Reparations and the lame-duck session.

Link to quote: 'My nation's original sin': Biden apologizes for slavery and offers Africa $55b investment | Daily Mail Online
Our idiotic leader has just pledged a $55 billion in investment to the continent of Africa as part of what he calls "reparations." You see, reparations are what progressives have always wanted. In California Gov Newsom has now proposed giving massive monetary reparations to the state's black minority. We have yet to see how California's 40% Hispanic population might feel about that gesture. Time will tell. The left is having no problem exercising unbridled power. In the case of Biden, the $55 billion he is tossing around will come in the form of green energy infrastructure. I know that seems crazy since most of the nations of Africa have even gone through their own era of development, but who gets to reason with the ruling elite anymore.
Over in congress the democrats are racing the clock to jam through every wet dream they ever had. Yesterday, the Senate gave final approval to an $858 billion Defense Bill. Believe it or not, due to inflation, that leaves Defense spending flat. In addition, they passed a stop gap measure to buy themselves another week to negotiate yet another massive $1.7 trillion government spending bill. Not to mention passing what democrats called a "respect for marriage" bill. House democrats are also trying to bar Donald Trump from running for office under something they pulled out of the 14th Amendment. They are trying to use Section 3, which means as far as they are concerned Trump incited an insurrection.
The Week:
Trump finally destroys any chance he had of winning the GOP nomination. First Trump said the Constitution should be suspended then he trivialized what was a record to be proud of by announcing that he would be selling silly trading cards featuring himself as a hero. All that DeSantis needs to do at this point is to say, "Thanks Donald, I'll take it from here." The Trump haters have already made good use of it and don't anyone question them!
Elon Musk exposed the blatant partisan censorship that took place at Twitter. It may be that Jack Dorsey lied to congress and I'm sure he'll be facing a much different congressional inquiry next year. We were very lucky that Musk came along and bought the progressive social media safe space and exposed the alliance between Twitter, the democrats and the Deep State. Musk has now suspended the accounts of partisan reporters who doxed him and put his family in danger.
The border crisis is about to get far worse. As we all know (those of us who are honest) the policy of Joe Biden is to have a wide-open border. At first Biden officials denied it. Progressives tried to gaslight it. Then they simply ignored it. It is estimated the 5 million illegal migrants have entered the country along with massive amounts of fentanyl and individuals on the terror watch list. Every reasonable tool to stop the migration has been eliminated. All that is left is Title 42. It will end in a matter of days and the border crisis will explode to the point of absolute madness. The left will have changed the country's demographics replaced the nation's population. (Biden asked for more money but refuses to say how it will be spent.)
What Have We Learned:
The democrats may not get their wish in 2024. They may have Biden up against DeSantis. That may be the worst of all worlds for them. Thus far democrats have excelled at controlling the narrative, influencing elections and gaslighting many Americans. Biden's unfavorable numbers are still high. Behind the scenes in the GOP, many are trying to get around Trump and it appears that Trump made it easy.
Then we have the problem of reparations. Why are we giving reparations to people who are not victims and paid for by those who have not done anything to hurt anyone else? Every group can make a case that their ancestors were victimized in some way. The only reparations that would make sense is for China to pay the rest of the world for the pandemic, which they allowed to escape from their country.
Cartoon of the Week:
Honorable Mention:
Mike Gallager
"We continue to see political stunts from many Republicans out there and that's not how we're going to fix this issue. They want to secure the border, we've been doing that work on our own, and we're asking them to hey, you know what [sic], there's an immigration reform plan that the president put out on the first day, they should work with us and do this in a bipartisan way," she said.
Karine Jean-Pierre ripped for claiming Biden has worked to secure the border: 'Most egregious lie I've heard' | Fox News
What happened to the promised conservative border wall that MAGAns wanted on 'day one' but is incomplete indefinitely? Look internally at all the policy brokenness inside.
And a pos named paul ryan.
In spite of opposition from his own supporters, Obama completed 128 new miles
of border walls fulfilling the 2006 Secure Fences Act that the Bush
Administration and Republican House could only muster enough money for 700
miles of the 1,933 mile border.
And that's just the notes on the first year for the "Deporter in Chief"
I'm guessing you don't want to see the other 7 years worth of notes?
The number of CBP Agents increased under Obama from 17,500 to 21,000
before being reduced by the Trump Admin to 1,955
Another unfortunate fact?
