
The American left and our wide open southern border


Category:  Op/Ed

By:  vic-eldred  •  3 years ago  •  35 comments

The American left and our wide open southern border
Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro called for the decriminalization of border crossings Tuesday as part of his 2020 presidential platform on immigration. Castro, who announced his Democratic White House bid in January, wrote in a blog post that “the truth is, immigrants seeking refuge in our country aren’t a threat to national security.” “Migration shouldn’t be a criminal justice issue.”

Link to Quote:  https://thehill.com/latino/436937-julian-castro-calls-for-border-crossing-to-be-decriminalized/

Among the things the American left has done to America in the past 50 years is the long road to openning the American border. The America of the 19th and 20th centuries once had a need for legal immigration. That was when land and resources were plentiful and labor was scarce. The immigrants found opportunity that was unimaginable in their native lands. The Founders emphasized unity. They didn't want the tribalism of the Europe they once knew. The great unifying instrument was the Constitution. We know about the great waves that came and assimilated. The immigrants learned the language, became legal citizens, fought in the nation's wars, paid taxes and even got elected to office. It was a great story.

There was to be another chapter to that.  America was always hard to get to, except for the southern border. There for a time migrants came to work in agriculture and then went back. Then there were other reasons why people came over the southern border. Many were encouraged, while others were escaping poverty or lawlessness or oppression. suddenly we had a problem. That problem was exacerbated by certain factors:

1)  Cheap labor. The recipe for the onslaught of illegal migrants into the US begins with Corporte America. They simply prefered cheap imported labor to American unions. The first rule of business is to keep costs low. It is the main cause of American wages being static for the past 30 years

2)  Progressives assumed that the new people from the third world would lead to a new demography that they could manipulate.

3)  Mexico and Central American countries have encouraged their poor, their dissidents, their indigenous people, their "others" and those on the dole to cross over into the US legally or illegally.

It was a problem since the 80's and Ronald Reagan under pressure from all sides may have made a monumental mistake in 1986 by granting an amnesty. It may have encouraged more to come.  By 2019 it is estimated that as many as 50 Million residents of the US were foreign born. It was a problem of large dimensions even then. A large part of that was the growing problem of those seeking asylum. The refuge problem, eventually had been solved by Donald Trump with his  "Remain in Mexico policy."  We were containing it.
But then something happened. Part of the political deal making to get the DNC nomination for Joe Biden in 2020 involved granting power to the radical left. It was the election of Joe Biden that gave the left not only control of the democratic party, but the agenda that Biden unleashed on the country. That included a wide open southern border. In Biden's first 18 months, it is estimasted that 2 Million illegal migrants have crossed into the US:

"The number of migrant encounters at the   southern border   has smashed through the two million mark this fiscal year, breaching the already-historic 1.7 million encounters last year — but those numbers by themselves do not state how have been released into the U.S., or account for hundreds of thousands of others who have slipped past Border Patrol."



So what has the left done to America via an open border?

1)   The spike in crime.  From 2018:

"Arrests of noncitizens by the U.S. government   more than tripled over the past decade and now account for 64 percent of all federal arrests  , the Justice Department said Thursday. "While noncitizens make up seven percent of the U.S. population,   they accounted for 15 percent of all federal arrests" in 2018  , according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, which said noncitizens accounted for roughly one-quarter of all federal drug and property crime arrests. Concern about crime committed by undocumented immigrants has been a key point in the Trump administration's push for stricter border controls. But the report showed that   most of the arrests of noncitizens were for immigration offenses  , not violent crimes."


Beyond the murder & mayhem, think of the costs for LE, legal fees and prison.

2)   Taxes and the money flow from the US to Mexico.    From 2018:

"Mexicans working abroad, mainly in the United States, sent US $33.48 billion to Mexico last year, an increase of 10.5% over the 2017 figure, according to the Bank of México (Banxico)."


Think of the benefits that sanctuary states like California give to illegal migrants. American citizens pay for that.

3)   The skewing of the census.  Only recently have these massive migrations had an effect on the census. Sadly, the US census used for congressional reapportionment doesn't only count US citizens. Counting non-citizens in a census disenfranchises American citicens. Combine that with second generation offspring of the migrants voting straight democrat. Thus the American southwestern states have gone from red to blue.

4)   Election subversion:  Liberalized voting laws in places like California require little in the way of voter integrity and have enabled DMV automatic voter registration based on the honor system along with massive mail-in voting.

5)   Cartells and fentanyl.  It can be argued that the Cartells from Mexico now control the southern border. There is now a massive amount of the deadly drug crossing the southern border:

"CBP agents seized an unprecedented 10,500 lbs. of the deadly drug in 2021, and seizures have already surpassed 12,000 lbs. so far this year — the most fentanyl ever seized in a single year in the United States. That much fentanyl could kill the entire U.S. population eight times over, the memo circulating among senators notes."

"Yeah, I've never seen anything like this. The numbers, the organization, the movement. And  the federal government   is doing a masterful job of keeping it on the down-low as much as possible — sanitizing it as much as possible," retired Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agent and Texas congressional candidate Frank Lopez Jr. told Fox News Digital."


