Non-binary Biden nuclear official charged with stealing woman's $2.3K luggage at airport
Category: News & Politics
Via: vic-eldred • 3 years ago • 218 commentsBy: Allie Griffin (New York Post)

A Biden administration employee - and one of the federal government's first gender non-binary officials - has been accused of stealing a travelor's luggage from the Minneapolis airport in September.
Sam Brinton, the deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition at the DOE's Office of Nuclear Energy, was charged with felony theft after allegedly snatching a Vera Bradley suitcase reportedly worth $2,325 from baggage claim at the Minneapolis St. Paul Airport on Sept. 16, according to court documents.
Brinton, who uses they/them pronouns, was captured on surveillance video grabbing the luggage and removing its ID tag identifying the owner, the filings state.
They were later seen using the Vera Bradley suitcase on at least two occasions, while traveling to Washington, DC on Sept. 18 and Oct. 9, investigators said.
Brinton initially denied stealing the suitcase to police officers, but later claimed they took it by mistake and still had it in their possession.
"If I had taken the wrong bag, I am happy to return it, but I don't have any clothes for another individual," Brinton first told the officer. "That was my clothes when I opened the bag."
Sam Brinton, a senior Energy Department official, was charged with stealing a traveler's luggage.Department of Energy
However, Brinton called the officer back two hours after their first conversation and confessed to not being "completely honest."
They said they accidentally grabbed the wrong bag at the luggage carousel due to exhaustion.
According to the court filings, Brinton said when they opened the bag at their hotel, they realized it wasn't theirs, but got nervous someone would think they stole it and didn't know what to do. They said they emptied the luggage and left the person's clothes inside the drawers of a dresser in the hotel room.
The official was charged with felony theft of a moveable property without consent, as first reported by the local Minnesota outlet, Alpha News.
Brinton — who became one of the government's first non-binary officials when taking the job — was placed on leave about on month ago following the accusations.
Another official was named as their interim replacement earlier this month, according to the Exchange Monitor which tracks government officials' moves.
A spokesperson for the DOE confirmed Brinton's leave to Fox News Digital.
If convicted, Brinton could face up to five years in prison and/or a $10,000 fine.

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This is part of the price to be paid for selecting people for important positions, not based on merit, but based on inclusiveness. You end up with a vice president who is totally inept, an admiral who is a disgrace to the US Navy and believe it or not, the: "Deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition at the DOE's Office of Nuclear Energy," stealing luggage from a woman for the clothing within!
All part of the never ending saga of Joe Biden's woke administration.
Was it for the clothing; or the expensive suitcase? $2,325 is a lot of many for a single piece of luggage.
Maybe both. Jesse Waters had a picture of the reprobate wearing the clothes.
What do you mean by "allegedly?"
Do you know what reprobate means?
In a nutshell, unprincipled. Which would describe someone who stole something without a second thought.........well until they got caught.
Why can't he define the thief as non-binary? When non-traditional appointments are made, their unique qualities are vaunted - often to the exclusion of their talents.
Do you think he was a good appointment?
They? How many people stole the bag? Who were the others? According to the article, Sam Brinton stole it and was the only one involved.
If you worked for Twitter it’s “was” “were”.
Don't be a shit. Brinton refers to themselves as they, them, their because they are non-binary. Just accept their pronouns and walk away. It doesn't affect you unless you let it
How can I possibly be "a shit" by simply stating that one person (singular) cannot possibly be 2 or more (plural) people?
However, if we're talking about multiple personality disorders, aka Dissociative Identity/Split Personality Disorders, that's a different issue.
Just let people be who they want to be. It's not hurting you
Brinton refers to themselves as they, them, their because they are non-binary.
He is welcome to call himself whatever he likes. It does not mean everyone has to go along with something they don't want to when referring to him.
Whatever made you think I didn't want Mr. Brinton to be whatever he wants to be? Even if he wanted to identify as an aardvark or whale, I'd certainly be happy for him.
I believe it is now time to get back to the seeded topic.
Those words and this is part of the topic. Don;t pull your usual [removed] thing and bitch that I'm making the topic about you because I'm not. You're being hateful because you want him to be what you consider to be normal. It's none of your business what Brinton calls themselves
Yep. We must walk in lockstep. Perfect little lines all colored the same
True. Because we can refer to you as something we want to, too.
That also means that we can call you or anyone else whatever we want and not what you want us to call you. As Trout Giggles says, don't be a "shit". Can we all now refer to you as "shit" even if you don't want to called that? By your rules, we can so don't be surprised if you are not called what you want to be called by people. You set the standard that you will have to live with.
