An Immigration Battle, Biden's Bear Market And The Countdown To The Midterm Elections.

Link to the quote:
This past week saw what may be the high water mark of migrants being bused/flown from border states to sanctuary cities/states culminating with a busload being dropped off in front of Kamala Harris DC residence. As much as I'd love to see such a bus pull into Biden's Delaware driveway, these Governors need to be careful not to go too far. I would say they have already accomplished their mission. The left wing media, which had totally ignored Biden's wide open border. The Republican Governors have finally forced the media to cover the story, thanks to the whining of blue city mayors. Fox News was able to interview some of those migrants who readily admitted that the border was wide open. In the meantime both Kamala Harris and WH press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre were blasted on social media for falsely claiming that the border is " secure."

Illegal Immigrant Tells Fox News: "The Border Is Open”
Then there is the matter of the bear market. According to Sanford C. Bernstein quantitative strategists: "US stocks are nursing losses of $7.6 trillion this year, but if history is any guide, they’re likely in for even more declines before the bear market is over."
The US stock market entered bear territory a few months ago and just like inflation it will take time to turn things around. I'm quite certain that none of these problems can be solved as long as the progressives set federal policies. Mortgage rates have toped 6% for the first time since the 2008 Financial Crisis.
The Week:
Biden dodges a bullet: Tentative deal reached: "The biggest freight railroads and union leaders reached a tentative labor agreement to avert a nationwide strike that would have crippled segments of the U.S. economy. President Biden and White House officials interceded to broker a deal to avoid transport disruptions that could have snarled supply chains, putting new pressure on prices when inflation has been hovering near four-decade highs . Business groups and key rail customers, such as energy companies and national retailers, had been calling on the government to avoid a strike.
Special Master appointed: "U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon appointed a respected retired judge to independently review the documents the FBI seized from former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, and included those marked classified in his remit, which could prolong a court battle over the Justice Department inquiry into the sensitive materials found at the Florida resort.
In an order Thursday, Judge Cannon named Raymond J. Dearie, a former chief federal judge in New York, as a special master to assess the seized materials to determine whether they are protected by any privileges, and make recommendations over any disputes between the government and Mr. Trump about how the items are characterized. Mr. Trump’s legal team had recommended Mr. Dearie to the post, and the Justice Department said he was an acceptable choice."
The news is worse than it sounds for the DOJ. You see Judge Raymond Dearie was one of the FISA judges that the FBI lied to.
Trump's warning: "Former President Donald Trump said Thursday the nation would face "problems ... the likes of which perhaps we’ve never seen" if he is indicted over his handling of classified documents after leaving office, an apparent suggestion that such a move by the Justice Department could spark violence from Trump's supporters. The former president said an indictment wouldn’t stop him from running for the White House again and repeatedly said Americans “would not stand” for his prosecution."
It's so sad to watch him do this to himself. The worst part of his statement is his idea of running again even if he's indicted. An indictment guarantees that if he runs, he will lose. I doubt many Republicans would vote for an indicted candidate. Now we'd have to hope that he's imprisoned during the 2024 election. As each day passes he becomes more doubtful as the GOP nominee in 2024.
First Amendment Violation: "Facebook has been spying on the private messages and data of American users and reporting them to the FBI if they express anti-government or anti-authority sentiments — or question the 2020 election — according to sources within the Department of Justice.
Under the FBI collaboration operation, somebody at Facebook red-flagged these supposedly subversive private messages over the past 19 months and transmitted them in redacted form to the domestic terrorism operational unit at FBI headquarters in Washington, DC, without a subpoena.
“It was done outside the legal process and without probable cause,” alleged one of the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
“Facebook provides the FBI with private conversations which are protected by the First Amendment without any subpoena.”
Once again Investigative reporter Miranda Devine broke the story!
What Have We Learned:
Democrats and their allies in the media continue to use abortion and Trump to distract from the real issues as they face their inevitable loss in the coming midterms. California's Gov Newsom ( a possible presidential candidate) launched eighteen billboards in 7 pro-life states, directing individuals to a website that contains instructions on how to get an abortion in his state of California. Sen Lindsey Graham has offered legislation that would deny abortions after 15 weeks, similar to what France, Germany and the UK mandate. The media has put out a narrative that Graham wants to abolish abortions. See the difference? That is the kind of stuff we will be hearing for the next 53 days. Unfortunately for democrats people will have to eat, feed their families and put gasoline into their cars for those 53 days. In every poll on election issues, the economy is the leading issue.
