The Midterm Watch / Part 2 : The US Senate

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"There are 35 seats up in 2022 - including a special election in Oklahoma - of which 21 are held by the GOP. That party can retake control with a net gain of one or more seats."
At least 24 of this year's 35 U.S. Senate seats up for election are seen as safe for the incumbent party. Of the remaining 11 only 4 are regarded as real toss-ups. Therefore, it is likely that whichever side wins the Senate, it will win it by a very narrow margin.
A very Key race:
"Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock and his Republican challenger, Herschel Walker, will meet Friday night for their only debate in Georgia's marquee Senate contest, just days before in-person early voting begins. The 60-minute session, which will take place before a live audience, comes in the wake of reports that Walker paid for a girlfriend to have an abortion in 2009 before later fathering a child with her. Additionally, the matchup could force both men to answer other attacks — personal and political — that have flooded voters’ television screens and social media feeds for months. “Raphael Warnock will have to answer why he has voted 96% of the time with (President) Joe Biden, giving us record-high inflation, all while doubling his own income,” Walker aide Will Kiley said, previewing now-familiar assertions from Republicans."
Read more at:
For democrats the Georgia Senate seat is a firewall that they believe they must hold. That would explain the treacherous stunt they pulled against Herschel Walker. It worked for them in the past, some may recall. This time may be different. Warnock is far too radical for the state of Georgia, or just about anywhere else for that matter and this time Republicans will be voting.
Next in order of importance is Arizona, where the incumbent Mark Kelly is one of the most vulnerable of the democrats. The GOP has a formidable candidate in Blake Masters.
Arizona Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly, left, and his Republican challenger Blake Masters, right, on Thursday, Oct. 6, 2022. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)
"Arizona Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly and Republican challenger Blake Masters took to the debate stage in Phoenix Thursday evening, where the two clashed over President Joe Biden’s handling of the U.S. economy, border security, and reproductive rights."
Nevada is extremely close with Adam Laxalt leading Cortez Masto by only 2 percentage points at 48%-46%. The killer for Masto may be the fact that the economy is the top issue for most Nevadan voters polling in at 44%.
Then there is the classic battle between Fetterman and Oz in PA. Fetterman is another radical, as far out as Warnock. Fetterman somehow is the Lt Governor of the state. Fetterman led by a few percentage points but Oz is gaining. The key economic issues favor Oz and when you factor in crime, which is rampant in Philadelphia, Oz should prevail. Some claim the Black vote may make the difference. The question is will the people of Philadelphia just keep voting democrat no matter what or will they finally vote in their best interests?
New Hampshire
In New Hampshire, democrats did everything they could to get Don Bolduc to win the GOP primary. He seemed like the least likely to win the general election. Democrats seem to be masters of manipulating primaries in which voting is extremely low. In this case they got their wish and Senator Maggie Hassan holds a 6% point lead over Bolduc. As soon as Bolduc won the GOP primary democrats had their negative ads ready. They have continually run an ad showing Bolduc telling Hassan to get over it on the subject of abortion. Thus far the dems have got the matchup they wanted and the narrative as well.
In Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson has found a lane with crime giving him a lift. He is opposed by Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes. If Wisconsin polling can be believed, Johnson and Barnes are in a dead even tie at 47%-47%. The anchor around Barnes neck is that he was in favor of reducing police budgets.
North Carolina
In North Carolina, Rep. Ted Budd, R-N.C., and former state Supreme Court Chief Justice Cheri Beasley are also in a virtual tie despite the fact that Beasley has outspent Budd by 2-1.
The challenges the nation faces because of the election of Joe Biden are enormous. We always think that the current election is the most important one we ever voted in. It's because of the times we are living in. If you care about your children's future, you need to vote against the woke candidates who enacted a very radical agenda.
The election is now only 24 days away. There is an urgency about it, if you care about this country.
Here is where so many Americans find themselves:
Lets put Donald Trump, Herschel Walker, Mike Flynn, Steve Bannon, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ron DeSantis, Tucker Carlson, Kari Lake, etc in power. That'll work.
I think that only three of the eight mentioned are on the ballot this year.
Stop with the facts.
This is about illogical emotions! Get with it.
Satan, Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin will be in charge in charge if Republicans win the House and Senate!
The world as we know it will come to an end with the dead walking the earth!
Yep, apparently not everyone understands this
What is it you think having the GOP control Congress will do to improve the economy?
There is no history of this.
Exactly, it was the Dems that passed the Inflation Reduction Act, just think how bad inflation would be now without that act.
In other words you cant think of anything.
I was asking you to think, sorry that I confused you.
