Ted Cruz Wont Say He Would Blow a Man to Solve World Hunger
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 3 years ago • 102 commentsBy: Leia Idliby (Mediaite)

By Leia IdlibyApr 12th, 2022, 3:08 pm Twitter share button <?php // Post Body ?>
Sen. Ted Cruz(R-TX) declined to answer if he would "fellate another man" to end world hunger while speaking at Yale University on Monday.
Cruz visited Yale University to record a live episode of his podcast Verdict, which he hosts with conservative political commentator Michael Knowles.
While the two addressed hot topics such as intellectual diversity and the confirmation of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, a question from a student named Evan really got the crowd going.
"Assuming it would end global hunger, would you fellate another man?" Evan asked Cruz at roughly 1:37:47 into the clip.
Cruz quickly dodged the question, passing it on to Knowles, who confirmed he would not perform fellatio on another man, no matter the outcome.
"Like a typical left-wing undergraduate, you are engaging in consequentialist ethics," Knowles said, noting that the question was likely a reference to American Psycho's "That Yale thing" scene.
Knowles went on to accuse the student of "attempting to justify flagrantly immoral behavior to achieve a good end," adding, "And I tell you, my friend, the ends do not justify the means. Absolutely, absolutely not."
The host did not expand on why he believes performing fellatio is "flagrantly immoral."
After successfully avoiding the question, Cruz turned it back to Evan:
"I am curious with that young fellow. If it would solve world hunger, would you vote for Donald Trump?" Cruz asked, earning dispersed laughter from the crowd.
Watch above, via Verdict.
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Looking for the satire tag ...... sadly there was none. .....
What type of dumbass question is that?
"You won't do an act you find repugnant to end world hunger? You won't prostitute yourself to save humanity? You are evil!"
That is the type of idiotic logic that we have all come to expect from leftists.
Dumbass? Inappropriate, yes. Poorly phrased, yes. But dumbass? No.
Would you prefer:
"Ted Cruz, would you do something you feel is totally repugnant (but not dangerous), to save countless millions of lives from starvation?"
Exactly. What did this add to the conversation? Absolutely nothing. The kid wanted his 15 mins of fame and thought he was embarrassing Cruz but he embarrassed himself.
This is the best a "prestige" Yale student can come up with?
No, very much "dumbass".
The thing is, this kid is going to expect to be taken seriously about something political someday, and now that won't ever happen.
Puerile snickering.
I'm sure he's a hero on fraternity row. Good for him.
As you say, he got his 15 minutes of fame and may even be able to get a blowjob or two from a couple of dipshits who are "really passionate about advocacy" or some other such gobshittery.
But it's going to be an expensive 15 minutes. Imagine this video clip playing over and over while you're running for county judge and trying to convince everybody you should be taken seriously.
You all act like this is the first time in history something like this has happened.
Politicians have been heckled for years.
Nothing new.
I'm pretty sure that Evan isn't in a frat. He sounds anti-social.
Anonymously shouting shite from "somewhere in the crowd" is different than asking a sitting US Senator a blowjob question on video.
I am sure something like it has been done before. Not everything use to be on video.
No doubt.
I'm just also thinking that the kid isn't at Southern Mississippi or Fresno State. He's at Yale. Assuming he's actually a student there, he likely has a bright future in front of him, now influenced by something he'll have to live down.
In many places, it won't matter at all. In some, however, it's really problematic.
At least he didn't ask Cruz a dumbass question like: Are babies racist?
Trump University?
You must not have read this seed for comprehension, reread and see if you still need to ask.
Ted Cruz is basically a clown so he is prone to being asked clownish questions.
As a constituent, I would love to replace him. Unfortunately, we're unlikely to get a reasonable alternative any time soon.
Nope - typical BS thread to get attention. Not news - not even friggin' worth reading 'bout.
The world is going crazy, lol.
I do think though we may be seeing a new tactic from those who are tired of the right's endless whining about LBTGQ issues. Confront conservatives with blatantly embarrassing sexual questions at the conservatives public appearances. I was reading another story today about the right wing pundit Ben Shapiro being ambushed at a public appearance with the accusation that he is unable to sexually satisfy his wife.
That will backfire spectacularly.
We're better than this?
Track down Evan and let him know.
Why would I do that, Ronin2? The 'moment' has ended. Let's be better than Evan, yes? There are more appropriate ways to chastise or upbraid Ted Cruz for his 'lacks' in the Senate.
Only if he could do it in Mexico.
"I am curious with that young fellow. If it would solve world hunger, would you vote for Donald Trump?" Cruz asked, earning dispersed laughter from the crowd.
Poor Heidi. Her husband is still symbolically fellating the man who publicly insinuated she is fugly.
What's exciting or disturbing is I find Cruz's question honestly very interesting. (At this moment, I do not know how to answer that one. Will need more time to ponder it. That is one heck of an "if" thought experiment!)
It is protein, from what I have heard...
Said every guy to every wife, girlfriend, occasional booty call, etc...
We already know that Cruz would eat shit if Trump told him to.
Ahhh yes, the ole Trump deflection.
Not surprising really. It was only a matter of time before a leftist would bring him up.
Most can't help it.
Must really suck to have someone not in office for over a year stuck in your brain 24/7.
It is a toss up between racist and Trump as to which one is used to deflect first.
You can't handle the truth about Cruz.
