Hillary Clinton Did It
Category: Op/Ed
Via: vic-eldred • 3 years ago • 109 commentsBy: The Editorial Board (WSJ)

The Russia-Trump collusion narrative of 2016 and beyond was a dirty trick for the ages, and now we know it came from the top—candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton. That was the testimony Friday by 2016 Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook in federal court, and while this news is hardly a surprise, it's still bracing to find her fingerprints on the political weapon.
Mr. Mook testified as a witness in special counsel John Durham's trial of Michael Sussmann, the lawyer accused of lying to the FBI. In September 2016, Mr. Sussmann took claims of a secret Trump connection to Russia's Alfa Bank to the FBI and said he wasn't acting on behalf of any client. Prosecutors say he was working for the Clinton campaign.
Prosecutors presented evidence this week that Mr. Sussmann worked with cyber-researchers and opposition-research firm Fusion GPS to produce the claims on behalf of the Clinton campaign, and to feed them to the FBI. An FBI agent testified that a bureau analysis quickly rejected the claims as implausible. (Mr. Sussmann has pleaded not guilty.)
Prosecutors asked Mr. Mook about his role in funneling the Alfa Bank claims to the press. Mr. Mook admitted the campaign lacked expertise to vet the data, yet the decision was made by Mr. Mook, policy adviser Jake Sullivan (now President Biden’s national security adviser), communications director Jennifer Palmieri and campaign chairman John Podesta to give the Alfa Bank claims to a reporter. Mr. Mook said Mrs. Clinton was asked about the plan and approved it. A story on the Trump-Alfa Bank allegations then appeared in Slate, a left-leaning online publication.
On Oct. 31, 2016, Mr. Sullivan issued a statement mentioning the Slate story, writing, “This could be the most direct link yet between Donald Trump and Moscow.” Mrs. Clinton tweeted Mr. Sullivan’s statement with the comment: “Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank.” “Apparently” is doing a lot of work in that sentence.
In short, the Clinton campaign created the Trump-Alfa allegation, fed it to a credulous press that failed to confirm the allegations but ran with them anyway, then promoted the story as if it was legitimate news. The campaign also delivered the claims to the FBI, giving journalists another excuse to portray the accusations as serious and perhaps true.
Most of the press will ignore this news, but the Russia-Trump narrative that Mrs. Clinton sanctioned did enormous harm to the country. It disgraced the FBI, humiliated the press, and sent the country on a three-year investigation to nowhere. Vladimir Putin never came close to doing as much disinformation damage.

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For most with a rational functioning brain, there never was any doubt.
Yep, lots of rotted brains out there.
Rotted by liberal/progressive propaganda and TDS.
The CIA and FBI had been investigating Trump's Russian connections for years prior to the Fall of 2016!
Still lying about the CIA I see ..... sad!
Lemme see - does "click-click-click-click" sound familiar? That's what a broken record sounds like, and that has been the sound you've been emitting for a while with ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF to provide.
Aw well, eh?
The proof has been provided numerous times...
Well, they picked a representative spokesman that’s for sure. Out of touch with the regular American, crazy and unbalanced ...... very representative of that lot .....
People across the political spectrum rated Insider as Lean Left on average in a Feb. 2022 AllSides Blind Bias Survey .
Yup - good source to not prove your point.
Your meme is just as full a shit as every other time you have used it.
Putin could give a rats ass about Trump. He was out to divide the US; and Hillary and the Dems proved more than willing patsies.
And to quote the Democrat savior Barack Obama, "Not one vote in the 2016 election was changed or altered".
The left like to scream about fake news; false narratives; and "disinformation". That "facts have a liberal bias". That is because leftist facts are full of shit they made up themselves; and have repeated so often they fully believe them. Reality be damn!
Jump up and down, scream, yell, and throw a tantrum. It will never change the fact that Hillary and the Democrats used the US government to spy on a political opponent; and then used the power of the government to investigated an entire administration and everyone surrounding them searching for information that might give their "Trump colluded with Russia narrative" even the tiniest shred of substance. They came up with jack shit of nothing. Just like all of their other attempts to "get Trump". During the process they used the FBI and DOJ to entrap witnesses; and force testimony- and they still couldn't come up with shit!
