Aerial Articulation

Link to quote: Biden Says UFOs Likely Privately Owned, Not Spying | Barron's (
Joe Biden finally broke his silence. Yesterday he told the nation that the three balloons most recently shot down were most likely privately owned. Thus, the silence for so long. It has been embarrassing for everyone involved, so late Thursday when the president should have been addressing an ecological disaster in Ohio, he was making a speech on a Thursday afternoon about balloons being shot down after allowing a spy balloon to go across the country.
As to the Chinese spy balloon that was shot down: Biden said:
“We seek competition, not conflict with China.” “We’re not looking for a new Cold War.”
Biden Says UFOs Likely Privately Owned, Not Spying | Barron's (
China let it be known that sanctions would be placed on two American defense companies: Lockheed Martin and Raytheon:
"China has imposed sanctions on two American defense manufacturers over arms sales to Taiwan, a day after Beijing pledged to take “countermeasures” in response to Washington’s handling of a suspected Chinese surveillance balloon that entered US airspace late last month.
Lockheed (LMT) Martin Corporation and Raytheon (RTN) Missiles & Defense, a subsidiary of Raytheon (RTN) Technologies Corp, will be added to China’s sanctions list, its Ministry of Commerce said in a Thursday statement. They are banned from importing, exporting and investing in China.
Both companies are also subject to fines “twice the amount” of their arms sales to Taiwan dating back to September 2020, and their senior executives will be prohibited from entering and working in China."
China sanctions Lockheed, Raytheon after vowing to retaliate against US restrictions | CNN Business
The president's nervous press secretary was asked about the entire sordid affair:
“If it turns out, as it looks like, that the president and [Canadian Prime Minister Justin] Trudeau sent top gun fighters to blow weather balloons out of the sky, does the president regret that and is he embarrassed by that?”
Jean-Pierre said, “I don’t think the president should be embarrassed, right, by the fact that he took action to make sure that our airspace — civilian airspace was safe.”
The Times journalist pointed out, “they were in the civilian airspace with dozens, scores of balloons that are also in the civilian airspace every day.”
Biden speaks on UFO shootdowns after days of silence (
The Week:
Speaker McCarthy was in Cochise County Arizona: Yesterday Speaker McCarthy visited the southern border. There he vowed to hold hearings, right there on the border next week. Millions of migrants (most likely 6 million) have entered the country under Joe Biden's open border policy. Fentanyl from China has also entered the country via the porous southern border killing thousands of Americans. 98 individuals (that we know of) on the terror watch list have also crossed the southern border. McCarthy also vowed that there will not be any deals for amnesty for all those who have crossed illegally.
Big Tech hearings: "Congress on Thursday announced two tech-related hearings — one featuring major tech CEOs and another meant to kick off new antitrust legislation. On March 25, the House Energy and Commerce Committee will hear from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Google CEO Sundar Pichai during a hearing about misinformation on online platforms.'
Congress plans barrage of tech hearings (
Fetterman checks himself into hospital: " On Wednesday night, Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., "checked himself into Walter Reed National Military Medical Center to receive treatment for clinical depression," his chief of staff, Adam Jentleson, said in a statement."
Sen. John Fetterman has checked himself into the hospital for clinical depression (
He has already missed 8 Senate votes. The dishonest media sold him as being fine.
Outrage in Ohio: East Palestine, Ohio, residents voiced outrage at a town hall meeting and in interviews on Fox News over the Biden administration’s poor response to the February 3 train derailment that resulted in a toxic chemical spill. Fox News’ Lucas Tomlinson provided details on the contentious East Palestine town hall meeting , during which one resident shouted, "Where is Pete Buttigieg?"
Ohio residents vent anger at Buttigieg, describe tense meeting with officials: 'There was fear in their eyes' | Fox News
Homeless encampments overtake O'Hare Airport: " Amid a growing population of homeless people taking refuge in Chicago’ O’Hare International Airport, Mayor Lori Lightfoot said the city won’t allow homeless people to sleep at the airport anymore. At a news conference Wednesday, Lightfoot was asked about a Fox News segment on homelessness at Chicago airports, in which Tucker Carlson interviewed Ald. Raymond Lopez, 15th, a frequent Lightfoot critic. “The fact of the matter is, we have taken and will continue to take the steps that are necessary to move people out of the airports,” Lightfoot said. “The airports are a very different place than on the street, under an underpass. It’s a secure location, and the message is clear from me to the Department of Aviation, the Police Department up there. “We absolutely fundamentally cannot have people sleeping in our airports who are homeless. That is unacceptable. We are going to continue, within the bounds of the law, to do what is necessary to provide those folks with support but elsewhere. They can’t be in our airports.”
