Russian Ambassador in December 2016 before Trump was inaugurated and before Flynn was the national security advisor.

Flynn clearly lied about the conversations he had with the Russians because he knew that they could be considered a violation of the Logan Act. He later plead guilty because the evidence of his lies were overwhelming. The whole push by conservatives to sweep it under the rug and claim he was "framed" and other such rhetorical bullshit is just pure conservative fantasy. It's not surprising however, if they can imagine up a nefarious 'deep state' then they can spin reality so that a man who violated the Logan act and lied about it then plead guilty multiple times is actually the victim. I'm almost curious as to how conservatives have managed such a feat of dexterity as to view Flynn as a victim when having such a belief clearly requires one to stuff their head up their own ass.

PhD Quiet
1.1.33  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Texan1211 @1.1.31    2 years ago

yea, but do word salads ever leave you with a feeling of satiety ? 

Professor Principal
1.1.34  Texan1211  replied to  igknorantzrulz @1.1.33    2 years ago
yea, but do word salads ever leave you with a feeling of satiety ? 

Nope, they are always unsatisfying.

I usually consider it a lack of a coherent argument.

PhD Quiet
1.1.35  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @1.1.32    2 years ago
conservatives have managed such a feat of dexterity as to view Flynn as a victim when having such a belief clearly requires one to stuff their head up their own ass.

it's most likely in their genetic makeup. That, and their heads, asz both are in their Jeans, with wedgies , cause Trump was the hammer (head) that drove that wedge Deep, and was appropriately nicknamed that Cheetoe De Jesus that did jamb toes, with cheese from down under not Australia, while his phat ass jiggled like jamb when a stormy did sea an image reflected grotesque, way worse than a Monica Blew dress, a tune hummed, Australian style, down under, a White House Desk

Professor Principal
2  seeder  JohnRussell    2 years ago

No one with a brain in their head is surprised by right wing medias lies about this story. We have seen it all before.

Professor Principal
3  seeder  JohnRussell    2 years ago

On Friday night, Special Counsel John Durham   filed a pretrial motion   on   possible conflicts of interest   by the lawyer representing Michael Sussmans, a cybersecurity lawyer Durham has   charged with allegedly lying to the FBI . But he also "slipped in a few extra sentences that set off a furor among right-wing outlets about purported spying on former President Donald J. Trump,"   Charlie Savage writes in Monday's   New York Times

Trump and allied media organizations say Durham's filing, as   Fox News' Brooke Singman put it in a widely cited early report , shows that lawyers for Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign "paid a technology company to 'infiltrate' servers belonging to Trump Tower, and later the White House, in order to establish an 'inference' and 'narrative' to bring to government agencies linking Donald Trump to Russia." Those claims were repeated Monday on Fox News'  daytime news   and   prime time opinions shows .

"But the entire narrative appeared to be mostly wrong or old news," the conclusions "based on a   misleading presentation of the facts   or outright misinformation,"   Savage writes . Gabriel Malor, a lawyer who writes for   several conservative media outlets,   lays out   a few specific points   on Durham's filing, including that it never uses the word "infiltrate" or accuses the Clinton campaign of ordering Sussmans or anyone else to pass the tech company's analysis of DNS data to the FBI or CIA.

Savage   summarizes  the competing narratives from Durham and the cybersecurity experts who compiled the contested DNS data, adding that the right-wing mischaracterizations "involve dense and obscure issues, so dissecting them requires asking readers to expend significant mental energy and time — raising the question of whether news outlets should even cover such claims." Lawyer Marcy Wheeler, who writes at   Emptywheel , has   a lot more detail about Durham's filings   and   Kash Patel's involved role   in this story. 

And Wheeler, a critic of Durham's Trump-Russia meta-investigation, has a theory about why he dropped this information into an unrelated motion just days after the statute of limitations appears to have expired. "As I keep noting, Durham is obviously trying to pull his fevered conspiracy theories into an actual charged conspiracy, one tying together the DNC, Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele, and Hillary herself,"   she writes . "If he succeeds, these flimsy charges (against both Sussmann and   [Igor] Danchenko)   become stronger, but if he doesn't, he's going to have a harder time proving motive and materiality at trial."
Professor Principal
3.1  Tessylo  replied to  JohnRussell @3    2 years ago

We're still waiting on those indictments on the Obama administration!!


Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
4  Trout Giggles    2 years ago

So this is what's behind all the hair on fire seeds we've seen lately about the Clinton Campaign "spying" on the trmp campaign and his administration.

