Accuracy in Media nails teachers still trying to teach CRT

Jesse Watters: We caught teachers rebranding CRT
Here they are: Our indoctrinated teachers laughing about how they intend to trick parents and the law. They are doing it in a more subtle way. You know, teaching your children that they are either racists or victims.
They got caught courtesy of Accuracy in Media:
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Another reason why we need Ron DeSantis!
That was a waste of 10 minutes. None of the teachers in the video, almost surely taken out of context, says what Watters puts in their mouths.
You have proof of that right?
Please provide a link to it.
Or is this just another attack the source.
Proof of what? I watched the video. Did you?
Denial at its maximum. Quit playing's plain as day what they're doing.
You made the claim. Prove it
"The Defense rests."
One wonders what happened to all the 'great' conservative lawyers if all you can come up with is a Canadian actor. Must be a neo-neo form of 'accuracy'. This shyte did not sell a year ago and here the 'author' is trying to retread it out of the discount bin. P.T. Barnum would have a field day with the all the whitewashing including that of DeSantis.
LOL, black/white, just like this ridiculous article...
The only thing I get out of all this is this from conservatives.
We are teaching Black history...Ok, I don't like it but what can I do...
There is an actual thing called White privilege...Hell no, you are not going to disparage White people. We are going to make laws about this...
funny how a more accurate portrayal of american history is only an issue in specific locales and demographics...
Oddly this is all not very long ago. They are all acting like it is ancient history.
Taunting [Perrie Halpern R.A.]
My apologies, I keep forgetting that some here are snowflakes wrapped in gossamer onion skin.
Easy enough, run the video without the "cutaways" and Watters obnoxious commentary and let ". . .You decide" —Now, how about that?
So predictable.
I know. Some people like to make claims but are unable to back them up with facts. But you probably already know that.
Well, you know RDTCenter, this "process" could be speeded up if one can run the video with Watters' commentary, cutaways, and what could be voiceovers. Can you find a 'clean' version of what you support to show us and yourselves?
I watched the video- you are living in leftist la la la.
They flat out admitted it repeatedly and loudly; and laughed about it.
Each one of them said we'll find a way. There is no way to defend them.
A way to do what? I think there was one guy in there who mentioned critical race theory by name. There is no context to these video clips.
Even F Lee Bailey couldn't plead ignorance. Yup, as that first one said "There is more than one way to skin a cat."
Each one of them said "something" but the multiplicity of cutaways leave "pregnant pauses" for anything to be sliced together. There is even ridiculous ("nervous"?) laughter spots which are obviously speeded up to make the speaker sound giddy or "shifty" - maniacal?
I'm sorry, but the biggest blunder in the video seems to be teachers/staff talking to someone who they may or may NOT have known was "Accuracy in Media" and clearly they did not know they were on CAMERA (they should get a lawyer and sue?).
This video is propaganda, plain and clear. It is presented as propaganda with all the flair and flourishes Jesse Watters can give it. The 'plan' is to get it out there-sell it to those who are primed already to agree with its premise (and not question how or why) and let the truth catch up to it down the line.
If it wasn't for covid, we might never have known!
What is it you think you know?! Covid-19: What does it have to do with this? Don't be too pithy in your reply (if any)!
And yet here you are.
Not like you are going to prove they are taken out of context. Just gotta feebly attempt to make excuses.
when you show ten seconds of what was a two or three minute conversation you are taking it out of context.
troll somebody else.
So, yet again, you can't back up your claims and make unfounded accusations (not that it's anything new).
There has never been a time in America when racism was not a prominent feature of our national viewpoint. Never, not even for one decade, but still we have white people who object to telling this to students. They are ashamed, and they dont want their kids hearing that grandma or great grandma blocked the doorway so black kids couldnt enter an all white school or stood on the sidewalk screaming racist words at a Martin Luther King march.
Stop John. We are not letting anyone do this to our children.
Stop telling the truth?
Show some proof that teachers tell little white kids that they are racist or shut the f up.
I have!
Ok, I'll do so again, but I warn you, you'll have to watch more film:
Dont show me any more videos Vic. I said show some proof that teachers tell white kids they are racist. The video you just put up does not contain such proof .
Here is more evidence...from the horse's mouth:
Or how about this:
I have plenty of evidence...
not watching any more of your videos vic. you misrepresent them.
