
Madison Cawthorn Calls Volodymyr Zelensky a 'Thug'


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  john-russell  •  2 years ago  •  36 comments

By:   Leia Idliby (Mediaite)

Madison Cawthorn Calls Volodymyr Zelensky a 'Thug'
Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) was recently caught on video calling President Volodymyr Zelensky a "thug" as Russia continues its invasion of Ukraine.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

By Leia IdlibyMar 10th, 2022, 1:52 pm Twitter share button <?php // Post Body ?>

Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 Republican National Committee/Getty Images

Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) was recently caught on video calling President Volodymyr Zelensky a "thug" as Russia continues its invasion of Ukraine.

"Remember that Zelensky is a thug," Cawthorn can be heard telling reports in a video now going viral on Twitter. "Remember that the Ukrainian government is incredibly corrupt and is incredibly evil and has been pushing woke ideologies."


"Zelenskyy is a thug. Remember that the Ukrainian government is incredibly corrupt and is incredibly evil and has been pushing woke ideologies."

h/t @WRALpic.twitter.com/cf3sew7MOp

— The Republican Accountability Project (@AccountableGOP) March 10, 2022

Cawthorn's comments are largely in conflict with the opinions of other Republicans, some of whom condemned the North Carolina representative for his take on Zelensky.

Republican state Senator Chuck Edwards (NC) took to Twitter to state, "The thug is Vladimir Putin," after Cawthorn's remarks went viral.

Let's be clear. The thug is Vladimir Putin. We must unite as a nation to pray for President Zelensky and the brave people of Ukraine who are fighting for their lives and their freedom.

Anything less is counter to everything we stand for in America.#ncpol#wncpol#ncga#NC11

— Chuck Edwards (@ChuckEdwards4NC) March 10, 2022

"We must unite as a nation to pray for President Zelensky and the brave people of Ukraine who are fighting for their lives and their freedom," he added. "Anything less is counter to everything we stand for in America."

Cawthorn later attempted to water down his comments in a Thursday tweet, writing, "The actions of Putin and Russia are disgusting. But leaders, including Zelensky, should NOT push misinformation on America."

The actions of Putin and Russia are disgusting.

But leaders, including Zelensky, should NOT push misinformation on America.

I am praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.

Pray also we are not drawn into conflict based on foreign leaders pushing misinformation.

— Rep. Madison Cawthorn (@RepCawthorn) March 10, 2022

"I am praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people," he added. "Pray also we are not drawn into conflict based on foreign leaders pushing misinformation."

The congressman also linked to a Substack article about propaganda and misinformation amid the Russian-Ukrainian war, writing, "Propaganda is being used to entice America into another war."

Propaganda is being used to entice America into another war.

I do not want Americans dying because emotions pushed us into a conflict.https://t.co/1IWJ33Tgqd

— Rep. Madison Cawthorn (@RepCawthorn) March 10, 2022

The article Cawthorn linked to largely focused on the viral story of Ukrainian soldiers on Snake Island, as many believed they were killed by a Russian attack, but were later reported as "alive and well."

"I do not want Americans dying because emotions pushed us into a conflict," he added.

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jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    2 years ago

Possibly the biggest lowlife in Congress. 

Professor Principal
1.1  Tessylo  replied to  JohnRussell @1    2 years ago

The scumbag has lots of competition amongst the gop/gqp/republican scum.  They're the thugs.  Not Zelensky.  Little putin and the gop/gqp/republicans - same difference.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
1.2  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  JohnRussell @1    2 years ago

He is just one of many who qualify for that.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2  Trout Giggles    2 years ago

I think this guy should volunteer to go to Ukraine

Professor Principal
2.1  devangelical  replied to  Trout Giggles @2    2 years ago

try moscow. his mouth is exactly at the right height to negotiate with putin...

Professor Guide
3  evilone    2 years ago

Cawthorn is also one of 15 Republicans (joined by 2 additional Democrats) that voted against banning Russian oil imports calling the bill “virtue signaling” by Democrats. 

Professor Principal
4  Kavika     2 years ago

Another wiener from the political right.

Professor Principal
4.1  devangelical  replied to  Kavika @4    2 years ago

I volunteer to push him around in his wheelchair at the capitol... oops...

Professor Principal
4.1.2  Tessylo  replied to  devangelical @4.1    2 years ago


Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
4.1.3  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Tessylo @4.1.2    2 years ago

John's comment was removed at the commenter's request.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
4.1.4  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  devangelical @4.1    2 years ago

I would choose a short pier.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
4.1.5  Trout Giggles  replied to  devangelical @4.1    2 years ago

he's in a wheelchair?

Professor Participates
5  Snuffy    2 years ago

Madison Cawthorn is the Republican equivalent of AOC.  He panders to the extreme of the base.   Will he be re-elected?  Time will tell but he's not a shoe-in for it.

