Obama tweets to save face after embarrassing Biden video surfaces
Category: News & Politics
Via: vic-eldred • 3 years ago • 206 commentsBy: Lawrence Richard (Fox News)

Former President Barack Obama tweeted support for President Biden Tuesday evening shortly after an embarrassing video emerged from a health care event the two hosted earlier in the day.
Obama visited the White House, for the first time since leaving office in 2017, where he and Biden hosted a health care event in which they touted the Affordable Care Act and discussed options for making health care more affordable.
The former presidential duo was united again under the White House roof, but pictures and videos of the event showed people adoring the former president, even to the detriment of the man currently serving in the White House.
A particular video from the evening, which is being widely shared online, shows a somewhat embarrassed Biden seemingly wandering around the room alone while Obama is crowded with people eager to speak with him.
"Literally no one wants to talk to Joe Biden," the Republican National Committee said on Twitter, sharing a 13-second clip from the event.
"This is so sad," the RNC added, with another 25-second video similarly showing people walking up to speak with Obama and shake his hands while skipping Biden.
During the event, immediately before the RNC video, Biden is in the group with Obama, Vice President Kamala Harris, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and others before he leaves and appears to be searching for someone in the room.
Former President Barack Obama (C) and President Joe Biden greet friends and guests at the conclusions of an event to mark the 2010 passage of the Affordable Care Act in the East Room of the White House on April 05, 2022, in Washington, D.C. ( Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
After a brief moment, Biden then stops, turns back to gauge how busy Obama is, and then turns and gestures to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland to join him on the stage. She does, and the two then walk back to Obama, who appears to say he will walk over to them later. Biden and Haaland return to her seats and greet other guests .
This is so sadpic.twitter.com/pb959HYIQy — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 5, 2022
Shortly after the video began making its rounds online, the former president praised Biden in a tweet.
WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 5: U.S. President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama attend an event to mark the 2010 passage of the Affordable Care Act in the East Room of the White House on April 5, 2022 in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
"Always great catching up with @POTUS. Thanks for all you're doing to help even more Americans get access to quality, affordable health care," Obama tweeted.
Always great catching up with @POTUS. Thanks for all you're doing to help even more Americans get access to quality, affordable health care. https://t.co/vDYBIxjIy9 — Barack Obama (@BarackObama) April 6, 2022
The event was undoubtedly scheduled with the former president to be a much-needed win for Biden, who faces scrutiny for record-high inflation, soaring gas prices, and blame for not doing more to end the war in Ukraine that has lasted over 40 days.

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It was sad to watch, but Obama was right. Nobody wants to be tarnished by him.
Speaking of tarnishing, please note that all quotations are in the proper places, before I am falsely accused of plagiarism or racism or any other outrageous, slanderous slur.
And when they need to call in Obama, you know they are in deep doo-doo!
What's wrong with asking Mr. "Obamacare" himself to attend a White House program:
And a signing of an executive order - mark the 2010 passage of the Affordable Care Act in the East Room of the White House on April 5, 2022?
Some conservatives have lost valuable credibility. It sucks seeing a political party so 'petty-ass.'
Big-ass LIE. Now, it's obvious that the RNC is a propaganda 'mouthpiece.' Pitiful. Any group of people (in their right mind) would not dare to propose that a sitting president would be purposely ignored in a room of people. Since, by definition, his safety, calls for everybody to be cognizant of where he is and what he is doing.
It is truly amazing, the person that got the most votes in HISTORY, and no one wanted to talk to or even acknowledge him.
In all your getting, get understanding. Read and peruse the link (at the designated spot) @6.2.
When you look at that film it's mindboggling when you consider that Biden got more votes than Obama.
A "Where am I?" moment..........
Poor Joe......................
It sucks being Joe, but that's what happens when you rule from the left, cause unbridled inflation, flood the country with illegal migrants and demonize hard working Americans.
All the worst to him!
You're sticking with Joe?
Obama is embarrassed by him, maybe even Joe's wife (the former VP as Joe called her) may feel it too.
Oh, it's true. Unless of course you have no access to the outside world and don't know what's happening right outside your door. Of course, some DO refuse to see what's right in front of one's nose. Once again, to quote an old friend of mine, "Ideology spoils the view"
Your usual denial.
He's a winner?
no...............just "Not Trump" LMAO
He beat Trump; that is all that matters to the TDS stricken. The fact that Brandon is a hot mess as President is not their concern.
