Requiem for a social justice warrior

What do you do if there isn't enough "racism" in America to convince people that the country is racist?
Answer: You create a hate crime. And best of all you pretend that Trump supporters did it!
That is what Jussie Smollett did and he almost got away with it. Smollett, 39, was convicted of 5 counts of felony disorderly conduct and acquitted of a sixth following his trial late last year. Today, Judge James B. Linn stated that the evidence against Smollett was “overwhelming” and that the jury’s verdict in his case was “correct.” Each count is supposed to carry a maximum sentence of three years each, but "racist" America would not sentence this hate monger to what he deserved. Following the jury’s guilty verdict on Dec. 9, Webb excoriated Smollett for his testimony, which he said compounded the crimes jurors found he committed:
“Mr. Smollett had faked a hate crime and then lied to the police about it and then compounded his crimes by lying to the jury during the course of this trial, insulting their intelligence.” “I know Jussie Smollett grew up to be sensitive to issues of racial justice. He’s been doing this all this life. He’s involved in the community… and for you to sit here convicted of hoaxing racial hate crimes and homophobic hate crimes, the hypocrisy is just astounding. I don’t know where to begin,” the Judge said.
Smollett was sentenced to 150 days in jail, 30 months felony probation and to pay restitution to the city of Chicago, and a fine of $25,000.
Jesse Jackson, BLM and other "social justice warriors" (like Smollett) asked for leniency.
It appears they got it.
"Your Honor, I respect you and I respect the jury, but I did not do this," he added. "And I am not suicidal. And if anything happens to me when I go in there, I did not do it to myself and you must all know that."
He was eventually taken away in handcuffs.
That $120K restitution to the city of Chicago for the investigations is big to an unemployed actor. Of course, there is always people like Kamala Harris and the Hollyweird brethren to pitch in to help him LOL
Let us never forget when Michelle Obama called Kim Foxx
Money is money. But, I am pretty sure you know this. Seeing as some conservatives do and say whatever it takes to get and keep it away from people of color—in large amounts.
Bullshit. Race baiting so early? SMMFH
I don't buy the BS on display, Jim. If that makes me a race-baiter to some conservatives: I'm okay with that. Because I know who I am and better still I know what some conservatives 'do' here too. "Shake" anything you'll like!
Money is money. That's all. I don't care how he pays it; he can 'sell'. . . something. Why do you care anyway? As long as its legally paid back what do you care?
Do you want the city to get its restitution or not?
Then, money is money.
Yeah. You have my permission to read @1.1.5 too and 'project.'
Get a fucking clue, conservatives don't care what color you are or how money much you make.
What do conservatives CARE ABOUT, Goosieback? You should know since you are speaking. . . go for it! As for your 'anger issue' I could care less about that.
My anger issues revolve around what liberals are trying to do to this country, with the open borders policy, the indoctrination of kids by the public school system, the out of control spending (including Republicans), censoring speech, the msm acting as an arm of the Democrat party, claiming racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia is behind every corner and under every rock. You have ruined your own cause by claiming racism is everywhere to the point where people don't even listen to you.
Absolutely zero people are stopping you from heading straight out there to make your first million dollars. Keep us posted on how it goes.
I asked Gooseisback. He replied.
This is interesting. Is this some 'rubber stamp' reply you send forth when asked this question? I am having a deja vu moment! I am pretty sure that 'pat' answer has been on the comment board (99.99 percent) before.
Now then as to what you listen to, that is not a problem for me. Don't listen. I am pretty sure some conservatives are not listening to 'select' truth anyway.
Fortunately, truth will keep kicking ass and taking names, because it is what truth does. Bet that!
Jack_TX miss me with the 'tired' retort. We need help, support, encouragement, and real friendships-not empty rhetoric!
What's empty about it? It's the truth. There is absolutely nobody stopping you from getting out there and making a million dollars.
Yeah. There is plenty 'out there' stopping plenty of the citizenry from making a million dollars, but I digress. Keep pretending that all is fair in our country; it's delusional but it serves your purposes, I guess.
What is stopping you? Be specific.
Nobody said anything about fair. Life is not, has never been, and will never be fair. If you wait for things to be fair, you will grow old and die having done nothing but wait.
You can wait for somebody else to solve your problems, or you can solve them yourself. Nobody is stopping you. What stops you is not knowing how to do it.
Jack, we are not discussion me anymore than we are discussing you: I thought you 'knew' that. This is about the tragedy of people of color, and minorities being interfered with throughout the course of their history and present in this country (where observed). I am sorry if you want a 'blow by blow' listing of hostilities and can't piece them together from all the litany of articles on NT for yourself. I am not obligated to do that for you.
But, away, from minorities, and by way of women let's just take the Texas republican majority in the statehouse, which is utterly ignoring the will of Texan women and REPRESSING their privacy rights and privilege to have an abortion in the "great" state. These women solved their problem with trying to raise a fatherless child; Texas, says 'hell no" you will birth the child and imply they will (be compelled) love it too. Even if born out of rape. How is that for "stopping"? Want to explain how that is 'max' freedom for Texans?
What stops any minority from opening a real estate agency or an insurance agency or an investment advisory firm or a landscaping business or a dropshipping business or any of the other thousands of businesses that can easily make a person a millionaire?
You specifically said:
Yet you can't itemize a single example of conservatives impeding you or any other minority from making money.
Why do you need to change the subject? What has any of that to do with conservatives "keeping money away" from minorities?