U.S. border patrol - agent staffing 2020 | Statista
By all counts the Trump administration only added 80 new miles of primary or secondary walls and fences.
Gee that only took twenty minutes...
Well, MAGAns had no expectation of democrats helping with that policy anyway. You sure it was not a failure of Trump to get it done? Or, are you giving out Trump 'free passes' again?
The only thing that has dampened Southern Border "Immigration" over the last several
decades was the economy combined with either COVID or amnesty.
The Facts on the Increase in Illegal Immigration -
Since Nixon(R) and Ford(R), border crossings increased to the first record under Reagan(R).
In fact Immigration only tapered off after Reagan's 1986 Amnesty Act which only benefitted Reagan for 7 more years.
When poor George H W Bush(R) came aboard, immigration started an upward trendwhich included 8 years of Bill Clinton(D), a serial deporter,until the election of G W Bush(R) who apparently could not control Immigration when he was Governor of Texas either. GW Bush (R) did start a campaign of catch and return that effectively started a precipitous reduction in immigration for two years before climbing again during an economic bubble during which the housing market crashed in 2006 starting another downward trend during which Obama(D) took over during the Great Recession.
Obama(D) as far as immigration grades were concerned benefitted from more catch and return and a horrible USA and global economic upheaval driving CBP apprehensions down to levels not seen since 1974 while benefitting from 3,000 more agents.
Levels improved ever so slightly for Trump(R) until 2019 while deportations dropped.
Over the years since 1986 it is estimated that the undocumented population has exceeded 16 million people and could be as high as 20 million so while the Biden Administration is certainly facing record years of border crossings, we have survived decades of immigration issues during which neither party has found a solution.
Sanctuary cities started in 1971 in Berkley CA (of course /s) and proliferated nationwide in 1980 so they really haven't been a factor at any time.
Thanks in advance.
Keep stunning MAGA with facts. It leaves a small 'mark' every time! Thank you!
$55 billion in investment to the continent of Africa as part of what he calls "reparations
I'm sure that's very meaningful to the descendants of the slave owners who sold excess slaves to the white traders who landed on the coast of Africa.
More tax money tossed to the wind.
So was this in the spending bill that was approved?
Do you think anyone read it?
There is a 100% chance nobody read it and a 100% chance this wasn't included.
Did we ever think we would see such things?
Because MAGA is the reason this country works, eh? No one else need to help other nations and look for a return on the investment, if only better international relationships? Shortsighted.
This country 'farts' billion annually on missiles alone that it shoots on behalf of other countries.
Ex-Speaker John Boehner cries at unveiling of Nancy Pelosi's official portrait
From one Establishment jackass to another.
Stop wondering why I hate Establishment politicians.
God Almighty!
No wonder she toyed with him when he had "control!"
Shaking my head. Nothing not MAGA-approved is acceptable anymore. A grown man crying and kissing a woman is a cause for mocking. This says a lot about MAGAns. Manners not.
Yeah, Elon.... now you know how I feel. 10+ years and going.
You handled it well. Let's see if Elon can make 10 years at Twitter.
Sounds like the dopey and dumb Dems and the fools who voted for them are getting the kind of government they want and deserve.
After another couple years of this shit, I predict that the great unwashed and uneducated masses who voted tor them to finally wake up
We can always hope.
By then they will be out-voted by the millions now flooding the country.
To the business owner making the demand.
As someone that wasn't even alive during slavery, and has personally never had anything to do with it. I am not asking you, I am telling you fuck off!
Also, please list what businesses you own so I make sure never to buy anything from them, or support them in any way!
What's this "we" shit. I don't think there a single person alive that lived during that period of US history.
Not a one!
I'll even bet that there is a portion of those making this absurd claim ARENT the decedents of slaves.
Want to see people lose their minds? Let a white person, who can actually trace their blood line to prove they are the decedent of a slave, join the call that they are entitled to reparations. Then you will see racism in it's full form
I'm going through my right now!
LMAO. You and I both.
I can already make that claim.
But I would have to pay reparations to myself.
Stupid Dutch ancestors. Couldn't stick to transporting and selling normal commercial goods. Just had to get involved in the slave trade.
Maybe I could sue the African tribes that sold my African ancestors to my Dutch ancestors to make up the difference? I have to be able to get money out of the somehow.
That is a conundrum!
What if you qualify for both oppressor and victim?