Yup, Biden beat every man who ever ran for the office. All it took was millions of mail-in-ballots.
Right now he couldn't beat Jimmy Carter.
Yep. True, very true
I'm glad that you agree. Now just do me a favor and think about Joe Biden getting more votes than any other presidential candidate in history.
Give it a long hard thought.
Vic, people hated your boy Trump. That is why Biden got so many votes.
So let us know when you start.
I think what he is is spilled W I E N E R
That's because trump was really that bad.
Yep ... this was big 'news' over at FOX along with other relentless dissing of the usual squirrels last night such as poutrage over Stacey Abrams earning speaker fees and a host of dog whistles about child porn for the Q crowd ... Pizzagate redux. The Ukraine? Not a whimper.
Right wing "news" sites gushing over a 13 second video clip. Rather pathetic.
This begs the question how much fox do you watch, and why since you don't seem to like a word they say?
“Not a whimper.”
The dizzying chasing of ‘tales’…
It is kind of hard to watch. Can’t say I have ever seen anything quite like it regarding a president.
Whoever chopped this video apart should be ashamed, but I am sure they will not be! Here is the link to C-Span full video:
Clip in Proper Context:
Start: @37m 20s
Now judge for yourself and others can too. Is the RNC (or whoever did "this" responsible for creating a 'lying' perspective? Yes or No?
I’m sorry, but are you telling me you expect me to sacrifice 37 minutes of my day on this story?
No, begin at ("jump to") 37m 20s in the video clip! That is not 37 minutes of 'anything.' Besides I consider you a truth seeker, so why balk? Do what you need to as to be properly and adequately informed!
37:20 is just Joe at the podium finishing up his speech. The parts where he’s sort of wandering around aimlessly, or when he can’t seem to get Barack’s attention happen later.
We can discuss how important all of this is, but any objective observer (in my opinion) has to concede that Obama is working the room much more effectively than Biden is.
The scramble to “save Joe” over this story is sillier than the story itself.
Are you kidding me? I explicitly stated, "begin at ("jump to") 37m 20s in the video." I'm disappointed in you. Don't tell me, you are going to pull that "I don't understand what you mean" shit this black guy gets around here?!
Surely you can see Biden signs his executive order and IMMEDIATELY AFTERWARDS he gets up from being the center of attention, shakes a few hands and the milling around begins. And yes, they are all 'working the room' that is how it is done.
Why am I having to make sense and explain the obvious?!
One more thing: Barack and Joe or Joe and Barack, if it needs to be stated respectfully, are FRIENDS. Equals. They don't play the "deference" game, because they don't have to do it. I can't believe I have to write this!
That's a sack full of it. And I will not expend time going back and forth with you. (1) of (3).
That's not substance. And, my discussion did not call for a 'go-between.' Tacos! Can handle his own replies and rejoinders. (2) of (3).
This video is also edited multiply times starting at the 41:00.
A C-Span full video is edited? Please explain what and how you mean.Oh I see you mean the parts that are 'cut out' as just long periods of people 'milling'? Really? You're going to read into that (the 'flashes' begin after parts which these people are outright mocking anyway). C'mon people. Who are we anymore?
That's called an edit.
Okay, take a 'victory lap.' You've earned it! /s Now, about the substance of the video, . . . does anything about the moments in the video connect with your experience at social functions? If so, you may have solved the mocking question of the day! If not, well. . . I suggest more social events by your 'planner.' (Smile.)
Sure, and an edit can enhance a video by removing unnecessary parts. By the same token, an edit can misrepresent what actually happened by removing parts which are necessary to get a correct representation of what took place.
These were time edits, nothing was misrepresented, what you saw took place. It's not like edits that have been done to change the context of what someone said.
Biden kind of reminds me of Herbert from Family Guy. Only thing missing would be the walker.
Just looked at this "smoking gun" video of Biden being "ignored"
The "embarrassment" belongs to those who think this is a thing.
@6.2 is a fuller video and one can 'jump' to the relevant section of a C-Span video of the ceremony.
Not as embarrassing as all the people that are so triggered by this that they feel the need to flock in and defend Joe rather than just let it go. Don't worry, I am sure MSNBC and CNN will edit a video to make some republican look like a baby eater commie any minute now and you will all feel better.
Hmmm. Didn't hear Biden or Obama call anyone or any country a, "Shithole."
What is the problem, Vic?
Those countries that were called shit hole countries richly deserved that title and more.
If you're a Trumpster.