From the link.
Is it a lie? I think not.
There are 3,684,000 K-12 teachers in the USA, what only one has to say needs to be taken with a micro grain of salt and not macro dollops of pepper.
The racism of the past, systemic or personal, is well known and documented.
That is not happening now. Times have changed for the better.
Where is there value in some race hustling progressives continuing to go full in on teaching hate and division between the races.
Very well said Greg
So our own history should not be taught because it may upset some people....
There isn't a damned thing wrong with teaching our history. It is where this bullshit wants the emphasis put. Hell I learned history in grade school and then again in high school and there isn't ANYTHING that they want to emphasize that I didn't learn or deduce for myself. Including slavery and the racism tied to it. There is no need to reinvent the wheel.
You know how many times I hear that tripe?
Emphasis put? You mean where you don't like?
One would think you'd take the hint and stop doing it in that case if you are constantly hearing it.
Nope. It is only an excuse I hear when people cannot counter what I said.
Nope I mean expounding on what SJW's think needs to be pounded into young heads. One can discern from actual history just what the hell was going on. Just as I did and a young'n. Did you read the rest of the post? And did you just learn of slavery and racism since you got older? Or did you understand what was going on 200 years ago?
Where in his comment did he say that? Nowhere. That is why you read what you don't want to. He never said it and you are reading something into what he didn't state.
So what is it exactly that you think is being shoved down people's throats?
I learned about slavery, the Civil War, we took field trips to old battlefields. Taught about separate water fountains, segregated schools.
That is my interpretation of his comment. If it is false, they could explain why....
Not my problem. All I ask is if I am wrong, change my mind. That rarely happens.
And yet you still have not shown where my claim is false other than to say nuh uh....
“All I ask is if I am wrong, change my mind.”
Well said.
This is, after all, an opinion driven site. Too often muddled in the impossible quest for verification, given all the misinformation out there. It would be refreshing to just converse, share those opinions without rancor…but I’m just as guilty as anyone else when it comes to showing impatience with the all too frequent idiocy.
That being said, an overdue thank you to the moderators for their herding of wildcats and keeping this place up and running.
Please. You conservatives have a lot of gall to tell liberals when and where they should express their sentiments, when you sticking your polticially $hit down/in every hole a liberal 'got'! There is your value-added qualifier! Y'all drone on and on about liberties and freedoms when really all you are interested in is more liberals becoming conservatives. You are not interested in a world where liberals and conservatives work and agree to get along together. Thus, all the policy-prescriptions being generated on the conservative Right to return to a more rigid status quo of rightwing ideology.
Stop the projection onto liberals: We are not going to play on your side of the field and that is the 'final' answer. Period.
Emphatically. Keeping disinformation deliberately and delivered with malice in some cases coupled with blatant "argumentation" for its own sake is at time monotonous and will drive even the strong-minded to question "Why me." Kudos to "staff" for not simply walking away! (Since I don't read every article or visit every column supported by this site: I only know a 'bit' about what they do on an ongoing basis!
Most living Americans have been taught the same. Can you name any places that still have separate water fountains and segregated schools today? I doubt it. Therefore, we Americans have made great strides in eliminating the racism of decades ago.
And THAT is why today's parents don't want their children to AGAIN be segregated into "oppressor" and "oppressed" groups that are taught via radical left DEI/CRT racist propaganda which are promoted by the NEA and AFT union leaders and their state/local affiliates.
And where is that happening? Where are kids being divided?
Racism will never be eliminated.
Now Jasper, shame the 'devil': Tell us you DON'T want the children in your life to be conservative(s) and NOT liberals. And when you do explain to us what it means (to you) to be a conservative. Please proceed. (You don't even have to make it long, I'll accept pithy.)
Mighty generous of you, CB, mighty generous.
You can be pithy too. Go for it. Give it a shot. Answer the question or be exposed as just another hanger-on looking for internet forum 'cheap thrills.' BTW, substance comments are where the real action is! I'm just saying, Drinker of the Wry: It gets better!