Gee...I really thought some people were smarter than this. Even I could decipher what's actually going on. I may have had to read it 2 or 3 times, but I understand what's going on

Professor Principal
4.1  Tessylo  replied to  Trout Giggles @4    2 years ago

According to certain posters - "First the media ignored the story and now they are fighting it."

Ignored what?

Are fighting what?

Professor Principal
4.2  devangelical  replied to  Trout Giggles @4    2 years ago

pffft, this week's right wing circle-jerk theme for the brain dead morons that believe the alt-media bullshit.

Professor Guide
5  Veronica    2 years ago

Didn't Trump "lock her up"?????

Professor Principal
6  Kavika     2 years ago

Wait, what she isn't locked up!!! /s

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
7  Right Down the Center    2 years ago

Jesse's Rachel, Don, Chris imitation aside this may be a semi interesting development.  Time will tell for sure, if there are actual indictments made it will get more interesting.

What I find semi interesting is the MSM has tried to ignore this story for a few days and now seem to be actively trying to debunk it.  

What is a bit boring is Fox is doing their spin and CNN and MSNBC are doing their spin.  In other words business as usual. 

It is not time to make the popcorn but maybe soon.  As Rachel would say "Watch this Space"

Professor Guide
7.1  Dulay  replied to  Right Down the Center @7    2 years ago

Here's the rub, the statute of limitations has expired on those 'events', and Durham KNOWS it.

So, all Durham did was sling mud with no intention or ability to prosecute the unsubstantiated and fallacious allegations.

When he's done with his 'investigation', he set himself up for a lucrative position in a RW think tank or PAC. 

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
7.1.1  Right Down the Center  replied to  Dulay @7.1    2 years ago

You may be right.  I have not seen that reported anywhere but I have not watched it that closely.  I tend to wait to pass judgement on any news report that starts with "bombshell" until more facts are in, if they ever materialize..

Professor Guide
7.1.2  Dulay  replied to  Right Down the Center @7.1.1    2 years ago

The federal statute of limitations is 5 years. All of the BS that Durham spewed are about events that occurred Feb. 9, 2017 at the latest, over 5 years ago now.

Of course, he could try to fabricate an 'ongoing conspiracy' but he has NO evidence of a conspiracy. If he DID, he would have and should have filed an indictment against SOMEONE for conspiracy. He hasn't. 

He may want to review what's been happening in jurisdictions all over the country with lawyers who knowingly make filings that they cannot support with evidence.

Sussman's response requests that Durham's entire 'Factual Background' be stricken from the record and states that Sussman's lawyers intend to voir dire jurors about their exposure to RW media and Trump's characterization of the unsubstantiated story line in Durham's motion. 

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
7.1.3  Right Down the Center  replied to  Dulay @7.1.2    2 years ago

If what you say is true it is a good thing I haven't taken the popcorn out of the cupboard yet and it reinforces my "wait and see" attitude with anything I see on cable "news".

Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
7.1.4  Nowhere Man  replied to  Right Down the Center @7.1.3    2 years ago
If what you say is true it is a good thing I haven't taken the popcorn out of the cupboard yet and it reinforces my "wait and see" attitude with anything I see on cable "news".

If anyone believes anything that comes from any media source today concerning Hillary, Trump or any of their associates, needs his brain tuned by by a good head shrinker...

That includes the abject deniers on both sides... as well as the finger pointers...

The real deal isn't going to be played out in the media... ever...

Professor Guide
7.1.5  Dulay  replied to  Nowhere Man @7.1.4    2 years ago
If anyone believes anything that comes from any media source today concerning Hillary, Trump or any of their associates, needs his brain tuned by by a good head shrinker...

See I knew that the days and days of Fox bloviation on this subject, including their articles seeded here, was all bullshit...

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
7.1.6  Right Down the Center  replied to  Nowhere Man @7.1.4    2 years ago

Waaaaay too many people think what they see on Fox, MSNBC or CNN is news when in reality they have only one or two actual news shows between them all.

Professor Principal
7.1.7  Texan1211  replied to  Dulay @7.1.5    2 years ago
See I knew that the days and days of Fox bloviation on this subject, including their articles seeded here, was all bullshit...

You do realize that the quoted part means all broadcasters?

Probably not from within the Fox-hating bubble.

Moose Knuckle
Freshman Quiet
8  Moose Knuckle    2 years ago

A couple Clinton campaign rats have flipped on da bitch. She is epically screwed.

