Biden's demented desperate speech

The midterm elections are 5 days away. As Jen Psaki recently noted: If that election is a referendum on Joe Biden, the democrats will lose. At no point has Biden ever recoiled from his far left policies. Last night Joe Biden gave what was a very divisive speech in which he told voters to vote democrat in order to "preserve democracy." Fittingly the speech was given in what once was a beautiful DC location: Union Station, which is today a filthy shell of it's former self. Kind of like what progressive have done to the nation.
This is how he began that speech:
"Good evening, everyone.
Just a few days ago, a little before 2:30 a.m. in the morning, a man smashed the back windows and broke into the home of the speaker of the House of Representatives, the third-highest-ranking official in America. He carried in his backpack zip ties, duct tape, rope and a hammer.
As he told the police, he had come looking for Nancy Pelosi to take her hostage, to interrogate her, to threaten to break her kneecaps. But she wasn’t there. Her husband, my friend Paul Pelosi, was home alone. The assailant tried to take Paul hostage. He woke him up, and he wanted to tie him up. The assailant ended up using a hammer to smash Paul’s skull. Thankfully, by the grace of God, Paul survived.
All this happened after the assault, and it just — it’s hard to even say. It’s hard to even say. After the assailant entered the home asking: “Where’s Nancy? Where’s Nancy?” Those are the very same words used by the mob when they stormed the United States Capitol on January the 6th, when they broke windows, kicked in the doors, brutally attacked law enforcement, roamed the corridors hunting for officials and erected gallows to hang the former vice president, Mike Pence."
As anyone can clearly see, whoever wrote that used Jan 6th and the attack on Paul Pelosi as its bookends. BTW, just about everything in that thirtd paragraph is false, including the very idea that the assailant of Paul Pelosi was a "MAGA" Republican. That lunatic was an illegal migrant, who happened to be a drug addict and a homeless abuser of children. (All things the left usually defends.)
Here we are on the eve of an election when the country is divided and Joe Biden, who will not talk about the issues the voters care about, resorts to more division to hold people to their tribalist instincts. In that regard he is kind of like his mentor.
The speech comes following a WSJ poll that finds suburban women swinging towards the Republicans:
"The GOP has seen a shift in its favor among several voter groups, including Latino voters and women, and particularly white suburban women. That group, which the pollsters said makes up 20% of the electorate, shifted 26 percentage points away from Democrats since the Journal’s August poll and now favors the GOP by 15 percentage points."
Whoever is advising this ridiculous idiot posing as the nation's leader has made a terrible mistake. People saw that disgraceful speech last night for what it was. It fooled nobody. The American people have been waiting for this election.
To whoever wrote that speech:
That is why democrats will lose a free & fair election next Tuesday!
Here is the complete text of Biden's final speech before the election:
... and this article from the guy that thinks trump was a great president and the things he says since he lost are valid.
But, but, but, Jesus loves you.
Great video.
According to this 'article' everything that happened on 6 Jan was a lie.
oh, my apologies, I thought the topic was demented speeches and it was hard to ignore the last 2 years worth from the unamerican insurrectionist former POTUS.
The first part of that is true. The second part you falsely attributed to me. I have had numerous discussions with TiG regarding Trump's refusal to accept the outcome of the election. It's there for all to see.
Why the Jan 6th film from the Trump hating Lincoln Project?
The topic here and the issue before voters is Joe Biden, the current president.
I'm so proud to say that I never voted for Biden.
Good job, you listened to his old boss.
Obama ......
Biden's speech last evening was a Hail Mary show of divisiveness - just like Obama's stump speeches have been. Last evening, Biden mentioned inflation/economy (voters' primary concerns) only once, but he mentioned Republicans/MAGA as a "threat to democracy" 38 times in a 25 minute speech. Gaslighting, anyone?
From what I have learned, Biden and his adherents consider the following as "threats to democracy":
One more thing - I wish someone would finally teach Biden that the USA is not a democracy and that it is a constitutional republic.
Biden will go down in history as one of the worst presidents in history. Obama tried to warn people but many still decided to vote the dimbulb in.
Biden will go down in history as one of the worst presidents in history.
Numbnuts Biden is also the dumbest President in history
I watch his repulsive speech.