Professor Principal
6  JBB    2 years ago

Why does the gop keep electing Anti-Americans?

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
6.1  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JBB @6    2 years ago

NC Has more registered Dems than Repubs.  You don't have to be registered in a Party to vote in the Primary but if you are you can only vote in that Primary.  Party registration doesn't affect General elections.

Professor Principal
7  seeder  JohnRussell    2 years ago

www.wonkette.com   /madison-cawthorne-volodymyr-zelenskyy-thug

Human Participation Trophy Madison Cawthorn Calls Zelenskyy A 'Thug.' That's It, That's The Headline.

Evan Hurst 3-4 minutes   3/10/2022

We started our day with grown adult GOP Rep. Madison Cawthorn going   beep beep in his big boy Jeep   without a valid driver's license. Let's end with him being even more stupid and pathetic.

Watch this little low-rent Hitler youth   talking to his supporters   and calling Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a man who is a fucking hero by anyone's measure, a "thug," and saying the Ukrainian government is "incredibly evil and has been pushing woke ideologies."

Oh yes he did.

.@CawthornforNC:\n\n\u201cZelenskyy is a thug. Remember that the Ukrainian government is incredibly corrupt and is incredibly evil and has been pushing woke ideologies.\u201d\n\nh/t @WRALpic.twitter.com/cf3sew7MOp — The Republican Accountability Project (@The Republican Accountability Project)   1646931276

This was this past weekend. WRAL in North Carolina   obtained the video,   and says about an hour after they posted this, Cawthorn seemed like he was trying to walk it back, saying on Twitter that Putin is bad mmkay.   Read his tweet   if you even give a fuck.

As WRAL notes, though, Cawthorn also   seems to be very mad   that there is propaganda in this war coming from the Ukrainian side too. What?   Propaganda ?   On both sides?   In a war?

Babydoll needs to grow the fuck up.

But speaking of propaganda, Cawthorn seems to have found this "let's call Zelenskyy a thug" message somewhere between Vladimir Putin's balls and his asscheeks, because wherever that opinion came from, T'AINT AMERICAN.

As   Talking Points Memo   notes, Putin   recently referred to   the Ukrainian government as a "band of drug addicts and neo-Nazis who have holed up in Kyiv and taken the entire Ukrainian people hostage.” Cawthorn's is no different from Putin's propaganda.

We are not even going to spend time laughing at this dipshit talking about Zelenskyy pushing "woke ideologies." It's just like, OK, baby boy, we get it, you know how to say the words One America News or whoever tells you to say. This is the same Knowledge Bowl champion who   yelled last week   on the House floor about how "woke generals" don't have the right to declare wars.

Say your political beliefs, Madison!


Good job, Madison!   Sure thing , buddy! Everybody clap for Madison!

As political consultant Fred Wellman   notes on Twitter,   this dumbass Aryan human participation trophy   lied about   getting into the Naval Academy and   considered it   a bucket list item to go to Hitler's summer palace. And now this is coming out just a day after news of golden boy's driving escapades?

We really need to stop encouraging young white blond conservative men to think they can do all things through Christ who strengthens them. It's just a disaster.


Also he can go fuck himself.


Moose Knuckle
Freshman Quiet
8  Moose Knuckle    2 years ago

Once again, i condemn the invasion by Russia, yes Russia is the bad actor.

That being said, Zelensky is a corrupt piece of garbage. This has been known for years. Read the nonprofit investigation before you make hacky comments in reply.

Professor Principal
8.1  Tessylo  replied to  Moose Knuckle @8    2 years ago


Professor Principal
8.2  Tessylo  replied to  Moose Knuckle @8    2 years ago

Go peddle your ignorant lies somewhere else.  

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
8.2.1  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Tessylo @8.2    2 years ago

His posts are almost always reflexively contrarian.  Some people are just born to troll.  There’s a pathology to it.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
8.2.2  Trout Giggles  replied to  Tessylo @8.2    2 years ago

Yeah, what Hal said. It's best just to ignore the trolls who call Zelensky a thug. I doubt if he has any proof of his corruption

Professor Quiet
8.2.3  cjcold  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @8.2.1    2 years ago

Seems that there are actually a few Russian bots on this site.

Professor Quiet
8.2.4  shona1  replied to  cjcold @8.2.3    2 years ago

Morning CJ..yep already passed comment on that and it was deleted..my first ever, got to be happy with that...🐨

We use some remarks as a figure of speech here but appears not so is some countries. Same as when something goes wrong with technology here we say probably the ****or **** have hacked it.. whoever at the time is flavour of the month..which is Russia at the moment..

Use to be a Russian on Newsvine, had a ball with him...miss him to a certain extent..he use to get the Hemispheres mixed up..He disappeared and then another one rolled up... probably ended up in a Gulag for failing geography...