If you are a rational human being.
Maybe someone thinks you are a shithole person. Are they rational?
The people who live in those countries probably dont think they are shithole countries. Most of them think they are home.
I am not a trumpster at least not by your definition. I did vote for him twice because he was the best nominee in the race. Fortunately for the US he beat the first Dem he ran against and it is sadly apparent that the joker that beat him is not competent to hold the job and is bringing the country to ruin.
Trump's policies were far better than Brandon's. He secured the border far better. Now the borders open and God knows that criminals and disease riddle people are sneaking into the country.
Trump was in the process of deporting people already ordered out of the country by the courts. Biden rates of deportation are lower than they have been in decades.
Under Trump the US was energy independent and a net exporter of energy. Biden has to beg for oil from other countries including our enemies, Iran and Venezuela. He can not even get our supposed ally, Saudi Arabia to bail him out.
During Trump's term Putin and Xi we're both quiet as was north Korea. Brandon can not say that.
Trump nominated three excellent people for SCOTUS.
Trump move the Israel embassy to Jerusalem where it belongs.
He fast tract the COVID vaccine with Operation Fast Track.
Before COVID wages were on the way up. Fuel prices were down and inflation was low. Minority employment numbers were at 50 year highs
He got other NATO nations to start paying their fair share.
Trump may have a bad personality but his policies were top notch and and he got things done.
Oh please, for fuck's sake. Trump was never, even for one second, fit to be president of the United States.
“I did vote for him twice…”
…rendering any further comment moot. The guy is an asshole, not one anyone could share a beer, much less consider as a leader.
www.factcheck.org /2022/03/examining-u-s-energy-independence-claims/
Examining U.S. 'Energy Independence' Claims - FactCheck.org
6-8 minutes 3/9/2022
When politicians say that the United States was “energy independent” under former President Donald Trump, some people may get the false impression that the U.S. was 100% self-sufficient. The country still relied on foreign sources of energy, including oil.
To help meet domestic demand, the U.S. has imported oil and other forms of energy from abroad, including from Russia, for many years. And to some energy analysts , a scenario in which the U.S. relies only on the energy it produces is not likely to happen anytime soon.
Instead, those who tout this so-called “energy independence” may be referring to the fact that, on net, the country either produced more energy than it consumed, exported more energy than it imported, or, more specifically, had a greater number of exports than imports of petroleum, which includes crude oil and refined products from crude oil, such as gasoline and various fuels.
However, by any of those definitions, the U.S. was still “energy independent” in 2021 under President Joe Biden — contrary to claims made by Republicans who have suggested otherwise.
Net Energy Exports
“We were energy independent one year ago,” Trump said in a March 2 interview on Fox Business, in which he criticized Biden for not mentioning what is happening with oil in his State of the Union address, for example.
He added, “We were exporting energy for the first time ever in the history of our country,” falsely implying that that had never happened before and had ceased since he left office. (He made a related claim about energy in his keynote address at the Conservative Political Action Conference in February.)
Trump is one of several Republican politicians to claim or suggest that Biden ended the “energy independence” America needs to stop relying on Russia for oil, as well as to combat rising gasoline prices, which reached an average weekly price of $4.10 for a gallon of regular gas on March 7.
Notably, the price of gasoline actually has been rising fairly consistently since the end of April 2020, when it was selling for $1.77 a gallon, the lowest weekly price under Trump. By the time he left office in January 2021, the price was already up to $2.38 a gallon.
Also, the U.S. was buying oil from Russia in 2020, and for many years before. For instance, Russia accounted for 7% of total U.S. imports of petroleum in 2020 and 7.9% of those imports in 2021.
In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Biden signed an executive order on March 8 blocking new U.S. purchases of Russian oil, liquefied natural gas and coal. It allows for a “45-day wind-down period” for orders already under contract, according to a senior administration official .
As for Trump’s suggestion that the U.S. was “exporting energy for the first time ever in the history of our country” when he was president, that’s false. The country has been supplying international markets with various forms of energy for decades. The former president presumably meant to refer to net energy exports during his administration.
U.S. exports of primary energy did exceed its energy imports from foreign sources under Trump in 2019 and 2020 — the first times that had happened since 1952, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
But through the first 11 months of 2021, the U.S. also was on its way to being a net exporter of energy last year — and, thus, by that definition, “energy independent.”
All forms of energy combined, the country exported 23.0 quadrillion British thermal units of energy in that time span, which was more than the 19.6 quadrillion BTUs of energy it imported, according to the EIA’s latest monthly figures.
