The close GOP primary in PA

Pennsylvania's primary Senate election is being held today. It has turned out to be a tight race between three candidates:
Dr Mehmet Oz. Endorsed by Donald Trump.
David McCormick. I've been America First my whole life.
Kathy Barnette. Unelectable in a general election.
Recent polls show the three in a three way tie. There is a trojan horse in the race. Kathy Barnette has made some insane, vile comments in her distant past and a photo from Jan 6th shows her walking with a group of Proud Boys. Oddly enough it is Fox News that is doing all the screeching about her beliefs. The leftist msm has been noticeably silent.
Anyone care to guess why?
Answer: If the left can get Barnette to win the nomination, they will then bombard her with her past statements and we'll see a lot more of that Jan 6th photo.
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Keystone State Republicans: Get out there and vote! This primary is as important as the general election.
Oz won't make it to Emerald City.
Tell me what you're thinking?
To me, by far the most interesting thing about these primaries is the fact that almost all of the candidates are trying to prove they are more MAGA and subservient to Trump than the others.
Yet for some odd reason we have apologists claiming that Trump is no longer a thing and he has disappeared from the scene. Such a claim would be funny if it wasnt so stupid.
By taking this course the GOP will likely lose both the senate seat and the governorship in a few months.
Wait until the Georgia Governor's primary. That is where Donald Trump faces a huge defeat.
Yet for some odd reason we have apologists claiming that Trump is no longer a thing and he has disappeared from the scene.
I don't know what you mean by "a thing." He is a bit of a king-maker and could be the GOP's elder statesman.
By taking this course the GOP will likely lose both the senate seat and the governorship in a few months.
I'm ready to take all wagers.
The way the Senate races shape up this time around would ordinarily favor democrats. However, that radical ideology which was administered for almost 2 years has sealed the democrats fate. They are cooked.
I really do hope Trump is made the face of the midterms on the Republican side. This would greatly aid the Democrats chances.
The dems are running on their performance. They have no chance.
On the democrat side, all the candidates don't want to be seen with Biden. There's no clamoring for his endorsement!
By the way, no one in their right mind would ever refer to Donald Trump as a "statesman".
Put him next to Biden and he looks like Shakespeare.
Almost Reagan-esque
I doubt the Bard considered a tomato to be a deadly weapon.
Re Ms Barnette: "The leftist msm has been noticeably silent."
As Ms Maddow would say, "bullpucky!"
Here in MA some call her "Butch Cronkite."
There are still problems with counting ballots in PA!
MUSK GOES GOP: ‘I Never Voted Republican —This Election, I Will’
Trump-backed GOP candidate Ted Budd wins Senate primary in North Carolina
The people of PA woke up to a cliff hanger because it takes the state days to count ballots!
It takes longer to count the ballots because according to law the counties are not allowed to count mail-in ballots until the polls close on election day.
When did the problem start?
It is part of Act 77 which was signed into law in October of 2019. The first election under Act 77 was the Primary in 2020.
Mastriano wins Pennsylvania GOP governor primary despite party concerns

Pennsylvania primary GOP bids embraced Trump while Democrats shunned Biden

Jesus, you act like that is something to be proud of.
Lets see how happy you are when the Democrat wins that Senate seat and a Democrat wins the governorship.
You think so John?
Do you know how angry this country is at democrats?
The Republican candidate for governor is a far right conspiracy nut, election denying, Jan 6th participant. If the Democrats dont wrap that around him like an anchor it is their own fault if they dont win.
Oz will not hold up under a harsh campaign. The Dems will be thrilled if he is the nominee.
They never fail to slander an opponent, most notable was the Alabama Senate race where the Washington Post withheld damaging info on the Republican until he won the primary and only then did they wrap it around him. That produced a deceit-filled victory for Doug Jones.
Oz will not hold up under a harsh campaign.
It will be Oz against the far left policies of Joe Biden. I don't see how he can lose.
The Dems will be thrilled if he is the nominee.
They have few happy moments coming in the next 2 years.