As for Trump, it must REALLY suck to worship the ground he walks on. Too bad for you.
I love bringing up Trump as often as possible. It makes reactionaries' heads explode. Trump is a deviant, fascist traitor and you own him. Or, maybe more accurately, he owns you.
Trump Devotion Syndrome?
We can't miss him if he won't go away.
Lol ... Trump owns all y’all and after all this time, it’s still funny as hell
It looks like some Trump worshippers don't even know they're owned by the fat fascist. Comment 7.1.6 is proof. It must be really sad to be that pathetic.
Projection is a very bad character trait. Not good for you at all. My advice is you should work on fixing that.
Toot sweet ....
Comment 7.1.9 -- the sound of another reactionary head exploding.
Comment 7.1.10 -- the sound of yet another reactionary head exploding. Pop!
Have you always be a hyperbole fan?
Always. It's an aid for the benefit of the clueless and the comprehension challenged, some of whom are on here with us today.
I'm glad that you found an aid that help with your understanding. I'll bet that you're a graphic novel fan as well.
I never said anything about Cruz. He does not represent me so I don't care.
Your incorrect projection of Trump on me is wholeheartedly bullshit. I dont inject him into every conversation, or any, for that matter.
To do so shows how advanced TDS is with you.
Funny how you claim I worship the ground he walks on, then post this doozy
Seems TDS has really warped the mind.
Clinically insane is the phrase you are looking for ....
Your comprehension challenge looks pretty serious. The only fiction I read are comments like yours.
Wow. Reactionary heads are exploding all over the place. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. This is too easy.
I'd hate to see what his other fantasies are about.
"I am curious with that young fellow. If it would solve world hunger, would you vote for Donald Trump?" Cruz asked,
Perfect response.
Apparently Cruz equates voting for Donald no different that being "flagrantly immoral" considering that's how Knowles had just framed it.
Interestingly, I think many rational Americans would much rather suck a dick than intentionally elect a serial liar and accused rapist even though there were over 70 million who proved they'd much rather let Trump fuck America in the ass than vote for Biden.
At least trump uses lube when he fucks America up the ass. Biden likes to fuck America up the ass dry.
I was getting quite a laugh from the "horror" posted by so many, and I'll bet a lot of "manly" men have had their wives do that very thing. So I decided to search "Benefits from ingesting semen", and apparently not only is it not poisonous, but there are quite a few benefits. (LINK) ->
Now, with THIS knowledge, maybe "Solving World Hunger" would have made Ted Cruz a hero to millions upon millions of people, especially children, and earned such gratitude as would make him one of the most famous men in all of history now and forever. Most politicians, being the whores that they are anyway, shouldn't shun such an opportunity. LOL
Pretty stupid question from a obviously less than stellar mind individual. I don't blame Cruz for refusing to answer.
I’ve dealt with a lot of Ivy leaguers over the years and generally speaking have found them to be a rather unimpressive lot.
Well, when one has been spoiled, coddled, and spoonfed ideology by the leftist liberal academia(?) that have taken over the Ivy League schools, as much as some of those spoiled rich kids have it's not surprising.
Ted Cruz, the Princeton and Harvard Law School graduate, being one of the of the least impressive Ivy Leaguers ever. Of course, he was only admitted under their affirmative action for the extremely stupid programs.
Jon Stewart got off a good point recently. He said that if we had a properly functioning media in this country no one would know Ted Cruz existed.
In other words Cruz "fame" is for all the wrong reasons.
I see, so affirmative action is good except for people like Cruz who you disagree with eh?
Where did I say affirmative action for the extremely stupid is bad? You should have the right to an Ivy League education even if you don't otherwise qualify. Go ahead and apply.
[Deleted] Everyone does admire your ability to swear, though. It makes you look really smart. You capitalize nicely, too. At least you have that going for you. So, those are two skills you possess you can be proud of.
Perfect, I was a bit worried that I might be a little off track but thanks to your input I know that once again, I am spot on [Deleted]
Not to mention the fact that when Cruz attended Princeton and Harvard, Ivy League schools were not nearly the liberal academic indoctrinating cesspools they are nowadays.
A refresher on just how unpopular Ted Cruz is:
Very funny.
Only to hard core leftist liberals...
Apparently you didn’t watch it then.
That’s because she is only funny to left wing haters .... all 12 that watch her.
Samantha Bee is a lot funnier than the Babylon Bee, thats for sure. But then again, what isnt ?
Absolutely. It would be easy to compile a bunch of videos of liberals voicing their hatred for Ted Cruz, but her’s are of prominent conservatives voicing their hatred of Ted Cruz. It’s also pretty clear that if you’ve ever personally known Ted Cruz at some point in your life, you’ve hated Ted Cruz.
Conservatives like him because he owns the libs.
Actually I did watch it. First off I have never found Samantha Bee even remotely funny. Crude and rude but not amusing. And second, that was just another leftist liberal hit piece video that also was not even amusing to me. If that is your thing though, more power to you.
Pay its bills and validate its feelings.
Her gig is pushing left wing hate. Some folks eat that shit with a spoon. Her low ratings show how few ...
I don't care for her but that was funny.
What is the lefts hang-up with sex? How stupid do you have to be to even ask this kind of question in public?
I think you may have answered your own question. It came from the left.
I really wish I could say I am surprised.
Remember that weird kid on the playground standing alone eating boogers.
Thats them .....