O’Hare, Lightfoot address homelessness at the airport after social media uproar – Chicago Tribune
What Have We Learned?
This past week former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified that it was Politico which misled the American people about the letter that he and about 50 other former intel officials signed which claimed that the Hunter Biden laptop seemed like Russian disinformation. That letter was released during the 2020 election. It may have led to Facebook and Twitter censoring a story that clearly might have hurt Joe Biden and helped Donald Trump. It also was used by Joe Biden during a debate with President Trump in which Biden alleged that the former intel officials were calling the story disinformation. The strange part is that none of those former intel officials had access to the laptop. Even stranger is the fact that Clapper never chastised Politico at the time, it only came last week when he was called before congress. For the rational mind it's clear that they got away with interfering in the 2020 election. And, of course, they got away with it.
We have also learned that John Fetterman was unfit to serve. Right now, his staff is trying to emphasize that he entered the hospital voluntarily. There is no word yet on what it will take to get him back to work in the Senate. The job of Senator might have been too much, too soon. Speaking of the unfit, the president also had a physical exam today. The exam did not tell us what we might like to know. He has that stiff gait we see, yet there was no MRI and more important no cognitive test. BTW a stiff gait is sometimes associated with cognitive problems.
On Wednesday Biden's choice for the IRS Daniel Werfel, appeared before congress and told members that he intended to make tax audits more racially “equitable”! What does that mean? Does that mean white filers will be getting more scrutiny or will non-whites be getting less. Has Joe Biden sought to appoint anyone who is not a far left radical? The New York Times assures us that there is nothing to be concerned about. The extra 87,000 agents at the IRS are basically there for improved customer service. Any other version is a conspiracy theory.
Cartoon of the Week:
Honorable Mention:
Michael Jordan
"The Biden administration turned down a request for federal disaster assistance from Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine in the aftermath of the train derailment in the state earlier this month that led to a large release of toxic chemicals.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) told Ohio's state government that it was not eligible for disaster assistance to help the community recover from the toxic spill, Dan Tierney, a spokesperson for DeWine, told Fox News Digital on Thursday. Tierney explained that FEMA believed the incident didn't qualify as a traditional disaster, such as a tornado or hurricane, for which it usually provides assistance.
"The DeWine Administration has been in daily contact with FEMA to discuss the need for federal support, however FEMA continues to tell Governor DeWine that Ohio is not eligible for assistance at this time," DeWine's office said in a statement earlier in the day. "Governor DeWine will continue working with FEMA to determine what assistance can be provided."
What right does the Brandon administration have to turn down DeWine's request for federal disaster assistance?
The fucked up handling of the clean up of the derailment by Brandon's EPA and federal emergency response crews directly lead to the situation East Palestine, OH. I guess poor white people don't matter to Democrats. They are obviously the wrong demographic!
This was not a "traditional disaster". No, this was far worse. It was the act of a shipper that violated the law by not properly recording and marking hazardous materials (a real crime); the NS for not maintaining their flatcars and tracks properly; and the federal government for fucking up the cleanup.
Using Brandon's standards Trump should have turned down Whitless' request for disaster relief in Michigan after her asinine decision to not allow water to be released from two damns caused them to burst.
That is right, Whitless allowed two dams to burst in order to try and protect freshwater mussels. She failed miserably; and Michigan residents behind the dams paid the price. Yet somehow the federal government still came to Michigan's aid despite her stupidity.
"Pete Buttigieg on the Ohio train derailment disaster: "While this horrible situation has gotten a particularly high amount of attention, there are roughly 1,000 cases a year of a train derailing."
Unqualified dumbass..........................
What an incredibly stupid thing to say.
"Rubio calls for Buttigieg’s resignation following Ohio train derailment."