Thank you.
Feel free. What you choose to call me doesn't mean anything to me
I really don't care what people call me. So knock yourself out and I will continue to call others what I want. Snowflake comes to mind.
Yes, Snowflake does come to mind, but not as it relates to me. Again, one day you will have to deal with someone in the public sphere who won't refer to you the way you want to be referred to, and you will just have to suck it up because of the standard YOU set.
Again, I have no problem with that. I refer to myself as grand poobah but I don't get all weirded out if people don't refer to me as such.
So call me whatever you want and I will refer to you, and others as I want and we can both be happy.
Actually, the only one happy in that situation is you. Looking in from the outside, you are insulting people by not calling them what they chose to be called, but what does a conservative care about insulting people. Most of them do it all of the time and mostly just to be spiteful, just like you are doing.
These people don't care about other people. You see them mocking people that are different from them every day. And if any of them call themselves a compassionate conservative I'm telling Jesus!
Then don't be happy. I am not going to be held responsible for your, or anyone else's happiness.
PS I am libertarian, not conservative but I am not upset by you calling me the wrong thing.
I know. They rather mock someone than be kind. It's shameful.
You're not a Republican, but all comments I've seen by you, you are conservative. There's a big difference between party affiliation and ideology. They are not one and the same.
I fully agree. In fact, it is Brinton's right to do so.
Exactly. However, people resort to name-calling and degradation attempts if someone doesn't march in lock-step with the minority.
And who has the avatar that says it's more important to be nice than important or something like that?
I don't think mocking some one is very nice
Eyes on your own paper. You were the one that came out mocking them with your snide remarks
According to a lot of people around here Liberal and Democrat are the same. Everyone is thrown into the same camp that does not conform to their views.
I call myself and probably mostly am Liberal yet I do not identify as Democrat. I would throw my votes that way as most of the republican ideology I cannot stomach.
It is funny that the people getting upset for not calling him what he wants are calling others names.
Sure it does! But the good news is I don't have anything negative I wish to call you.
What gets me is if a crime was committed I would act like I do with anyone else committing one.
They jump on this as they think it plays into some narrative that people different from them is bad. They could actually care less a crime was committed, just complain about the 'kind of' person they are.
His remarks were accurate
Rigggght. Libertarian. Where do you 'seat,' see, and post yourselves in congress?
I know people like to confuse the two, and I like to point out that they are not the same. There are independents that are liberal, there are independents that are conservative, and there are independents that are moderate. The parties are the parties. Ideologies can cross party lines.
I hope you are not one of those extreme Libertarians like the kind that would do away with every law.
You don't seem all that extreme though.
Sort of like the transgender people who said you can't call the Colorado shooter by transgender pronouns because he doesn't look transgender.
It's amazing to see.
The only thing I heard was that it could not be verified that he actually requested that.
ly thing I heard was that it could not be verified that he actually requested that
His lawyers did. Can't imagine they'd lie and risk getting in trouble for that.
I didn't hear that, thanks.
You cannot be serious with this comment. We just went over the fact that this is what you wanted, i.e., to be able to call someone what you want to call them versus what they wish to be called. Whatever someone calls you, you can't complain about it since you set the bar and here you are complaining about it. It just makes you look like a hypocrite. LOL.
The Colorado shooter is not transgender and never claimed to be. Their lawyers say they are non-binary. It's not the same thing.
Sure you can complain, and I can judge you as a hypocrite for advocating exactly what you're complaining about. I'm not the one calling for people to be rude to one another. Again, I'll leave that up to you conservatives.
Exactly, because no Democrats would ever do that....
When you hire for the boxes that are checked, you are bound to get the best people.
The "Check the blocks" administration does it again.
Let's see, he was caught on video taking the luggage & taking the ticket off the luggage. Then he took the luggage to a hotel where he checked in. Then he lied about it.
Why was he chosen for this job?
Brazen sonuvabitch. He didn't check a bag when he boarded. Takes a bag when he arrives...knowing damn good and well that there are security cameras everywhere, and a record of his "checked" items. Claims his shit was in the bag at first, then later claims he took it by accident. Complete and utter disrespect of the law, any type of moral code, and reason.
I guess not. Free for all.
Hey! I know you are not critiquing anybody about LYING, considering who you highly probably will vote for (again) if he is on the 2024 Republican ticket. This story is a 'hot mess' - but, so what all sorts of people are messed up!