That's a rough one to figure out.
Also can't rule out the blithering idiots who will claim your heritage is wrong and file a law suit against you for something stupid like "cultural appropriation".
Whatever you do: Don't wear dreadlocks!
Or corn rows
You don't know how badly I wanted that look!
My problem is I don't have enough hair left.
There's nothing wrong with a hairpiece or is there? It seems as though a hairpiece doesn't look good on a man. The other thing is that once a man starts wearing one, he really can't go back to not wearing it.
For women it's accepted and we even think it flatters them
Blond (OK make that mostly white) haired and blue eyed- and well on my way to being bald. Not enough hair for dreadlocks or corn rows. It is so straight it won't even hold a curl for long with a perm.
I want a government issued DNA card that is sharp edged so anyone that questions my lineage can slice their fingers open while they choke on their self righteous anger.
That DNA card would be the only privilege of the "privileged" class.
It is silly to try to talk about reparations as paying back the living for what has been suffered. There are many individuals and groups in this country (and around the world) everyday bringing legacy claims against this and other governments for past wrongs. MAGAns your talking point is specious. Why not children of former slaves? What is 'eating away ' at MAGAns?
A white person who can trace his or her lineage back to slavery would not have manifested in a general sense as a slave, yes? Since it has always been the case to be illegal to enslave anybody classified as "WHITE" in U.S. history.
Indeed. A sort of enduring definition of white privilege is whites have never had to worry about being slaves or a possibility of returning to enslavement in the U.S.
First you would have to agree to reparations for children of former slaves. . . .you 'in'? NOPE! Just rhetoric for rhetoric sake. We are pretty sure it is blacks that MAGAns don't want to be "made whole" for enduring oppression anyway.
Looks like MAGAns have got their work cut out for them with their ongoing 'tasks' they set for themselves that oppressed people must remain 'injured' people for all times. And yet, MAGAns cry foul about not wanting their children to experience white guilt. MAGAns see committing acts of oppression against other people as something to be proud. Y'all do not want other groups to call MAGAns and their children out for the corruption and 'dirty' done and continuing to be done everyday!
MAGAns don't wish to fix anything for anybody outside of their 'club'! It obfuscation and opposition nonstop with MAGAns!
What you mean, "we"? You won't be making any 'reparations' personally and likely not collectively either. MAGAns in general pride themselves on stiffing the Federal government at tax time.
It was Donald himself and Lindsey Graham who passed on to us how we can extapolate what MAGAns are doing with tax filing.
And we know MAGAns follow 'the leader's for all intents and purposes.
Of course Graham pays taxes without cheating. . . Wink/wink.
Especially as Newsom has done in a state like California, which was founded as anti-slavery.
There are many individuals and groups in this country (and around the world) everyday bringing legacy claims against this and other governments for past wrongs.
How about countries with present wrongs like China?
Why not children of former slaves?
Why not Christians?
I mean you can register your protest and you do it so well, but in the larger scheme of things, this is beyond MAGAns power to control. But, keep throwing up those 'roadblocks' to being civil and agreeable-eh? As usual, some conservatives are being dragged alone while kicking and screaming.
I didn't write its is a tax "game" Lindsey Graham did and I didn't write that, 'it's smart to not pay taxes' Donald did. And since no new laws for a flat tax exist, the "game" continues. Evidence that there is 'hanky panky' going on in conservative minds over taxes. Afterall, y'all bitch and moan about your fellow citizens continually. It is a foregone conclusion that some of you 'withhold' what is owned until (Trump) forced to repay! In my opinion!
The IRS will have to find time from its other duties to 'take down' the losers who cheat and call it righteous; they have the funding, the interest, the will, but probably not the time. Though, just yesterday, I read the IRS is hiring up to 4000 plus new workers!
You can ask all you want. What you can not and will not get away with doing is a pretense. Trump cheats on his taxes (because he is "smart") and Lindsey Graham plays 'games' with taxes and implies 'everybody' should and does. And for a balance let's add Mitt Romney's tax avoidances where he was exposed for using off-shore tax "havens" to park money (2012).
If the 'big honchos' are doing it, it is not a far leap, to understand that republicans who follow the leaders, some of them right here on NT even with their dislike for liberals and their. . . so called, "policy" to own the liberals are/will do similarly and consider it important to do so!
So deny all you want, I am entitled to my opinion and I damn well will share it on the matter.