He kept complaining about election deniers. The only people I see questioning the upcoming midterm election and 2024 election integrity are Brandon and the Democrats.
Brandon was correct- Americans do fear for Democracy. But it is protecting it from Fascist Democrats that want to:
Once again Brandon is trying to demonize anyone that dares to not march in lock step with the Democrat Party. All of the US flags that were surrounding him during his speech need to be burned. His very presence has sullied them.
Midterms need to be a reckoning for the Democrats; and any Republican politicians and leaders stupid enough to think that a Democrat is better than a member of their own party. McConnell needs to lose his position in the Senate, period.
At this point the democrats have talked about the 2020 election more than anyone else ever did.
Brandon was correct- Americans do fear for Democracy. But it is protecting it from Fascist Democrats that want to:
Listening to him, one might forget that it is they who ruled for the past 2 years!
Once again Brandon is trying to demonize anyone that dares to not march in lock step with the Democrat Party. All of the US flags that were surrounding him during his speech need to be burned. His very presence has sullied them.
Midterms need to be a reckoning for the Democrats; and any Republican politicians and leaders stupid enough to think that a Democrat is better than a member of their own party. McConnell needs to lose his position in the Senate, period
Not sure about McConnell, but well said!
He thinks that no one remembers the long list of Democrats who were/are election deniers ... starting with Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Maxine Waters, Barbara Lee, Hillary Clinton, Sheila Jackson Lee, Stacey Abrams, Karine Jean-Pierre, and many others.
If you really think any of those people took it to the extreme that trump did I have a bridge for sale.
In a sign of little Democrats actually care about election denial, Biden selected a certified election denier as his OFFICAL SPOKESPERSON and not a single Democrat so much as blinked an eye.
It's only a problem when Republicans do it. No one can lead, or even be taken seriously on a subject by rational people, if they refuse to address/admit their own problems first.
Most of that list is about the SC decision.
Says the one that never adds any content.
Says the one who actually believes that they add content
When did you turn rightwing nutjob?
Calling people names certainly won't make your point, it really has one purpose It is an admission of intellectual defeat. It says I have nothing to say really but here have an insult so i can feel better.
We have to do better, we have to engage in open dialogue, when someone resorts to insults, ignore it and continue on. We have to actually entertain real conversations to make progress in this country. What we have been doing has been an utter failure.
Blow it out your ears. I have been talking to these same people for years.
You know nothing.
THERE!!! RIGHT THERE!!!!! THAT'S the tolerance we've all come to expect from the left. And on top of it you actually expect to be taken seriously.
Oh no! The left is so mean and the right is pure as snow....
And you think playing childish games is the way to go? Let me guess, you claim to be an adult and be taken seriously don't you?
Childish games? Like this 'article' saying what happened on 6 Jan was a lie?
You all offer nothing but insults then feign being butthurt when the same is returned.
Where does it say that?
Lol .... I’ll let you know if and when that happens. In the meantime, keep on hating on there avatar of peace.
He removed the part where he said the third whole paragraph he posted was a lie.
I copied and posted it at comment 10.
Keep on keeping on.
Funny, I use to be able to talk to you, now you seem to play into the right wing narrative.
Yep, I have the temerity to have my own opinions.
No apologies are forthcoming for that.
Childish games like I pointed out in 3.2.11.
I'm not butthurt about a goddamn thing. Seems you may be for calling you out.
That sentence is hysterical. I dont mean hysterical funny. Hysterical delusional and desperate.
The man is from CANADA. You could take all the times the right has complained about illegal migrants from Canada and not fill a paragraph with it. Now all of the sudden migration from Canada is a national existential crisis - rofl.
David Depape ran multiple blogs and websites. They may have been tiny enterprises with few readers, but they are a record of what he believed. His beliefs align with near perfection to MAGA ideology and Q Anon and Trumpster obsessions.
Now the morons on the right want to blame the attack on San Francisco homelessness. How many homeless were in the Jan 6 mob?
David DePape, accused attacker of Paul Pelosi, had zip …
2 days ago · Mr. DePape’s website,, has been taken down, but it included rants against Jewish people, Blacks, Democrats, the media and transgender persons, according to …
Your link can't be reached.
Good luck with your conspiracy theory
I just clicked on it Vic. It works. Get a grip.