Well the left is extremely soft on crime and this guy is a crime against humanity
Please, putting on a dress is not a crime against humanity, no matter how traditional you are. Why go overboard with your 'outrage'? BTW, what really, really, pisses me off about specifically you, Akrpdx, is my understanding is you are a woman and a parent. Thus, all your life you know what it is to be suppressed, marginalized, and 'passive' under the control of men/man in civil and religious society. Yet, you remain 'captured' to the ideology that there is no other way for humans to conduct themselves than within the guidelines some MAN has designed that is pleasing to his way of seeing humanity.
Such a negative attitude of yours about someone who is breaking free of tradition is simply disturbing!
You understand wrong...again
Twenty-first century biological women are still barefoot and pregnant slaves to men. Wow!
Oh well, pulled that one out of you with minimum 'effort.' Arkpdx is a 'dude'! Got it! You sure you don't share your NT account with a female friend or family member? Just sayin!
Yeah, some conservative girls and women appear to be fully subjugated and Stockholm syndrome enabled.
Introducing Biden's choice in charge of disposing of America’s nuclear waste
Where was our legacy media?
Where was the New York Times?
Where was the Washington Post?
I think he looks better with a moustache and red lipstick.
Or maybe purple lips?
I wonder how many parents say to their kids, "See, honey? You can grow up to be just like this guy!" I wonder how many would actually think this guy was a role model for their kids?
Oh come on Drakkonis, what is your beef the guy's sexuality; dress appearance; federal position; or, theft of private property?
Of course, you can complain about all of it, some of it, one of it, or none of it. The fact is, you're gender binary -locked, thus, by definition, Sam Brinton gets no "affection" from you.
Would you be proud if he was your kid?would you show all your friends his photo in in red lipstick, bald head and stolen dress? He is a disgrace to himself, his family and to humanity.
I don't have any children, so. . . . However, coming from my perspective, if Sam was my child, I would like to think I would tell him to decide to go with removing the mustache (confusion!) or removing the dress. It is my view individuals who 'cross' and 'mix' the two styles love clashing norms and free-form chaos. I'm a bit conservative in that regard. That said, that's me and I don't have to understand "young people" attitudes or style fads.
There is nothing wrong with a bald head per se. The lipstick and mustache I wrote about above. The dress/es (if stolen) is a problem for the photo/s and for that reason alone I would balk at showing the pictures to others.
Finally, as to humanity, we've seen so much worse and you certainly you have too! BTW, if you feel disgrace because of something someone you love or in your family does-you are trading on emotion/feelings. And I thought you conservatives forego feelings. Let's be consistent. What your 'child/ren' do does not equate to what you are as a person or member of humanity.
It does reflect on how he was raised. It is obvious that he was over indulged and thinks anything he does is ok. That includes cross dressing and stealing. His parents should be ashamed especially that he thought that it was ok to steal someone's bag.
We are conservatives not Vulcans. [deleted]
Lots of factors reflect on how people are raised in general. So why pick on Sam's family or liberals?! As for cross-dressing; what would you know about it? I am homosexual and I don't know that much about 'cross-dressing attitudes and issues.' Likely, you know even less, no? As for stealing; that is wrong every day all day. And Sam should be ashamed. Yes, because for Sam the consequences are disastrous and escalating!
So you are self-selective in what/who you mock and tear down from the other 'tribes,' eh?
The other "tribes" don't seem to have any problem trying to mock and rear me down. (And failing miserably I might add). If you get offended don't come crying to me because I don't care.
The other tribes would not give "MAGA" the time of day, except MAGA keeps rearing it UGLY SELVES in the stream of liberal consciousness! Get a life that is not about liberal lives, already!
Tried to find a puke emoji but couldn't...
Here you go....................
Thanks. Lol.
My pleasure LOL
He had to steal the bag. He needed a new dress and there was a riot anywhere close that he could loot it from.
It is not who or what Sam is that has brought 'dishonor' on to Sam; it is taking private property apparently with full knowledge (at some point) that it belong that is shameful, wrong, and illegal.
Sounds to me like the issue has been resolved.
They should have looked into him better. Did he wear that bright red lipstick at his interview? Did he wear a dress? Did they look into his criminal background? As brazen as the theft of the bag was I doubt it was the first time he did something like that. Then again being a liberal he may have thought he was entitled to that bag because he wanted it.
This wouldn't happen under J Edgar Hoover!
What does it matter what they wore to an interview? Was there a problem with how they did their job? I haven't heard about any problems with nuclear waste in the last 2 years so that can't be an issue.
What does it matter what they wore to an interview?
When people show you they are crazy, believe them.
Bitching and moaning about liberals is not productive, Arkpdx! What Sam did by stealing and getting caught up in it as a government official is Sam's problem not a problem for men who wear lipstick or dresses, politics, or liberals. Your prejudice is on display: cover it up, please. It's a 'disgrace'!
