Censorship by Surrogate

Link to Quote: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/825465-this-institution-will-be-based-on-the-illimitable-freedom-of
The FBI appears to have pushed through an open door to get around the First Amendment.
Former Twitter employees testified yesterday before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee concerning Twitter's censoring of the New York Post story on Hunter Biden's laptop during the 2020 election. Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer called it a "coordinated campaign by social media companies, mainstream news and the intelligence communities to suppress and de-legitimize the existence of Hunter Biden's laptop and its contents."
( https://www.yahoo.com/news/former-twitter-execs-tell-house-220919186.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall )
Among the three witnesses that Republicans called was Twitter's former Deputy Counsel James Baker, who was a key player and FBI counsel during the Russia/collusion investigation, was hired by Twitter in 2020 to serve as Twitter's legal counsel. At 3:30 PM of the day the Hunter Laptop story broke there was a conference call between Twitter and the FBI. Right after that Twitter censored the story. Baker denies coordinating with the FBI to kill the story. Baker was fired by Elon Musk soon after taking control of Twitter.
Then there was the testimony of Yoel Roth, former head of safety and get this: "integrity." He couldn't recall key details of what happened, but he now regrets the decision Twitter took and thinks that the decision was based on Russia hacking the DNC, if you can believe that? Roth compared Republicans to Nazis and he was the head of safety & integrity?
Roth's old tweets from 2016 and 2017 were resurfaced and shared widely on Wednesday, including a tweet calling Trump a "racist tangerine," a tweet decrying "ACTUAL NAZIS IN THE WHITE HOUSE," and a tweet describing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as "a personality-free bag of farts."
RepGosar gets Yoel Roth to admit he communicated with government officials by means of disappearing messaging apps.
Yesterday he got a civics lesson from Marjorie Taylor Greene"
Vijaya Gadde, Twitter's former chief legal officer thought Twitter was wrong. She sees that now. "Sorry."
Then there was the witness that democrats called for: Anika Collier Navaroli. She also worked at Twitter and told a story of Trump asking that a Tweet be removed. She went on to complain that there was not enough censorship. The Committee's ranking member Jamie Raskin agreed.
No that's not the Court Jester or Bicycle's new Joker. It's election denier Jamie Raskin as he appeared yesterday! One thing this hearing has already proved on day 1: democrats want more censorship, not less. It is amazing how far they have drifted fron the principles contained in the First Amendment. They have prepared to resist these hearings. Finding out whether the president has been compromised by all of the influence peddling carried out by his son and China will be a struggle.
AOC who sits on the democratic side of that committee called the Hunter Biden Laptop scandal "half-fake" and demanded that we focus on other things.
“We’re talking about Hunter Biden’s half-fake laptop story. I mean, this is an embarrassment,” the 33-year-old raged, suggesting the House Oversight Committee hearing should have been focused on issues like abortion and civil rights."
AOC's idiocy still surprises.
Nobody bothered to ask her which half was fake?
Perhaps she was referring to the fact that Republicans have, without any actual evidence, tried to tie President Biden to something illegal in regards to his sons laptop but have so far only presented conjecture and assumption.
As for the supposed suppression of the story by the MSM, the claim is frankly laughable. When the story broke it was everywhere, the only thing the MSM wasn't doing was irresponsibly jumping to conclusions like the right wing media outlets were all in a last minute attempt to damage President Biden's 2020 campaign. I think what Republicans are most angered by is that with all the Republican faux outrage over the laptop the MSM wasn't running their partisan conjecture 24/7.
You mean the "big guy?" Let's get AOC to admit the Laptop is real before we go there.
As for the supposed suppression of the story by the MSM, the claim is frankly laughable. When the story broke it was everywhere, the only thing the MSM wasn't doing was irresponsibly jumping to conclusions like the right wing media outlets were all in a last minute attempt to damage President Biden's 2020 campaign. I think what Republicans are most angered by is that with all the Republican faux outrage over the laptop the MSM wasn't running their partisan conjecture 24/7.