Freshman Silent
9  TOM PA    2 years ago

"Paid hackers".  Lets see the receipts, bank drafts, money orders, wire transfers.  As they say, "Follow the money."  

Professor Principal
10  Gsquared    2 years ago

A report on Faux News isn't true?  Shocking!

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
11  Paula Bartholomew    2 years ago

Trump Jr is on video linking daddy to Russia when he stated they get plenty of money from them.

Professor Quiet
12  bbl-1    2 years ago

Not necessary to 'fabricate'  ties or links concerning the Trump's and Russian interests. They do exist.  Trump has been on the 'foreign money dole' for at least three decades.

Professor Principal
12.1  Texan1211  replied to  bbl-1 @12    2 years ago
Trump has been on the 'foreign money dole' for at least three decades.

Yet more unsubstantiated bullshit.

Professor Principal
12.1.1  Gsquared  replied to  Texan1211 @12.1    2 years ago

Trump's ties to foreign money sources is well-documented.  Any attempt to claim that isn't so is pure, unadulterated bullshit.  Of course, some refuse to educate themselves even when provided with sources documenting the evidence, instead, dismissing it out of hand without bothering to look further.  Some our fine friends right here on NT are known to dismiss sources of evidence without having read it, as hard as that is to believe.

Professor Quiet
12.1.2  bbl-1  replied to  Texan1211 @12.1    2 years ago

What are you defending? 

Professor Principal
12.1.3  Texan1211  replied to  Gsquared @12.1.1    2 years ago

IF you have evidence that Trump "has been on the foreign money dole" for at least 3 decades---SHOW IT.

Otherwise I'll just assume it is yet more unsubstantiated bullshit.

Professor Principal
12.1.4  Texan1211  replied to  bbl-1 @12.1.2    2 years ago
What are you defending? 

I hope one day you can tell the differences between someone asking for proof for wild-assed, unsupported claims and someone defending someone accused of such things.

Why can't you prove your scurrilous claims?

Professor Principal
12.1.5  Gsquared  replied to  Texan1211 @12.1.3    2 years ago

Every time in the past that I have recommended or referred you to sources, your immediate response has ALWAYS been to say that the source I provide is bullshit and you refuse to read it.



Furthermore, the quote in your comment is NOT from me, yet you always act so offended when you believe someone is misquoting you or addressing someone else's comment when responding to you.

Professor Principal
12.1.6  Texan1211  replied to  Gsquared @12.1.5    2 years ago
Every time in the past that I have recommended or referred you to sources, your immediate response has ALWAYS been to say that the source I provide is bullshit and you refuse to read it.

You have clearly confused me with someone else.

If you don't look it up for yourself, and report the sources you researched, we will all know that your comments here are justMORE TROLLING.

You made the claim. All I am doing is asking for proof. I had no earthly idea it would cause such trouble.

If you can't (or won't) provide proof, then I have my answer.

It is unsubstantiated bullshit.


Professor Principal
12.1.7  Gsquared  replied to  Texan1211 @12.1.6    2 years ago
You have clearly confused me with someone else.

Never.  I'm fully aware of how you have always conducted yourself.

Professor Principal
12.1.8  Texan1211  replied to  Gsquared @12.1.7    2 years ago
Never.  I'm fully aware of how you have always conducted yourself.

Your petty personal little insults don't bother me.

I know when you're reduced to that that you have nothing better.

Professor Principal
12.1.9  Texan1211  replied to  Gsquared @12.1.5    2 years ago
Furthermore, the quote in your comment is NOT from me, yet you always act so offended when you believe someone is misquoting you or addressing someone else's comment when responding to you.

No kidding. I know who wrote that.

I quoted it so that there could be absolutely no mistake on your part what I was talking about and asking proof for specifically.

I wish there wasn't a need to explain that concept to you.

Professor Quiet
12.1.10  bbl-1  replied to  Gsquared @12.1.7    2 years ago


Professor Quiet
12.1.11  bbl-1  replied to  Gsquared @12.1.7    2 years ago


Professor Principal
12.1.12  Kavika   replied to  bbl-1 @12.1.11    2 years ago


Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
12.2  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  bbl-1 @12    2 years ago

Doesn't he also have a big bank loan from their banks?

Professor Participates
13  bugsy    2 years ago

Strange that zero of Hillary's past campaign officials have spoken up in her defense s/

PhD Quiet
13.1  igknorantzrulz  replied to  bugsy @13    2 years ago

or been indicted 


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