The left's new Bogeyman

Link to Quote:
As Donald Trump takes on his new role, either forcibly or voluntarily, as simply the MAGA wing founder, there has emerged a new focus point for the left's hatred. It's the business innovator Elon Musk. The unforgivable crime that Musk committed was buying the left's favorite safe space known as "Twitter." Musk disrupted the Twitter scheme to normalize censorship.
The latest outcry comes from the democrats not so secret whistleblower AKA: Alexander Vindman. Yesterday Vindman called Musk a “purveyor of hate and division.” Vindman has had a lot to say about Musk and much of it has been right on his Twitter account. All of that is allowed by Musk. Vindman considers himself a patriot. Obviously Vindman is just what he appered to be right from the beginning: a leftwing activist.
"In 2020, Vindman and his wife Rachel appeared in an advertisement created by The Lincoln Project supporting Joe Biden 's presidential campaign."
Musk is now the target of all the hate.
God-speed Elon!
Lefties are now dumping the Tesla’s they were so proud of
Funny how that works.
Wonder how Alyssa Milano reacted when she found out who founded Volkswagon.
For a car built by a company started by Hitler and the Nazi’s. I guess you go where you feel most comfortable.
Lol, I know.
Dimwits like that just can’t get out of their own way.
Doesn’t VW have a history of lying about their cars?
They lied about their TDI diesel that was available in the Jetta.
Look on the bright side. The airhead could have bought a Ford, which was founded by anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi Henry Ford but she wouldn't have known that either.
So you all think anything made in Germany is made by Nazis?
Do you all think that anyone that visited Germany is supporting Nazis?
I read someone say this last night and as usual the right wing all jumps on the same stupid talking point.
Yep, almost as ridiculous as expecting people today to pay for shit that happened centuries years ago.
Same stupid talking points ....
At least you admit it....
Exactly, that would be as foolish as someone that thought all Tesla's were built by workers that think exactly like Musk.
I could care less what car she buys either way. None of my business. The silly hypocrisy of her actions however is fair game.
All day, every day.
You all have yet to show where what she did was in any way hypocrisy.
It is only more of throwing shit against the wall and seeing what sticks...
Please specify exactly where in comment 1.1.7 I said what you claim I said.
No, only the things actually founded by Nazis using Jewish forced labor from concentration camps.
No deflection from me. In comment 1.1.13 you accused me of saying things that are not in my comment 1.1.7 . Period. Full stop.
So you just use one example to attack a woman for her choice yet any other examples of the same bullshit line are not the same.
Please. All you ever do is come back and say I didn't say that, Don't put words in my mouth, show me where I said that....
I can go back in your history and count how many times you have said something similar to people.
So yes, when confronted you act like you didn't mean certain things when we all know you did.
And don't forget "this isn't about me!!!""""
in my best whiny voice
Oh...and whoever said he/she doesn't call people names is a fucking liar
You have yet to deal with the reality of the situation.
She was so proud of her Tesla until the owner of Tesla had the temerity to do something she simply didn’t like. I guess she isn’t proud of her Tesla anymore and is now the proud owner of a relative of the Nazi war machine. Which is justifiable to her in comparison I guess.
Don’t bother, we clearly won’t agree that she is simply a sanctimonious asshat in this regard.
And you think these musk defenders are not sanctimonious pricks?
Calling what the VW company is now to a war machine is nothing but someone shouting horseshit.
Roots are roots. If it's a good enough reason to tear down statues and rename everything from schools to streets then it should definitely be good enough reason to judge a car company.
Then I guess nobody should ever go to Germany because of a Nazi past.
Nor should come to America as the settlers did nothing but massacre the indigenous population.
I guess that depends on how much it actually bothered them. What does that have to do with VWs origins?
What does Alyssa Milano buying a VW have to do with nazi origins?
The whole thing is a bunch of idiot right wing people complaining and trying to bend iron bars in order to try to discredit her just because she doesn't like musk.
Is it really hard to see why it's funny that someone would publicly brag about ditching a Tesla because of it's founders supposed problems (he supports free speech!) and then getting a Volkswagen?
I think alyssa Milano might be the only other person who isn't laughing.
I see no joke in it, just people being assholes.
He supports free speech.....
Who doesn't? Hate speech is another thing that you all seem to lump together.
I could say several things right now to you that you would flag and it would be deleted.
No matter what you all say, 'free speech' has consequences and private enterprise is under no obligation.
