RNC Withdraws From 'Biased' Commission On Presidential Debates
Category: Op/Ed
Via: vic-eldred • 3 years ago • 45 commentsBy: Jordan Boyd (The Federalist)

It's official: The Republican National Committee unanimously voted to withdraw from the "biased" Commission on Presidential Debates over the organization's refusal to offer Americans a "free and fair forum" to evaluate presidential candidates.
"To be clear: we are not walking away from debates. We are walking away from the CPD," the RNC said in a statement.
The decision comes after a year-long rule change battle between the CPD, which repeatedly refused to adopt the RNC's list of debate reforms, and the RNC, which accused the commission of deliberately failing to "provide a fair and impartial forum."
The CPD has a history of favoring Democrats by naming left-wing journalists as moderators who happily hijack Republican candidates' talking time. In the 2020 election cycle, the CPD chose Fox News's Chris Wallace, who asked slanted questions favoring Biden, and Steve Scully, who incompetently tweeted a private conversation he had with a notable anti-Trumper and then falsely claimed he was hacked.
After the 2020 election, when the CPD used Covid-19 as an excuse to delay the first presidential debate until after mail-in balloting in some states began and then hired a moderator who once worked for Joe Biden, the RNC and others were fed up with the CPD and its leadership.
The RNC demanded board term limits, limited public commentary on candidates by CPD staff, and a punishment process for moderators who "have apparent conflicts of interest due to personal, professional, or partisan factors." Any attempts by the RNC to fix the CPD's partisanship and affinity for the corrupt corporate media, however, were routinely ignored. Even when then-President Donald Trump tried to reason with the CPD, the commission didn't budge.
As a result, the RNC has pledged to find "newer, better debate platforms" free of the corporate media's corruption and political establishment's bias.
"Debates are an important part of the democratic process, and the RNC is committed to free and fair debates. The Commission on Presidential Debates is biased and has refused to enact simple and commonsense reforms to help ensure fair debates including hosting debates before voting begins and selecting moderators who have never worked for candidates on the debate stage," Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said.

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This is an interesting time, isn't it?
There is a political reaction to the left's control of so much of America's institutions. We see it here at the CPD, with the demand for fair play. We see it with Elon Musk demanding free speech from social media and most important of all we saw it with parents demanding that ideology not be taught to young children.
... except in designated thumper madrasas.
do you? address the hypocrisy I've illuminated or don't.
It sounds more like, "I'm gonna take my ball and go home."
I agree t he debates do need some changes however I think that walking out of them is the wrong way to in act change. The right needs to get the intestinal fortitude to make changes within a system. Instead it appears that their method of reform is to tear everything down. JMHO
The way I read the article, it would seem that the RNC did try to make changes within the system but could not get anything to move. I don't think that what the RNC was asking for in the way of changes was that great or one-sided and IMO would have improved the perception of the CPD on being unbiased. But if they attempted to work within the system and could not get anywhere then I don't blame them for backing out.
Not sure how this will all play out however. The CPD negotiates with candidates rather than the RNC or the DNC and all the RNC is really doing here is asking it's candidates to pledge to not negotiate or participate. Kind of hard to see a politician willingly take themselves out of public view.
When they said the corrupt corporate media they lost me.
Also punishment? What are they going to do, spank them? Fine them?
I think they may mean this, as example, when Donna Brazile was caught by an email release from WikiLeaks to have given the HRC campaign one of the questions that was coming up in a CNN managed debate.
Hardly an act of an innocent corporate media IMO. As far as punishment, haven't a clue. That's for them to work out. But it really doesn't seem like the requests made by the RNC are all that hard.
I wouldn't blame CNN for that. I blame that Brazile woman. And no, I am not a fan of CNN . Haha
As for punishments of moderators, seems to me, get caught being bias, not a moderator again. Seems simple.
Another thought, in this day and age, it would be hard to find a moderator that doesn't have some kind of bias.
And Donna Brazile was punished for this action. When she left CNN to go to the DNC her contract with CNN was put on hold. After this came to light her contract with CNN was terminated. CNN themselves was not punished. I doubt that she will be made a moderator for any sort of debate in the future.
And you're right, it's very hard to find a moderator without bias in this day. Perhaps that's why it would be good for moderators to (1) not be involved in any political campaign and (2) have term limits as to how many debates / years a single moderator is allowed to participate before they are "put out to pasture".
I agree with the not being involved in a campaign.
Good. They ignored our concerns in 2020. They or another group will take our ideas and issues into account in order for there to be any Presidential debates in 2024. Either the CPD take us seriously or someone else will.
"Take us seriously, or someone else will."
1. The RNC's concerns are what?
2. Could one of those concerns be an uttered/deliberate falsehood to be permitted to remain unchallenged?
3. Does the RNC believe that the 'already installed message,' regardless of accuracy, is the only response necessary?
4. And lastly. "Or someone else will."
a. Who or what is the 'someone else'? And their retaliatory actions would be against whom? And what would those actions be comprised of?
trump does not run the party. trump is old news, stop with the tds...
Funny this sounds exactly like what donald wanted last year....
Americans are fed up with gridlock and government disfunction but they do not desire the far rightwing bassackwards nonsense flaming out of the gop...
It makes sense. The gop doesn't want us to know!
Us to know the gop has no ideas, no plan, nothing!
Just tax cuts for the rich and corporated welfare...
This guy has some great points to consider.
(cause they don't have any policy) Haha
Not this fool again. His propaganda doesn’t even apply here.
Republicans haven’t refused to debate. They’ve refused to participate in CPD organized debates for the reasons noted.
Big difference.