Some MAGAns cheat on their taxes as par for the course. "Own the libs," therefore play the tax "game" to the ng degree! Some MAGAns never offer anything but useless: rhetoric, propaganda, obfuscation, 'noise,' and on the rarest occasion—a point.
Of course, some MAGAns would be here writing stupid retorts to me and everybody; it is what some MAGAns are hired to do!
More continuing and useless rhetoric. Some MAGAns are "jumping the shark" daily now.
"Jumping the shark." (Again.)
MAGAns' are the same as progressives. I never thought you would state it so. So we should all cheat on our taxes, no?
What makes you think there cannot be any descendants of slaves that are white? Or Hispanic? Or Asian?
Show without a doubt that the person is, in fact, a descendent of a slave. Then a conversation could be had.
White people can not be enslaved in the United States, Jeremy. Wrap your mind around that once and for all.
And of course, a white person who can trace their lineage back to any slave would come under the terms of any reparation agreement, whatsoever the agreement. Because the 'lucky few' married and 'screwed' across lines in-spite of the hatred!
As to the rest of the "conversation," I don't believe you will be onboard with reparations, as a matter of personal principle.
The only agreement would be to pay this person reparations just as they pay somebody with darker skin color. But just as I said in 6.2.2,
Can you honestly say that a white person, that can legitimately trace their heritage back to that point, would not be harrassed and threatened?
The "principle" would be to legitimately prove that you are owed these reparations and that reparations haven't already been paid out to this family / blood line. Skin color alone cannot be use as a sole a qualifier.
What do I 'read' like to you? A prognosticator? Why would I put my honor on record for what some numb-skull somehere-anywhere in the country might or say?!
Who wrote anything about skin color being the qualifier?
Wow. Disrespectful as ever.
Well lets look at #6. Who do you think they are talking about when they say:
Or did you miss that? Do we need to explain it to you? I recommend you keep up with this thread. It will avoid ignorance like this from occurring again.
No, it was not 'required' reading. I chose not to waste my time on some subset of people making such demands of the system. That you produced it does not OBLIGATE me to respond. We all should know this. Incidentally, 6 is an image of text (not a link to an article)-not that it particularly matters in this situation. But, generally, post properly if you later wish to argue about substance.
As for your caustic attitude, I recommend sucking lemons and a sugar-cube!
So you are willfully ignorant of it. Can't say I'm surprised. But that put you completely out of touch with what is being discussed. I recommend you keep up little things like this in a thread. It will avoid ignorance like this from occurring again.
I wouldn't count on it if I were you. But, do you.
We should cut defense spending in half.
Could you provide some informed reasons why you think this would be a good idea?
yeah, let cut defense spending to the bone after we’ve depleted our equipment stocks by giving it to Ukraine.
How about we do the reverse of what Obama did. McCarthy should announce that for every $2 of Defense spending, you can have $1 of domestic spending!
All for it. The US should not be the world's policeman.
Just a few problems.
Do you support Ukraine? Do you want to keep sending US weapons and munitions there?
Check how much missiles for the Patriot Missile systems we are sending there cost; and how much replacement parts for the systems themselves are. (We won't mention the costs of training Ukraine troops). We also have given Ukraine automated cannons- and the thousands of shells they fire daily. Not to mention the replacement barrels for those cannons because they are being fired so often they wear out earlier than they should. That isn't including the hand held surface to air missiles, rockets, firearms, RPG's, and ammunition that goes with them.
All of this is depleting US stockpiles that must be replaced. We must maintain our ability to police the entire world at all times.
China is already chomping at the bit to take Taiwan. We do not have the resources available to fight them as they are tied up in Ukraine. Do you let China take Taiwan, who is the #1 producer of Semi and Super conductor chips used in US automobiles and industry? Are you simply going to let China take have it and control the world market?
We should cut the salaries of politicians by 80% instead of crippling our military and shitting on our veterans even more.
Great idea. How do we get the politicians to vote to reduce their compensation?
The same way they vote on everything else. Add it into one of their pet projects (that they don't read) and they vote on it.
You think a politician can sneak in legislation that will reduce politician salaries across the board and that it will pass and Congress will simply live with the results??
They sneak shit into bills constantly. This can be no different. I don't care if they can live with it.