In those same 11 months, the U.S. also produced 89.0 quadrillion BTUs of energy, slightly more than the 88.5 quadrillion BTUs of energy it consumed.
The U.S. also produced more total energy than it consumed under Trump in 2019 and 2020.
Net Petroleum Exports
Trump also may have been thinking of net petroleum exports, since he mentioned oil multiple times in the Fox Business interview.
In 2020, the U.S. exported about 635,000 barrels per day more than it imported from other countries, “making the United States a net annual petroleum exporter for the first time since at least 1949,” the EIA has said . At the same time, the U.S. continued to be a net importer of crude oil , specifically, as it has been since the 1940s.
The trend line for the U.S. becoming a net exporter of petroleum began in 2006, under President George W. Bush, and continued under President Barack Obama and then Trump. The EIA said a decline in the global demand for oil during the COVID-19 pandemic finally pushed the U.S. into net exporter territory.
“International petroleum prices decreased in response to less consumption, which diminished incentives for key petroleum-exporting countries to increase production. This shift allowed the United States to export more petroleum in 2020 than it had in the past,” the EIA wrote in a February post on its website.
More important, the EIA said the U.S. “continued to export more petroleum (which includes crude oil, refined petroleum products, and other liquids) than it imported in 2021.”
Last year, the U.S. exported about 164,000 barrels per day more than it imported , according to annual EIA data.
The EIA does project in its March Short-Term Energy Outlook that the U.S. will import slightly more petroleum than it exports in 2022, making it a net importer for the year. But that is not a certainty.
In February 2021, the EIA also projected that the U.S. would be a net importer of petroleum for the year, which, based on the EIA’s most recent data, turned out not to be the case.
However, if the EIA’s most recent projections are accurate, the agency also estimates in the same report that the U.S., as soon as 2023, would once again be a net exporter of petroleum, or, based on that definition, “energy independent.”
He is and was more fit than Biden could ever hope to be and don't even get me started in hattis
I guess that is why so many of them want to leave them and come here, because they are paradises.
Oh an no those people are not rational
I don't want to have a beer with him ( BTW neither one of us drink alcohol) I want him to carry out the policies just as he did. You don't have to be liked to be a leader you just need to get things done.
On the day Trump won the 2016 election , he was a known pathological liar, crook, bigot, moron and cheat. And you voted for him.
“…they are paradises.”
…reboot? Day drinking is fine, but never too late to call it a day.
Yup because for all of that he was better than the Witch of Chapaqua, Hillary Clinton and far better than Let's Go Brandon.
Didn't Hillary and Joe get millions more votes?
I think you're forgetting that to his poorly educated sycophants all of Trumps faults, as monumental as they are, are considered 'features', not bugs. Many right wing conservatives love the fact that Trump is a liar, crook, bigot, cheat and moron, especially if it pisses off the "libs" they despise so much for not kneeling down and licking white right wing conservative Christian boots. For them nothing could be better than an uncouth misogynistic liar leading their party and 'owning the libs' with his bombastic unfiltered loose rectum spraying right wing conservative filth on everything in its vicinity.
When Trump called Mexicans rapists and drug mules they cheered, when Trump called our African nation allies "shitholes" they cheered, when Trump said he just "grabs" women he finds attractive "by the pussy" they cheered. I'm not really sure what trying to reason with such miserable worthless pond scum would achieve, and if getting a political win requires pandering to such gutter trash then the 'win' is utterly pointless.
So? the popular vote is irrelavent and in Clinton's case it did not matter so what's your point?
Well that is a big plus but I voted for him in 2016 because he was not Hillary and I would have voted for anyone or anything in the known and unknown universe and any parallel universes that might be out there.
I voted for him in 2020 because I strongly approved of the things he got done and the policies he had.
Don't remind them. Right wing conservatives hate being reminded that they're a minority in America. They prefer believing they're some gigantic 'silent majority' which of course is just code for "I think there are a helluva lot more white conservative Christians out there who want to preserve 'Our' white conservative Christian culture and nation and will never embrace ideas like 'diversity' and 'equality' for all, not when they know there is a WAR going on between the righteous and the unrighteous!".