The story where it was allowed to surface was immediately disparaged as "Russian dissinformation." You may recall that dumb ass Joe used that during the debate when the former President called him on it!
Bullshit. There was only one source who was reporting it and they got poo pooed. The New York Post. And Twitter censored it along with others.
Millions claim they might not vote the way they did had they known.
Biden's lies don't matter to his stooges. When he lied to America and claimed the laptop was "Russian disinformation" the stooges cheered him on. They seem like being lied to.
They seldom have a valid argument, thus the need for censorship & safe spaces. AOC can't even admit what the leftist national media finally admitted:
The laptop was real.
Who were the others?
Take your pick of those who didn't report on it when it was first revealed. ABC CBS NBC MSNBC
Strange they jump on all kinds of shit with anonymous sources and hearsay but this one time, one with teeth, they wouldn't touch. Too close to the election.
One with teeth? Hahaha
So in your mind it is censorship because media outlets didn't write their own articles about it?
Nope. Just that for once, OBVIOUSLY due to the subject matter, they didn't jump on it as they normally do everything else. Especially GOP.
So everything is corrupt because you don't think the media jumped high enough...
Will you quit putting fucking words in my mouth? They avoided it.........like the plague until they couldn't any more.
Words in your mouth....Funny when I go by what you actually typed...
What exactly are you all upset about, that donald didn't win? So now you are going to make up scenarios where Biden would have lost...Oh if only they would have yelled about the laptop from the top of the mountains....
Where did I say that? So yes. Words in my mouth.
Exactly. All this faux outrage is just cover for their bitter impotent rightwing rage at losing a chance to install a conservative dictator into power. We saw them screaming threats, shouting and gnashing their teeth as they attacked the capital, after that failed all they have left is to cling to conspiracy theories and whine about being "canceled" like miserable sore losers often do.
Could you imagine if this coming Sunday the losing team at the super bowl refuses to accept defeat and claims the game was stolen from them, then tries to get their fans to riot and rush the field to steal the trophy? Of course not, that's what miserable little piece of shit sore losers do. That and then they spend 24/7 on social media whining and complaining claiming 'Deep Football' rigged the game and put a remote control in the ball and claim the coach of the winnings team sons laptop that contains porn and cryptic messages is concrete proof the game was rigged.
Your words...
In your own words, the media did not jump high enough for you...
Where did I type anything about "high"?
Another meme; another wasted post.
Any proof that Twitter ever honored even one of the Republican requests? It is definitely not in your linked article.
[deleted] unless you have proof that Twitter honored the requests the way they did FBI and Democrat requests.
Also, the article fails to mention Twitter shadowbanning or banning Democrat or leftist accounts that violated Twitter policy. Like Twitter did to Republican accounts on request from Democrats and the FBI.
Read JB's linked damn article. Then learn the difference between requesting and acting on a request.
Prove that any one of the Republican requests were acted on.
There is more than ample proof that Democrat and FBI requests were acted on to shadow ban or ban Republicans or conservatives.
Democrats are trying to spin this as a both sides issue. Republicans made requests and were denied. The FBI and Democrats requested and were approved. FBI and Democrats abused their power to influence a media outlet (not that they had to try that hard with the leftist morons at Twitter).
No one gives a shit how many times Republicans requested something be done. It was never acted on. There was no unbiased "referee" at twitter. They were lackeys of the FBI and Democrats.
I like the thumbnail for the linked Youtube video.
The former Twitter employees brought in for questioning look like kids that have been caught breaking the rules; and are awaiting punishment. Not one of them can make eye contact with Greene. They just stare down at the table looking resigned.
As for AOC and the Democrats, fuck all of them. They had their chance to conduct countless investigations when they were in charge of the House- knowing full damn well they would never go anywhere so long as Republicans controlled the Senate; and never gave a shit about gas prices, inflation, crime, or immigration/border. Now suddenly it is all they want to talk about?
The border/immigration will be discussed in great detail at Mayorkas impeachment proceedings.