Did I hit a nerve?
Nope. If you expecting to hit. . . something. Well, try again.
They're a thief. Doesn't make them crazy.
Sounds like it.
Sam Brinton was hired as entertainment for all the degenerates in this administration.
When i ask liberals what a woman is, they usually show me his picture. I think it's hormonal or a vaccine side effect. Either way we need to probably study this and get a scientific answer for this bizarre phenom.
Well how about the non-binery Trump stooge Bannon that stole millions from the Trumpian suckers on that 'build the wall thing'?
Just could stand that nothing derogatory was being said about Trump could you? Trump hasn't even been mentioned until now not even by the usual suspects.
Everything is about Trump. He demands it. Wake up.
I am fully awake. I just don't suffer from terminal TDS like so many liberals do.
TDS only applies to those that believe in him, meaning the Trump.
Someone here has to go back 4 years for a quote from someone who is irrelevant to today's politics as a response to me. That same person quoted me as saying something about conservatives yet replies about Democrats when I've already explained that there is a difference between parties and ideology. As such, what ever point this person was trying to make has been rendered as moot.
That makes no fucking sense, but please do carry on.....
Your lack of comprehension is a YOU problem.
I don't find my comprehension lacking. Could you explain why you think so?
Of course you don't. That's why it has to be pointed out to you. Again, that's a you problem. Figure it out yourself.
Mmmmkay... so liberals talk shit=ok but conservatives talk shit=hypocrisy.....gotcha
Lol. You want to see hypocrisy, read your fellow conservatives' comments above advocating for being a shitty person to other people while complaining about being treated the way they want to treat other people. That's true hypocrisy and had been my point all along. You referring to a comment made by Hillary Clinton 4 years ago, one single individual who had no bearing today, while several of your fellow conservatives here and now are advocating being rude to people is hypocrisy at its finest. Never ever try to speak for me or put words in my mouth. You aren't even close to qualified to so do [removed]
He's not even on the same plane as you
Funny how you post a video of people who regularly dressed in drag while your compatriots attack anything drag these days. Maybe you should have thought that through a little better. 😆
Yeah, you really should have thought that through better, and yes ssdd with you people advocating for being shitty to one another. You reap what you sow.
Definitely not,
"you people"? You funny...
I don't find it funny that a lot of conservatives are advocating for acting shitty to other people, but you do you.
Yes and you as well
I will, and I'll keep pushing back at conservatives who advocate treating other people like shit.
Not true. The complaints you hear about drag is the times when they are having drag queens doing stories time for very young children, using books for young children that portray drag as normal even desirable trait or bars having underage children performing in drag for adult entertainment. You and your compatriots actually support and promote those activities.
Hahahaha. Yeah okay. See there you go disparaging drag and making my point for me. They are performers, they are doing nothing wrong, and no one is forcing you or your family to go and see them. You're just trying to impose your will on others which is typical of conservatives.
Except that that kind of entertainment is not appropriate for the age group. How would you like some stripers come into a kindergarten class and give table dances and lap dances to the little boys and teach the little girls to pole dance. How about we have a class for them how to be a hooker? Do you think that is appropriate for 5 and 6 year olds?
How would you know whether it's age appropriate if you've never seen one. The only reason you think it's not age appropriate is because you were told it's not. They are perfomers and adjust their performances accordingly. No one is stripping in front of children and if you see someone actually doing that, you should call the police. You have no idea and are just parroting what you've been told. But, yeah thanks for proving my point about conservatives disparaging drag and wanting to impose their will on everyone.
And why is no one stripping in front of children? Because stripping is not appropriate for children to see just as a drag show is inappropriate for children.
And you would know that how? I have seen them and I did not like them. I have been to a strip show a few times in my misspent young adulthood. The appropriate word there is ADULTHOOD.
And what exactly have you been doing?
I know more about it than you do apparently. Drag is not necessary inappropriate for children. I've already explained this to you and am not going to repeat myself. But again thanks for proving my point that conservatives are disparaging drag. Bravo.
Disparage drag? Yes I do just as I disparage strippers and prostitutes. I would not be pleased nor supportive if any of my kids or family members choose those "careers". Do you want your son to put on a wig and a dress and gaudy make up and prance around a stage? Would you want your daughter to take her clothes off and dance in front of a bunch of rowdy sex crazed men for a buck on her "g" string? What would you do if you saw your daughter or son on the corner offering to perform any and all times of sex acts for money?
You've proven my point spectacularly.