So I take it the misinformation campaign, the conspiracy theory crazies and the utter nuts did their job in painting Hillary as worse than death for many conservatives. Sure, none of their unhinged conspiracy theories were true and Hillary has never even been charged with a crime let alone accused of more than two dozen sexual assaults and the rape of a 13 year old, but she was clearly the most maligned candidate from 2016. Not even the greasy slimy fat disgusting misogynist tub of lard bragging about what a "star" he was and how he just goes around grabbing women by the pussy and moving "like a bitch" on married women, not even that could overcome the unhinged unproven bullshit lies that had been spread about Hillary.
Frankly I didn't like Hillary much, she was just another career politician, but she had actual government experience and was capable of rational thought unlike her opponent and his vast sea of poorly educated minions. So while I believe Democrats could have done much better, the fact that Republicans won with such a monumental loser is just sad. Sad for both parties and the biggest loser in the 2016 election was clearly America itself.
I agree, but at the moment I'm really just amusing myself.
Well I never listened or watched MSNBC OR CNN so I would know about that.
I guess that why both she and the DNC we're fined for the "Steele dossier".
Trump was never charged it convicted of any crime.
I agree, but at the moment I'm really just amusing myself.
Exactly, pleasuring one’s self with cheap amusement is better than no amusement, eh JR?
Are you trying to dog me?
Dog you? I like dogs, but I was just agreeing with you.
Oh, you went out of your way to agree with me. That's encouraging.
I’m glad that we got that cleared up,
You know what? This country is a type of shithole too! We stink and smell to 'high heaven' with all this divisive nonsense we feed and poop. This country is one big nauseating vomit right now! All this power for what? To be 'gas bags' worth a dime a dozen!
Last I checked, Mar-a-Lago, Bedminster nor Trump Tower are countries. Although I agree they richly deserve the 'tag' you've bestowed.
If you don't like it you can always leave. I hear North Korea may be nice for you.
Boy.that was about as funny as the photos coming out of Ukraine these days.
Or you, we, can cooperate and be smarter than fifth graders. Stop embarrassing the children! You think? Oh and this is not your country to suggest anybody leave home. Fix your part in this 'shithole.'
They were fined because they misreported the money spent on opposition research. They were not fined in any way because of the content. The facts show that a large portion of the dossier was true, the rest were suppositions that couldn't or weren't proven true, but that's because the Steele dossier wasn't a conclusions document but a "here's what we know so far and here's what we suspect" document.
And neither was Hillary. What's your point? The Trump organization was fined far more by the FCC than the DNC or Hillary were. His foundation was closed down and fined millions, his university was shut down and fined $25 million, Trumps attorney went to jail for paying half a million in campaign money (which was misreported to the FCC) to multiple porn stars to keep them quiet during the campaign, but apparently some small minded weak little grade schoolers who pooped their pants want to claim that the $8,000 that Hillary was fined due to improperly reporting campaign spending is the proof they've been waiting for to finally "get" Hillary. It would be laughable if it wasn't so damn sad, it's hard to imagine what mental squalor those who believe such nonsense must be living in.
I don't live in a shit hole. Apparently you think you do? What democrat party controlled city/ state do you live in?
The problem with cooperating or compromising with liberals is that they think that that is only possible if you agree 100%with them and give up you views and opinions entirely. It don't work that way.
Eeww! More liberal bs propaganda and spin.
Republican politics is a SHITHOLE! It is the 'picture' of filth being poured into national discussion. Stop embarrassing and shitting on us all! Clean up and 'power-wash' your politics! It stinks.
That is untrue. Perhaps you should talk to different liberals? Upgrade? Honestly, I do think conservatives have good points and policy positions. But conservatives message so damn poorly (though they consider it brilliant and coordinated). The problem is this: You can't 'gut' the opposition in this country, on either side or sides, because it will get called out and whoever is determined to be the 'culprit' or problem 'child' once the situation is aired in public the public will turn off or against.
We need to get back to cooperation between people who are one (or required to live together)! Conservatives are not going to govern this country without liberals and liberals can not govern this country without conservatives.
So cut the crap. We all shitholes together or fountains together, and the children would wish us to maintain and sustain the fountains of this country!
You are not helping to make 'it" happen. The kids of this country deserve better than "this"!
Tell that to the resident of Portland, Chicago Baltimore, San Francisco that have fallen in to ruin by the "leadership" of democrat members. I guess that is why people are fleeing from democrat states and moving to good republic states like Texas.
I supposed that is the reason people in Pennsylvania are leaving the democrat party and registering Republican in large numbers
I supposed that is the reason people in Pennsylvania are leaving the democrat party and registering Republican in large numbers
That's full of shit too. Grow up. That's all I got to say.