Jesse Watters, Jesse Watters, Jesse Watters is ADDING ("peppering") commentary in his own words which pollutes everything that is being said. BTW, who EDITED the footage? How 'chopped' up is it and what of what these teachers said is 'left on the cutting room' floor? We all remember that other guy who supposedly dressed like a pimp or something to go ask questions at an ACORN office about pimps/prostitutes/taxes. It was not what it marketed itself to be!
What Jesse Watters is doing is typical pathological 'fare' which he indulgences in by "sprinkling" his commentary with works like "war," "rebranding," with banners like, "This is how you destroy a country."
Fox News has no agency on this. That being said, they are playing to a populace that believes, loves to believe, liberals are the bane of the United States.
As for this "presentation on Jesse Watters show, I don't know what to accept as legitimate journalism, because Fox News is known for stupid 'stunts' happenings like this. One even has to wonder if they should have been recording teachers/staff anyway. And of course, what is left out that does not fit Fox News' or Watters' agenda and 'air time' allotted.
Teachers, generally, are good people. Presenting their words out of context and as a pretext to add (pepper) commentary (put words in their mouths) is unfair, cheating, and obnoxious!
Worse, this is evidence of at least one thing that is said often about the media-especially television media- manipulation of stories and 'making' people appear to say what they did not say and certainly did not mean-without getting greater clarity in real-time interviews and just running 'bad' video makes all media look bad!
Jesse Watters says a lot in this video, almost all of which is his opinions and not anything that came out of the teachers mouths.
But evidently that sort of gaslighting is good enough for some.
It is well-known that conservatives (MAGAns especially) are vying for a return to some past grandeur of theirs 'chosen' from all of U.S. history. Thus, it is not surprising MAGAns see citizens working to be out from under their political strong-arm tactics and strategies as being agitators and divisive troublemakers. That said, I reject their claim to call out good as bad! And my, my, all the grandstanding . . . is just 'cray-cray.'
And here's one for you:
Well, all I can say is this: Dr. King had an education too, did he not? And yet, he encountered and faced down systemic racism in the 60's. There have been 'tons' of blacks and other minorities who have done the same and continue to do so>>>making a 'hole' for this "black father" to stand in in society. And it appears "bite the hands, plural, that opens doors for him and his.
Madame C. J. Walker (December 23, 1867- May 25, 1919) ‘The first Black woman millionaire in America’
Walker moved to Denver, Colorado, in 1905, with just $1.05 in savings in her pocket. Her products like Wonderful Hair Grower, Glossine and Vegetable Shampoo began to gain a loyal following, changing her fortunes. Charles J. Walker moved to Denver in 1906 and they were married soon after. At first, her husband helped her with marketing, advertising and mail orders, but as the business grew, they grew apart and the two divorced.
In 1908, Walker opened a beauty school and factory in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania named after her daughter. In 1910, she moved her business headquarters in Indianapolis, a city with access to railroads for distribution and a large population of African American customers. She left the management of the Pittsburgh branch to A’Lelia. At the height of production, the Madame C.J. Walker Company employed over three thousand people, largely Black women who sold Walker’s products door-to-door.
‘The first Black woman millionaire in America’
Walker became one of the best-known African Americans and was embraced by the Black press. The success of her business enabled her to live in homes that were a far cry from the one she had grown up in; her Manhattan townhouse became a salon for members of the Harlem Renaissance when her daughter inherited it in the 1920s. Walker’s country home, Villa Lewaro, in Irvington-on-Hudson, was designed by Black architect Vertner Tandy .
And there were other successful blacks and other minorities in U.S. history, including those who served in politics before reconstruction. However, individual successes do not a people advance or explain 'away' problems and issues in society.
The young man is right, we see black success stories all around us-even black billionaires! They make it individually, (like Mrs. C. J. Walker) they are not the norm.
The 'job' of the systems of government is to make success attainable by all and not by those who can 'buck' off a mountain of snares and traps seeking to ruin a person or a company by hook or by crook!
Finally, Mrs. Walker's success, who somehow was able to be a black woman judges on her character, does not SPEAK to a system that allowed for the death of Emmett Till at the hands of white men for what turned out to be a lie of whistling at a white woman; or the Tulsa Riot which destroyed "Black Wall Street" in a massacre in Tulsa, Oklahoma over a misperception that a black man tried to accost/rape a young white woman by bumping into her in an elevator.