Three people apparently agree with you that it is possible for a member of Congress to sneak in an across the board 80% salary cut for all of Congress and have it pass.
well i think there IS a way it could happen ,
simply threaten an Article 5 convention , thats worked before , the threat of a convention to propose a constitutional amendment that the legislature would have no control over the outcome has tended to make them take actions they otherwise would not on subjects they didnt want to confront .
but seriously , i wouldnt hold my breath , because once such a convention is called , nothing is off the table . want to take that chance? In todays enviroment?
maybe thats why there has ever only been one convention in this countries history . politicians tend to not want to give up power unless they have a say , a convention of the states would remove the governments say in what is being discussed .
whats the old saying , once a power is is granted , those that wield it generally are loath to give it up willingly..
Which was my point.
at least we have the same understanding , even if we are not on the same page or even in the same book .
Funny how they snuck a 4.6% raise for active duty
and an 8.7% COLA for retirees into that bill.
I am sure you won't be refusing that.
Just as fast as you would.
"We should cut defense spending in half."
I bet China, Russia, and North Korea to name a few, would be totally thrilled about that.
Why, we already outspend China 2.5 to 1
Russia 3 to 1
U.S. Military Spending vs. the World (
My comment was geared more to overall loss of combat capability rather than actual spending.
The first contractors were hired in 1781 but eliminated after roughly 60 years and were in very limited use until 9/11 after which they exploded under the Bush Administration.
Currently there are over 640,000 military contractors which are arguably costing the US military more than "normal" and depriving us of 640,000 riflemen.
1781 would be considerably longer than 60 years, but I assume you meant 1981?
Nope, the Continental Army's experience during the Revolution of piece meal contracts for sustenance and ammunition combined with Madison always railing against a standing Fedearl Army in favor of the 2nd Amendment so that State Militias could fight the Federal Army, gave rise to a professional contracts agency.
Robert Morris, having used his own wealth and credit to feed and supply Washington's units was appointed the first superintendent of finances. The system was fine under Morris but when others took up the rein it became easily corrupted since it was outside the Army's control.
By 1812, Andrew Jackson had had enough and later appointed General TS Jesup as the first QuarterMaster.
By 1861 The Quartermaster was the second highest "position" in the Army.
Post Civil War the "agency" was largely dismantled again resulting in chaos during the Spanish American conflict
AFS became "permanent" again during WWII only to once again fade away after Korea.
It reemerged in 1971 as the concept of all volunteer forces replaced the draftees.
No one was signing up for KP and/or any other dirty work.
It wasn't until the launch of LOGCAP in the mid 1980's that computerized control of contacts centralized control of the processes.
Interesting history because of our system of government and Administrations changing directions so many times.
Case in point;
My father and his brother Joe were both Army quartermasters during WWII,
until VE day, then Joe started driving material and people back to Cherbourg
while my father got MP armbands for another year.
Several things I did not consider and was not aware of. My thanks for educating me here.
Meanwhile, Trump is toast!
This sort of article, insidiously taking an anti-black tone, is the sort of desperation we see now from the right, which is, instead of changing with the times, is doubling and tripling down on white grievance.
This is not going to end well for them.
Of all the weeks news stories, you focus on the US investing in Africa , and attack that.
You need to hide your intentions better !
Biden called it reparations and yes that is one of this weeks important events.
No its not. Well, maybe to the white grievance crowd.
All the news, fit to print, right here, John.
My sincere apologies as I inadvertently flagged your comment in error. It was meant for someone else.
"Heavy" mutual appreciation at 9.1.6. Just an observation. you really think that reparations is a good ideas, or that we should be "investing" billions in Africa?
There is nothing remotely racist in this article, except in your mind. Can you have a rational discussion about the pros and cons on subject of reparations?
Reparations are not a major issue in the United States, and probably never will be. The topic is a toy the far right plays with to convince themselves they are still on the right track.
You mean you finally got the idea normalized? Or maybe the average American working stiff doesn't even know what is being done with his tax dollars?
I mean that you are imagining that reparations is a major issue.
For a normal human being it is.
Is Gavin Newsome far right?
[JR is not the topic]
I saw a news article today suggesting that DeSantis may be planning an election strategy for 2024 based on attacking the covid vaccine . I hope he does, then the Republicans will be handed another loss.
Then there is DeSantis' charisma and likeability, which is by all accounts barely exists.
DeSantis' entire appeal is based on him being an uber warrior against wokeism. That is a loser in a national election.