Republicans already have a bipartisan bill that will restrict Brandon from selling oil from the Strategic Oil Reserve to China in the House and Senate. Anyone thinking Democrats will do more than that to lower gas prices- like reducing regulations and taxes on oil and gas companies is insane. They haven't given a shit about the high gas prices their policies have caused for two years- why would they start now?
As for inflation. What the hell do Democrats think the whole not raising the debt ceiling unless there are spending cuts is about?
Government rampant spending is a leading cause of inflation. Democrats only want to spend more money; and raise taxes on the rich and corporations (namely consumers as corporations don't pay taxes). Neither of which will come even close to covering the spending Democrats have already amassed. Of course Brandon doesn't want to negotiate on raising the debt ceiling. He is a typical tax and spend Democrat. He likes the ditch he has run the country into.
When it comes to crime, Democrats love their criminals. So long as they are minorities and always remember to vote for anyone with a D behind their name. Many Democrats are still not over the "Defund the police" movement. Democrat run bastions of stupidity in New York, Chicago, New Jersey, Detroit, Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, etc are proof of that.
I caught pieces of this yesterday. And the responses from these 4 twitter idiots was expected. Typical liberal excuses.
Who says comedy is dead in America!
Where was the coverage from MSNBC or CNN? Both of whom went 24/7 on the Jan 6th hearings.
oh yeah, a company taking action to quell the spread of porn and misinformation from russian collaborators is exactly the same as congress pointing out the trumpsters that encouraged seditition... /s
But it was the truth they censored. You best concentrate on your daily duties.
The one you don't seem to like:
The Hunter Laptop story was true.
... and what would that be?
"CBS News is the latest news organization go completely 180 on its coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop as part of a remarkable evolution from the legacy media.
A report that aired on Monday's installment of "CBS Mornings" offered a deep dive into the network's efforts to authenticate the device purportedly belonging to President Biden's son."
"CBS News then reiterated what many other news outlets have already reported and declared there is "no evidence" the laptop was fake or tampered with. CBS News claimed it wanted to "cut through the noise" and ultimately declared the laptop, which has troves of data, emails and other possibly damaging information on the president's son, is legitimate."
The New York Times has finally admitted to the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop and the data contained within the device.
Every major news outlet admitted it. What about my MSM source?
You are really going to deny this obvious fact?
Why don't you read it?
Notice that other people on the left won't go near it.
You don't even want to concede what has been established as fact by all of your beloved media outlets.
No they don't.
A fucking ten year old knows that the Hunter Biden Laptop has been verified by the New York Times, Washington Post and CBS !
You are the only person I know of, on planet earth, that thinks the Hunter Laptop story was untrue.
you and your friends have an unsolvable problem. Very few people care about Hunter Biden or his laptop. You've had three years or more to make something out of all this and nothing.
The idea that Joe Biden will be brought down by Hunter Bidens laptop is wishful thinking that is off the charts.
Ditto for you and your side when it comes to Trump............and it is now 7 years
And you can't possibly know that nothing will come of it. There are drips of info all over the place. All they have to do is consolidate.
Might not bring Mr. Biden the elder down per se but, Hunter and his influence selling along with his tax problems have been covered up for long enough.
I think many people are interested and millions would have been interested during the election of 2020.
You've had three years or more to make something out of all this and nothing.
BTW it's really 2 years and democrats have been in control of everything during that time.
The idea that Joe Biden will be brought down by Hunter Bidens laptop is wishful thinking that is off the charts.
You may be right. The FBI and DOJ have sat on it for 2 solid years, but eventually the truth of "the big guy" will come out.
The reason nothing will happen is that by this point the American people know that the committees investigating this are filled on the Republican side by conspiracy obsessed weirdos. And there is nothing anyone can do about it.
Don't worry John.
The Republican committee will make sure the American people know about it despite the leftist media burying it until just recently.
"The Big Guy" will be tied to his son's corruption completely.