Leaving you with something to reflect on:
Don't Let the Green Grass Fool You
Now, you can glean what you can from the 'messaging' and the melody (if you're not to whatever to even bother to listen).
Of course I live here. Born and raised and 'served.' But here is something for you to reflect on (too):
The Staple Singers - Respect Yourself (Official Lyric Video)
Ever hear of "West Baltimore Ruins" by Shea McCoy?
Yeah, really. What kids do you have in mind? Most likely "those."
I have. That is why I am not a liberal or a democrat.
Where is this ruin you speak of?
"The photos contained in “West Baltimore Ruins,” a new book from Baltimore photographer Shae McCoy, shows buildings that are missing their fronts—looking like poorly maintained doll houses—or missing either part of their roofs or backs, with slivers of the sky visible through the windows. McCoy says she takes pictures of crumbling homes and buildings as a way of preserving the past."
I won't even dignify that remark. I will add this: Wait until Texas reaps its surplus of babies born in and out of wedlock. Then we shall see what's what. (There are good times and bad times everywhere depending on when and where one stands.)
Which parts of the understanding of "kids" is giving you the hardest trouble? C -
And yet you reply to it. The reason is because you cannot dispute the facts that you he cities I mentioned have become shit holes under democrat/ liberal administrations.
Gee imagine that. Texas is going make people actually live up to their responsibilities and the consequences of their actions. Making people actually having to be adults.
Typical of any large city.
Baltimore isn't a typical large city. 63% of Baltimore's population is black. Baltimore is located in the richest state in the country, Maryland. Maryland is one of the most Blue states in the country. Unemployment rate is 8.8% while nationally it's 3.8%. The population has decreased 8.75% since 2010. The population has declined around 45% since 1950. Baltimore violent crime rate is twice that of nearby Washington DC.
To be born poor in Baltimore is to stay poor, in their very rich and very Blue state.
Just imagine! And after all the bravado, y'all can't MAKE Donald responsible. Go figure. Truth is Texas ain't going to make girls and women raise babies they didn't ask for or need. The state will have widening orphanages and burgeoning adoption centers. I can hear the gears turning already in the heads of entrepreneurs. . .flocking to the states. Oh, and the new influx of non-profits branches like: FEED THE CHILDREN (Texas).
Does any state still have orphanages? I think that in the US, there are many more adults that want to adapt babies than babies available for adoption. Isn't that why we have international adoption? I believe that the children stuck in foster care are typically older kids.
Give it the 'required' amount of time. . . . You will 'recall' a great many things from 'yesterday' happening in Texas! Conservatives talk a great amount of Sugar-honey-ice-tea like their liberal counterparts do. But, when those babies start 'dropping' and the rolls start rising across "the great state" - Abbott will be on to 'greener and more lucrative adventures.' And, there will be impoverished girls and women with mouths to feed and no man around the house to be found!
Incidentally, why isn't Abbott mandating, "One child - One Dad" as a state policy?
Give it the 'required' amount of time. . . . You will 'recall' a great many things from 'yesterday' happening in Texas!
Perhaps, but the US birth rate is at an all-time low. Teens used to be a larger source for babies up for adoption are also getting pregnant at the lowest rate ever (a very good thing). Single motherhood is no longer a stigma so they are less likely to place their baby for adoption.
I read somewhere that today, less than 10% of the women who were denied an requested abortion chose adoption.
And? What does the present have to do with speaking to future outcomes?
Trend analysis?
Are you aware of the controversial Texas 2021 Abortion Law? Yes or no? In your opinion, is it 'trending' sufficient data points?
I am and believe that it is a bad law. The trends that I mentioned were the trends against putting babies up for adoption.
Most of which are run by democrats...and have been for decades.
Respectfully, you joined in this discussion on a comment partially about Texas @8.1.67. That state's issue with 'unwanted' children problem have yet to build and has great concern about metastasizing. Food for thought: Now that Texas republicans won't extend aid and benefits to the girls and women it is compelling to give birth, a consequence will be girls and women moving out of the (red) state. Guess where their end-designation will likely be.
I for one am not surprised that you hear dog whistles. I suspect that you have a good sense of smell also.
I hear your dog whistles loud and clear
Does that make you a dog?
Are you switching the discussion from cities to states?
Is there a common demographic in those states?
I did see this today:
President Barack Obama Returns To White House After Growing Tired Of Working Remotely