Here's what I get:
Oops, we can't seem to find that page
Oops, we can't seem to find that page
I didn't have a problem accessing the page. There is a paywall so that could be your problem.
Yup that's what I'm getting.
I don't doubt that was part of this lunatic's contradictory beliefs, but I know there was more to that.
Then that is the problem for most us us.
The link is to the Washington Examiner. I dont have a subscription to that , and I can open the link, so i dont think that is the problem. If Vic would like, I'll just post the whole article here.
Every time things like this happen the right just throws the muddy kitchen sink at the wall. Now it's "an illegal migrant" who did it. The frigging guy is from Canada, but the geniuses on the right want to inflame the base by invoking "illegal" as if were from the southern countries. Pure insanity.
Please do, so that we can read it all
No the link is to the Washington Times and I get the same Oops we can't find that page.
Post the whole article. /news/2022/oct/31/david-depape-accused-attacker-paul-pelosi-had-zip-/
David DePape, accused attacker of Paul Pelosi, had zip ties, wrote blog with fairy rantings, screeds
Tom Howell Jr. 5-6 minutes 10/31/2022
David DePape , who is accused of attacking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ’s husband in San Francisco, was carrying zip ties with him , ran a website that talked about an invisible fairy friend and posted images of Hillary Clinton as a zombie.
The details trickling out from the early Friday attack on Paul Pelosi have some people comparing it to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, when members of the mob carried zip ties and looked for Mrs. Pelosi and other lawmakers inside the building.
Mr. DePape’s website,, has been taken down, but it included rants against Jewish people, Blacks, Democrats, the media and transgender persons, according to The Daily Mail.
In one post, he complained he couldn’t find a fairy house online with adequate doors.
“They have lots of fairy houses, but NONE of them are MADE for fairies,” Mr. DePape wrote.
Other posts talked about his estrangement from Oxane “Gypsy” Taub, a public-nudity activist in San Francisco.
Mr. DePape allegedly carried duct tape along with zip ties during the attack and entered Mr. Pelosi ’s bedroom, where he was sleeping. The two men did not know each other, according to police.
Police said they did a welfare check at the home and found the two men wrestling over a hammer, which Mr. DePape used to strike Mr. Pelosi before being taken into custody. Mr. Pelosi is expected to recover but required surgery for a fractured skull.
Sources told CNN that Mr. DePape, who allegedly said “Where’s Nancy ?” during the attack, brought the hammer with him .
There is nothing there linking him to MAGA Republicans.
BTW..That's the Washington Times, not the Examiner.
He overstayed his fucking visa.
whatever. i dont have a subscription to the washington times either, and i can open the link. Must be a technical glitch somewhere.
It doesn't matter now. You posted the article.
Show us the tie to MAGA?
He sounds like a racist John.
Anything else?
Its an emotional tie Vic. Mutual respect and love.
It is embarrassing to watch you thrash about , trying to pretend you are winning any of these arguments.
Who did Depape attack? Did he attack Kari Lake? Ted Cruz? Donald Trump Jr? NO, he attacked the home of the Democratic speaker of the house.
Is there evidence that he chose Pelosi for "political reasons" and not for "homeless" reasons?
Yes there is. His blog postings and social media, which according to multiple news reports contained beliefs and rants that correspond to what is believed and ranted by people on the far right. Disparage blacks? Check. Disparage Jews? Check. Disparage trans? Check. Promote Jan 6 ? Check. Promote Trump? Check.
Those are not right wing talking points. They were Strom Thurmond's and he was a democrat and friend of Joe Biden, back when Biden had a functioning brain.
I heard he was against all politicians:
So now you are down to "look who he attacked" as your evidence that he is connected to MAGA Republicans.
It looks like you lost the argument and Biden has put the final nail in the coffin.
Strom Thurmond has been dead for 20 years and was 100 when he died. Try to find something from this century.
They have to try and demonize all conservatives. Calling them all crazies like this nut job. It’s all they got Vic.
Hatred for anyone who doesn’t goose step to their narrative.
Haters gotta hate ....... and they do .....
It's hard to find a white rascist these days.
You see that is what they were using as "evidence." DePape was nuts so he must be a "rightwinger."
It was obvious the moment the thing happened that they would try to tie it to Republicans. They are vicious.
Oh I see..He wrote that there is a tiny possibility
May we see the tweet?
I see.
Nope. He took it down because he realized it wasn't true.
He said it was a tiny possibility. Now we know it was the work of a mad man.
The left doesn't know the meaning of integrity let alone how it applies in this situation.
They've really shown us, haven't they?
Complete and willful blindness
Good afternoon.
Maybe if we finish off a gallon of whiskey before engaging with them. But I think that gallon would only bring us to their level.
Oh, NOW, we get it. Folks from Canada who are in the U.S. ILLEGALLY can't be an illegal alien 'cause they're not brown/black/yellow/red like the interlopers from the South of the border.
Democrats and leftists are pissed because that is their job! Only they are allowed to promote hate speech!
His beliefs were all over the place:
"The nudist “ex-life partner” of the man who assaulted Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband on Friday has apologized to the speaker and her family for her former beau’s behavior.
Speaking with Bay Area station KGO via phone this weekend, Oxane “Gypsy” Taub expressed great remorse over suspect David DePape’s actions , especially given as she happens to be a huge Pelosi fan. And indeed, to hear Taub tell it, it sounds like DePape at one point used to be a fan as well.
“Well when I met him, he was only 20 years old, and he didn’t have any experience in politics, and he was very much in alignment with my views and I’ve always been very progressive. I absolutely admire Nancy Pelosi,” she said."
Now we have conspiracy theories from the left flowing out of the mouth of Joe Biden,
This is evidence he was progressive the same way me saying I once visited Detroit is proof that Berlin is in Germany.
That provided more evidence than you or Biden ever provided to false claims linking him to MAGA Republicans.
No what a bouts...Fucking Biden is supposed to be the president...
Why does he continue to lie?
I see you continue to ignore Biden's lies about the Pelosi assailant.
Deflection Alert
"Gypsy" hasnt spoken to Depape in 7 years, but she knows his state of mind and current political beliefs? It is absurd.
Let's see your article in it's entirety
Evidently you don't have any proof
Show us
Lol ... Musk is living rent free in liberal heads, right next to Trump.
Funny, very funny!
What is funny is saying someone lives in someone's head when they are in the news everyday for what they are doing.
No one is allowed to talk about him without being obsessed?
What is funny is that he is now some right wing hero.
We dont have time to give a shit about what these people think. Our country is swirling down the drain before our eyes.
Frank Ciccarelli, a carpenter in Berkeley, California (who occasionally employed DePape) , told The New York Times that if you started a conversation with DePape about politics, "it was all over."
"Because he really believed in the whole MAGA, 'Pizzagate,' stolen election — you know, all of it, all the way down the line. If you go to Fox News, if you go on the internet and you look at QAnon, you know, he had all these theories," Ciccarelli said.
"He was completely caught up in the fantasy, in the MAGA fantasy," Ciccarelli said.
Pelosi attacker 'was completely caught up in the MAGA fantasy': former boss - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
Well maybe you should know this before assuming again - from left wing media, no less:
I meant exactly what I stated, Tessy.
Many things flowing out of Bidens mouth needs the admin to backtrack it.
Don't hold your breath Vic. No proof once again
And which party is in charge of the swirling down the drain?
That team is on constant alert.
Ask for proof and we get silence.
More whining from those that believe that the 2020 election was stolen. LMAO too fucking funny.
No bites here.
You best stick with John Wayne.
He would be your hero, not mine....continue on
Are you one of the republicans that believes the election was stolen, Vic?
He was bait for you and here he is off topic
Are you one of the republicans that believes the election was stolen, Vic?
BS, you brought him up so he is on topic or you're off topic...LMAO
Another less than ignorant comment, well done.
You ever notice that when you ask one of them a direct question about what they believe, they avoid answering it with everything they have.
he does, he just can't muster the courage to admit it. he's avoided the question for 2 years.
their political intelligence is as superficial as their patriotism...
"President Biden is trying to divide and deflect at a time when America needs to unite—because he can’t talk about his policies that have driven up the cost of living," said House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

Biden knows it’s time to pay the piper for his failed presidency and like a child is lashing out. It’s all he’s got. The mid term elections will tell the tale.
