Massive protests erupted in Putin's hometown of St. Petersburg as Russians voice opposition to war in Ukraine

A demonstrator holding a placard reading "No to war" protests against Russia's invasion of Ukraine in
central Saint Petersburg on February 24, 2022. Photo by SERGEI MIKHAILICHENKO/AFP via Getty Images
Massive protests erupted on Thursday in Russian President Vladimir Putin's hometown of St. Petersburg, as people voiced their opposition to the invasion of Ukraine.
Videos posted to Twitter show a sea of people gathered in a section of St. Petersburg, Russia's second-largest city, chanting and holding signs to object to Russia's offensive in Ukraine.
NEXTA, a Belarusian media channel on the social network Telegram, posted a video showing an enormous bloc of people outside what appeared to be a Russian government building with busses lining the street adjacent to the protest.
Massive protests erupted on Thursday in Russian President Vladimir Putin's hometown of St. Petersburg, as people voiced their opposition to the invasion of Ukraine.
Videos posted to Twitter show a sea of people gathered in a section of St. Petersburg, Russia's second-largest city, chanting and holding signs to object to Russia's offensive in Ukraine.
NEXTA, a Belarusian media channel on the social network Telegram, posted a video showing an enormous bloc of people outside what appeared to be a Russian government building with busses lining the street adjacent to the protest.
Power to the people!!
The Russian people ... a card that Vladimir does not have in his hand.
And many people are saying that Putin isn't exactly playing with a full deck!!!
Let me see. Putin has ordered the Russian military into Ukraine to eliminate the Ukrainian military. Europe is defending fortress Poland and fortress Romania. And a handful of college protesters are going to stop Putin in his tracks?
Gee, isn't that special.
Putin may do to himself what those "college protesters" fail to do. That will indeed be mirthfully special.
Hope springs eternal it seems.
How often can people continue to underestimate Putin? He is a vile POS that doesn't care for a living soul outside of himself; and he has created a system that he absolutely thrives in.
Be very afraid of the individual that takes down Putin and seizes control of Russia. It will have to be one of his inner circle; and be more ruthless than he is.
Well, here's an actual photo of one of the protests. As is obvious, there were "only a handful" of people!
But can anyone tell (just by looking at the actual photo of the protest) whether they were actually students (as Nerm L has hypothesized {(in Comment # 6})
-- or were they not???
Probably until his own people realize what a horrendous tyrant he is-- and rise up to overthrow (or even assassinate?) him.
That will happen . .until it doesn't!
Remember how Hitler thrived in the system that he created?
Of course eventually it actually didn't end that well for Germany's beloved führer . . .
This will give people a much better idea as to the actual size-- and scope-- of the protests!
Anti-War Protests In Russia Test Putin's Dictator Privilege
Rachel Maddow points out that while Vladimir Putin may think that as a dictator he can ignore the Russian people's unhappiness, 1,745 arrests in 54 different Russian cities of protesters against his war on Ukraine suggest he may not enjoy that luxury indefinitely.
Hopefully Putin will meet with the same fate as his fascist predecessor.
Well, when I first saw headlines about this, my first thought was-- how significant are these demonstrations? Was it a one time event in one area? Was a "Demonstration" actually only a small group of, say, only five or ten students?
Or-- was there only one demonstration-- or were there several? And was it an isolated event, in perhaps only one town-- or was there more than one? And perhaps most importantly: were there "only a handful" of demonstrators-- or were there perhaps larger numbers of participants? (And how did you know this?)
Nerm L has stated his opinions, but the impression I got was totally different.
So, does anyone here have any pinion re: the size, numbers, etc of this demonstration (or demonstration s ?)
If so: readers of this column, what is your guess as to the actual true facts here-- more opinions would certainly help to clarify this issue-- so please post your guess (of what, if anything is happening) as a comment here-- that would be very helpful!
P.S: Nerm brought up his opinion of who the demonstrators were (guessing that they were all collage students). IMO whether that is true or not isn't really significant. However if anyone knows whether or not they were college students-- please feel free to express that opinion here!
(Since so much news has been about happenings inside of Ukraine or on its borders, it would also be helpful to know what's actually going on inside Russia itself)
Well, of course you are entitled to your opinion-- but if, as you say, it was "only a handful" of students-- I would disagree.
After all, as someone once said:
A mere handful of people does not a Revolution make!
10,000 protesters is a teeny tiny minority -- a handful. 100,000 protesters would still be a tiny minority. The only reason protests are significant in the US is because Presidential elections can be flipped by a teeny tiny minority of the electorate.
Protests are not a democratic process. Protests are about REVOLUTION which is not a democratic process. Protests are about a teeny tiny minority attempting to exert power over a majority.
Vladimir Putin doesn't need to pander to 1 pct of voters to win an election. 100,000 protesters won't make a difference.
I would agree. And in a truly "revolutionary" way. In fact as only time will tell-- IMO the odds are that these tiny "handfulls" of people, when taken together, may well be the thing that does what the Sanctions are unable to do). demonstrate in Russia is literally putting your own life in takes guts to do that full stop...
The KGB are still running around in force in Russia and anyone who opposes Putin well we have seen how he disposes his opponents.
The gulags will be up and running full bore if it persists...