
Chinese immigrant, a witness to Mao's political purge, warning about indoctrination in public schools


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  vic-eldred  •  2 years ago  •  15 comments

By:   Hannah Grossman (Fox News)

Chinese immigrant, a witness to Mao's political purge, warning about indoctrination in public schools
"I'm so ready to debate her from the U.S. Congress floor… How many people… are [the progressives] willing to see die of starvation, be murdered and killed in order to have [an accurate] conclusion [about socialism]?" she said.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

A Chinese immigrant who witnessed Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution warned against the indoctrination of children in K-12 schools with neo-Marxist ideologies such as critical race theory and The New York Times' 1619 Project.

In an interview with Fox News Digital, Lily Tang Williams, who is currently running as a Republican candidate for Congress in New Hampshire's second district, discussed the lessons she learned as a witness to communist brutality and shared a warning to Americans on the importance of fighting for liberty.

"[Mao believed that] young people's mind is a blank piece of paper. You can draw the most beautiful pictures or whatever he wants to draw or whatever he wants them to believe. Those are the… warning signs. That's why, you know, we have to absolutely support that parental rights and support school choice," she said. "Parents start[ed] to wake up to say 'what's going on in our schools?' which is good thing. I'm still positive, and I'm still optimistic about our country."


Lily Tang Williams is a Republican running for Congress in New Hampshire. (Lily Tang Williams/Getty )

Tang Williams was born in China's western Sichuan province on the cusp of Mao's deadly terror campaign - the Cultural Revolution. She currently lives in fear that the communist country she meticulously planned to escape from is unfurling before her eyes in the U.S.

The Chinese Cultural Revolution was a political purge and persecution of millions of suspected anti-revolutionaries orchestrated by Mao, who was the chairman of the People's Republic of China from 1949-1976. The violent movement vehemently opposed the "Four Olds:" Old Ideas, Old Culture, Old Customs, and Old Habits and featured the destruction of cultural artifacts.


A large statue of Mao Zedong, erected during the height of the Cultural Revolution in 1969, waves from Zhongshan Square in Shenyang, May 2002. (REDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images)

Tang Williams drew a parallel between the Chinese revolution that was based on class and what she believes is a neo-Marxist Cultural Revolution that is based on identity groups molded together into a coalition on an oppression matrix.

"Identity politics is the hallmark of Maoism," Tang Williams said. Critical race theory and The New York Times' 1619 Project, which hold that America is systemically racist, are all part of this revolution, the New Hampshire congressional candidate said.

"Mao used standard Marxist terms like oppressor versus oppressed," she said. "He actually divided all Chinese citizens - because we're [of the] same race and have [the] same skin color - into Five Black Classes versus the Five Red Classes."

The Five Black Categories of oppressors included right-wingers, rich farmers, landlords, counter-revolutionaries and bad influencers. On the other side were the Red Categories who were the poor, working-class, Revolutionary guards and active members of the Chinese Communist Party.

Children were one of the most effective tools Mao exploited to fuel his revolution. They became indoctrinated to a point where they betrayed their parents to the communist state in order to move upwards in class, she said.


Members of red guards, holding The Little Red Book, cheering Mao Zedong during a meeting to celebrate the Cultural Revolution in 1966 (Apic/Getty Images)

"Tragedy is where young people were brainwashed to say, I want to be Red Class, I'm going to denounce my family and to turn them over to Red Guards, to the authorities, change last name and draw the line between me and my parents."

Her family witnessed people being tortured by the Red Guards, a student-led paramilitary social movement orchestrated by Mao.

"My grandparents were [Black Class because they were] landlords, and then some of them even sees our families got tortured to death on the street by the Red Guards. So there are so many sad stories of all that. And [it was] because they were indoctrinated. [The children] truly believe[d] they were doing the right thing. They were just teenagers, you know?"

The fact that parents are being kept in the dark and blocked from influencing their children's learning is a power struggle she recalls from China.

"[The left] want to destroy nuclear families," Tang Williams, said. "That's why they want to keep their kids close to [the government] and get them to feel like 'my parents don't understand me.' [Then they] take the children away from their parents, so they can… rely on the state... Typical Communist tactic."

Red China guards junior grade inside school red tie for "red" communist. (Getty Images)

The first crack in the indoctrination Tang Williams vehemently believed in was forged when Mao died at age 82 after several heart attacks. All her life she had been told Chairman Mao was a god. "How could a god die?" she asked.