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
8.3  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Moose Knuckle @8    2 years ago
i condemn the invasion by Russia, yes Russia is the bad actor.

What a strong condemnation, daring to call Russia a "bad actor". /s

Yet the real vitriol is reserved for Zelensky calling him a "piece of garbage" apparently based on the link you provided which I read and details how before Zelensky was President he was an actor and he and other members of a production company "had their own network of offshore companies" some of which were used to purchase three properties in London. Then, before becoming President Zelensky gifted his stake in a key offshore company, the British Virgin Islands-registered Maltex Multicapital Corp., to his business partner.

There is nothing in the link or from what I can tell any of the Pandora papers, that detail any actual criminal activity or any theft from the Ukrainian people. The closest link is their claim that the offshore accounts started after Zelensky and his partners in a television production company began making regular content for TV stations owned by Ihor Kolomoisky, an oligarch dogged by allegations of multi-billion-dollar fraud. So that's it, he worked and was paid for TV content by an Oligarch that has been "dogged by allegations" of fraud.

I mean if you're going to convict someone calling them a "corrupt piece of garbage" based on a working relationship with some rich guy "dogged by allegations" of fraud then apparently the entire Republican party who have been kneeling before the Orange Mussolini are "corrupt pieces of garbage".

I find it interesting that you seem to be desperately trying to find a way push Russian propaganda about Ukraine and yet not once have you linked any of the thousands of links detailing Putin's crimes. If you're calling Zelensky "a corrupt piece of garbage", then what the fuck is Putin? We know he's been assassinating political rivals, arresting dissenters, directly controls the corrupt oligarchs in Russia, has now illegally invaded a sovereign neighboring country twice, has used banned chemical weapons on civilians, has supported regimes in Syria and Iran, hacked American companies and political parties and did all he could to interfere with US Presidential elections. How is Zelensky the "corrupt piece of garbage" to you while Putin is just simply a "bad actor"? How does that even fucking work in someone's brain unless they were really a Putin loving right wing fascist?

Professor Principal
8.3.1  Tessylo  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @8.3    2 years ago
"i condemn the invasion by Russia, yes Russia is the bad actor."
"What a strong condemnation, daring to call Russia a "bad actor". /s

Yet the real vitriol is reserved for Zelensky calling him a "piece of garbage" apparently based on the link you provided which I read and details how before Zelensky was President he was an actor and he and other members of a production company " had their own network of offshore companies" some of which were used to purchase three properties in London. Then, before becoming President Zelensky gifted his stake in a key offshore company, the British Virgin Islands-registered Maltex Multicapital Corp., to his business partner.

There is nothing in the link or from what I can tell any of the Pandora papers, that detail any actual criminal activity or any theft from the Ukrainian people. The closest link is their claim that the offshore accounts started after Zelensky and his partners in a television production company began making regular content for TV stations owned by Ihor Kolomoisky, an oligarch dogged by allegations of multi-billion-dollar fraud. So that's it, he worked and was paid for TV content by an Oligarch that has been "dogged by allegations" of fraud.

I mean if you're going to convict someone calling them a "corrupt piece of garbage" based on a working relationship with some rich guy "dogged by allegations" of fraud then apparently the entire Republican party who have been kneeling before the Orange Mussolini are "corrupt pieces of garbage".

I find it interesting that you seem to be desperately trying to find a way push Russian propaganda about Ukraine and yet not once have you linked any of the thousands of links detailing Putin's crimes. If you're calling Zelensky "a corrupt piece of garbage", then what the fuck is Putin? We know he's been assassinating political rivals, arresting dissenters, directly controls the corrupt oligarchs in Russia, has now illegally invaded a sovereign neighboring country twice, has used banned chemical weapons on civilians, has supported regimes in Syria and Iran, hacked American companies and political parties and did all he could to interfere with US Presidential elections. How is Zelensky the "corrupt piece of garbage" to you while Putin is just simply a "bad actor"? How does that even fucking work in someone's brain unless they were really a Putin loving right wing fascist?"

jrSmiley_81_smiley_image.gif jrSmiley_81_smiley_image.gif jrSmiley_81_smiley_image.gif


Pretty fishy - reminds me of someone who used to be here quite a bit - who would spread that ignorant russian propaganda bullshit/misinformation/disinformation/LIES.

You have handed someone their ass, yet again DP.

Funny how they think they're always handing us ours.  
Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
8.3.2  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Tessylo @8.3.1    2 years ago

What's also notable about the Pandora papers that the right wing fascists are trying to use to smear Zelensky is that here at home they have a different opinion of those papers.

"Democratic U.S. representatives want changes to the trust industry after the Pandora Papers revealed   some South Dakota-based trusts are holding money for clients accused of crime, corruption and human - rights abuses.