I have yet to hear the definition of "wokesim". It seems to be a term that right wingers apply to anything they dislike. A dog whistle for the basest of their followers.
Maybe we should ask DeSantis, he sure does talk about it a lot.
Woke is black American slang. It is now used to descibe radical far left progressives.
That's not a definition.
A definition would have little to do with it's current usage.
I have asked for a definition of "woke" at least have a dozen times on NT. It is amazing that with as many as use the term, not a single one has been able to define it.
I've given you the definition.
It's not a dictionary definition becaue the word is not used in that context.
For instance, those who favor reparations are "woke."
How about an ABC explanation?
Maybe in your mind, but nowhere else.
A dictionary is a book that defines words. For it not to be in that context would mean it is not a word.
So everyone that has ever sued anyone or anything, else for reparations for a crime that has occurred is "woke"? That is seriously the example you are going with?
Sure, those are the 1st 3 letters of the alphabet.
You didn't know that?????????
Very unconvincing. Even William Kunstler couldn't make the case you are trying to make. You remember him don't you? He used to use arcane technicalities to get the guilty off. Local police departments quickly realized that they needed confessions to get convictions.
It was the age of the baseball bat.
Yes, your "definition" is very unconvincing, and makes no sense.
I am making NO case, I am merely asking for the definition of a word that you, and others, seem to use randomly.
Blah blah blah. Now you are trying to deflect.
So lets get back to the subject at hand... What is the definition of "woke"?????
I've given you all there is as Mother Teresa might say.
If you don't know what it means, why do you keep using it?
Since there is no definition I hereby proclaim that a "WOKE person", means a person who uses the word "WOKE" without knowing what it means.
"The meaning of WOKE is aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues"
Thank you.
So by your definition, or Merriam-Webster's, being woke is an important and good thing to be. Kind of shits on all the right wingers' uses of it though. Doesn't it?
The word is now used as clickbait and the more often the 'better'. It keeps the white-unwashed feeling white-washed.
Reading comprehension is difficult for some.
White-unwashed sounds like a racist term.
Nope. Left exploits it and adding in a little virtue signaling, and there you have it. That's what they have twisted it into.
Get real sir. What happened in Florida, and in Virginia previously, was not a fluke. People are starting to wake up about "wokeness".
Once Trump's stink wafts away, people will once again come to their senses and see the damage the Dems are doing.
There is no way that Biden can win over DeSantis.
DeSantis works for MAGA. He doesnt work for many other people. He is a far right hero who wont look as impressive on a national stage. I'm not worried about him.
All this pissing and moaning about the Republican potential candidates.
You have Brandon the Human fuck up machine who is running again. Think anything he does in the next two years is going the fix his record over the first two?
I am sure the looming recession will do wonders for his chances. But at least with the economy in the crapper the price of oil might fall far enough that he won't cost the US taxpayers billions when replacing every last barrel in the strategic oil reserve.
funny you mentoned replacing that , just saw a blurb on my news feed that biden has quietly raised the price of what he is willing for the government to poay to replace said oil reserves , didnt read it myself , dont think i want to .
That and restoring all the Trump policies.
You bet!
Your avatar is awesome. It is what Biden does best
I personally don't care whether DeSantis has "charisma and likability" or not.
Many sane and reasonable voting Americans just want somebody who will do the job they were elected to do for the American people and doesn't worry about the baby kissing some politicians are prone to do. I will vote for DeSantis in a heartbeat if he becomes the nominee.
Democrat leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi say President Joe Biden should run again in 2024.
Proving Democrats don't give a rat's ass about anyone but themselves.
They certainly don't care about white Cubans!
Cabbage head is back to smelling a woman's hair.
that kinda looks like a reverse mutual sniff to me .....but hey what consenting adults do ..... it does remind me of two dogs circling each other sniffing and the third waiting to see which hole to plug ....
DOJ Sues Arizona for Allegedly Violating Federal Law, Neglects to Mention Biden’s Gross Violations of Federal Law
Such bullshit................
What happens next?
AOC's climate change documentary tanks at the box office!

Oh well, back to the drawing board!
Tanks is an understatement. A report I saw said it only made $80 per theater.
The few people who went started reading news from their cell phones.
Yep, total flop does not begin to describe it!