Somebody really needs to attend a few drag shows or maybe a Drag Queen Story Hour and learn a few things and perhaps try being more tolerate, less hateful and at least a bit knowledgeable. Equating the good clean fun of drag with stripping and street walking is pure hate and really dumb!
Emphatically. And that 'dude' will probably have the gall to ask how so has he proven your point!
This is what pisses me off the most about some conservatives: They delve in the less than sincere and inversely let their own 'freak-flag' fly when they 'diss' good people doing productive work just to promote their self-righteous causes! That 'dude' had to ask:
I would go talk to that son or daughter and offer them sound advice to get off the street for the 'streets are dangerous, dirty, and can be infected with all kinds of diseases. Then, I would mind my own business.
Then, the question becomes: What would 'dude' do if he saw his daughter or son on the corner offering to perform any and all times of sex acts for money?
Dude is good for asking questions, but we would be better off with an answer for a change!
I suspect shemale porn had an impact...
Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world
Except for Lola
Lo lo lo lo Lola
You haven't. Answered my questions.
Is that how you have fun?
So you would approve of your children becoming prostitutes?
No, but I saw Mrs Doubtfire on Broadway!
Do you think Harvey Fierstein is very sexy?
Then how do you know drag is good fun?
Who? But with the first name of Harvey I will say no I don't.
What is "productive" about drag, or stripping or prostitution?
I don't partake of porn in any shape or form.
So that makes you wrong again
Drag wearing clothes not taking then off!
You are making something dirty out of it...
Where did I make it dirty? All I have ever said is that it is inappropriate for 5,6,7,or 8 year old children to to drag queens. And yes, I would be ashamed if my son was a drag queen. I would also be ashamed if my daughter was a prostitute or a stripper. I also would not want my kids to become drug dealers, hit men or foreign spies.
What part of a child being an adult (over 18) and free to be in control of his or her person disturbs you enough to ask me to attempt to take over a life or abandon that life? Write about that part (which bothers you)!
I have enough to worry about just trying to live my own life!
And more to your question; were I to have a child/ren, that child/ren would have to contend with the history of my youth and the attitude of my present! I am a male homosexual who left to his own devices, that is, apart from any internal conflicts of purpose or confusion in belief and society, would love nothing more than to grow old/er in the arms of another (old) man!
Yes arkpdx, we all have our crosses to 'bear.'
There's no reason to reply to your biased and bigoted questions. You proved my point.
When you lumped drag with prostitution!
It is a lifestyle choice that is legal. That you don't like it won't make it dirty or filthy except for you! BTW, I have been to drag shows, once served as a back-up dancer for a song/session behind a popular drag performer. It was not dirty, it was not filthy, and nobody sucked, licked, or sat on anything: before, during, or after!
Now am I being clear enough for you? Or can I 'serve' you up some more details to make it more authentic for you?
Now this brings up a great question: Could you, would you, love any child of yours who is any one or several of those 'professions'?
Where have I ever said it was dirty? I said it was inappropriate for young children. If your an adult and want to attend a drag show, by all means go. There is a show near where I live that is hosted by the oldest drag queen and has been named by the national parks service as a historical place. I would never dream of shutting it down. You do have to be 21 to go to the show. If they wanted to start kiddie shows I would support petion to shut it down.
Then shut down Rue Paul's Drag Race...
Your petition to shut something down that is not dirty, whorish, or soliciting ill-gotten gains, and most importantly not a health or psychological risk- while using kids as a cover for a platform of your hatred of the 'other' which people like you create the model for; would go nowhere. If push comes to shove; the 'thing' would end up and court and there you would have to demonstrate the harm done-your lawyers would fail.
Let me be clear, I don't write any of this because I think drag queens are not sexual people at the end of the day; but, trying to center the entirety of their 'mission' in life on sex that conservatives like you scrutinize more closely than you do people catching and sharing a plague—like Covid 19, where conservatives like you did not care one iota that harm would come to kids who would literally sneeze, cough, and touch one another all day long, every day, without the 'luxury' of even a requirement to mask up rats your group's state of mind.
Yes, Covid-19 did some 'dirty' to millions of innocent people, killing one million plus and sickening more, and self-righteous conservatives like you are putting out here was all-in on letting it 'execute' then and even now!
And don't get me started on how permissive some conservatives are on gun violence 'eruptions' on education campuses—the last place anybody should want rivers of blood and skulls and torsos blasted open!
Meta cleaned up from @12.1. Play nice, folks.
Between you and I, it doesn't seem to matter.
It looks like Biden’s official can’t keep it’s hands off of other peoples luggage, it’s been charged with grand larceny in Nevada now.
When box checking is all that matters.