Here of course, our mission is to get the word out and to keep an eye on what the ruling elite are up to. I'm pleased to note that I'm seeing some positive signs. Despite all the name-calling, un-critical "critical thinking" and bad jokes, the right stories have found their way to the front page and the truth has been successfully defended. I appreciate being allowed to have my say around here. I've made some mistakes along the way, but I think that I contributed more than I've detracted.
Cartoon of the week:
Honorable Mention:
Texas Governor Greg Abbott
( "The White House is full of a bunch of hypocrites, led by the Hypocrite-in-Chief who has been flying planeloads of migrants across the country and oftentimes in the cover of night" )
What was it that Carrie Underwood said about the rest of your life?
Are you trying to say goodbye?
It's hilarious that as soon as the Special Master was appointed, the FBI stated they would return documents. I'm willing to bet that if it weren't for the appointment, NOTHING would be returned.
And I'm pretty sure he didn't forget the illegal activity by the FBI in support of the hoax.
I don't think the majority of people with their panties in a wad over abortion don't realize how restrictive abortion laws are in other countries. We actually have it pretty easy here in the US.
Hadn't seen that. Returning material removes it from review by Drearie. It's a stall tactic to try to use the material as evidence. So, now there'll be a need for more wrangling in the courts and review to determine what is and is not privileged info.
IMO it's not surprising that liberal's extreme views on abortion would snap back to extreme anti-abortion laws. Lindsey Graham really is showing where the abortion issue will end up. I don't necessarily agree that Federal legislation is the way to go. But partial bans (instead of total bans) on abortion is inevitable.
I think federal legislation is definitely what is needed. I didn't want to see a return to the 1960's where we had a patchwork of states that allowed abortion and others that didn't, that just created a hardship mostly on the poor who don't necessarily have the means to travel. The below is a rough list, I'm confident it will have it's critics but it's a start and I would rather see this handled at the Federal level than left to each State.
I would much rather see federal legislation that is a bi-partisan effort to allow :
Here's a start for ya, a woman's reproductive decisions are between her and her doctor, full stop.
Addressing the issue at the Federal level would certainly be easier and more uniform. But that won't address the issue of Constitutional rights for the unborn which is going to continue to be a sticking point and a source of legal challenges. IMO a Federal abortion ban would only kick the can.
When the life of a woman can be saved by delivering an infant (rather than killing the fetus) then birth is a rather arbitrary measure for when Constitutional rights come into play. During the late stages of the pregnancy an abortion can actually place the woman's life in danger.
Federalizing abortion also raises questions about Federalizing sex crimes. Should rape be a Federal crime? Perhaps. Perhaps not.
With Constitutional rights for the unborn established, there shouldn't be a problem with Federal spending that supports abortion, contraceptives, or family planning. That's my opinion, anyway.
Except a partisan approach is not going to solve the issue, only allow the partisan politicians to continue to use the issue to attack the other side. The only way this can really be resolved is to come up with a bi-partisan solution that both sides can agree with which allows something for each side.
So it's partisan to say a woman has bodily autonomy ? Bodily autonomy is a very basic human right, there's no left or right about it.
Yes, and the Pro Life side focuses on the basic human right of the developing baby in the womb.
It is partisan to say "are between her and her doctor, full stop.". In order to get bi-partisan involvement in Congress (which is where this action is needed IMO) you cannot go one-sided like that. In a perfect world that would work but we don't live in a perfect world and compromises must be made in order to move forward.
That's a very hard line IMO as there are degrees of impact from Downs Syndrome. There are many adults who have Downs who are living successful lives. I can understand the desire to abort if testing shows the child will not have any sort of life at all but I also don't want the choice to be as simple as a woman deciding which handbag to purchase. If the parent(s) AND the two doctors agree then I believe the abortion should be allowed. But there's variance in the question that also needs to be looked at.
As the test for Down Syndrome is normally done within the first 10 to 13 weeks this would then fall under #1 in my initial list of unlimited abortion in the first 15 weeks. TBH I would go with the age of viability myself but the majority of voters from what I have seen agree with 15 weeks.
Does a fully developed human woman have bodily autonomy or not ?
No not really. In many states suicide is illegal so if a fully developed human woman had full bodily autonomy then she would be able to commit suicide legally.
But you continue to argue from only one side and ignore the political reality of it. All I'm trying to do is have a conversation where compromise can allow for abortions nationwide as I truly hate the patchwork version we are currently reliving. I don't know you but I lived thru the '60's where woman had to travel to other states in order to get an abortion, and it was the poor who suffered the most from this. I would like this resolved at the Federal level so that it's fair and balanced in the entire country but we will not get there by only pushing one side.