I'm going to lose a lot of respect for the people of Pennsylvania if they elect this piece of shit
I dont think they will.
Mastriano wants to give out all voter's private information to a third party company to do an "audit" of the 2020 election, including, name, dob, ssn, driver's license numbers, addresses, phone numbers, etc. People are not happy about that.
Oz has never lived in Pennsylvania and used his in-laws' address as his address to vote in Pennsylvania and to get on the ballot. People are not happy that he's not from here.
The Pennsylvania general election will be telling so see if Trump actually has the support here that he thinks he does with these two.
I think you missed an opportunity to bash Trump.
In the campaign’s final days, his opponents mounted an unsuccessful last-ditch effort to consolidate support around a rival , former Representative Lou Barletta.
And it was only then that Trump gave Mastriano his endorsement. Trump could have endorsed either one of them. It looks like Trump waited to make sure he endorsed the winner.
We have to restore integrity to our elections.
Oz has never lived in Pennsylvania and used his in-laws' address as his address to vote in Pennsylvania and to get on the ballot. People are not happy that he's not from here.
People in MA felt the same way about Romney.
The Pennsylvania general election will be telling so see if Trump actually has the support here that he thinks he does with these two.
It won't be until the Georgia Governor's election that Trump will face a real test. His candidate is down by 32 points.
He very well could have lived in New Jersey which is where he currently resides when not "living" at his in-laws.
Point is...he has not resided in the state while running for a Pennsylvania Senate seat. You may be ok with someone running for Texas Senator while living somewhere else, but people here are not, so your opinion of the situation here is moot since you don't live here either.
And basically, you admit that its possible he did not reside here, but you want to argue anyway. Some people will argue about anything.
We still don't know if he ever did live in Pennsylvania, so again, you are arguing just to argue (and going around in circles like you always do). If you want to elect someone that does not live in your state, go for it. No one is stopping you. However, I will never vote for someone who does not live in my state and does not know the needs of the people who live here.
Ok. Dr. Oz may have lived in Pennsylvania for approximately 8 years (during his college/graduate school) out of his 61 years life leaving 53 years that he lived somewhere else. If he lived in Pennsylvania for approximately 8 years during his college/graduate school, he has not lived in Pennsylvania for approximately 35+ years and knows nothing about the needs of the people of Pennsylvania. If he did not live here for the 8 years of college/graduate school, then he has not lived in Pennsylvania for 61 years. There, does that make you happy, or do you still have something stupid you want to argue about.
See 11.1.19. Again, do you still have something stupid you want to argue about?
I'm originally from PA. I remember we didn't like "strangers" much.
Arkansas is currently having an identity crisis much like Oz. Tom Cotton has a residency in Little Rock but spends all of his time in DC. Sarah Huckabee is running for governor but she hasn't lived here since she went to college. I doubt she knows anything about this state. Doesn't matter. If she wins her daddy Mike will pull all the strings on the Sarah Marionette
All you did was argue for argument sake, but that's all you do.
Do you definitely know if Oz lived in Pennsylvania during his college/graduate school years?
Are you 100% sure what I said was false?
says the "don't put words in my mouth" poster boy...
You are 100% sure. You know for a fact that he lived in Pennsylvania while attending school and didn't live in another state and commute. You know for a fact that he lived in Pennsylvania while going to graduate school and didn't live in another state and commute. In all of this you still lost the main point (like you always do), that he has not lived in Pennsylvania, does not know the needs of the people here, and even conservatives are leery about voting from him because of those facts. A lot of conservatives are calling him a carpetbagger because of those facts. You wanted facts, those are the facts.
There's your waffle.
I caught you waffling and that's all you have to say. Typical.
Sure, sure. Time for you to admit you waffled after harassing me over 1 word when you have already admitted that he could have lived in another state.
By the way, I'm a female.
Whether you admit it or not, your hypocrisy is already posted here for everyone to see.
You called me a him. I'm correcting you. Why be a jerk over it. Smh
[Removed for context]
[Does deleted?] Just want to do our very best.