6)   Human trafficing:

"As the   Biden administration   marks National Human Trafficking Prevention Month, former Homeland Security officials are warning that the crisis at the southern border is exacerbating the criminal activity -- and that preventing the crime starts with securing the border."










jrDiscussion - desc
Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago

It was the American left

Senior Expert
2  George    3 years ago

The Texas 5th just ruled DACA unconstitutional, they said the Biden administration can not enroll any new illegals into the program.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  George @2    3 years ago

So I've heard. That won't stop him. Obama knew it was illegal and they didn't stop him either.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
3  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago

"Fentanyl is poisoning our communities and is the leading cause of death in America for people 18-45, yet Biden won’t secure the border . Why? Because no matter the human cost, he sees each illegal alien as a potential new Democrat voter."...Sen Ted Cruz


"Congressman August Pfluger summed up his trip to the U.S. – Mexico border in McAllen with one statement."

“Every border patrol agent, high-ranking down to agents in the patrol cars, told me that there are no consequences for people coming across the border,” he said.


Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago

Border officials encountered migrants on the southern border 2.2 million times this year, more than twice the number of 2019. An increase in migration from Venezuela and Cuba has led them to become the second and third largest source of migrants crossing the Mexican border .


Professor Quiet
4.1  Jasper2529  replied to  Vic Eldred @4    3 years ago

According to DHS and CBP reports, Venezuela, Colombia, and Cuba are emptying their prisons and enabling their hardened criminals to cross over our wide open southern border. Thanks, Biden, for importing more criminals.

Professor Quiet
4.1.2  Jasper2529  replied to  Texan1211 @4.1.1    3 years ago

Welllllll ... they're sending their best criminals -- rapists, murderers, pedophiles, and other sex assaulters.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
4.1.5  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Tessylo @4.1.4    3 years ago
Do you have the stats to back that up? 

You didn't see them?  It was in the same thread as all of your stats and sources.

Professor Quiet
4.1.7  Jasper2529  replied to  Texan1211 @4.1.6    3 years ago

The other day, Nancy Pelosi seemed to be especially excited that so many illegal aliens are invading our country. As she excitedly flapped her hands, she implied that they're needed to pick her crops.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
4.1.8  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Jasper2529 @4.1.7    3 years ago
Nancy Pelosi seemed to be especially excited that so many illegal aliens are invading our country

Well there is more than likely a C-130 Hercules load of this .................................


going around on the Democrat side of the aisle

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4.1.9  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Jasper2529 @4.1    3 years ago

And the only thing our local lefties can do is deny it.

Professor Quiet
4.1.10  Jasper2529  replied to  Vic Eldred @4.1.9    3 years ago
And the only thing our local lefties can do is deny it.

It's not surprising to me that, as usual, left-wing media (including social media) repeatedly fails to inform their viewers and readers of Biden's southern border crisis as well as his other crises.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4.1.11  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Jasper2529 @4.1.10    3 years ago

That was the point of Gov DeSantis and Gov Abbott sending illegal migrants to blue cities. They forced the media to finally cover the story.

Professor Quiet
4.1.12  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @4.1.5    3 years ago


Professor Quiet
4.1.13  Jasper2529  replied to  Vic Eldred @4.1.11    3 years ago

Exactly, yet left wing politicians, their complicit media, and their sycophants called it a "political stunt". They're soooooo stupid!

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4.1.14  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Jasper2529 @4.1.13    3 years ago

In the meantime, those stupid lefties, now in power, have all but made it "a right" for people from anywhere to simply cross our border and take up residence here.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
4.1.15  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Vic Eldred @4.1.11    3 years ago

What made that better was the cities are sanctuary cities.  They claimed to welcome illegals with open arms.  Then when they arrive, a "crisis" is declared and they shipped the illegals elsewhere.  

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4.1.16  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @4.1.15    3 years ago

Martha's Vineyard being the most prominent example. They sent the 50 "others" off to a military base on Cape Cod.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
5  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago

'A BUNCH OF HYPOCRITES': The Texas rep. slammed the Biden administration's response to the border crisis, arguing that the Democratic Party has 'abandoned the Hispanic community.'


https:// fxn.ws/3RBPSLO

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
6  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago

"The border crisis is out of control, migrants flagged as potential national security risks who crossed the border illegally spiked by 600% in FY2022."

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
7  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago


An   illegal immigrant   from Mexico shot and killed while in custody in Texas allegedly first charged at Border Patrol agents with an "edged weapon" after escaping a holding cell, FBI El Paso said Wednesday. 

Manuel Gonzalez-Moran, a 33-year-old   Mexican national   previously deported twice before following a violent crime conviction in Colorado, was encountered alone by U.S. Border Patrol agents and brought to the Ysleta Border Patrol Station in El Paso on Tuesday to be processed for illegal re-entry. 

"Once at the station, Moran later charged out of a holding cell past an USBP Agent and grabbed an edged weapon off a desk in the processing area," FBI El Paso said in a statement obtained by KFOX14.    "Agents provided verbal commands and attempted to gain control by utilizing non-deadly force methods, specifically taser, which was unsuccessful. Agents continued providing verbal commands. However, Moran continued to advance upon them with the edged weapon at which time he was shot by Agents."

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
8  author  Vic Eldred    3 years ago

"A service member assigned to the Texas National Guard’s border security mission, Operation Lone Star, died by a self-inflicted gunshot to the head Tuesday morning in Eagle Pass, according to an official document obtained by Army Times and The Texas Tribune.

According to the document, the soldier shot himself with his duty weapon — an M4 carbine — around 8:20 a.m. The Texas Military Department confirmed the death and said it is withholding the soldier’s name until their family is notified."


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