Joe Biden Gets Uncomfortably Lost and Confused at Globalist Conference
Category: News & Politics
Via: vic-eldred • 3 years ago • 67 commentsBy: redstate. com

Joe Biden spoke to the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday, but the most disturbing part of his day happened afterward. The president took that stage at an event sponsored by The Global Fund, which does work regarding AIDS and other diseases, and things went off the rails. In this case, quite literally.
A video is circulating showing Biden appearing to be completely dazed and confused, fumbling around the stage as his handlers attempt to talk him down. Meanwhile, another man is speaking, trying to thank him for being there while the president appears to have no idea what's happening.
Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States — Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) September 21, 2022
To be sure, Biden has done this before. After all, this is the same guy who had to be led away by the Easter Bunny at the White House last Spring. For my money, this is the worst episode yet, though. He legitimately doesn't seem to understand where he's at and where he's supposed to go.
And while some might say this could happen to anybody, I'd contend that stretches credibility. Normal people do not meander around a stage, staring in random directions while someone else is addressing them. Normal people do not have to be guided down by handlers, which is what looks like is happening as he points, seeming to ask where he's supposed to be. In short, it is not difficult to walk off a stage. That Biden continually makes it so hard is evidence of his senility.
Cue the "fact-checkers" to claim that he was really just "greeting" people, but no one who watches that video with a fair mind would come away thinking that's what happened. He's confused, and it's obvious he's confused. That he gets confused while someone else is addressing him makes it all the worse as a visual exercise.
This isn't just a few seconds of a brain fart, either. He shuffles around in different directions for half a minute before the video ends. Perhaps he finally found his way after that?
Things like this take on a special significance when Biden is overseas, appearing on the national stage. Adversaries of the United States see this stuff and they do not fear this man. In fact, if recent Iran and Russian behavior is any indication, they fully believe they can take advantage of him. There are real consequences to having a president who doesn't appear to actually be functioning as the president. Hopefully, voters figure that out if Biden is crazy enough to run for re-election.

What will the next excuse be?
Did Jill run up on stage and then vanish???
That is bad................he could hardly walk.
The man is struggling. The worst part is that he is in the service of others.
Ok. All we needed to see was the rest of the sentence.
“If you’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying it’s declassified — even by thinking about it,”
The context was that Trump believed a president can declassify anything by saying it is now declassified. The hyperbole at the end was just that.
Trump is wrong on that, but there is no need to pretend he believes he only needs to think about it to do it.
Trump's point (ridiculous, but nonetheless) was that his act of moving the documents to Mar-a-Lago is implicitly declassifying them. That because he considered them declassified (in his mind; thinking) and then acted accordingly (moving them to his home) they are ipso facto declassified.
Indeed. As PotUS he was free to declassify almost anything. But he absolutely had to act according to the declassification process in order to effect a declassification. He clearly did not do so thus the documents are still classified.
Further, even if he had declassified these documents (which we know he did not), he still violated the PRA by taking them to his home.
I suspect you agree with all the above. Funny how so many who would naturally share your political beliefs cannot bring themselves to even acknowledge that Trump has engaged in wrong-doing (not even necessarily criminal, but just wrong).
Read the sentence. He is talking about a president's absolute authority to declassify documents. He is wrong on that, but please don't try and elevate the obvious hyperbole he used for emphasis.
As PotUS he was free to declassify almost anything. But he absolutely had to act according to the declassification process in order to effect a declassification. He clearly did not do so thus the documents are still classified.
Further, even if he had declassified these documents (which we know he did not), he still violated the PRA by taking them to his home.
I suspect you agree with all the above. Funny how so many who would naturally share your political beliefs cannot bring themselves to even acknowledge that Trump has engaged in wrong-doing (not even necessarily criminal, but just wrong).
Whether they do or not, this incident ranks as a news story alongside Caitlyn Jenner. I really think its been hashed & rehashed. I'm washing my hands of it. There are too many important issues facing the country.
So read what I wrote. I stated:
You even quoted this and responded "Correct". So why do you write the above (opening quote) as if penning a rebuttal? Sometimes, if you agree, it is best to just write that you agree.
The wrongdoing of a former PotUS is no more important than tabloid gossip about Caitlyn Jenner? The holding by a former PotUS of TS/SCI classified documents in his home is no big deal to you anymore?
This is a big deal, Vic. This is national security level big deal. The reason this is a big deal is because of the potential consequences that could have ensued if this information wound up in the wrong hands. The securing of classified documents —especially TS/SCI— is a big deal.
Then let them do something about it.
It would seem that the government has and continues to do something about this.
Indictments talk ....and you know the rest.
We were talking about the fact that holding classified TS/SCI documents in one's home is a big deal with respect to national security.
This is true now and will be true in the future even if Trump is not indicted.
I'd forgotten the horrors of the Walmart direction stickers on the floor.