It took 20 years over the course of her journey in America to rid herself of all the communist propaganda.

Her family members who live in China are still lost to the indoctrination, she said, and continue to ask her to observe a moment of silence for Mao's December 26 birthday.

Lily Tang Williams was raised in China's western Sichuan province during Chairman Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution. (Lily Tang Williams/Getty Images)

"They have no idea how many people he starved to death because of his policies. He's a sociopath, a mass killer. But people don't know. They're still missing him," she said. "I call that like an enslaved people with their consent because they lack access to truth and [have a] lack of choices. And so it's all about controlling the media and propaganda."

Seventy elder party members from Bejing arrive to commemorate the 121st Aniversary Of Chairman Mao's Birthday on December 2014, in Shaoshan, Hunan province of China. (Getty Images)

Mao's Great Leap Forward, an economic policy, led to the deaths of up to 45 million people. Adhering to communist ideals, the state seized control of production. Private farmland was confiscated and food distribution was placed under the purview of the government. As a result, the Chinese people died from starvation, forced labor, suicide and torture.

A law professor at George Mason University, Ilya Somin, wrote in The Washington Post that Mao was probably responsible for the largest mass murder of all time. He postulated that the reason the atrocity is not spoken about in academia is the tendency among elites to "downplay crimes committed by communist regimes."

Somin adds that Western intellectuals are "reluctant to fully accept what a great evil it was" because they are "fearful - perhaps - that other left-wing causes might be tainted by association."

Tang Williams said that one of the things she hopes to do on the House floor if she wins is debate Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on socialism.

"When millennials talk about concepts like democratic socialism, we're not talking about these kinds of 'Red Scare' boogeyman," AOC said in an interview. "We're talking about countries and systems that already exist that have already been proven to be successful in the modern world."

"I'm so ready to debate her from the U.S. Congress floor… How many people… are [the progressives] willing to see die of starvation, be murdered and killed in order to have [an accurate] conclusion [about socialism]?" she said.

Similarly, the K-12 education system is not teaching American schoolchildren the full facts about what happened under communist dictatorships at the peril of a "repeat of the human tragedy that happened throughout all the 100 years of communism," the congressional candidate said.

"I hope parents start to exercise parental rights and control in America. Our children belong to parents. They do not belong to government. So parents absolutely have decision[s]… about what they're taught in school and what age-appropriate curriculum they should be allowed."

Free speech, the Second Amendment, and parental rights - "everything is under attack," she said. "It's upside down. Well, that's part of the Cultural Revolution. Redefine social norms, change your birth, control the narratives and purge their political enemies. [These are] very similar tactics I have seen before in China."


jrDiscussion - desc
Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Vic Eldred    2 years ago

She survived the "Cultural Revolution."  She is seeing it happen all over again in the country she escaped to.

Lily Tang Williams is a Republican running for Congress in New Hampshire.

Freshman Participates
1.1  Revillug  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    2 years ago
Lily Tang Williams is a Psychopath running for Congress in New Hampshire

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2  Buzz of the Orient    2 years ago

She's talking about the China of a half a century ago, but China is VERY different from that today notwithstanding that it is a Communist country.  Her comparison of the America of today with the China of yesterday is a somewhat hysterical exaggeration, almost laughable.  Hopefully American voters are smart enough to be aware of her tactic of playing on the irrational American fear of Communism. 

Professor Quiet
3  Ed-NavDoc    2 years ago

With all respect Buzz, it seems you just do not like hearing people badmouth China and the CCP in any way. God forbid if they are former communists like Lily Tang Williams and somebody who survived the worst of Mao and the CCP's excesses.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
3.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @3    2 years ago

She did NOT badmouth the present day China, so you missed the point of what I said, because I did not criticize her for that.  I agree that Mao caused a disaster.  She could have just as well compared the America of today with the Ancient Roman Empire and my response would have been the same.  However, the point I made is that she is using the American fear of Communism to her own personal advantage and uses what was once and no longer is the worst of Communism, which is NOT the kind of Communism in China today, because the way of life she described is totally different today.  Don't be confused by her.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3.1.1  Greg Jones  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @3.1    2 years ago

Present day communist China hasn't changed all that much and remains a threat to all the free peoples of that region. But there will always be some  [removed

Professor Principal
4  Hallux    2 years ago

Ah, bogeyman politics, the perennial favorite technique of coercion.