They can't do worse than Brandon the Human Fuck Up Machine and Democrats have done.
Two years of their BS is two too many.
Biden recently called it the Inflation Production Act ... oops ... another "gaffe" or was he, for once, telling the truth?
SAVANNAH, Ga. – Sen. Raphael Warnock (D) and his Republican opponent, former football star Herschel Walker, faced off on Friday night for their first and likely only debate, using the face-to-face meeting to make their cases to voters just a few weeks before Election Day.
The debate came amid a hectic final push by the two candidates to win over the moderate and swing voters who could very well decide which party will control the Senate. While most polls show Warnock with a narrow lead over Walker, neither candidate is scoring the majority support needed to win the Senate seat outright.
Here are five takeaways from the debate between Warnock and Walker:
That story is a good example of "both sides-ism". Walker has about as much business being a United States senator as a doorknob does.
If you want people to only vote on character, you shouldn't have gone with Warnock.
Well, Walker is a moron too, if that interests you.
Bottom line:
Either one with be voting with their respective partys in the US Senate. If Warnock wins it is likely to keep the Senate as it is. Do people want that changed?
Warnock is a slum lord.
Of course Democrats do love their criminals.
Funny how they tried to use what Trump's father allegedly did back in the 70s on Donald, but have no problem with Warnock being a slumlord TODAY, more than likely with his tenants being black.
Just as Biden had about as much business being a POTUS.
Blake Edwards, running from the grave he's been in since 2010 would be a better choice than Blake Masters, the GOP candidate.
You got me there!
Already in the Halloween mood?
Wasn't Edwards a Californian not an Arizonian?
Besides, Kelly worked for months to get the administration to agree closing some gaps in the border wall, Biden wouldn't do that for Masters.
Arizona is a tough race to call.
Blake Edwards is being successfully hammered for his statements during the primaries where he was for a federal abortion ban and some of his other far-right statements. His early stance on abortion is the hardest thing for him to overcome and a lot of the female friends I have hold that against him.
Mark Kelly, for all his tough talk about being independent and working for the people of Arizona, has a track record of voting along with his party. His first year I believe his numbers were 100% with party and his second year was like 97% with party. About the only thing he's done for the people of Arizona was trying to get parts of the border wall completed. I know a lot of people who are still upset that he was not prosecuted for lying on a form 4473 when he was campaigning to replace McCain.
I honestly don't know who's gonna win. But I sure am tired of having to pick the least objectionable.
Take it from a former democrat:
Vote on what was done to you & your families
If you asked 100 Democrats if they care if Tulsi Gabbard left the Democratic Party 99 of them would say they dont care. She is a crank, eccentric, Putin enabler who is way more suited for the Republican party. Nobody cares Vic.
She double-dixied herself.
In other words: she didn't march to every radical tenant of the new democratic party.
Do you really think people are going to vote on anything other than the economy or crime or the indoctrination of young children?
Hofmeister is actually running for an office, Tusi is no longer in politics except to appear on Fox News.
E le papa'e Tusi.
What would have been interesting if she had not dropped out of the presidential race whether she was qualified to run for the office of President. She is not a US Citizen, she is by US law, a US National, not a US Citizen.
She switched partys. Tulsi merely left the democratic party and now calls herself an independent.
except to appear on Fox News.
Tulsi also talked about her disenchantment with the party on MSNBC
Yes, it's obvious that she switched parties. Gabbard did as well from being a dem to being an independent.
Her appearing on msnbc is supposed to mean something?
It wasn't that long ago.....
So now you're using a LIBERAL
as support for your position. LMAO
They all loved her ten years ago. Speaker Pelosi even had Tulsi address the House on her arrival.
That is generally what happens with a new congress member.
Hofmeister is a lifelong republican who has held various positions in the state of OK. she left because Sitt is too radical of a republican.
So both have left their parties because they are to radical. Hofmeister is taking a different tack and running for the office of governor in OK. Tulsi is appearing on TV.
See the difference there, Vic?
They loved her enough to make her Vice Chair of the DNC.
The two things are not equal. The proof has been everywhere in the last 18 months.
A salient point from the member known for his Wit.
Yes, they did. On the other hand she really fucked up with this ignorant move.
Tulsi Gabbard reveals she met Assad in Syria, without informing top Democrats
In your opinion but then there is the response to his Wit.
The first sentence in Post 4.1.4
That would fall under the democrat's war machine.
You'd know that had you watched Tucker Carlson the other night.
LOL, war/military is something that you know little about. It's best you ask the guy with the Wit since he was part of that machine for 20 plus years and I belive he still may be part of the machine.
You mean like Pelosi's ignorant move?