If that's the worst that's happened to you, you've lived a charmed life. By all means run out and vote for Biden again.
This idiot reminds me a a Roomba running into furniture. It must suck getting confused by the smell of air.
LOL Air/hair
OH SHIT!!! I didn't think about the hair! God forbid there were any kids at this. We have to keep them away from this pedophile.
He's not fit to run a dairy queen and he's in charge of the most powerful country on earth.
What pisses me is that he talks the talk and then walks in a different direction. It's noticed by the rest of the world. I think he's trying to please both the leaders of other nations out of one side of his mouth and the American voters out of the other, and maybe he's not aware of it, but it's noticed.
I think you've got something there.
Absolutely correct Buzz
As you can see, Dennis, I don't take sides. I don't like either of them.
And the left relentlessly bagged on Reagan for cognitive issues. His mind was clear as a bell by comparison and still ..... mums the word on Biden for the Bidenets
Sadly, Bill O'Reilly helped them in trying to sell a book.
O'Reilly was my favorite Irish bully, but it was painful to watch George Will get destroyed over the issue:
George Will isn't used to confrontation. Shortly after that he left Fox News.
Yeah, that interview was when I started to realize that George Will wasn’t all that and a bag of chips.
He has proven that more.than once since
He's a fine writer and an old fashioned Conservative. He meant well in that little debate, he said all the right things, but something was missing.
He gave, and is still giving, comfort to the opposition with his commentary on Trump. Not unlike little miss can’t be wrong Cheney.
In this, he is a complete failure to his ”conservative” ideals.
He changed his party affiliation because he didn't like Trump.
Wouldn’t Joetard’s be more accurate?
Yes but I hope to glean a kinder, gentler Newstalkers ....
How about Bidentu ..........Nah I can't go there. Seems childish........well it is really LOL
Yep, no need to lower yourself to their level ..... which is whale shit low.
We actually have to go through this ridiculous nonsense again? As Biden leaves the podium he is looking into , and gesturing to, a part of the audience. He is not looking into nowhere and waving his hands at no one. End of story, unless you are a deranged MAGA.
Does he walk slow? Sure, but so what?
In the meantime Trump was telling Sean Hannity that he could declassify documents by just thinking about them.
And you think Biden has lost it?
Oh, there it is again! Right on schedule.
How many agree with John's explanation?
Nobody who has seen the video he is referring to.
Only the triggered
Oh bullshit JR. He wasn't even supposed to be leaving the podium while someone on the other side of the stage was getting ready to talk. And walk slow? Not always. This with his hands in front of him like a dog on its hind legs begging for a treat.............
The evidence is obvious and overwhelming. You seem to be in deep denial.
But--and correct me if I am wrong------the article was NOT about all that shit now was it?
I don't get it. How many times do they have to fail before they realize it's really nothing more than on massive temper tantrum. Honestly, I think it boils down to fear. I can't imagine being so afraid of ONE person. Especially one who has absolutely no effect on them. It must really be a sad life these people lead.
Joe has had many similar reactions after speaking.
Lost, befuddled and bewildered and the excuses for him continue. No reasons, just excuses
He's talking to the tooth fairy.
There is zero chance that the American people will reelect this befuddled old man.
The bigger question is who will the Dems put up against DeSantis?
I'm thinking it's Newsom.
I hope it’s Newsom
I would say Whitless from Michigan. But that would simply allow her stupidity to spread to the national level.
What credibility? Robert Gates tried to warn them. We already knew.
One of these days, this old dude is just going to fall off a stage. Apparently, everyone there is going to just stand back and watch it happen, too.
Let’s hope that he makes it through his term. President Harris is not a reality we want to deal with.
You're assuming he doesn't try and come back for another term.
Harris is really hoping he does. It is the only chance she has of remaining politically relevant. Maybe another 4 years of on the job training will take her from awful up to merely bad.
Yes I am. Actually that is both an assumption and a very strong desire of mine. I do not want to see anything like Biden or Trump nominated in 2024. We need younger blood (say 45 to 65 years old) and hopefully a substantially higher quality individual than Trump. Although she is 67 already, I would love to see the likes of Condoleezza Rice, but the good statespersons do not seem to be interested in running for office. Probably because they are forced to lie and engage in ugly practices to even have a chance at the nomination.
I would not be surprised if the thought of becoming PotUS by the death of the PotUS has crossed her mind (many times).
I wanted this for a long time, too, but she seems like she’s really fed up with Washington politics. And who can blame her, really?
I agree, she said long ago that she would likely never consider running for PotUS.
She has too much character to be a politician. Sucks that our system has devolved to this point.
Invading Iraq under a fraudulent pretext does not evidence "character".
I do not hold that Rice intentionally took any action regarding Iraq that she knew was based on a lie.
Yet, despite all that we know now, she still expresses support for the invasion.
What does that say about her "character"?
And make excuses for him
Biden gets lost and confused when he tries to go to the bathroom in the morning.