Also, Dr. King's education being allowed does not take away from the civil rights work he acomplished. . .and then the systematic racism which led to him being shot down like Lincoln and JFK before him for working in the system to change the system.
Two, several things are known to be in contrast to each other even in parallel which can happen in this life.
There is a history of problems with minorities staying in places of success or even unjustifiably having their successes wiped out! However, no one has ever complained that an occasional black person/minority person can defies odds which are stacked against them! Good for them. The issue is not individual success; the issue is there are systems which remain/are kept in-place which are not corrected to permit passage of a greater percentage of blacks and other minorities!
To be fair, the issue is getting better. However, do not pretend for one moment that there are NOT individuals and groups working to turn back the clock to a time when blacks and other minorities lacked a substantial 'power base' of support and regard in this country. That would be a big lie, because such groups were here before and are left intact in the here and now.
Such groups, parties, think tanks, claiming to care about minorities are the same places which are notorious "gatekeepers" on what is the standard for what a good citizen is and is not! Acting as if they are the only ones fit to make the determination! It's their arrogance on full display; it is rejected!
So your theory is white people set up systems that oppress minorities, but those systems just don't work on minority groups that have surpassed white people in earnings etc?
What is their antidote to these "systems?" Hard work? education? Family?
Well let me tell you this: You can 'sit' here and type naive questions and comments which misses the issues of poverty and race discrimination and segregation and the like all you wish. However, I will tell you this history has recorded all the efforts of those who had labored and are laboring today to keep minorities "in their places." The fact that a black person or other minorities make it is because of their 'grit.' BTW, that grit and 'grunt' that these minorities exert-conservatives come here and decry it everyday as from 'below' and the work of demons. So which is it?
As for that pathetic SNARK about hard work, education, and family. . . how do you account for the fact that if you are white there was a time (and some play with the notion and politics of regression) when a white majority n this nation preferred blacks work without a wage floor, and not be able to read and write, and would sell our families to the extent that to this day many of us have not way of knowing from which African tribe we hail? I suppose we can go on ancestry dotcom —did you HAVE to go there to trace your family lineage? I think not!
A large group of white conservatives, have 'dogged' blacks and other minorities placement in this society since emancipation. Nowadays, the 'tenor' has changed from okay blacks are not the problem: liberals and democrats are the problem. Interestingly, liberals and democrats just happen to be what a significant mixture of minorities are in politics.
Apparently conservatives don't give a damn about fairness. It is just a 'front' for saying everybody who is not like you is some sort of societal 'knock-out' for which conservatives have licensed to abuse in discussion after discussion.
Well, I have news for you. You will not be allowed to get away with it. Black people and minorities have made it and continue to push 'forward' IN-SPITE of all the dirty tricks, murders, tortures, hatreds, and last but not least, jealousies of conservatives who want to set them back in their secondary status.
Congratulations are in order for every successful minority in this country, past and present! It has not come easily and "hard-work," "education,"and "family" may have played a positive, large role in those successes - but so did a heaving helping of luck that their enemies in the country did not seize upon.
I can't vouch for what you may or may not have seen 'half' the time,Texan1211 so don't worry about it.
From ‘below’, demons, do you have quotes or just hyperbole?
I did as my family weren’t the best record keepers.
That’s your perspective, unfairly or not.
Luck is a sucker’s bet.
You are operating on a belief that conservatives/republicans do not demonize liberals-is that right or wrong? Help me understand you better on this fine point. If you balk at or duck the question, I will take it as your agreement with me that conservatives and republicans do it!
Good. Not worrying should make for some very pleasant days!
I don’t operate on that belief as stated.
By process of elimination the opposite is true. Of course, you're 'non-committal' because this is all one massive waste of time and 'exercise' anyway. Bye. Hasta Luego!
What was noncommittal about “I don’t operate on that belief as stated”.?
. . . .
Exactly, well said CB, short, concise and avoided wasting the readers time. Thanks.
Real Headline - Teachers Admit Teaching History
No, we already know the history. This is called CRT...not history!
Critical Race Theory is not taught in public schools and you have no proof it was. Dumb goppers think teaching about slavery and the Civil War is teaching CRT. But, it is not!
I've posted many links. Where is your proof of anything?
It's not called CRT now, but is the same divisive racist bullshit that is being taught little kids in attempt to divide Blacks and Whites and make them hate and mistrust each other.
