The Elite Political Media Will Define Everything Except March Madness Through the Price of Gasoline /news-politics/politics/a39383310/biden-gas-prices-oil-companies/
The Elite Political Media Will Define Everything Except March Madness Through the Price of Gasoline
Charles P. Pierce 4-5 minutes 3/9/2022
Since it seems that the elite political media is going to define everything except the upcoming NCAA basketball tournament through the price of gasoline—CNN should open a bureau at that one gas station that is clearly overcharging people—I would like to point out that the headline on this Washington Post story misses the point by half an acre.
The headline:
Democrats embrace politically risky strategy on rising gas prices
The point, buried deeply in the story:
In recent days, major oil companies in the United States have said they would rather use their earnings from higher prices to boost payouts to shareholders and expand their operations slowly, rather than rush to drill new wells.
When did the consensus among us common folk break down that the oil companies are a miserable flock of price-gouging harpies interested only in lining their own pockets, despoiling land and sea and contributing to the planet’s self-immolation? I mean, Deepwater Horizon wasn’t that long ago. When did a Democratic administration’s threat to crack down on price-gouging become “politically risky”? From the New York Times :
In his broad Oklahoma twang and in language that will be heard repeatedly in the next few months. Mr. Harris made the following points: [he] said that Congress should “break up” the major oil companies, which he contends illegally control both production and marketing of petroleum products.
Where have you gone, Fred Harris? Your party turns its lonely eyes to you.
So now, as Ukraine fights to remain an independent nation, and as the economic recovery from a worldwide pandemic rolls on largely unacknowledged by much of the elite political press, the oil company executives, who currently hold a plethora of oil leases, are shoveling the money they’re gouging out of the rest of us to their shareholders rather than plowing it into developing the leases they already own. The Republicans are operating out of transparent bad faith on the issue, “supporting” the ban on the piddling amount of Russian oil we import while banging on the administration for, among other things, refusing to revive the rotting corpse of the Keystone XL pipeline, the continent-spanning death funnel and conservative fetish object. And it is “politically risky” to call all of this out, and for the president to do it as he did on Tuesday?
Now, let me — let me say this. To the oil and gas companies and to the finance firms that back them: We understand Putin’s war against the people of Ukraine is causing prices to rise. We get that. That’s self-evident. But — but, but, but — it’s no excuse to exercise excessive price increases or padding profits or any kind of effort to exploit this situation or Ameri- — or American consumers — exploit them. Russia’s aggression is costing us all, and it’s no time for profiteering or price gouging.
And yes, I realize this entire discussion is being held with no apparent regard for the fact that more drilling for more oil is the worst possible thing for the climate crisis that threatens to engulf us all. One more damn thing.
Very profound words, but the current bout of inflation, with the rapid rise in energy costs, is especially harmful to the poor. They are looking for Biden to do something positive about it by taking action against those alleged price gougers, which he hasn't, instead of casting blame.
So it looks like you are advocating Socialism (rather then let the free market forces prevail).
I am shocked-- shocked I tell you!
Brandon still can't see the tree through the woods; same as all of the other leftists.
Rather than sit down and talk with US oil companies about why they aren't opening up drilling; Brandon and the Democrats go on the war path and accuse them of price gouging. Oil companies are not going to open old oil wells or start new ones until it is profitable for them to do so. What could Brandon do to help that come sooner than later? Temporarily rescind his EO's on methane from currently operating and new oil wells. That goes for his new fracking regulations as well. He might need to temporarily roll back a few more environmental regulations. After all, this is to help out everyday Americans during a time of world crisis! The regulations can be put back in place once this crisis is over.
Funny how Brandon can't bring himself to sit down with US oil companies; but has no problem begging and offering concessions to every dictator that hates the US outside of Russia. Seems the left needs a reminder of his we hate the US concession tour for oil.
Why is Brandon so damn eager to talk to dictators and give them whatever they want; rather than US oil companies?
Who's this Brandon Dude of which you speak?
(Or do you wish to keep it "close to your vest"-- to coin a phrase"?)
is this some fictional Disney character that 's got your panties in a wad while living rent free in your head?
To coin a phrase....
Or merely one of the Trumpster's army of a$$lickers?.
Curious minds want to know!
What's to talk about?
Anyone who's even partially informed about the economy and the Stock market knows why!
And of course knows that in a free enterprise economy, private corporations make their own decidions aboput how to run their businesses-- which in this case how and when to drill.
(As I'm sure you are aware, this isn't Putin's Russia..where the government decides, not the private sector).
Ah yes, some random person on TV thought the vulgar Trump sycophants shouting "Fuck Biden!" were saying "Let's go Brandon!" and for some reason those with room temp IQ's thought it was the funniest thing since they used to give nerds 'toilet swirlies' in school.
Yeah and while they are at it, do something about the name trumpturd and repetitive "deflection, projection, and denial". They too are extremely immature and tiresome and repeated ad nauseum yielding no value whatsoever except to show our guest readers the immaturity of some of our members. Really makes the site look bad at times.
I'll take "Things you say when you have your head in your 4th point of contact" for $100 Alex.