C'mon, suicide legality ?? Lol.
I appreciate your moderate opinion and efforts to find compromise, I just don't agree that you can compromise on a very basic human right.
It was a valid reply to your question in 2.1.10. If a fully developed human (male or female) truly had bodily autonomy, then legal suicide would be a medically accepted procedure when all other forms of medical assistance is of no use and the quality of life is so poor. Some states do allow for assisted suicide so some states recognize the legality of it. I would say that when the breakdown of the body is so great that the quality of life available is extremely poor, then suicide would be a basic human right.
But calling something a basic human right does not make it so. We live in a world where politics and religion have a greater influence on our lives. And IMO the only way the question of abortion will truly be answered is at the federal level thru Congress. To get something like this thru Congress is going to require compromise. Refusing to find a compromise that both sides can live with will be as effective as those who shouted at the sky after the 2016 election.
But I appreciate the discussion. I think you're wrong but I appreciate your position.
No one does.
Like so much else, it's just a euphemism to avoid talking about the reality of what they want. Describing it as fight over a made up right to "bodily autonomy" that sounds good is better p.r. than saying we want the right to kill viable human life up until the moment of birth. The truth of what they want isn't so appealing, so they hide it.
Lol? How can you miss the logic?
Why do you find it laughable that all adults have a moral right to choose freely what they will do with their lives as long as they inflict no harm on others. This right of free choice includes the right to end one's life when they choose.
Don't we have a moral obligation to relieve the suffering of our fellow human beings and to respect their dignity. There are some people with excruciatingly painful and probable terminal conditions and diseases isn't it cruel and inhumane to refuse assistance with their desire?
Of course those pro-life folks oppose this common sense and argue that society has a moral duty to protect and to preserve all life.
Of course they do.
than saying we want the right to kill viable human life up until the moment of birth.
That is an exceedingly rare occurrence and should only happen when the mother's life is threatened, again, a decision between the woman and her doctor.
Oh, please. My "lol" was regarding the absurdity of suicide being illegal, will the decedent be incarcerated ?
You're putting a whole lot of words in my mouth that I never said or implied. I stated my point quite clearly yet you've twisted it into something else entirely. Maybe try reading my words for exactly what they say. Or don't read them at all I don't really care.
Of course they do.
Really? Americans have never been drafted against their will and forced to do things they didn't want to do, including being killed in wars?
Vaccine mandates don't exist?
I can put whatever substance I want into my body?
Suicide is a protected Constitutional right?
The list goes on...
should only happen when the mother's life is threatened, again, a decision between the woman and her doctor.
What does "should only" mean?
Does the mother "bodily autonomy" or not? Can she kill the human life inside her he up until birth for the sake of convenience or not?
If abortion is a matter of autonomy, why does a doctor have a say?
The draft was over a long time ago as it should have been.
Vaccine mandates ? Has anyone ever had a vaccine forced on them ? Not in this country.
How does it matter if suicide is a constitutional right ?
No, at the point of birth you have a fully developed human being. As I said if the mother will die as a result of giving birth it would be her choice to make. No where did I say anything about "convenience".
Sure it was.
I put no words in your mouth, I asked you why you found legal suicide as laughable.
That goes without saying.
People still register. It's still legal. And if we go to war with China tomorrow, there's a good chance a lot of people will lose their "bodily autonomy"
Just because no one has been drafted in a while doesn't mean they can't, or won't be. Some imagined right to "bodily autonomy" isn't going to get people out of being forced to serve against their will.
Has anyone ever had a vaccine forced on them ?
Fine. You would agree than that forcing people to carry a pass proving they haven't had an abortion in order to enter restaurants, to travel etc,,, doesn't effect their bodily autonomy.
t the point of birth you have a fully developed human being.
I said up until the point of birth. If the mother's bodily autonomy is all that matters, than she has the right to kill the human life for convenience while its still inside her. I thought you believed she has unlimited bodily autonomy.
Yes, I had no choice on receiving vaccines anthrax and botulinum before entering Kuwait in Desert Storm. Unless you consider the option of court martial a choice.
It was your choice to be in the military.
Same here. And don't forget the vaccine guns that shot multiple things in your body in boot camp. Lord knows exactly what was in them.
I'm sure telling your CC no would not have been your best choice.
I remember the peanut butter shot in the butt as the worst.
Yes, I guess you can say the same thing about a woman who chooses to remain in Texas.
Yea made for some very uncomfortable sitting for a couple of days. I remember going through some classes where several guys would rather stand during them.