Hillary did Putin's work far better than he ever could have; and it didn't cost a penny.
Moore in front of a Five Guys?
How apropos.
"Most of the press will ignore this news, but the Russia-Trump narrative that Mrs. Clinton sanctioned did enormous harm to the country. It disgraced the FBI, humiliated the press, and sent the country on a three-year investigation to nowhere. Vladimir Putin never came close to doing as much disinformation damage."
Sums it up perfectly.
As if Trump's Russian dealings were not well known and widely reported by the Fall of 2016.
I have to laugh at people who think is some sort of innocent. How deluded can people be?
Its sad that someone could be living in America for the last 6 or 7 years and not know what he is guilty of.
Okay commander burge. As long you think someone is guilty of something, somewhere, the rules go out the window, huh?
You do realize there has to be evidence and a trial to find somebody "guilty". So far you've failed across the board on that.
At this point, the Trump was right proclamation is going to need it's own monument.
Ironically, it was the defense that outed Clinton!
Oh yes, I love this quote:
"The Russia-Trump collusion narrative of 2016 and beyond was a dirty trick for the ages, and now we know it came from the top—candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton. That was the testimony Friday by 2016 Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook in federal court, and while this news is hardly a surprise, it’s still bracing to find her fingerprints on the political weapon.
Mr. Mook testified as a witness in special counsel John Durham’s trial of Michael Sussmann, the lawyer accused of lying to the FBI. In September 2016, Mr. Sussmann took claims of a secret Trump connection to Russia’s Alfa Bank to the FBI and said he wasn’t acting on behalf of any client. Prosecutors say he was working for the Clinton campaign."
The Trump campaign of 2016 colluded with the Russians.
Sean, do you think Trump is innocent? Remember, your personal credibility is on the line with your answer.
THREE TIMES now Trump has personally asked foreign governments to interfere in US elections Trump was running in. 2016, the Ukrainian phone call in 2019, and just a couple months ago in 2022 when he asked Putin to release whatever dirt he may have on Biden. One would have to be a moron to not see a pattern here.
We know that Putin ordered the successful Russian hack of computer networks and accounts affiliated with the Democratic Party. What damaging info did they leak to Trump?
Can you address what the Clinton campaign did without deflecting to Trump ?
Is there any lie or crime you won't justify if it hurts Trump?
That was simple payback for when the Clinton interfered with his election. At least in Putin’s mind it was.
Any other explanation is simply a useful idiots folly.
Good boy. You know what "or" means. You seem to miss justly chargeable and a crime. But lets focus on the part that talks about your opinion.
I'll ask you since I've ask everybody else on the left and they failed to provide it -
So you have nothing that he's guilty of. Or should we believe the fiction in this:
Wonder where she come up with that steaming pile of fictitious bullshit.
Please go provide your definitive evidence to Mueller and his Hillary and Obama hand picked team of sycophants. They couldn't find anything; so moved directly on to obstruction of their BS investigation.
They could really do with your vast knowledge of Trump's collusion- they spent millions of tax payer dollars and couldn't find it. The used to power of the DOJ and FBI to entrap and coerce Trump administration and campaign officials- and came up with jack shit that way as well.
What is sad is the same TDS driven leftists trotting this shit out day after day- no matter how much evidence is presented to them that they are absolutely wrong. Nothing worse than Democrats starting to believe the very bullshit they created.
You think Trump is innocent, you think he doesnt lie, you think he is an ethical businessman. You sound like someone who has never read a word about him. NO ONE other than far right Trump cultists will take you seriously.
I know he is innocent of the Russia hoax charges. He does embellish - He can't be the greatest of everything since time began. He seemed to be an astute businessman. Here is the important thing: HE WAS A GREAT PRESIDENT!
i never use this, but this is especially hilarious LOL
More than anyone else, you can testify to Trump being innocent and serving out his term.
The desperation and of course, the TDS, is strong with you.