Ok and IMO the whole thing is a bunch of idiot left leaning people that are butthurt that Twitter isn't the same...
C'est la vie.
A torte et a travers
Alyssa Milano is a huge asshole and made an ass of herself again. Its okay to laugh.
People freaking out over Musk not censoring conservatives.
could say several things right now to you that you would flag and it would be deleted
I doubt it. I've only flagged a handful of things in the years I've been here, and I don't think any were directed at me. Try and avoid your fellow travelers penchant for death threats , incitement to kill police or other crimes and I probably won't flag you.
, 'free speech' has consequences and private enterprise is under no obligation.
I know. Liberals version of free speech is massive corporations censoring arguments and facts they disagree with and calling them misinformation, while allowing liberals to lie unchallenged.
Liberals ideas can't survive on an even playing field, that's why Musk is such a threat. He won't work for them. It's a threat to the corporatist model they now depend on.
Liberal ideas cannot survive? Funny. Most progress today is more Liberal policy.
The conservatives have no ideas other than drill baby drill and lower taxes.
So why is musk your hero? What has he done other than piss off some Libs that would warrant the worship he gets...
Oh yeah, that is it, all life depends on pissing off Liberal people....
très bien
Indeed it does and those consequences can affect private enterprise as well.
I could give a flying fuck about twitter
Yep, same here.
Funny, a lot of people wouldn’t call record inflation, record illegal immigration, record crime, high energy and food costs, good policy. And make no mistake about it. Liberal policy owns a lot of that.
Liberals can be so emotional. To a liberal, when a person likes the policy of someone like Biden, they simply only like him. When someone likes a person like Musk, for taking a stand unpopular with a liberal narrative, they are worshipping Musk. Ridiculous.
Such extreme hyperbole is not helpful in the least.
Liberal policy causes worldwide inflation? Causes people to leave their homelands, causes assholes to commit crimes, causes food prices to rise....
Talk about hyperbole...
Yet here you are sticking up for him if not praising him.
They have certainly been contributory.
People are more likely to leave whatever Central American shithole they live in if they think they have a good chance of getting into the US.
People are more likely to commit crimes when they do not fear consequences.
Food is like any other commodity. When you increase the amount of money in the economy but do not increase the productivity in that economy, you have more money chasing the same or fewer goods, and prices will rise. That's true of everything from food to Taylor Swift tickets.
So what policy caused world wide inflation?
Do you really think people are sitting in these 'shitholes' as you call them listening to US politics?
People do not think of consequences when they commit crimes...
Biden, trump, Obama, Bush with tax relief....All added so called money.
I said it was contributory. There is a difference. And it's policies, plural.
The US economy is the largest in the world and accounts for about 1/4 of the global economy, so anything that happens here ripples around the globe.
So when the US Govt combines increased spending, giving away money, and also not collecting money they're owed, they put more money into circulation. Since much of that money has either no impact or negative impact on productivity, it is inflationary.
At a very basic level, of course. They were scared to come when Trump was in office, and they're not scared anymore. They don't need to know much more than that.
Of course they do. Regardless, people are absolutely less likely to commit a crime when they are still locked up for the last one they committed.
The previous presidents were in office during times of productivity growth, which improves supply, thus keeping prices down. Biden is having to deal with The Great Resignation and the accompanying wage inflation. He's not doing it well, BTW.
So you cannot name one policy?
There were not scared to come here under trump, they still did. Remember the caravans?
And sorry but no. When people are committing crimes they are not thinking about getting caught and consequences.
So what is so bad and what do you think Biden can do? Hell we just made a record of people spending over a billion dollars from black friday...
Things are not crumbling around us as conservatives would like people to think. By the way, they have no ideas or plans...
I like free speech, so I agree with Musk on that. Real free speech. Not just the kind that only agrees with my opinion. Attempting to characterize that as “worship” is just nonsensical.
What cracks me up is how long Musk was the lefts darling. Probably yours at one time as well if you were being honest with yourself.
But he doesn’t goosestep to the liberal narrative all the time so he gone. He bad to our friends on the left who only talk the talk on free speech but can’t walk the walk.
And you giving Biden policy a free pass for our current state of affairs speaks volumes for your critical thinking ability.
If you are going to do nothing but insult me....fuck off.
No thanks but you are most welcome to help yourself
Classic, a difference of opinion is considered an insult in your world I guess.
Since when did bullshit become an opinion...
And you lament about not being able to have civil discussions anymore. Look in the mirror for your answer.
Once again, I rest my case.
If you ever had a case you might have a point.