"We will explore how these states and South Dakota have become the Grand Cayman of the Great Plains," said Rep. Bill Pascrell, D-New Jersey. "Letting this accumulation of hidden wealth go unchecked will only exacerbate our two-tier tax system. I will not be complicit in further cementing a have and have-not economy."

Committee Republicans had a different takeaway from the Pandora Papers.

Rep. Lloyd Smucker, R-Pennsylvania, said the Pandora Papers and other leaks highlight concerns about taxpayer data privacy.

"Instead of a hearing about the leak, the information is being used for political purposes," Smucker said. "It plays into the Democrat narrative — which is absolutely false — that wealthy taxpayers cheat and that they don't pay enough in taxes."

So apparently to Republicans, we should ignore the tax fraud exposed in the Pandora papers and worry about the "data privacy" and "leaks" of Republicans and their donors financial information.

Professor Principal
8.3.3  Tessylo  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @8.3.2    2 years ago
"So apparently to Republicans, we should ignore the tax fraud exposed in the Pandora papers and worry about the "data privacy" and "leaks" of Republicans and their donors financial information."


Professor Guide
8.4  Tacos!  replied to  Moose Knuckle @8    2 years ago
Zelensky is a corrupt piece of garbage. This has been known for years.

Just for the sake of argument, let’s assume that’s true.

So what? Who cares? Is that supposed to excuse what Russia is doing? Is that supposed to make me think that Ukraine invaded Russia and not the other way around? Is that supposed to make me not sympathize with the Ukrainian people? Or want to help them? Is that supposed to make us not want to stop Russian aggression?

As bad as someone might say Zelensky is, I would wager he is not 1/1,000,000th the lying, corrupt, unprincipled, global fucking menace that Vladimir Putin is. At this moment, anything negative we might say about Ukraine or their leadership is not worth the oxygen.

Professor Guide
8.4.1  evilone  replied to  Tacos! @8.4    2 years ago


Professor Principal
8.4.2  JBB  replied to  Tacos! @8.4    2 years ago

Yes, and we rest assured Winston Churchill and Franklin D Roosevelt were slandered by the Axis Propagandists during the last World War, too...

Professor Guide
8.4.3  Veronica  replied to  Tacos! @8.4    2 years ago

Very aptly put.  I applaud thee....jrSmiley_28_smiley_image.gif jrSmiley_81_smiley_image.gif

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
8.5  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  Moose Knuckle @8    2 years ago
Read the nonprofit investigation before you make hacky comments in reply.

I read it.  But did you?  I learned that in addition to being a comedian, a fabulous dancer, and a man beloved by the people of Ukraine, President Zelensky has made some wise investment choices, none of which have been illegal.  He also dumped any investments that might indicate the smallest bit of a conflict of interest with his political duties.  In addition, 90% of the report discussed the activities of others.  What is mentioned about President Zelensky provides mild innuendo and not a single link of proof.  Oh, and that bit about the man who bought London real estate around the corner from the Sherlock Holmes Baker Street Museum was charming but had nothing to do with the price of fucking beans in China.

After a few moments of due diligence concerning OCCRP, I learned that they have been quite useful and worthwhile in their investigative reporting.  I also discovered that Since 2012, OCCRP has dedicated the   Person of the Year Award   that "recognizes the individual or institution that has done the most to advance organized criminal activity and corruption in the world".  Source

Two or three of the names that seem to pop up over and over should be quite familiar to you.  And then there is another name that isn't mentioned at all:  Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.



Professor Principal
8.5.1  Tessylo  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @8.5    2 years ago

He's a good and decent man - loved and admired - a hero to his people.

Something that supporters/enablers of trumpturd and little putin can NEVER UNDERSTAND OR APPRECIATE

Professor Principal
8.5.2  devangelical  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @8.5    2 years ago
He also dumped any investments that might indicate the smallest bit of a conflict of interest with his political duties.

that puts him a few rungs of the political ladder above the current autocrat heroes of the GOP...

Professor Principal
9  Ender    2 years ago
Earlier this week, CNN reported that for the second time in the last five years,   Cawthorn was facing charges of driving with a revoked license . And that that charge was one of three pending traffic citations against the congressman. (The other two were for speeding -- one for going 89 miles per hour in a 65-mile-per-hour zone, the other for going 87 miles per hour in a 70 mile-per-hour zone.)

Then, on Thursday, a video surfaced of  a recent speech Cawthorn gave  to supporters in which he described Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as a "thug" and called the Ukrainian government "incredibly evil." He also insisted, without explanation, that the Ukrainian government was "pushing woke ideologies." He didn't specifically explain what misinformation Zelensky was allegedly pushing on America.

Madison Cawthorn is having a *very* bad week

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