The majority of Republicans in Penn voted for either a Muslim or a black woman.
But its the party of white supremacy ...
"Georgia has seen record-breaking turnout for early voting despite passing an election security law last year that critics panned as "voter suppression" and President Biden said harkened back to the era of "Jim Crow"
I guess people figure Oz can’t be a worse politician than he is a doctor.
But he still teaches surgery at Columbia University, what are they thinking?
“…at Columbia University…”
…and where exactly in PA is that located?
Silly, it’s where Obama went in NYC.
The point remains that Dr Oz lives in New Jersey, teaches in New York but is running in Pennsylvania.
Whatever his qualifications once were they have now been tarnished by Oz attempting to profiteer off of Ivermectin and him buying into TRUMP'S BIG LIE...
Oh my, politics are supposed to be local.
What in hell does that have to do with it?
Does being impertinent work in real life?
It doesn't go over well at all in The Bronx.
Or, anyfuckingwhere else, for the matter...
What the hell does what have to do with what? I agreed that politics are supposed to be local.
I'm sorry if you find me rude.
I'm glad that you've got your gang activity under control.
It doesn't matter here.
According to Wiki, he is registered to vote (somehow) at his in-laws’ address in Pennsylvania. Apparently, that’s all you need?
I don’t know: it’s a mystery to me why anybody in that state would vote for him for Senate, much less that he could even be eligible to run.
How is that PA still hasn't finished counting ballots from last Tuesday?
This was already explained to you above.
Explanation has been rejected.
Reject it all you want, but I live here. I know what's going on. My county just started reviewing flagged ballots. More citizens of Pennsylvania are using mail-in ballots than the Commonwealth estimated. There is no extra money for overtime nor for hiring people to count the ballots. This is the process the Republican legislature approved, and this is the product of that process and legislation.
Which was un-Constitutionally undermined by Marc Elias lawsuits and judicial decisions in the election of 2020.
Tallies that take over a week to process causes the public to lose faith in the integrity of our elections.
Well this is what the Republicans enacted so if it causes the public to lose faith, it's their fault. Take it up with them.
You're out in PA? How would you like me to be sitting there as the custodian of all those ballots for over a week?
What the hell does that have to do with anything Wishful just said?
Some days I worry for your health
It is what it is and the ballots are secure with the election bureaus of the various counties. This the product of Republication legislation Act 77 which you can read online. Right now McCormick is going to court to get ballots included in the tally that have been dismissed for defective dates so it's still going to be awhile before the results are known in such a close race, and then there will be recounts so just sit back and enjoy.
Hopefully that will not work. There are rules for a reason and anyone who can't follow those rules shouldn't be voting in the first least by mail.
So republicans are suing about their own laws?
No, it doesn't. You don't even live in PA so why don't you go back to bashing Biden since it's about the only thing you're good at
It's funny because this is the same issue that the Republicans sued about in 2020 saying that the misdated ballots should not be counted. I don't remember the outcome because the number of ballots was so small that it wouldn't have impacted the election anyway, so I didn't really follow the case.
That's why I don't understand this whack job wanting to count them. I think he is afraid if they don't he may lose. Hard telling what his motivation is
I think it's because the race is so close (last I checked it was less than 2,000 votes) that every mail in is needed for him to win (not that I think all of those ballots will be for him because I am sure they aren't).
In Plain English...It's a disgrace
Why don't you go back to your haste-fests. We are having a discussion here.
I agree. If mail in ballots are able to be scanned in as they arrive, this wouldn't happen.
There you go!!
bugger off
Here's a local article about the Republican Senate Primary in Pennsylvania. This was published yesterday.
We keep saying that ballots should be counted in a single day and you keep saying "Republicans."
Do we agree on how elections should be conducted?
All I can say is that mail in ballots should be scanned in as they come in so this wouldn't happen. But, again, Republicans are in control of the legislature here, and they are the ones that need to change it, but they won't because they want mail in voting scrapped altogether.
If you have it, it needs to be done right. I'm against it in general