Maybe they should but they don't today and they never have had it. Maybe in 10,000 years human beings will mature to a point where it's possible. But as you and I won't live to see that future I am more concerned with the here and now.
They could .... but they won’t ... because that’s how they roll.
Up until the time they have another human being growing within that body yes. Then there is a second life to consider.
Outside of rape or incest no one is forcing anyone to get pregnant; or take actions to get pregnant.
Only the most hard line anti abortion maniacs won't allow for rape or incest; or carrying pregnancy to term is a threat to the life of the mother. They offset the hard left morons that want abortion on demand for any reason up until the time of birth. Hard liners on both sides need to be ignored.
Democrats love to call for the European model of health care in the US. Pick your favorite EU model for abortion and enact it within the US. It will still be more stringent than most states abortion laws.
Was there a rush to do so, Donald's scrapbook paste was drying up?
So you call violating attorney/client confidentiality and executive privilege OK?
Brandon, Obama, Clinton, and Bush Jr are shaking in their shoes awaiting your answer.
The Jan 6th committee already shat all over attorney/client confidentiality. The FBI/DOJ have already followed suit with the Mar Lago raid. They have already gone through all of the documents; and think they should be able to decide what to return (after being leaked to the press that is); and what should be used against Trump. Nothing like the FBI/DOJ making the decisions. It is already to late for the special master. They know what they have; and documented/made copies of what they want.
Sure that all living presidents don't want similar raids against them and their lawyers to occur. No telling what they are hiding.
Yeah, you can take a coat hanger and do black market business in a bunch of states now. Go free enterprise! Sarcasm....?
What would Jesus say about rich people who tout their enclave as a “sanctuary” as a means of self promotion but protest and play victims when actually asked to provide it?
Theology of immigration?
Where you stand has to do with where you sit:
And the beat goes on. We're actually seeing the political status quo crumble before our eyes. Liberals have constructed a media wall around truth and that wall has been breached. That old Maytag on the spin cycle is starting to smoke.
Immigration has shoved Black issues off the page altogether. Immigration has even pushed abortion into the background. Illegal immigrants are the victim du jour. And the liberal punditry has started working overtime to blame Republicans, conservatives, and any non-liberals for the plight of illegal immigrants. But what the public is witnessing is a complete and utter failure of central planning. The status quo simply cannot cope. What's overlooked in the spin of desperation is that these illegal immigrants don't seem concerned about 'white privilege', equity, or any of the other nonsense the liberal punditry have foisted onto the public.
Illegal immigrants see the United States as a land of opportunity and they are willing to risk everything to get here. Liberals don't understand that truth and don't know how to respond to that truth. The liberal wall around truth has been breached.
The interesting thing about the looming rail strike is that blue collar workers are part of our country's infrastructure. Closing colleges during the pandemic certainly didn't threaten to bring the country to a screeching halt. Limiting routine medical care during the pandemic wasn't a crisis that threatened the economy.
But stopping rail traffic threatens to bring down the whole house of cards. That can only mean blue collar jobs are an important part of the country's infrastructure that we all depend upon. That reality doesn't fit with status quo attitudes toward education, finance, or liberal social planning. Daily life can go on without academics, pundits, stock brokers, and wellness therapists. But the loss of rail workers will bring the country to its knees. The same is true with longshoremen, truckers, utility workers, construction workers, and a host of other blue collar workers. The country needs miners, drillers, and bulldozer operators more than it needs college professors, astronauts, and social scientists.
Status quo politics can't cope with the cognitive dissonance. Both parties have been favoring marmalade for far too long while ignoring the bread and butter.
Something happened between the Obama administration and the Biden administration that has shaken the status quo to its core. We're actually seeing cracks appear in the liberal wall around truth. The status quo is slowly becoming a parody of itself.
Can you hear us now?
“Can you hear us now?”
Loud and clear…and frightening.
OWS: Can you hear us now?
Fear of the electorate is another indication that the status quo is crumbling.
Here's a good article proving the hypocrisy of the leftist liberal elites....
So the current batch were from Venezuela and escaping Communism ... that used to be golden for entry into the Realm of Liberty and all that sort of stuff.
Considering the left love Communists and Socialists they should be all shipped back to where they came from.
Considering all the ridiculous authoritarian pronouncements you routinely make it is hard to believe you really believe in freedom.
The latest from the left:
Breaking out of NYC:
That is a Civil lawsuit against Donald Trump
Socialism..... regularly creating a new border crisis for other countries for over a hundred years now ....... engage!