AKA American Marxism.
The Chinese Communist Party must be behind it.
Are you related to John Birch ?
“…think teaching about slavery and the Civil War is teaching CRT. But, it is not!”
Will never understand this line of thinking, for it discourages thinking…parents and educators primary responsibility one would hope.
Recitation of facts is one thing, but questioning those facts in context, and having honest discussions to the cause and effect of any event is the crux of learning, thus understanding, and then empathy.
There are facts....and then there are biased, fabricated, and unsupported opinions being presented as facts.
What progressives seem to be doing is trying to create misunderstanding and division between the races
I can only shake my head. DeSantis has now said he stopped the Black History class because it taught 'queer theory'.
“trying to create misunderstanding and division between the races”
Create? How about we acknowledge the reality? Ignoring that ‘fact’, for more political than educational reasons only allows the divide to deepen, infecting every aspect of our society.
Conservatives need to give this up, because its going nowhere. I would encourage conservatives to stop listening and reading propaganda of any and all kinds. It is manipulation and its making y'all really confused and anxious. For the record, don't try to overblow this: "Blacks and Whites" in general are smarter than you give them credit for being in your comment. They know what projection is internally and if anything confuses them it is why conservatives won't stop 'it." Instead being persistent to spread disinformation by any means necessary.
What conservatives are doing is multiple vain attempts to turn liberals into conservatives and not just any conservative: MAGA conservatives. Epic fail.
Don't worry about it, Texan1211. It will all be over after awhile.
If you study American history, you’ll find that blacks and whites have hated and mistrusted each other for 400 years, and with good reason. Slavery, Jim Crow, lynchings, Race riots, civil rights violations, and the fallout from it all. You don’t heal from that legacy overnight, and you sure as hell don’t refuse to learn about it.
These conservatives remarking here are really interesting (not!) with their attempts to message 'clean' hands not drenched and moist with the literal and figurative blood of people-groups, against whom they have been using their 'majority' status in this country to persecute and cause to not advance as much as possible/feasible.
It is not that we distrust them without cause. Conservatives give us cause everyday when they deny our liberal and societal very existence with their chosen ideology which takes no account of us. For not everybody in this country wants (or needs) to be any kind/type of conservative! Despite their intrusiveness, insistence, and persistence.
Jesse Waters is one of the biggest liars in news media. This video is another great example of that.
He shows a clip of someone talking and then tells you what they really mean. He tells you up front that what you’re about to see is “sinister.” He tells you what to think. He preaches at length about extremist conspiracies with no evidence. Not one teacher in this video explicitly says they want to teach Critical Race Theory and will lie to do it.
My opinion on this. Trying to be truthful.
Is there teachers that want and try to teach things they shouldn't? I would say yes. Then I would have to stop. It should be dealt with at a local level. People act like this is rampant in all schools everywhere when that is not the case.
Just like any profession there is going to be people that do what they want to do. I know a teacher that wants to talk out problems with the kids. She thinks and teaches it is better to take these problems head on and deal with them, while her colleague across the hall just yells at them and makes them all put their heads on their desks...
One or two bad seeds in a system of thousands is not the crisis they make it out to be.
It has an impact that they refuse to see. In their rampant yelling and screaming about taking the schools back, all just because of maybe one out of a thousand, they are impacting good teachers and making them all nervous about what they can and cannot say.
They are stifling any discussion that could take place and I have to wonder, for what?
Examples of Jesse’s bullshit:
There is no evidence presented of that.
There is nothing in this video to support those allegations.
No it isn’t. Again, he presents no evidence to support that claim.
No, he didn’t. He said something was important, but we don’t know what it was. That was edited out.
No, there isn’t. That is a fantasy. Extreme conservatives just LOVE to imagine that they are victims of persecution or some plot. It gives their lives meaning, I guess.
OMG what a pile of bullshit! Why would that even be true? It’s insane.
Uh. Horseshit.
Wwhhaaaatttt?! Marinate in that pile of goo for a while. That is some insane, complicated conspiracy theory shit, right there. I can’t imagine the drugs you have to do get your brain to come up with that one. I’m honestly impressed he wasn’t foaming at the mouth.
I hate to say it but I almost got Project Veritas vibes.