He wasn't chosen for his intelligence, he was picked because he was gay.
Block Checked.
And then we hear of this.....................
So much for identifying an object before shooting it down.
If the balloon isn't at a high altitude try using something other than a jet fighter that can't slow down enough to make a full visual identification. I am sure we have far slower moving planes- like the spy planes we use off the coast of China- that would do a better job of finding; being able to visually identify; and even detecting if they were a threat or not.
MY Cartoon of the week:
"But make no mistake, if any object presents a threat to the safety and security of the American people, I will take it down," Biden said.
Biden did the same thing to Cornpop!
"The reference I made to a woman’s “prime” this morning was inartful and irrelevant, as colleagues and loved ones have pointed out, and I regret it. A woman’s age doesn't define her either personally or professionally. I have countless women in my life who prove that every day."...Don Lemon
It was a clear cut case of misogyny, yet not a single feminist said a word.
BREAKING: "Yesterday, America First Legal sued DHS & DOJ. Today, we are suing the State Department for illegally concealing records of its radical woke programs in brazen violation of the Freedom of Information Act. We are relentless in pursuit of justice"

"I am glad to have signed legislation to continue the program of transporting illegal aliens to sanctuary jurisdictions. I thank the legislature for maintaining this valuable tool."

He's just giving the septic cities what they ask for. Who said there is no bipartisan work in dealing with illegals.
I will give the seeder the benefit of the doubt and assume he did not mean to suggest that the shooting down of the balloons represented "spiritual degradation" on Biden's part.
The hysteria among the far right concerning these "ufo"s has been amazing.
The left's absolute denial of Brandon the Human Fuck Up Machine's incompetence during the Chinese weather balloon crisis; and then going full blown Maverick by shooting down any UFO that enters US airspace w/o establishing visual identification has been amazing.
“…the Chinese weather balloon crisis;”
???….doubt this will in any way approach the Cuban missile crisis, except to the sky is falling crowd
Tis just another opportunity to take a shot at a political adversary, which you are demonstrably eager to do (and have every right), but an existential threat?
What is the latest conspiracy?
You know this administration doesn't give a shit. Remember this is the same administration that killed some 100 Afghani during Biden's fucked up retreat from Afghanistan.
When it comes to Brandon the Human Fuck Up Machine- sordid is needed.
Seems the Democrats are in a panic trying to avoid going to the border to see the results of their policy.
Wonder just how China plans on enforcing said sanctions on Lockheed Martin and Raytheon?
"It appears the Biden administration spent $400k on a missile to shoot down a $12 hobby club balloon."

Believe it or not, progressives still can't accept organized religions following their own beliefs:
“The SBC holds to the belief that the office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by Scripture,” Mr. Wellman said. “These churches have been valued, cooperating churches for many years, and this decision was not made lightly.”
"The U.S. Department of Defense secured an exposed server on Monday that was spilling internal U.S. military emails to the open internet for the past two weeks.
The exposed server was hosted on Microsoft’s Azure government cloud for Department of Defense customers, which uses servers that are physically separated from other commercial customers and as such can be used to share sensitive but unclassified government data. The exposed server was part of an internal mailbox system storing about three terabytes of internal military emails, many pertaining to U.S. Special Operations Command, or USSOCOM, the U.S. military unit tasked with conducting special military operations.
But a misconfiguration left the server without a password, allowing anyone on the internet access to the sensitive mailbox data inside using only a web browser, just by knowing its IP address."
"Georgia grand jury foreperson: "I will be sad" if the DA decides against bringing charges against Trump ... I will be frustrated if nothing happens."
"Marjorie Taylor Greene says that Democrats who move to Republican-controlled red states should not be allowed to vote in elections for five years."
Source: Real America’s Voice
Think about it?
An honest media would have told us all about her: