California dreaming/nightmare: Four shootings in eight days

Shootings galore this past week from the state with the strictest gun laws. The state is led by a governor who lives in an alternate universe. A democratic governor with super majorities in both houses of the state legislature. He addresses these shootings by talking about "gun control" and blaming "Republicans." His state has the highest sales & gas & income tax in the nation, yet he and the bay area elitists like Nancy Pelosi & Dianne Feinsteine keep getting elected. Perhaps because so much of California's middle class have fled? It was they who could have saved the state. What is left, between the coastal elite and the 27% of the state's foreign born population, is their constituency.
Here are the recent shootings:
"A Southern California community is in mourning after a gunman opened fire in a ballroom killing 11 people and injuring nine others during Lunar New Year celebrations over the weekend. Investigators said the gunman – later identified as 72-year-old Huu Can Tran – was previously arrested for illegally owning a firearm, had a rifle at home, hundreds of rounds of ammunition and appeared to be manufacturing gun silencers."
Huu Can Tran
"A gunman opened fire at two agricultural businesses : Mountain Mushroom Farm along State Route 92, then the nearby Concord Farms. Seven people were killed and another person was wounded."
Chunli Zhao is suspected of shooting and killing seven people (San Mateo Sheriff's Office)
"Last Monday, Jan. 16, in the rural community of Goshen , police said two shooters entered a family’s home, hunting down and killing six people . A seventh person survived the attack." .
"Later that same day in Oakland , 40 to 50 people were gathered outside a gas station to record a music video when police say gunfire broke out among several shooters .
An 18-year-old, later identified as Mario Navarro , was killed and five people were wounded. Three other individuals were injured in car crashes as they fled the area."
It is the sad & sick state of California.
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"Not one expression of prayers, condolences, nothing. And it’s surprised nobody. Where’s he been on gun safety reform? Where’s the Republican Party been on gun safety reform? They blocked it every step of the way,” Newsom added. "
No Gavin, democrats run the state of California.
As always, and being a true Dem, passing the buck.
As if more gun laws will stop these shootings....
What good are gun laws if the progressives don't want to enforce existing laws, want to defund and defang the police, and catch and release criminals?
I doubt that question gets answered here.
Newsom is completely tone deaf.
If he wants to run for President he needs to find a new schtick. Or else he will suffer the same fate as Hillary.
Voters in fly over country will never vote for him.
Maybe he can take a lesson from Biden: Lock himself in the basement and let the media complain about "Trump."
How is imposing stricter gun laws while defunding the police supposed to work? Laws without enforcement seems to be nothing more than lipstick on a pig.
Newsom has fallen back on the typical Democrat playbook. Blame scapegoats, demand someone else do something, self-identify as a victim, and ramp up efforts to get political donations.
Texas easily has more than enough shootings to compete. They have some of the easiest gun laws around. If you look at shooting statistics and crime statistics, states with easy access to guns are the common factor. No state is immune from gun violence. Trying to point to a state that was once Reagan's who supported the assault weapon ban, just because there is now a governor who is a Democrat who is calling for the same thing is hypocritical.
“No state is immune from gun violence.”
And until we accept that fact, politicians just keep pointing fingers while deranged individuals keep pointing weapons…the former is firing blanks, the latter live rounds.
How many families need be destroyed before we demand more?
What specifically are you demanding?
Conversely, how many deaths are you willing to accept?
My acceptance or lack thereof doesn't impact the homicide rate.
So plug your ears and close your eyes…whatever it takes for you justify the inevitable next shooting victims as but collateral damage in the protection of your right.
What's your solution other than demanding more and better gun laws and restrictions that don't work?
The don't have any
Define easy access to guns...which, by the way, is not the primary cause of these shootings.
It's Newsome who is the ultimate hypocrite and blame shifter.
Exactly. That's why New Hampshire, with no permit, background check or firearms registration required to buy a handgun from a private individual and where open carry and concealed carry are legal is the murder capital of the country.
Obviously the 'good' folks of California do not have enough guns ...
Or brains.
The only brains to be found NC are all in Wake Forest. There is one in Pineville.
No Jim, not you, your wife.
So...what can be done about that? Registration and confiscation?
Or enough sanity
Morning...what is the solution??.. there isn't one. It's like trying to shut the gate after the horse has bolted..
It seems the aggrieved persons answer these days to all most any problem is get a gun and in the hell do you change that way of thinking?? Pretty well impossible..
No it's not the first and no it won't be the last mass it's a case of how many lost souls are there this time.
It isn't going to be possible to take guns away from people, and they won't give them up as they've done in a couple of more civilized countries (you know the ones I mean) I had a tongue-in-cheek solution I posted previously. Issue guns and ammo to every person in America (you know, for "self-protection"). Previously I had said from the age of 13 and up, but it seems that even 6-year olds are gunslingers there so why bother with age limits? After all, there is no way anybody's going to give up the guns they have (you know, nobody will be able to pry them from their cold dead hands). If you can't beat them, join them. As the political hatred between liberals and conservaties keeps increasing (you can see it even on this site) the obvious solution is bound to be great business for funeral parlours - they can join the arms manufacturers in the upper echelons of American society.