I just hope our liberals friends here have stocked up on butt cream
They are gonna need it.
Remember what Eric Holder said: "When they go low we kick 'em!"
Next Tuesday the kicking will begin!
Kick 'em when they're up, kick 'em when they're down
Kick 'em when they're up, kick 'em when they're down
Kick 'em when they're up, kick 'em when they're down
Kick 'em when they're up, kick 'em all around
Eric Holder is a POS.
I hope Reps try to take a high round and spend more time doing the peoples business. Unlike the retards who have been in charge the last two years.
The retards have to be held accountable as well.
Agreed but it can’t dominate their agenda like it has with Democrats.
You are right again. We have too much to do! One of those things, as Mitch McConnell put it, is to force Biden to be the moderate he promised to be.
Well, you are just going to have to be disappointed. Even if the Republicans take both houses of congress they wont be able to do a thing other than hold witch hunt investigations and block Bidens judicial nominees. Both courses of action would make it more likely that the Dems win the presidency again in '24.
Biden has the veto over any GOP legislation (not that they have any planned), and Republicans wont compromise with Biden on anything. In political terms, the next two years will be miserable. Doesnt sound like a path to '24 success for the Republicans, does it?
Are you claiming Republicans would do exactly what the Democrats have done since 2016?
Which will just make him even more ineffective.
History will find Biden to be one of the worst presidents in history. Obama tried to warn you.
Biden won't be able to enact any more partisan legislation either.
Biden has the veto over any GOP legislation (not that they have any planned), and Republicans wont compromise with Biden on anything. In political terms, the next two years will be miserable. Doesnt sound like a path to '24 success for the Republicans, does it?
Correction: The last two were miserable and that's why the dems will lose Tuesday and in 2024.
Neither of the Trump impeachments were witch hunts, nor is the Jan 6 committee. You just babbling something does not make it so.
The Mueller investigation was not a congressional investigation.
The republicans will control the purse strings, Biden will compromise or be responsible for shutting down the government. Plus blocking judicial appointments is always good when they are left wing loons.
The impeachments were a result of absolutely nothing coming from ANY of the investigations. And if I recall, he wasn't found guilty in either impeachment.
You still didn't answer my question: Are you claiming Republicans would do exactly what the Democrats have done since 2016?
He is so far up Susan Rice's ass, that I doubt he can compromise
I dont answer your questions because most of them are stupid.
The two impeachments were both the result of "investigations". How do you think they got the evidence?
Trump was not convicted because Republican senators were afraid of the revenge he would take on them if they voted to convict.
I have a question.
Where have all this site's lefties gone?
"long time passing"
Will they be back before the midterms?
Somebody find Peter, Paul & Mary. I think we should have a concert Tuesday night!
"Where have all our lefties gone?"
Just be honest for once. You CAN'T answer them.
Where? None of the investigations produced any evidence of what they were supposed to be looking into. Instead we were given "impeachments" for hurt feelings. Which by the way did NOT end in convictions. I guess that's what happens when you play childish partisan putt putt games.
It shall be our midterm election night theme song:
Better hope your midterm predictions don't go the way your Durham predictions went, lol.
Damn - EXACTLY like the Dems did for 4 years with Trump - EXACTLY.
They will also have subpoena and impeachment power, neither of which Biden can control.
It is a waste of time to talk to you. 9 1/2 times out of 10 you dont know what you are talking about, but you insist on constantly repeating what you dont know anyway.
And there's the indication you can't back up a fucking thing you've said. The liberal tell - resort to childish remarks. You can't answer my question so you revert back to being a 4 year old. AND you expect to be taken seriously.
No , its an indication that talking to you is a waste of time. I back up what I say on this forum every day. You keep repeating things that were ludicrous the first time you said them.
seems as though a number of state and federal offices are working on that now...
oh yeah, trump was the ultimate force in uniting americans. so much so he lost by almost 8 million votes.
More liberal lies and exaggerations.
First of all Biden was shown to have won the popular vote by about 7 million votes not almost 8 million.
Secondly he narrowly won the electoral college by about 100,000 votes spread out over a half a dozen closely decided state. Your exaggerations get more epic by the day but do enjoy the ass whuppin you’ve got coming.
Time to pay the piper Nov 8th.
