Meddling in Maryland

They're at it again. Democrats who have planned a strategy of meddling into GOP primaries to elevate either the most extreme or weak candidate may have now influenced the Maryland Governor's primary. Dan Cox, backed by former President Donald Trump, has won the Republican primary for governor in Maryland, according to a race called by The Associated Press.
"The Democratic Governor's Association (DGA) funneled $1.16 million into TV ads for Cox, betting that the far-right candidate would be easier for the state's Democratic candidate to beat, the New York Times reported.
In an ad paid for by the DGA , the group calls Cox Trump's "hand-picked candidate," says he's "100% pro-life," and will protect second amendment rights "at all costs," — messages that likely resonated with Trump loyalists in the state.
The DGA didn't immediately respond to Insider's requests for comment."
Far left democrats love to manipulate primaries, the GOP's as well as their own. We all remember the democrats who went out and voted for who they thought was the most least likely candidate in 2016. Now they are supporting any GOP candidate in the primaries that they think can be beaten. Here they have already put out ads presenting Cox as a pro-Trump die-hard who's anti-abortion and pro-gun rights and who wants to overturn the 2020 election results. That is what they want the election to be about.
The problem is that all these are red wave elections and the dirty d's could be the election of officials with far right views on issues ranging from abortion to "election integrity."
They think they can con ordinary Americans into forgetting about the conditions we are living under and instead vote on abstract ideological issues.
They are as dumb as they are devious.

Until we get the dark money out of our political system these things are going to happen. Politics is, and has always been, a dirty business. It's perfectly legal too so I don't really see where all your outrage comes from.
What has exactly changed in the life of ordinary Americans that wouldn't have irregardless of who was in office as our country attempts to rebound after a once every century pandemic ?
Are you making $500,000 a year?
Surely, you jest!
The gop already making excuses for blowing a midterm advantage?
I'm counting on you being here for election night?
The dishonest left wing media will now work 24/7 to try and make people forget what's going on.
Watch out...
You're gonna get a dumbass meme for that one.
They've already started. It's all about 24/7 climate change "emergency" now. Few mentions of economy, inflation, crime, baby formula, southern border crises (all worse than 4 months ago) that were all created by the Biden Administration's failed policies.
So, I've noticed. It hit 104 degrees in London and this is the end unless we destroy American oil production. They still have abortion and they are praying that Trump runs.
The midterm election will be a referendum on Democrats being in charge. Rigging the election toward Trump's MAGA candidates won't change the referendum on Democrats being in charge. That will only strengthen Trump's hold on the Republican Party.
Republicans are going to win the House; that's pretty certain. Democrats are only ensuring that MAGA becomes the dominant political belief in the country. Democrats did the same thing with neoliberalism and, in the end, became neoliberals. So, how did that work out?
You know, Biden has adopted MAGA positions. Buy America First is a MAGA sentiment. Even the incentives to increase semiconductor manufacturing in the United States is consistent with MAGA ideas. So, Democrats are only forcing themselves to become MAGA just as Democrats forced themselves to become neoliberals.
What are the odds on Hershal Walker, Doctor Oz and J D Vance?
In any other year they would have little chance, but this year is different.
Do you know why?
Americans just learned a valuable lesson:
It takes losing how good you had it to realize how good you had it.
Their chances are better than even with Biden at 36 pct and Congress at 16 pct (or less). People aren't real happy with the state of the country or the direction Democrats have headed the country.
Right now Democrats are not that competitive in a 'hold your nose' election. If voters are being forced to choose between a circus and 'more of the same' -- the circus can't be any worse that what we already have.
Baltimore doesn't represent Maryland.
Will you join me and the man from the Bronx on election night?
That's not a MAGA idea. Liberals and progressives desire progress, growth, good jobs, they support entrepreneurs, technology, diversity, they desire safe quality public educations and clean safe cities and States. Biden and Democrats haven't "adopted" MAGA positions, they've always been trying to make America an even more perfect union as our founders intended.
Then why are liberal cities some of the most disgusting places in the country?
You're right. MAGA - Make America Great Again. Instead liberals and progressives have adopted MAMA positions. MAMA - Make America Miserable Again.
Liberals are neoliberals. Liberals want a strong stock market, big 401k accounts, and for rich to become richer so they pay for everything. Liberals have embraced the idea of 'trickle down'; they only want to be the middlemen handling the money for an unearned share. Ask Nancy Pelosi what she thinks about insider trading on the stock market.
Liberals are not devoted to the idea of an economy for workers. And liberals are adamantly opposed to anything associated with America First.
Don't confuse technical and scientific progress with the political/social progressive. What is it that the progressives want society to progress towards, what is the end desired product?
they've always been trying to make America an even more perfect union as our founders intended.
To me an ever growing and powerful central government does not equate to a more perfect union.
In red states the GOP extemists can be any level of absurd clown they like and they will get put in office anyway. (See Marjorie Taylor Greene) . But in purple states the likelihood is that a majority will instantly reject far right goofs. The more far right goofs running in purple states the better for the Democrats.
Where the FCK do they find these people ? It;s like Candid Camera with the lens cap on Q an non phat chunkey monkey exercising their free right to be a Fool, and over ex-pressing it flatter, cause the former, ain't the latter corporate decent unelevated by the latters that climb lower to lift the right under the knows, of an anonymous blown cover torn off the cuff linking to patty driving Hearse say,,,,crazy
Like in Virginia?
Gee, I wonder if Republicans have ever acted deviously?
Exactly, whatabout those devious repubs...