Wishful thinking is that Brandon isn't guilty of everything that Democrats accused Trump of.
Some folks would rather chew on a mouthful of maggots than even admit the remotest possibility that they could be wrong and a conservative could be correct.
Obviously. Note how quiet it has become.
No, it sure sucks eating crow every day.
First, the issue isn't whether the laptop is real or not, it was assumed by many to be authentic and simply needed to be verified which was then done. The issue is the wild conspiracy theories that came out of the Hunter Biden laptop story. The attempts to just assume that anything suspicious or potentially illegal were tied to President Biden was and still is irresponsible and any media company engaging in it should be ashamed. The stories that came from the right regarding Joe Biden and Hunters laptop weren't responsible journalism, they were manufactured propaganda and faux outrage presented in an attempt to damage their political opponent. To this day there is still no actual evidence presented on the laptop that ties Joe Biden to any actual wrongdoing or crime, yet that's still the story that Republicans are desperate to push.
Second, I find it hilarious that Republicans are apparently getting upset that their political opponents supposedly aren't accepting some facts that have been verified by the NYT, WP & CBS, you know, not unlike how Democrats have been exasperated with Republicans refusing to accept the fact that the 2020 election results have been verified not only by the media but by every State and our Federal government.
Fact: Hunters Laptop is real.
Partisan Conjecture without evidence: President Biden is somehow implicated in wrongdoing on the laptop.
Fact: Joe Biden won the 2020 Presidential election.
Partisan Conjecture without evidence: The election was stolen!
In both cases those of us who live in reality know the two facts and roll our eyes at the partisan conjecture. Now those who have been out desperately trying to nail some legs to their partisan conjecture to get it walking again are outraged at those of us who live in reality because we rolled our eyes and called them out for their bullshit partisan rhetoric so the thin skinned whiny little shit right wing conservative shit stains in congress have started up some investigations that will allow them to wallow in their partisan conjecture for months all while wasting tax payers money.
Nope. It was portrayed as "Russian Disinformation" until well after the 2020 election. It was banned by Facebook & Twitter. The FBI had a hand it it.
The issue is the wild conspiracy theories that came out of the Hunter Biden laptop story. The attempts to just assume that anything suspicious or potentially illegal were tied to President Biden was and still is irresponsible and any media company engaging in it should be ashamed. The stories that came from the right regarding Joe Biden and Hunters laptop weren't responsible journalism, they were manufactured propaganda and faux outrage presented in an attempt to damage their political opponent. To this day there is still no actual evidence presented on the laptop that ties Joe Biden to any actual wrongdoing or crime, yet that's still the story that Republicans are desperate to push.
The FBI has been sitting on the laptop, which they had right from the beginning and the complete coverup of everything on the laptop. Do you know what is on that damn thing? The FBI has had it for how long? Why don't we know what is on there?
What we do know is that Hunter Biden took millions from the CCP. There has been one wistlebower who talked about meetings and "the big guy." Where is the FBI on that. There is supposedly an investigation of Hunter Biden going on for 2 years. Not a word about it. About 24 FBI whistleblowers have come forward stating that the FBI is covering it up. One FBI official running the investigation has stepped down. You tell us....What's going on? Why no info?
Partisan Conjecture without evidence: President Biden is somehow implicated in wrongdoing on the laptop.
Of course there is conjecture. The ccp invested $6 Million for something. Again: why no info? That would solve it wouldn't it?
In both cases
Whataboutism is a losing tactic.
They have nothing else. They are proving they cannot govern.
They complain and yell and scream about some kind of censorship meanwhile they are the ones trying to tell people how to live, how to raise their children, shoving religion down our throats and banning things they deem offensive...
If you really think some stupid story about a laptop would have changed the vote...
I call that making up a fantasy.
Well supposedly Mrs. Clinton lost due to James Comey doing a circle back. So goose/gander thing. It would have.
I cited a poll of Biden voters.
BTW, as we have all learned, people cast their votes for a variety of reasons. Wasn't integrity being more important than the economic well being of the people one of those reasons?