What do you think the republicans are going to do when/if they get control?
First, what does that have to do with my post you are responding to?
Second, I’ve already been very clear right here in this thread what I think Reps should do.
Will they let petty politics go? Doubtful
Are you ready to admit that Dems have played the petty politics game to the hilt the last few years? Doubtful as well.
Gotta 'member Tex - he uses his imaginary 250K friends and family's fingers and toes to count.
I am not the one that said time to pay the piper.
All politicians play petty politics.
Wrong, post 5.3.2 was about vote count. Not sure how you made the jump to paying the piper.
Guess you must be preoccupied with having to pay the piper on Nov 8th.
What is going to be paid?
Stupid question.
The price for playing petty politics.
Gonna be a stiff one this year. Hope you’re ready for it.
You actually think the right doesn't play petty politics?
The only thing that is going to happen is gridlock for two years.
Asked and answered. See above.
Again, I’ve already shared my views on that right here. See above.
Are you feeling okay?
The posts I have seen from you talk about butt cream and paying the piper.
Not to mention calling the Dems retards...
So what? All comments were spot on.
Sounds like you just want to argue today.
Not interested.
Nope, just wanted clarification.
You all are giddy at the prospect of taking control of congress.
My question only was, then what?
Asked and immediately answered. No sure why you keep droning on about an already answered question.
And I’m not giddy. That’s your representation. I’m simply pointing out reality. A reality that is likely bad for all us. Just as it has been since Dems got this majority.
What would Marx say?
I love my useful idiots
If he is looking up from hell, he is saying "I never thought we could indoctrinate the US, I never thought of using race!"
Well in reality they haven’t for most of us.
Useful idiots are plentiful and loud but they are far from a majority. The mid terms will help prove that out.
They should never let Biden speak later in the day. The guy clearly has sundowners.
Actually that was one of his most coherent speeches. He seems to do better when he is spreading hate.
Of course, they must have boosted him with Prevagen.
That doesn't explain his sundowning at 10AM, but I understand your point.
That’s the puppet strings at work in the morning.
All he is doing is reading what others have written. Just like all before him. Ya gotta wonder who the speech writer, delusional speech writer at that and so out of touch, is. Lot's of vitriol and fear of the orange man. Not to mention no mention of REAL issues that voters are looking at.
In conclusion:
We have now seen the face of cowardice and a slap in the face to this site.
There is no place to hide now.
5 more days and you can bet your life that old Vic will be here!
Where is the "face of cowardice" Vic ? And what exactly is the "slap in the face to this site" ?
Delusions of grandeur.
Personal attacks abound from our friends on the left.
Sad and SOSDD
Really? You have to be kidding.....
So there was no gallows erected even though there are pictures of it...
No one went down the hall calling Nancy's name, even though it is on video....
So there were no broken windows, even though we can see there was from video....
So there was no people roaming the corridors when there is video...
We have all watched over the last few years the escalation in political violence, much of it the cause of a broken system that gives us but two choices and both choices lack any solution to the issues we face. Their goal is always to win and maintain power, solutions an progress are never in the equation. The finger pointing at this point is silly.
If you think one of these parties has any moral high ground you aren't being honest with yourself. The rhetoric has radicalized stupid people and some of the gullible are mentally ill. A recipe for disaster.
I agree, but when 56% of one of the party's voters believe in conspiracy theories and known lies it's easy to see which side has an actual majority of "radicalized stupid people and some of the gullible are mentally ill". That doesn't seem to be the party any sane Americans would want to support and be part of.
Majority Of Republicans Believe The QAnon Conspiracy Theory Is Partly Or Mostly True, Survey Finds (
Most Republicans still falsely believe Trump’s stolen election claims. Here are some reasons why. - Poynter
Birds of a feather...
If you want to join and vote along with and for radicalized stupid people, the monumentally gullible, white nationalists, white supremacists, Neo-Nazi's, rightwing religious conservative extremists and violent insurrectionists then look no further than the Republican party, they welcome your vote. But if you have a problem believing lies and actually value facts and reality, then the Republican party probably isn't the party for you regardless of what the price of gas is. If you're prone to hysterics, believe the bible over science and fall for bullshit conspiracy theories which are convenient to blame all your problems on to explain why it's not your fault you're not succeeding, then the Republican party was made for you.