No Vic, no more, no less, just N E 1 with an IQ near room temperature, can see for certain and sure, that ANYONE who believes Trump is innocent from communicating and being USED by Vladimeer Putin and Russia, is just unaccepting of SO MANY FACTS, SO MUCH EVIDENCE, and EVEN TRUMPS' OWN ADMISSIONS, it is cause for intuition, to not even be a factor, in such a prime, example of a lime, being fought over by citrus suppliers, of those, in need of MORE ACID ...! Cause Trump is off the ph scale, asz he can't even spell the numeric expressions used like confessions, to Bzasically admit , to a Judas PRiest, how Trump was valued the least, outb of all, short and tall, skinny and lanky, like an Olive Oil Brutus wood pursued, as Popeye waited for Tuesday, to be gone, with the wind, as it certainLy Blows better than Wimpy, B sides, he brings his A game right B 4 people C, what D evelopment should not be pre-applied and attempted, when working to coat and or thoroughly douse the ignited flame that burns , not the same, cept inspected, via a jeep, where we've lined our tanks, as the fish were proud, and lined their pockets with wireless marker & Lint, as not just for Lent...that somehow meant more to the wisdumb and demise of want too, yet failing , groups of gals N guys,like vegan carnivores, meat , eat, and greet dem,ise of these guys who used their gals, to say HAY, And then Bail, till the very large 'elderly women, behind a closed door', begged, downright BEGGED for more, so she was pegged, like a bicycle whore built four , one, two, three, and possibly more, till very sore was she, asz the blood returned to her vessels as she be Christened, like to a Lying Lion,, who bit his tongue, and his own asz at the same time, as Champagne bottles broke over, oddly enuff, all their heads, as no one flipped the tails told by tall tale tellers, banking on turning the feat around, till eventually reaching another arms exchange where they tried to get a leg up off the ground, so as knot to short out, the ties that bind, when the POTUS and his gaggling flock of followers, do appear to be blind, as they are Putin and Cast, to believe and allow Russias Putin da MAN, to execute his simple plan, that like Trump, LIED back in Helsinki, as Trump bought it hooker line and sinker, over our intelligence agencies, and do you know why Trump was so damn Convinced....because Putin 'Said' HE DIDN'T DO IT ! and just like Trump, we knew neither one would, could, ever LIE to US for " what reason would he have to lie about it",. besides EVERY....????
An easy score: The day you said he wouldn't serve out his term!
Any predictions on the midterms?
Who could have predicted how far and low, the GOP could lower and go....
Gee, I wonder where she got the idea for that.
Wonder if it was in her basement?
Well, at least her useful idiots still believe her ....
coming from the defenders of Trump, The King of the LYING POLS, accusations of others being "useful idiots" is just too ironic to not magically, and magnetically, attract the ugly, disfigured, disenfranchised of our Nation, to sit down, for their standing ovation, as they stand up for one who would, put himself and damn ugly party, head & shoulders above all those who gave life and limb as they fought for our 'Rights' , to allow open and free elections, where the will of the People, Was and Is not read, to leave all of our Countries 'Rights', to that FCKD up deranged Mental Midget Trump, the long lost nephew who was on his Neice, trying to get another Peace OUT
Time to switch to decaf friend ......
He’s consciously streaming the hives programming, it’s an acquired skill to decipher ..... a skill I have acquired by reading too many of those posts here on NT.
It’s a tough job but someone has to do it.
That's not saying much. Most have a little man living rent free in their heads.
That's one hell of a word salad you threw up there.
Booze and drugs help .....
Clinton's claim is not false. The only falsehood is anything connected to Trump.
Exactly, Trump is a lier while Hillary is just inauthentic and dishonest. She has amused us for years with tales of commodities trading, the White House travel staff, Vince Foster’s suicide and bimbo eruptions. She has grown her policy positions from free trade to gay marriage. And don’t get us started on her private email server or Trump’s Russian problem.
Don't forget the assassination attempt while getting off the plane in Bosnia.