Any remotely informed person would have recognized them. Start with the eternal student loan repayment holiday, add the American Rescue Plan's child tax credits, expanded EIC, rent subsidies, bonus pay and economic impact payments.
All told that's about 1.5 trillion dollars, before we even start with the newer programs.
Math is an interesting thing. A few thousand people on the news don't really begin to add up to several hundred thousand being ignored by the news.
So you're saying hate crime legislation doesn't actually deter hate crimes? Interesting...
He needs to stop spending money like an old man trying to spoil his grandkids. It's that simple. That won't solve the problem, but it will stop making the problem worse.
I think their plan is to stop Democrats from spending money. Which would be a good plan.
My opinion,
The student loan thing is on hold by the courts I thought. The rest of what you said it seems like most administrations did similar things. trump also had a huge stimulus package.
As far as the border, they were no more afraid of trump than any other administration. trump also had lockdown for part of his term. Of course that is going to lower numbers...
Crime...Does the death penalty stop murders? No it does not.
All administrations spend like drunken sailors.
Stop projecting, it’s very unseemly.
Sniff. So you do care. I, I , never would have thought....
No, what lowered numbers the most wasn't Title 42 it was the remain in Mexico policy which was shredded asap by Biden.
I read this from PBS
I was trying to understand it. Does it mean that Biden only allowed 5800 people in from that program?
Seriously, it was worded a little confusing to me.
From the article you linked.
I was trying to understand the numbers posted by PBS
I have no idea, but as the article states Biden supended the policy on day one.
It just seems to me that no matter the administration or laws, they keep coming. Decade after decade.
Well.... yeah. And?
That's the forgiveness thing. That's different from the "temporary" suspended payments thing. Nobody has been required to pay on student loans since mid 2020. Biden keeps extending the payment holiday because he likes spoiling the grandkids.
Trump had a huge stimulus, but we were actually in a pandemic with the economy forcibly shut down for public health reasons. Biden has continued most of that and increased much of it, even though we're obviously not in a public health crisis anymore. Another part of the problem is that we're just giving out money like it's candy at halloween. We're not getting productivity in return.
If you spend govt money on new roads or new public housing or whatever, people produce stuff. The extra stuff they produce keeps the supply/demand balance under control. If you just create a truckload of money and then give it to people for no increase in productivity, you cause inflation.
The math disagrees with you most vehemently.
Your reasoning here may be as indefensible as anything you've ever undertaken. Do you favor gun control? Why? Do you favor hate crime legislation? Why? Do you favor speed limits on interstate highways? Why?
Most don't spend like Biden is, and they usually get something in return.
How so? I favor laws because they punish. What you are citing is public safety.
Lol .... the real irony here is .... your choice of Avatar.
Hilariously ironic considering your “projections of peace” here towards folks who simply just don’t agree with you.
Peace man!
I am referring to laws that protect public safety because they are deterrents, which is utterly obvious and you know it. You just don't want to admit you said something ridiculous.
There are public safety laws because it was determined that some things are unacceptable in society.
Does it stop people from breaking the laws? No it does not.
Yes.... almost there.....
The laws absolutely deter behaviors in the majority of people. Suggesting they do not is completely asinine.
How many people speed every day, how may people smoke pot everyday, how many people drink and drive everyday.
I could go on.
So you're saying that enforcement of the laws aren't stringent enough?
I am saying, no matter what laws are in place there will be people to break them. They get caught and are punished appropriately.
How many more people would speed every day, how many more would smoke pot every day, and how many people used to drink and drive every day?
Tens of millions.
You could go on for a thousand years and still never make sense with this line of nonsense.
Next you'll be telling us that major corporations spend billions of dollars attempting to control pollution because they're just good citizens. It has nothing to do with the laws in place to penalize them if they don't. Riiiiiight.
No matter what you say, laws were not put in place as a 'deterrent'...
Laws were put in place to try to stop or curb certain actions.
Yes, that makes much more sense.......
If you think laws were not put in place to try to stop or slow certain actions, what were they put in place for?
Stop or slow?? Do you mean deter?
No, I mean to try to stop. Laws are not suggestions.
I do not steal because laws are a deterrent, I don't steal because I personally think it is wrong. Do laws against shoplifting or stealing something from a neighborhood stop the people that want to steal? No they steal anyway.
I do not murder because there are laws against it, I do not murder because it is not in my nature and I think it is morally wrong.
Yet people that want to murder are not deterred...
Do you understand what the word "deterrent" means?