So now some poll is an indicator that people would have changed their vote? Hardly.
Wow. So you think a member of the FBI coming out and telling the world that Clinton is going to be under investigation two weeks before an election is the same as someone who's son lost a laptop....
I would think so.
Well it's pretty obvious they didn't want to take that chance now isn't it. As it turns out, it was real......and they knew it. If you can't see that then...............
Then you are living in a world you made up. There is no way then or now that the story would have made me vote for trump...
Take the chance? Tell me how the story was censored when we heard about it all the time.
The only place you heard about it all the time was the MSM downplaying the story IF at all. There was NO mass reporting on it except for those who wanted to dig into it and find the truth. You know. What you and others here call right wing media outlets. Twitter and Facebook blocked any references as "Russian disinformation". Deal with it.
Bye bye
It seems you all are the ones that can't deal with it.
And again, this whole thing only seems like people still being butthurt that poor donald didn't win....
Always the way when one has no argument at all.
Has nothing to do with Trump winning. Has to do with unlawful acts and actions from a high profile son of the once VP and now PotUS and his opportunism.
Double ditto for you and your side when it comes to the Clintons.......and it is now 30 years.
And what unlawful acts were those?
"This afternoon I will testify at the first hearing of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Below is my written testimony.
The Twitter Files raise serious questions of whether the United States government is now a partner in what may be the largest censorship system in our history. The involvement cuts across the Executive Branch, with confirmed coordination with agencies ranging from the CDC to the CIA. Even based on our limited knowledge, the size of this censorship system is breathtaking, and we only know of a fraction of its operations through the Twitter Files. Twitter has 450 million active users but it is still only ranked 15th in the number of users, after companies such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and Pinterest. The assumption is that the government censorship program dovetailed with these other companies, which continue to refuse to share past communications or work with the government. Assuming that these efforts extended to these larger platforms, it is a government-supported censorship system that is unparalleled in history.
Regardless of how one comes out on the constitutional ramifications of the government’s role in the censorship system, there should not be debate over the dangers that it presents to our democracy. The United States government may be outsourcing censorship, but the impact is still inimical to free speech values that define our country.
It is my sincere hope that there is room for bipartisan agreement on exposing the past government involvement in censorship systems implemented by social media companies.
I also believe that we can have a civil and substantive discussion of these important questions. Despite our political divisions, we share a common article of faith in our Constitution. These are difficult questions arising as a very divisive time for our country. However, there are issues here that should transcend partisan politics as we work through the proper role of government in regulating speech. I look forward to joining these distinguished panelists."
Today there will be the two panels.
First panel:
Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa
Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis.
Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii
Second panel:
Mr. Thomas Baker, Former FBI Agent
Professor Jonathan Turley, George Washington University Law Center
Mr. Elliot Williams, Principal, the Raben Group
Ms. Nicole Parker, Former FBI Agent
The hearing will be held at noon and will be on C-Span3 and will be live streamed here .
That should have been addressed to me.
Show us why he is wearing that.
“After several days of tests, I have been diagnosed with Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma, which is a serious but curable form of cancer. I am about to embark on a course of chemo-immunotherapy on an outpatient basis at Med Star Georgetown University Hospital and Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dec 28, 2022
Can't get the link to post properly, sorry.
You were asked why he was wearing it.
You failed
Make sure when posting the link, you hit enter at the end of it after it shows up. If you don't and the cursor stays on the same line, it won't come across as a link.
I couldn't have made it any clearer. And I "failed" ? Right.
You made a personal attack and you failed.
He doesn't have to wear that thing.
POST 8 is a personal attack!
Then just what the hell is this at comment 8?
The author being Vic...............
Just how in the hell does wearing a bandana minimize the effects of chemo?
The effects of chemo on his appearance, sheesh. Is that better ?
Ohhh. It's cosmetic!
So he doesn't have to wear that. Nobody was making fun of cancer and YOU know it!
Don't you know it !
Doesn't have a fucking thing to do with it.