Of course. So---------Were the Trump kids lying when they said Trump businesses did not need funding from US banks because (they) were getting all of the money they needed from Russia and the Saudi Dynasty?
Were the Trump kids lying?
What can you do with Hunter, or Donald Jr?
Answer the question. Take your deflections and stick them up your arse.
What question did you ask me?
Deflections? Why are you so hostile l?
Not even close to responding to my comment - nice try though.
And lets not forget how the Clinton Foundation was a tin cup to curry favor with a future president. Donations to the foundation dried up after Clinton lost in 2016.
I still think she would have been a better president than Trump, though.
You're in second place a lot.
Wow, you recognize that the Clinton Foundation was a tin cup to curry favor. There is hope for you yet, Tess.
I must admit, she would have better than the dimbulb we have in the WH right now but better than Trump?
Nope, not even close.
I'll bet many are wondering how they came to vote for Biden and against themselves.
Yep, every time they fill their car up, every time they go to the grocery store, every time they go out to eat, every time they pay a utility bill, etc, etc, etc
They can't even remember what the other guy said that was so terrible.
This seed is about Clinton's accusations that Trump has dealings with Russia.
I ask again. Were the Trump kids lying when they said the Trump businesses did not need American Bank's financing because they (the Trump businesses) were getting all the money they needed from Russia and The Saudi Dynasty? Were the kids lying or not?
I commented on the story. Not you. You are not relevant to the story. Only the story is relevant.
Read 8.1.2. Hostile? No, just tired of deflective stupidity or an inability to carry on a constructive debate.
False. The Clinton Foundation still stands.
How would I or you really know? Which kid? Multiple statements or a one time thing? When? I thought they borrowed money from Deutsche Bank.
You think that your question without background, context or cited statements is constructive?
Were the kids lying? You can't grasp the question? What in the holy hell are you doing here?
I don't have access to the business ledger.
I understand the question, just not the background, context which kid etc.
Being amused by you pretentions of a constructive debate.
Never saw the videos. OK. You don't know and don't know that you don't know. End of story.
Dam, and I so much wanted to participate in that constructive debate your looking for. I’m sorry that you gave up so easily.
Why do you want things in my arse?
Congratulations. You, along with two others on this forum are on my 'personal ignore'.
I don’t know that I can handle that notoriety.
I did not say the Clinton Foundation ceased to exist.
I said donations sharply declined after Hillary Clinton lost her election bid in 2016.
Am I one of the other two? I would be so honored. If not can I be number three?
Yes, donations declined. Clinton Foundation still exists and continues the work it was doing.
Trump Foundation on the other hand is shut down, has paid massive fines, with more fines being litigated and is barred from anything and everything.
The point is that the motivation to curry favor with a future president by donating to their foundation was no longer operative.
Why are you bringing up Trump? Do you think anyone doesn't know he is a con artist? Even the Qanon Shaman knows Trump is a huckster.
Trump once used his "foundation" to pay the registration fee to the Boy Scouts for his son Barron. Can you imagine how pathological you have to be in order to tell someone to pay the Boy Scouts out of your fake foundation?
Me? I like my politicians without shady foundations. Having said that, I voted for Hillary several times. She was my hometown Senator in addition to being my party's presidential candidate. Between the primaries and the general elections I must have voted for her around a half dozen times.
But I have no illusions about the Clintons.
Bravery under fire.
Was that Trump, in his own personal Viet Nam Hell, as he had to worry about venereal diseases while banging pornstars and prostitutes in the 70;s, all while carrying the heavy burden of bone spurs, that if he could remember which foot, could affect his ability to Bronco Bust one of those Bitches....
Exactly, both Trump and Biden, like Bill Clinton, found ways to avoid Vietnam.
And they'll only "discuss" Trump DoD approved Viet Nam waiver.
Devin Nunes: 'We all knew' Hillary was involved:

https:// bit.ly/38GsP22
Involved in what? She was not at Helsinki. Or laid her hands on the Saudi Golden Globe. Or did the Saudi Sword Dance with Melania present, being the only woman there and not in head-to-toe Islamic female dress.