So....what have the Democrats done for the common good lately?
That is complete insanity. How can use such generalizations to discount and dismiss an entire group of people. Do you think by doing so you will one day change the minds of people that you dislike? I prefer to talk to everyone. I have friends who are liberals, conservatives, moderates etc. Their vote certainly has little bearing on whether or not they are loving and compassionate humans. If we are to make progress we can't isolate ourselves in an ideological bubble in fear, we have to meet, engage and talk to these people with the intellectual gifts we have been given. These people you speak of with such distain are your peers and neighbors. Life is better when we can listen and learn.
Are you suggesting that unless we listen to election denying, white grievance addled, half wits we arent able to listen and learn? I want to learn from people who are not in thrall to a lifelong criminal grifter , not build up the ones that are.
John's party spent at least 53 million dollars promoting people who he considers election deniers this cycle and now bemoans these election deniers might win elections.
I know there's one thing patriots wouldn't do for people they actually consider threats to the country, and that's spend 53 million dollars promoting and helping them win elections.
Take that lame argument to the dumbasses who care (mainly on the right).
There isnt a single Democrat in the country who made it possible for "threats to the country" to win Republican primaries. The only exception would be the meager handful of people who voted in the Republican primaries even though they are Democrats. The people who put the far right "threats to the country" on the November ballot are the Republican primary voters who voted for them. Period.
How stupid do people have to be to blame Democrats for Republican candidates who were nominated through an election process in Republican primaries. This country is getting dumber by the minute.
So $53million in contributions to those candidates did nothing to sway them from one GOP candidate to another? Yet we are to believe that 2016 tweets and facebook posts swayed the presidential?
yeah, the argument is now Democrats spent 53 million in the Republican primaries for no reason or expectation that it would make any difference in the elections. They spent 53 million without even knowing why.
So you think that the Dems that have spent over $70 million promoting some dangerous religious fascists have wasted Dem donner campaign funds?
Do you think that the Democrats selected the Republican candidates that are on the ballot next week? How did they do that?
VOTES put those people on the ballot, and they all , with minute exceptions, came from Republicans.
If someones best argument is that whackjobs are on the Republican ticket because of Democrats they need to go back to the drawing board.
What are you talking about?
I'd answer your comment however it is so far away from what I discussed, the answer would likely result in a similar impact.
If someone made a commercial saying that eating dogshit was good for you, and then you ate it and got sick do you seriously think you could blame the commercial?
You can find information on false advertising in Section 43(a) of the Lanham Act.
I'm not saying that all Republicans are "radicalized stupid people, the monumentally gullible, white nationalists, white supremacists, Neo-Nazi's, rightwing religious conservative extremists and violent insurrectionists". I'm saying that it is clear that the Republican party has welcomed "radicalized stupid people, the monumentally gullible, white nationalists, white supremacists, Neo-Nazi's, rightwing religious conservative extremists and violent insurrectionists" into their party and if anyone wants to join them, then the Republican party is for them.
When 56% of a political party believe in wild unproven Qanon conspiracy theories, that's FAR more than just a "crazy fringe". When 70% of a party believe a blatant LIE about election fraud, that is no longer just some "crazy fringe", that is the "mainstream" in that political party. Anyone who jumps on that psycho bandwagon of liars and conspiracy theorists can only blame themselves for the company they keep.
I do as well and with the conservatives who believe crazy conspiracy theories, I refuse to discuss politics or religion. Most of the conservatives I know don't actually believe the big lie and don't believe the crazy Qanon conspiracy theories and many of them are voting Democrat this year because they're sane intelligent conservatives who are sick of the fetid disease of Donald that has infected the Republican party.
I've listened, I've heard all the wild conspiracy theories and the breathless tales of Hunter Biden s laptop and Soros funded lapdogs and supposed child sex rings and Democrats eating babies, but when it's clear they're fucking nuts, I see no reason to continue to listen to the ranting of crazy people.
11.1.9 I see that you didn't answer my question.
One common liberal complaint has been the amounts of money spent but you seem to say that it doesn't matter.
Don't sweat it. John still hasn't answered my question in 5.2.7. Instead he resorted to the normal blathering and insults.
Yep, so true.