Are you being funny intentionally?
“No matter what you say, laws were not put in place as a 'deterrent'...
Laws were put in place to try to stop or curb certain actions”
Nope. Sorry, I think laws are a means of punishment.
Ahh so your saying that laws are only meant to punish rather than be rules for civilized society? Are you libertarian?
A 'civilized society' wouldn't need laws...
What are laws really, a standard set where punitive action can be taken.
Hold on, you just said:
Which, BTW is what "deterrent" means.
So we're going to need you to make up your mind.
Out of curiosity, what do you think punishment does, exactly?
My mind has been the same and has not changed.
Uh, punish?...
I will say that I will agree with you that some people take laws as a deterrent.
Doesn't mean I am going against my original stance.
Some people will drive the speed limit and be deterred yet deterred of what? Getting punished.
I still keep my stance that with larger crimes laws are still not a deterrent. No one that commits murder is thinking of laws.
It's curious then why so many who do, try to hide it.....
Yes. Hence the concept of punishment as a deterrent.
They are.
Which is the difference between "deterrent" and "prevention". If it worked on everybody it would be "prevention". It works on some unknown number of people, just like speed limits do.
She’s missing the whole point of most laws.
Most laws are promulgated with at least the intention of creating a more civil society. Speed limits are a great example. Speed limits save lives. That is a proven fact. One can chose to speed and face more stringent penalties if they hurt someone while speeding as opposed to just speeding and not hurting someone.
Seems logical to me. I don’t see what the confusion is.
Vindman is a political hack but thanks for your service hive bait.
Unfortunately, Vindman wears it on his sleave.
He’s an excellent useful idiot.
This little article got off to a "good" start. The very first sentence
is utter nonsense.
You still hope he'll get the nomination?
Are they real?
I don't exactly know how Twitter works, but it seems that all of them made the same comment at the same time but only one (Vindman) has a check mark that verifies a real person and has the largest amount of votes.
Vindman operating a troll farm to influence us policy? Too funny.
That's hilarious!
I didn’t know that idiot was still on the air.
Hilarious that Trumpsters admire Elon so much...
The question is why you fear him so much.
It is amazing how much vitriol and hate is directed as Musk for the crime of supporting free speech. Samuel Bankman Fried squandered and stole billions from customers and the left didn't blink an eye. But Musk committed the unpardonable sin of taking the governor off conservative accounts on twitter.
I certainly dont hate Elon Musk, although his social media in combination with his fame make him detrimental to the country. Some people naturally respect those who are successful in business, as if business success equates to a good character. It does not. Musk has shown himself to be an erratic personality and those type of people should never have great power.
Exactly, some of our folks with the best good character are perpetually business failures.
We need legislation and regulation that restricts erratic personalities to the business involvement thatn they can have. Any ideas?
Glad to see you consider yourself the arbiter of who should have great power. What exactly are your qualifications again?
His "great power" that enrages the left consists of letting people speak their minds on a social media site.
Graduated from high school?
Strange. That is not at all what John said.
He can do whatever the fuck he wants with Twitter, he owns it. If he wants to allow people to say whatever they want on it that is perfectly fine. That being said he also doesn’t get to bitch when other companies or people decide they no longer want to be associated with the platform.
He can run his company how he wants, provided he isn’t breaking the law, but he can’t make me use shitter, and he can’t make a company like Coca Cola pay for ad space on it.
And the left have been in freak out mode ever since (not that they ever come off it)
The fact he thinks he has any kind of credibility after being caught altering official documents back in 2019 is hilarious.
Musk is full of crap. Does he have a passing affinity for Putin?
Besides, the left's bogeyman have always been the fascist.
I have always thought Elon Musk was kind of a jackass. Definitely someone with an overinflated opinion of himself who is prone to saying some pretty dumb shit. His nonsense with Twitter, which I have always thought was stupid and never used, has merely reinforced my previously held opinion. He is definitely showing himself to be a major drama queen.
But hey, he is gonna do what he is gonna do and I am going to continue on with my life regardless. Elon Musk is not a factor in my life in any way shape or form except as an occasional conversational topic or something to laugh at.
When one is one of the wealthiest people on Earth and does in fact wield considerable influence, of course some people are going to hate him whether as a matter of principle or just flat out envy. Just human nature.
Let's never forget what they told us:
Birx, Collins, Cuomo, Murphy, Newsom, Kamala Harris, and some others should also be included in that list of liars.
Birx at least apologized, somewhat