Just one last reminder to the leftist media:

‘You’re Not Special"
Actress Jessica Chastain claims Ukraine gets more attention than Iran because it's 'mostly White'

To be filed under woke morons!
I wonder what Jessica thinks most Iranians are.
Does Jessica think at all?
Don't know but I like her abilities and versatility as an actress. I'm drawn to watching her in the movies that I've seen. I thought that she was extraordinary in Molly's Game. Of course I have a bias towards sexy, red headed woman.
As an actress, you say?
I'm drawn to watching her in the movies that I've seen.
I'll have to pay more attention to her.
I thought that she was extraordinary in Molly's Game.
Haven't seen it.
Of course I have a bias towards sexy, red headed woman.
That can be fatal.
Chastain is killing it playing Tammy Wynette on Showtime's George and Tammy. She has a point. Iran is hardly covered...
Looks like Actress Jessica Chastain is mostly white, does she complain about that or getting attention?
A new lawsuit alleges that New York Democratic Attorney General Letitia James shielded former chief of staff Ibrahim Khan from sexual harassment allegations.

She'll need to take time to defend herself. Trump will be off the hook for a while
Who would have thought you would be in favor of oneupmanship? /s
Well, intelligent people, especially the young ones, can keep up with multitasking.
Wow, you want to see Donald Trump 'let loose' on an unguarded society, didn't see that one coming. /s
Well, intelligent people, especially the young ones, can keep up with multitasking.
Too bad Biden isn't young.
Your obsession with Biden is probably limitless. Good, bad, or indifferent, Biden's age is what it is. We shall take it or leave when the appropriate time comes and MAGAns won't be the least deciding factor.
As is your obsession with Trump
"Jump the shark" Trump.
I am not obsessed with Donald Trump. That reprobate keeps himself in the news for the sole purpose of being current news in every daily cycle. I conclude Donald is obsessed with his own image and personality and is forcing the rest of us to engage him voluntarily and involuntarily. But, in any case, it is a free country—MAGAns surely agree with the concept. Thus, I will write about "Jump the shark" Trump as often as he appears on my news-feed.
You will get over Donald Trump 'manufacturing' news; you have no other choice!
I am not obsessed with Donald Trump.
Really, many of your comments through the years tells the opposite of that.
Good to hear. Then you would certainly acknowledge that it was wrong for Trump to engage in his Big Lie campaign.
Really. From where I am, it does look like you are obsessing over comments written about "Jump the shark" Trump. Don't do that!
I am not obsessed with Donald Trump.
That is what CB wrote not me.
Yes, Dennis, that is what I congratulated you on.
Do you acknowledge that it was wrong for Trump to engage in his Big Lie campaign?
It was wrong for both Trump and Biden to lie during their campaigns. Not sure what makes his campaign any more of a big lie than Biden's was though.
Thanks for an honest answer.
The most fundamental difference is that Trump's Big Lie campaign attempted to overturn the results of an election to keep Trump as PotUS illegitimately. His lies were the core of an unconstitutional act. And in so doing, not only did Trump make outrageous lies discrediting the US electoral system but he attempted to coerce officials to take unethical and arguably illegal actions to find votes for him, cancel votes for Biden and submit alternate electors to switch a state from a loss to a win. On top of that he attempted to suborn his own VP to commit an unconstitutional tabling of certified votes from select states in which he lost. Of course his Big Lie campaign also included 61+ frivolous lawsuits.
And to top off his disgusting abuse of power, Trump engaged for months lying to the American people (and the world) that the 'rigged' US electoral system disenfranchised them and that they must act to right this wrong. This culminated in the Jan 6th insurrection where Trump knowingly did nothing to stop an armed breaking and entering of the Capitol building by his supporters whose goal was to disrupt the normal operation of Congress. For three hours Trump did nothing to dissuade them. He did tweet them during the insurrection to inform them that Pence let them down by not going along with his tabling scheme.
In short, Trump's Big Lie campaign was unique in the history of the USA. It was so over-the-top in both outrageous claims and bad actions that no PotUS can hold a candle to Trump in this department.
Biden's lies are above average for a PotUS but are not in the same league as Trump's; not even close.
It's a free country, no? I will talk about Donald any time I wish and it is allowed. You will get over it. You have not choice.
Sure you don't.
MAGAns know this, but give passes to Donald Trump up and down the board. It's called, selected outrage. They pretend to be ignorant of degrees and well as shame.
