The horror of the nation's second largest city

In the lawless city of Los Angeles two brave police officers were murdered Tuesday night. They were shot while responding to a possible stabbing at a motel. There won't be many headlines informing the public of the loss of these two brave men, nor of the sad state of affairs in Los Angeles. The suspect fled the building and later died in a shootout with police.
Here is the thug's picture:
Justin William Flores
The killer had a long record of violent crime and served two prison terms. In Flores case social justice prevailed and he was allowed to go out and slaughter two young police officers. Let us all give thanks that he no longer walks the earth.
"Flores was on probation for being a felon in possession of a firearm at the time of the deadly shooting and had previously served time in prison for vehicle theft and first-degree burglary.
He pleaded guilty last year to that felony charge that could have sent him back to prison for three years.
Instead, he was sentenced to two years of probation and 20 days in jail and LA County District Attorney George Gascón is facing criticism for Flores’ plea deal. The DA is also facing a recall effort for his progressive policies."
Another day and another injustice in the shit hole of Los Angeles.
How did we let them have such power?
Or maybe it was 5 million non-citizens?
Maybe it's as a top Poker player believes:
This is my problem with diehard partisans, they have but one rule that dominates all others: never miss an opportunity to cast aspersions.
Being a diehard partisan yourself, you would know.
You can rightfully call me that when I start seeding articles from the far left, and that is not going to happen.
Removed for context
"This is my problem with diehard partisans, they have but one rule that dominates all others: never miss an opportunity to cast aspersions." a gun rant on a car recall?
Just another day in a Democratic run city.
And don't bother the homeless....they have rights!
Probation for a gun related felony!
Nicely sums up the idiocy of progressives’ gun control policy.
They need new laws that they won't enforce so people will think they are serious about gun violence. One look at them ignoring Chicago tells you how serious they really are.
Chicago died during a period of dramatic change. Los Angeles kind of followed the pattern.
Gun laws are to apply only to certain groups, others get a free pass in name of social justice
I am looking for a tee shirt that says "Don't blame me, I am doing it for social justice"
Correct and you get today's A +
Don't forget: It's social justice. That poor bastard suffered from systemic racism don't ya know. He should be granted some liberal privilege/s
Of course there won't be for a few reasons.
The Democrats and the media are a effective as an ashtray on a motorcycle.
The only people who could possibly think that Los Angeles is a "shit hole" think the Third Reich was paradise.
One of the world’s greatest cities.
As often times is the case, fear and ignorance warp perspective.
Do you live there?
You better prepare yourself for the coming articles about your shity
“With one of the world's shittiest DA's.
So does ignoring reality.”
So in your myopia, thus ignoring the posit in focusing on one individual and thus ignoring the millions of individuals who make it a thriving, vibrant, and important metropolis says all one need know.
And just where do you live, tex? Does your city hold similar educational, financial, and cultural significance?
Your insignificance may just mirror your answer.
“Do you live there?
You better prepare yourself for the coming articles about your shity”
No, but my two sons do, and have visited too many times to count. Have never felt threatened. In fact, have been welcomed by an incredibly diverse population in every instance.
The articles you promise will do nothing to dissuade the fact that it was, is, and will always be a special place. They will only serve to further an agenda, rendering them simply specious.
“But I can tell you we don't have a dumbass DA who let's violent felons get off easy.”
Well I guess you can sleep well tonight, even though he has absolutely no impact on your life in your small town outside of Waco. I’m sure the residents of LA appreciate your comments.
I have a friend that retired from the Army to a small ranch next door outside of Lott.
They are already staying away. But it is good that you are admitting they are shithole cities.
So first, that's clearly a horse shit partisan lie and is extremely disrespectful to the hard working men and women putting their lives on the line to keep a city safe and a slap in the face for these two brave officers.
More complete horse shit. I live over 350 miles away and there were headlines in our local paper and it was on our local news. The dumb shit lies coming from partisans who can only complain and whine and lie about our State no less than nothing about the reality here, they just regurgitate useless right wing partisan talking points that do nothing but make themselves feel a little bit better about their sorry lot.
Are there parts of the city that are "shitholes"? Yes. I used to be a building inspector and worked in East LA and there were some communities I didn't feel all that safe testing asphalt for new roadways being a white 6'2" male wearing a bright orange vest, but the vast majority of the people in the community are hard working law abiding citizens. The desire to denigrate them all by painting these communities as some Democratic failure is monumentally ignorant.
So in response to the ridiculous opinion disregarding the hard working police officers by claiming LA is "lawless" and that all of LA is a "shithole", go copulate with a cactus prick.
“…disregarding the hard working police officers by claiming LA is "lawless" and that all of LA is a "shithole”…”
Well said. Just more of the same hyper partisan invective.
Crime in LA is behind that in Detroit, New Orleans, Baltimore and San Francisco so there is that.
Come on cabron, you didn't feel safe in ELA. Just tell anyone that messes with ya that the Redman with the street name of El Indio said you were cool.