Professor Principal
4.1  Tessylo  replied to  Hallux @4    2 years ago

Appears to be all some have.  

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
5  Sean Treacy    2 years ago

Never forget and never again.

The cultural revolution was just cancel culture on steroids.  

Just this morning I saw story where the President of an MLS fan club was pressured to resign because he didn't denounce the Dobbs decision publicly.

Just insane stuff. 

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
6  Dismayed Patriot    2 years ago
"He actually divided all Chinese citizens" "into Five Black Classes versus the Five Red Classes."

What's being taught in US schools is exactly the opposite. If you want to call teaching children to be kind to everyone regardless of race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, faith or lack thereof "indoctrination" then I guess liberals and progressives are guilty. If someone is pissed off just because their child is being taught to be kind to people their parents told them to hate, abuse and discriminate against, then they can go copulate with a cactus.

Also, being taught the harsh realities of history is not teaching any prejudice against the descendants of the perpetrators of race crimes and genocide. And trying to present a whitewashed version of history so that the perpetrators descendants can be coddled and made to feel good at the expense of the descendants of the victims is frankly disgusting and shameful. It simply leads to continued prejudice and discrimination where the perpetrators descendants are praised while the victims descendants are still treated as second class citizens.

Clearly there are many right wing white religious conservatives who want to re-affirm their imagined first class citizenship and act as if they are the arbiters of who can and cannot be considered "American" as they fight for their perceived right to discriminate against those they have deemed unworthy. For those same bigots to try and proclaim that teaching tolerance in schools is the same indoctrination as was used by Mao is truly ignorant and monumentally hypocritical for they themselves are the ones who have been pushing the conservative Christian indoctrination in schools and every other aspect of American life for several centuries now.

"I hope parents start to exercise parental rights and control in America. Our children belong to parents. They do not belong to government. So parents absolutely have decision[s]… about what they're taught in school and what age-appropriate curriculum they should be allowed."

That's just an appeal from those who cannot tolerate tolerance and are desperately trying to pass on their prejudice, hate and discrimination of those who are different to their children in a world that had slowly been embracing tolerance. That, through the lens of history, reveals the deplorable prejudices and hate of many bitter religious conservatives who cling to their bibles and guns always fearful of other races, cultures, faiths and the faithless because they know their own faith is weak and their stranglehold on their children is failing.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
6.1  Greg Jones  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @6    2 years ago

Where do come up with all this wack-a-doddle bullshit?

No one is more hateful and intolerant than a large percentage of left wingers

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
6.1.1  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Greg Jones @6.1    2 years ago
No one is more hateful and intolerant than a large percentage of left wingers

Rejecting the intolerance of right wing conservatives isn't intolerant. Teaching children to respect everyone regardless of race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, faith or the lack thereof is not intolerance.

Is it truly intolerant to teach that white supremacy is bad? Now that doesn't mean a person isn't allowed to be a white supremacist and hold racist views, but that society won't accept them acting on those beliefs through discrimination, bias and prejudice and won't allow it to be pushed in schools, government, courts and public spaces. Is that truly intolerant?

If a KKK member in their white sheet and hood screamed and whined about how society needs to be more tolerant, should anyone really listen?

Right wing conservative Christians screaming about the supposed intolerance of the left is the height of hypocrisy, their entire right wing Christian ideology has intolerance at it's core. Intolerance of lgtbq Americans, atheists, Muslims, liberals, progressives, immigrants, minorities, pretty much anyone who isn't either a white Christian conservative or those excessively servile to them.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
6.1.2  seeder  Vic Eldred  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @6.1.1    2 years ago

The hate that was taught at the university will be defeated. It is the left's final hour.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
6.1.3  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Vic Eldred @6.1.2    2 years ago
The hate that was taught at the university will be defeated.

What hate? Is teaching that all races are equal 'hate'? I suppose from the perspective of some right wing white conservative Christians who fancy themselves racially and/or religiously superior to anyone not like them, equality could be viewed as 'hate' targeting their deplorable ideology and bigotry. But out here in reality working towards equality is appreciated and expected by all rational humans with more than half a brain.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
6.1.4  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Vic Eldred @6.1.2    2 years ago

It's the left's final hour?  Vic, you need to change your avatar....may I suggest....



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