Okay, "Jump ing the shark" Trump for 'hits and giggles. As I assure you we are always closer to a new 'stunt' by Donald than we can imagine.
I will pick the time and place, according to the need.
But, wait you shall. Though, since we are writing about Trump; it won't be long.
Texan, since you still have a spirit to defend the indefensible, "Jumping the shark," Trump keeps upping his need for your professional assistance on social media.
I disagree that one is a bigger liar than the other.
Neither Biden nor Trump have been found guilty of an unconstitutional act.
Assumptions from others are something I put no value in.
Youn unwillingness to say what "Jump the Shark" means is noted.
It is people who 'think' (more like 'blindly believe') like you who keep Trump relevant.
I will humor you this once: "Jump the shark" is basis for, "Jumping the shark." And you can look that one up yourself.
And you can look that one up yourself.
I asked a question about what a phrase you used means and you tell me to look it up for myself. Deflection noted
It is people who 'think' (more like 'blindly believe') like you who keep Trump relevant.
It is people like you who 'think' (more like 'blindly believe') Biden is not as big of a liar than Trump.
It is people who have ongoing TDR that keep him revelant.
Good grief, here, I looked it up for you:
A Pee-Wee Herman style witless response.
Trump's relevance is a function of those providing support to him; like you. Take away the support and Trump fades away.
What the "H"? Where do you do live in the United States and what young age are you (rhetorical) that we have to have a protracted discussion about "Jumping the shark"? Damn! This is trifling. I am NOT pleased with the amount of energy going into this!
Well anyone over the age of 50 , and that has even minimally followed politics and national elections during their life time can answer that .
biden has been a serial liar his entire public political career, the history is there for those that care to look .
What he lies about now is just out of a lifetime of habit .
Whose lies have had the greatest negative consequences for the nation?
a liar is a liar TiG , as far as i am concerned . a white lie is still a lie , no matter how well intentioned .
there is no matter of degrees or damage , either one is a liar and tells lies , or they dont .
in this case both are guilty .
you have been on folks to admit trump is a liar , well if one admits that the man is they also have to admit biden is as well .
i think i just answered whether i think trump is a liar , and added the current resident is and has always been too.
I have acknowledged Biden as a liar numerous times; even in this very thread. So keep that in mind.
That established, I reject your (strange) belief that there is no difference in the effects of a lie. I can prove it easily:
If you see no difference in the effects of lie1 and lie2 then there is no reasoning with you.
your right , there is no reasoning with me .
you would have better luck reasoning with hemorroid
and no i dont see the difference , because once the truth is found out trust has already been destroyed . and the person who lies can never be trusted again.
Here you go- since those that use "jumping the shark" can't seem to use it properly anymore- or even know when they are guilty of doing it themselves.
Rather like the entire Jan 6th committee jumped the shark. It went from finding out about the breakdown between the intelligence community and those in charge of DC security (namely Bowser, Pelosi, and Schumer). Pelosi declared herself, Schumer, and Bowser off limits for questioning by the committee; and appointed TDS driven mighty mental midgets whose only goal was to get Trump. They said so repeatedly. Everyone with a functioning brain cell in the US knew what the committee was doing; but some still seek to give it, and it's findings relevance.
Democrats need Trump; without Trump people will realize they are responsible for running this country into a ditch. They are too blinded by their TDS to see the only thing keeping Trump relevant is them.
That fits Biden to a tee.
If answering a question makes you NOT pleased with the amount of energy it takes, don't do it.
Oh, please. The "person" who lies can never be trusted again?! How unremarkably ridiculous. Mark in Wyoming, that would mean we can't trust anybody on the planet (again). That's a non-starter. Even dear old moms and dads have been caught 'shaving,' skirting, and outright in a lie, two lies, or several lies. . . shall we never trust either or both (again)? Not practical.
It does demonstrate the lengths some people will go to not give a prosper answer or be in alignment with others being sincere in what they write.
And still MAGAns are discontent and full of disgrace.
And they still tower over Bidenites.
Wow, instead of "getting it" Magans "got" it. For real, instead of being insulted by being called, MAGAns, it would be better to just tell us what we can call the category y'all insist on inhabiting. But, that would mean being cooperative and engaging. That's not possible, eh?
As for clapping back, "Bidenites," y'all could realize that we, liberals, give Biden as much hell as he can stand when he properly deserves it. But, float y'all's boat/s.