Lunch at El Tepeyac, on me.
I was born in East LA
Took a walk to the corner store
Just to buy a loaf of bread and a box of s'mores
Up pulled a guy in a yellow van
Shiny gold badge flashing in his hand
He said, alright all you mohuddles down here
I want you all to hit the floor
I got one thing to ask you and nothing more
So answer in English, if you can
Where were ya born, man
Huh? where was I born?
That's right, I said Where were ya born?
Hey, are you one of those dudes who do horoscopes, man
Hey, I'm a cancer with a bad moon rising
Look here Alfago, watch my lips
Where were ya born?
I was born in East L.A
Man, I was born in East L.A
Oh yeah, you were born in East L.A
Let's see your green card
Huh? green card?
I'm from East L.A
Alright, then who's president of the United States
Oh, that's easy, man
That guy that used to be on death valley days, John Wayne
Alright, let's go, come on
Next thing I know, I'm in a foreign land
People talkin' so fast, I couldn't understand
There was nobody there to lend a helping hand
I was cold, it was dark where is a burger stand
I want to go back to east L.A
I wish I was back in East L.A
I don't belong here in downtown t.j.
Cause I was born in East L.A, ole
I crawled under barbed wire, swam across a stream
Rode in six different trucks packed like a sardine
Walked all day in the burning sun
Now I know what it's like to be born to run
Up ahead was the promised land
Shining like a star just beyond my hand
All I could see was a golden door
I looked up, a sign said five billion sold
And I was back in East L.A
Yes, I was back in East L.A
You know I'm never gonna stray
Cause I was born in East L.A, oh L.
Yeah, Cheech and Chong but I prefer Los Lobos ''Native Son''
It was the mid 1990's and while many of my co-workers and friends were Latino, they were the ones who told me not to look in passerby's eyes and not to stare at vehicles. It wasn't a race thing but a road rage and gang thing and there were stories of road workers and others getting shot at especially when lanes were blocked and traffic is slowed because of the road work which gets anyone in 105 degree heat mid summer with high smog levels in bumper to bumper traffic annoyed. But it was the local PD that would often be out patrolling around us and eating lunch with us at a local taqueria that made us feel much safer which is why it pisses me off when some disparage their hard work and try and blame two of our dedicated officers deaths on Democrats when these out of state conservative dip shit whiners have no fucking idea what they're talking about.
Some members make comments about LA or Ca without any knowledge of it some without ever having been there.
As the old saying goes ''if bullshit were dollars bills they would be independently wealthy''
Exactly, not only isn't LA our the worst city for crime. It's not the worst city for racial segregation. The good blue people in LA only have the 6th most segregated metropolitan area in the nation. New York, Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit and Miami are worse. Surprisingly, only one of these cities are in the South.
Huh? But I bet they rank really well on diversity right?..
Absolutely, just in different neighborhoods.
For a crime infested city the LA metroplex has 3 of the safest cities in the US and CA have a total of 5 of the safest cities.
TOP 10 SAFEST CITIES IN NATION No. 1 - Frisco, Texas No. 2 - McKinney, Texas No. 3 - Santa Clarita, California No. 4 - Sunnyvale, California No. 5 - Glendale, California No. 6 - McAllen, Texas No. 7 - Cary, North Carolina (tied) No. 7 - Santa Clara, California (tied) No. 9 - Plano, Texas No. 10 - Torrance, California
Read more at:
Exactly, state wide and even citywide stats aren't very useful, you need neighborhood stats to evaluate risk.
LOL, of course, but having lived in the LA metroplex for 43 years I'm quite familiar with the cities and the neighborhoods. The list per CA is pretty accurate.
Here is a good article on segregated metro areas in the US.
Good data, the West Coast hasn't ever been very welcoming to Blacks and I understand that LA like, San Francisco is continuing to lose Black population.
True and the main reason is that many blacks have moved out of predominately black areas, (Compton et al) and moved to other areas of CA and out of Ca searching for more affordable houseing.
BTW, blacks are not the only minority in CA, Asians, Hispanic, Asians, PI and NA make up a large part of California's population. The diversity of culture and foods is unlimited.
What area has ever been welcoming to blacks or any minority?
Many years ago, I lived in Monterey and would visit LA once or twice a year. From the mid 90's to 2010, I traveled on business to LA twice a year. I remember the El Tepeyac Café, as a special place.
My work had me around West Rancho Dominguez so heading up to I-10E /I-5N was a bit of a drive but I always thought that the Machaca, Hollenbeck Burrito and Menudo on Fridays was worth it. I hope it is still as good as I remember.
If you are ever in El Paso, try the L&J Cafe, their brisket tacos are amazing.
Mr. Menudo on Whittier Blvd on Sunday was the thing. A hard night partying on Saturday and it was Sunday morning menudo.
Good recovery soup! You’re right about Los Lobos, my favorites include Kiko, Colossal Head, The Neighborhood and The Ride.
One Night in America.