Did so with Dixon in Michigan Gov race. Now Dems are shitting their pants because Dixon has been gaining ground on Whitmer ever since.
Let us know the decade when your political side will start winning. Until then we work for or against what we have.
Both sidesers are helping to ruin this country.
Your side amounts to and stands for progressive Marxist authoritarianism....suitable only for useful idiots.
Most rational and sane people reject that ''side" as unworkable and in conflict with traditional American values
Yes, and if a President was interested in leading the country and not simply pandering to the hysterics in his base for partisan purposes, he could address an important topic. But that would require criticizing Democrats too, and as this discussion shows, many of the left are psychologically incapable of admitting Democrats are less then perfect. So, instead we get the same old same old that could come straight from a dailykos diary that causes anyone with a functioning brain who remembers democrats repeatedly engaging in election denial, sowing distrust in election results and attacking/threatening Republicans to roll their at eyes at Biden's simplistic rantings.
Total nonsense. The Democrats are less than perfect, that is not the issue. The issue is what the Republican Party has become.
Why is this surprising? Democrats are scared because their old trick of getting the electorate to fight each other isn't diverting attention away from the government. Now the Federal government is being directly attacked. The legitimacy of the Federal government is being directly challenged.
Hasn't anyone noticed that Democrats' grass roots movements attack people on the street? The Democrats' base do not question or challenge the authority of the Federal government. It's okay to burn cities, break windows, loot, and attack police lines because that diverts attention away from the Federal government. The people fighting each other on the streets is how Democrats believe democracy is supposed to work.
But Trump's 'lies' directly attacks the legitimacy of the Federal government. Trump's 'lies' encourages people to directly attack the Federal government. That's the existential threat for Democrats. So, don't be surprised that Democrats will ramp up efforts to divide the country. Democrats will be quite shameless in pointing fingers and making all sorts of hair-on-fire dire predictions.
Biden is trying to start a dog fight to divert attention away from the Federal government. Biden wants cities burned and looted so that the electorate won't pay attention to what Democrats are doing to the country using the Federal government. Democrats don't govern, Democrats dictate. Without the unquestioned authority of the Federal government, Democrats can do nothing.
They are Fascists, period
“Biden wants cities burned and looted…”
... his bot.
When is Joe Biden going to be held accountable for his constant hate speech?
What was 'hate speech' in what Vic has shown above in the article?
More fear mongering than hate possibly but..................
That is true for both right and left wingers.
And that would be correct. But coming from PotUS don't you think it has a bit more clout?
After the last six years, I am not surprised by what any of them say.
Something we can agree on.
I can't stand Hannity yet I actually had to agree with him today. I was in the car and skipping stations and he was on.
He was talking about the Pelosi attacker and said that it all needs to stop, right wing and left wing, there is no place for violence.
We have a political party that is not only harboring a traitor who tried to overthrow the American government, many of them worship him.
He is likely their next presidential nominee. And you think Biden is over reacting. Its hard to explain how clueless some people are.
Hey, you can’t fix crazy. And crazy doesn’t discern by party but I agree. Politicians and talking heads need to stop fomenting hate. The unbalanced take that shit and run ..... like the guy who shot up the softball game or the one who attacked Pelosi.
I don't even know how the talking heads do it. All the death threats and hate mail they must all get.
It would bug the shit out of me.
Some day Hannity is going to play that soundbite in court.
It seems that, to hard core Democrats, "hate speech" is any speech with which they disagree. Twitter (prior to Musk), Facebook, MSM, and Fauci are other examples.
Occupy Democrats isn't allowed here and for good reason. Just sayin'.
Occupy Democrats
I hope Newsom runs for POTUS.
I would enjoy that immensely.
The guy is a total asshat. Right in the wheelhouse of the radical left.
Biden's speech wasn't demented. Biden wasn't speaking to the country or to independents. Biden was throwing red meat to a supposedly loyal Democrat base. That's because Biden's approval among Democrats has been slipping.
Even if Democrats retain control of Congress (no matter how unlikely), Biden won't receive unquestioning support from those Democrats. Biden knows his legacy is sunk no matter which party controls Congress. Biden will be a lame duck after the midterms, no matter what happens.
Biden was trying to unify true blue Democrats and he even botched that up.