I am not changing subjects! I am expanding it because you do not understand or pretend to not so, on-going minority histories or background policy matters/concerns/issues in this country! Women 'issues' with Texas (the state I presume Jack_TX inhabits) is current news—so it may be 'knowable' and may be understood by you! Dig?
I have no intention of holding your hand or regurgitating black American crises issues with you; just to have them 'spat upon anew.' So either get versed in what you speak, speak about what you know, or wait for the next article on racial subjugation topics to arrive and delve digger into it then!
No, but you know that already. And so continue on with the obfuscation and 'smoke and mirrors.' Know this, it is why nothing gets done with some conservatives and nobody is able to get satisfaction. "The struggle continues." - Bye!
My response was that I am not going to digress with black American history with you or the 'other' Texan. Deal with it. We're done here. BYE. And, a 'mouthpiece' really?
LMAO, sounds like he's afraid of being "suicided" like Epstein.
He's still carrying on the victim act. Now it's somebody is going to kill him because of "racism."
I really have to admit that watching the Smollett sentencing on tv was one of the more satisfying things I’ve watched in the last year.
Well, then he can come back and argue that point.
It put a smile on my face.
Five months in jail for a non violent crime like this one sounds about right. The fact that there were five counts is relatively immaterial. It was all one scheme.
That sentence is absurd.
No what is absurd is the BS sentence based on race; and not on his breaking the law and lying under oath in a court of law.
150 days. He won't serve even close to that sentence. The judge knows it; the jury knows it; and worse of all Smollet knows it.
No, contrary to your shoving the racism narrative down the throats of members and observers here ad nauseum and right on par with the Trump hit pieces you deem necessary, that sentence is right on the point. And one in line with the likes of Sharpton and Jackson. Keep 'em the victim.
Sentence was way too light, more like misdemeanor than for 5 felony charges.
Who cares? He got what he deserved. Case closed.
BS. He only got what he deserved under the lefts new two tier justice system.
This wasn't even a slap on the wrist.
His real punishment is he lost his career; 6 months is nothing compared to a lifetime of regret.
He had a career? Nobody knew who he was until he went "full retard".
I'm horrible at predicting the future, but if Mel Gibson can be forgiven and is able to act again I'm willing to bet that he will be back working in Hollywood again. He's only 39 so he had a long life ahead of him where he can rail about the injustice that was done to his name.... (that last sentence is sarcasm for those who cannot read that in it's typed form)
You might be right, but I have the feeling no matter how well he does he'll always feel like he's getting less because of this than he otherwise would have.
I'll also add that Mel Gibson is awesome compared to Smollett. There are plenty of people who will never forgive Gibson but it's Hollywood and Money Talks and Gibson Movies make money, he has as good a track record as anyone at making profitable movies.
It will depend on surviving and being flexible to reinvent himself. Hollywood and societal groups will 'blackball' him-it is up to him to find a road back to redemption (likely to demonstration of some regret or humility). Do time in the 'penalty box' and start the long slog back up the ladder. It is not guaranteed success however, as he could plateau for long periods on one or several 'steps' upward. He may be told to never mention his "innocence" again as a condition of hire or appearing.
This is reminiscent of Jeffery Toobin (not the same I know) but he did reveal himself to a business Zoom meeting set, got fired, and rehired, and is doing well. However, like OJ's trifling attitude do this wrong and one can be locked out (and broke more or less) for life!
A justice warrior is being jailed? It must be time to burn Portland again.
Pathetic opportunism. Always looking for some 'select' fight to wage and rail against. Even when justice has been executed through proper proceedings: the snugness is always there.
You call that sentence justice?
Only for leftists in today's two tier justice system.
Smollett did not get near what was deserved. No way was justice served.
Curious. What do you think the sentence should be? And state a or several reasons, please.
Why wasn't Smollett prosecuted for a hate crime? Placing a noose around a Black persons neck is a hate crime which is a Federal offense. Smollett included a noose so the incident would be seen as a hate crime which is a Federal offense.
What would the charge be, Nerm? Practically-speaking, how would you WORD the charge, that is? Please proceed.
Several witnesses, including Smollett's 92-year-old grandmother, Molly, spoke about his character.
"Jussie is what I call a justice warrior. He has been active against injustice all his life... I ask you, the judge, not to send him to prison. If you do, send me along with him," she said.
Grandmothers love unconditionally, it's what they do.
Well said!
In December, the "Rev." Al Sharpton reacted to actor Jussie Smollett’s claim to have been the victim of a hate crime in Chicago in 2019 by declaring: “The reported hate attack on my friend and brother, actor Jussie Smollett is despicable and outrageous. The guilty must face the maximum.”
Al Sharpton is going to be furious when he learns that "the guilty" did not in fact get "the maximum."
There is a saying: Do not stir around in old shit. Vic, as you certainly know we do not treat all people the same, because details matter. Just ask a judge! This judge for instance. Although we can not agree with every decision a/any judge delivers (ever), their judgements are what we have and what we are 'stuck' with in all court cases.
All crimes and perps are not the same, you think? Judges do have options to adjudicate as they see 'fit' and if it is within the bounds of sentencing usually it is acceptable. So context does matter, by hook and crook. Moreover, judges don't 'do' media interviews or stage 'protest' platforms to take the pulse of the people.
And as I asked 'Goosisback': How would prosecutors 'square' a hate crime charge against someone who commits the act against himself?! Hate crime laws do not take that into account.
We're done here. Bye!
Glad to see the person who attacked Jussie is finally sent to jail.
Justice served.
Be great if all the media and Democrats who decided to help Smollett almost start race riots go with him.