Democrats loved Assad, until Hillary and Obama turned against him.
We are talking about Tulsi Gabbard who defied her own party.
Pelosi defied the WH and Bush.
Thanks for your useless input.
Always credit someone for their information, even when it's useless. I'll thank you for your useless comment as well.
"Natural born citizen" is still murky, undecided constitutional law. We've had several "natural born" US presidential candidates and presidents.
People born in Samoa are US Nationals, not US citizens. It is the only exception to US law that people born in the US or its territories being US citizens.
There is currently a case that Utah said that indeed they were citizens.
It's a case that I've been following for some time since I lived in American Samoa and have Samoan inlaws. Being a US National and not a US citizen also has an effect on certain types of employment that are available to Samoans.
If Gabbard's parents were natural born US citizens that would throw another light on the matter.
I'm certainly happy that I have ''feelings'' since those without feelings in many cases it signifies a mental disease.
Tulsi Gabbard's mother, Carol Porter Gabbard, was born in Indiana and grew up in Michigan. Therefore, she is a natural born US citizen. Her father, Mike Gabbard, was born in American Samoa and grew up in Hawaii and Florida. It seems that Tulsi Gabbard's parents have more "USA" in them than Barack Obama's parents did.
That's all I have to say to you about this topic. Have a good weekend.
If her father was born in Samoa then there is a possibility that he is a US National as well,
It seems that you're unable to discuss a situation without throwing partisan BS into it.
I'm sure that it is since you have limited or no knowledge of the Samoan citizenship debate currently being discussed at both a state and federal level.
Her father, was born a US citizen and is a State Senator (Dem) in Hawaii.
I clearly stated this:
So there was no spinning nor deflection.
Your comment/concern over this is really unwarranted.
It seems that you missed the fact that Tulsi Gabbard's mother was born in Indiana. Please see Wiki and other sources.
Yes, he was born in American Samoa. It sure beats having a deadbeat Kenyan-national "father" who ignored his own son for over 20 years.
Since you know absolutely nothing about my heritage, your surety is a humorous statement.
Gabbard was born in American Samoa, which is a U.S. territory. You may recall that Sen. John McCain also was born in a U.S. territory -- the Panama Canal Zone -- and there was little dispute that he was eligible to run for president. American Samoa is a bit trickier since, unlike other U.S. territories, people born there do not automatically get U.S. citizenship.
But no matter where one is born, having an American parent can make one a citizen from birth. Sen. Rafael “Ted” Cruz, who ran for president in 2016, was born in Canada to an American mother and a Cuban father. The fact that his mother was an American makes him a citizen at birth, and therefore, a natural born citizen of the U.S. Paralleling McCain, both Gabbard’s parents were Americans. Her mother was born in Indiana. So based on parentage, Gabbard is a natural born U.S. citizen.
I find it interesting that a 2016 presidential candidate with a US citizen mother and American Samoan father isn't considered "American", but a 2008 presidential candidate with a US citizen mother and Kenyan national (absentee) father was.
Yes, he was and he is of Samoan Anglo heritage which his father's side makes him a US citizen. Since discussing the current situation in US law and Samoa's place in it has nothing to do with Obama or his father you should try to grasp that concept.
If you are Samoan you should be able to discuss this by referencing the current laws on the subject not throwing bs on Obama or his father that have nothing to do with the situation.
Fa'a Samoa, palagi.
I understand that Snuffy, I was throwing it open to various interpretations since Samoans are not US citizens. That part is a fact her mother is Samoan and her father is Samoan and Anglo. He is a US citizens by his father side of the familty.
I think that her mother, Carol Porter Gabbard, was born in Indiana.
If should read her father's mother.
But both of her parents are US Citizens. So opening it up to various interpretations, isn't that incredibly close to pushing "fake news" ?
Yes, true.
I guess I'm restricted from speaking on those subjects.
Let me be "respectful."
The Republican challenge is, as always, to point out that Senators like Kelly promise to be independent, and then become mindless rubber stamps for Schumer. Arizona is a purple state and is now represented by a generic far left rubber stamp who votes for whatever the twitter mob who runs the party wants. Warnock, when he says anything concrete at all, distances himself from Biden. They campaign one way, vote another. Breaking through that dishonesty when the media works for free to protect the Democratic narrative is where Republicans fall short in these races.
They have all sounded much more moderate of late. Only one still calls for defunding the police.
Didn't Biden campaign (what little he did) as a "moderate?"
The Republicans will net at least 10 House and 2 Senate seats....enough to turn the tide
I hope you are right. Democrats have limitless money. Seems they are only against Dark money when it doesn't go to them.