NYT publishes damning profile of Kamala Harris saying even close allies have 'lost hope'

A damning New York Times profile claims Democrats around Washington have "lost hope" in Kamala Harris, raising doubts that she'd be valuable on the 2024 ticket as either a presidential or vice-presidential candidate.
"I can't think of one thing she's done except stay out of the way and stand beside him at certain ceremonies," John Morgan, a prominent fund-raiser for Democrats, told the paper.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton privately expressed the belief that Ms Harris couldn't win a primary race in 2024, though Ms Clinton denied this, according to the profile.
"Even some Democrats whom her own advisers referred reporters to for supportive quotes confided privately that they had lost hope in her," read another line from the story.
It's a sentiment that's cropped up in various political circles in recent weeks.
"People are poised to pounce on anything - any misstep, any gaffe, anything she says - and so she's probably not getting the benefit of the doubt," Jacquelyn Bettadapur, leader of Georgia's Cobb County Democrats, told the Washington Post, arguing most Americans "don't know enough about what she's doing" and that "it doesn't help that she's not [that] adept as a communicator".
Vice president Harris has an approval level below 40 per cent, according to FiveThirtyEight, down from 55 at the beginning of the Biden administration, and is less popular than the president.
The Independent has contacted the vice president's office for comment.
Even the president dubbed vice president Harris a "work in progress", according to the recent book The Fight of His Life by Chris Whipple.
"We respect that there will be no shortage of books written about the administration containing a wide variety of claims," White House spokesperson Robyn Patterson said of the book in a statement.
"We don't plan to engage in confirmations or denials when it comes to the specifics of those claims. The author did not give us a chance to verify the materials that are attributed here."
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The negative portrayal of Ms Harris was met with cheers in some corners of the political world and criticisms in others.
In National Review, conservative journalist Rich Lowry wrote, "I can't remember the last time I haven't wanted a New York Times piece to end, but this report on Kamala Harris is much too short."
Sophia Nelson, a contributing editor at theGrio, argued on Twitter that Ms Harris is "such an accomplished woman. Next in line to the presidency. And they treat her like a nobody!"

The New York Times is the propaganda arm of the democratic party. The other day the paper lambasted the VP, and they weren't alone. After tonight's State of the Union, president Biden is expected to announce his reelection campaign. At this point the knives are out for Harris. Rational people may wonder why that is since she was Biden's choice based on his announced standards of race and gender. Therein lies the problem. America, before the current era of the left was a meritocracy. The American left has diluted the idea of achievement & excellence with the idea of equity & diversity. Thus, we end up with a woman who went so far in life based on nothing but her skin color.
Now the question will be how will the democrats most loyal constituents: black Americans take it?
Something tells me they'll still support the democrats, just like the 22 democratic House members, who happen to be American Jews, who voted to keep the anti-Semite Ilhan Omar on the Foreign Relations Committee.
the story is just full of shots at Harris, but this is my favorite.
Think about how terrible the situation must be in reality if even cheerleading democratic media will publish something like this.
It tells me that they intend to make a change.
Hillary also took a shot:
"Hillary Clinton even got in the act telling two top Democrats that Kamala can’t win because she does not have the political instincts to clear a primary field."
It's not like she makes a shred of sense when she opens her mouth.
Keep in mind that this is a person whose Presidential campaign was cut very short due to the fact NOBOBDY wanted her in office. She was selected solely on her gender and skin color.
Yes, that is exactly whats on the minds of democrats right now.
Unfortunately it's 3 years too late. Maybe (and I know this is a VERY REMOTE chance) they are finally coming to their senses and realize they elected a horrible pairing.
The realization comes at the very last minute. Tonight will be Biden's State of the Union address, which means for him the 2024 campaign is about to begin. The democrat insiders must know that he is determined to run. The Biden - Harris ticket won't fly this time. If something forces Biden out of the race, Harris would be the logical candidate, at least for many black democrats.
Yup, It has to be done!
There is no way Harris could be the logical candidate. The people didn't want her then, she's been a total failure since. They'd be better off nominating a cup of Jell-O.
Only two "qualifications" boxes were checked though and that was all that was needed
The DNC primaries proved that she was even unpopular to black voters, but that could change if it looks like she is being denied her chance simply because she is dull wited and uninspiring. It is an interesting problem and democrats are handling it in the usual manner. All ducks will be lined up to irradicate her.
Going by that, Karine Jean-Pierre is more "qualified" than Harris.
The question is: for what?
Paper weight?
I was thinking along the lines of anchors.
Not much apparently....it often appears their heads are empty.
In my opinion, and this isn't to be taken as a sweeping generalization, but the majority of Dems seem to be incapable of rational thought.
And they don't seem to learn from their failures.
Looking at what they ran for POTUS and VP - a lot of nothing.
And you would too, had you read the article.
Probably about the same time I give a shit.
It's funny you mention being on ignore yet you still respond and DM me.
Check the first sentence of Post 1
I would think so, the NYT has been part of the DNC propaganda division for years.
I have a response, but I'll wait until you're here.
Another check the box official for this administration. When she was first picked I wondered why as in my opinion there were better options. It's not like they needed her on the ticket to gain the State of California...
But as she's both African-American AND Asian-American so she just really fit the bill.
Oh, there were better options. A rock or door knob. Hell even a cup of Jell-o would have been a better choice.
Or a glass of water with a "D" after its name.
Her tortured sentences are legendary. Between her and Biden, we somehow have the most incoherent admisntration of all time in an age of saturated media.
It's like listening to Barney and the Crazy Cat Lady from the Simpsons. The only difference is the Simpsons characters actually make sense on a rare occasion.
Kamala has even less credibility than Karine.
In the words of a famous NYRA race caller:
Actually if Joe dumped her it would give me a little hope that the left is not too far over the edge. That is until he says he is dumping her for mayor Pete.